Is Lightroom 4 slower?

I read where Lightroom 4 is slower. is it?

Well, the more you can quantify the slowness, the better, if it even matters at this point. - could be Adobe has all the info they need. As we all know - they don't always keep us in the loop...
The thing is: Lr4 is substantially slower in some regards when it's running normally. And sometimes people say A LOT, when another might consider it A LITTLE..., and sometimes A LOT means 2 or 3 times slower, and sometimes it means 10 to 100 times slower.
Anyway, this subject has pretty much been beaten to death at this point, so feel free to ignore this post...
Bottom line: if its a little slower (by my definition) in the expected ways, its normal.
If its a lot slower (by my definition), then you are having abnormal performance issues.

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    I have the problem that the display velocity of the maps in Lightroom is very slow. When i am downloading the same map with a browser it is fast, so it couldn't be a question of the dan width of my internet provider.
    Has anyone the same problems?
    I am using Mac OS 10.9 and LR 5.7

    Sorry, yes i Have Yosemite
    Von meinem iPhone gesendet
    Am 01.12.2014 um 20:32 schrieb John R. Ellis <[email protected]>:
    Google Maps in Lightroom too slow
    created by John R. Ellis in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
    Are you sure you have OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and not 10.10 (Yosemite)?  There is a widespread problem with LR Maps on OS X 10.10 (Yosemite):
    Lightroom: Issue with Map module in OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)
    Please repost in that thread, regardless of whether you have 10.9 or 10.10 (include your version of OS X, of course).
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  • Lightroom extremely slow

    I don't remember having this issue before but with lightroom 5.5, it sometimes takes 3-4 seconds between when i make an adjustment in the develop panel and seeing the result.  In addition, zooming in to 100% of a raw file is extreeemeellly slow.  It sometimes takes as much as 10 seconds.  Im on a pretty fast computer too
    Intel i5
    6 Gb RAM
    GeForce 630
    Huh seems to be gone but it was chugging a bit in the beginning.

    I tried to the local ssd with only a small improvement. Like I said, if I navigate to the catalog manually and copy and paste it to the NAS it takes under 2 minutes... (80+ MB/s), but done through lightroom it just crawls.  Lightroom either has a bug, or it's doing something much more than just copying the catalog to the selected directory. I've tried it with and with out check and optimize.
    Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2013 11:57:27 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: backing up catalog from inside of lightroom extremely slow (30 min)
        Re: backing up catalog from inside of lightroom extremely slow (30 min)
        created by web-weaver in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
    A 5 GB Lr catalog is a hefty catalog. But 30 min seems a bit long even for that. I suspect that the NAS drive or its connection speed are slowing things down.Try this: Create a catalog backup from within Lr to an internal drive to check whether that will speed up the process.
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  • Lightroom 3 Slowing Waaay Down?

    I am an Apple Aperture user and thinking about switching to Lightroom.  I downloaded the trail version and have 15 days left before I have to decide weather to buy it or not.  So far all was going really great and I was convinced I needed it, until this evening when I started editing more images from a recent photoshoot.  For some reason Lightroom has slowed waaaay down.  I haven't installed anything new on my Mac, everything was working great previously so I am not sure what to even try and troubleshoot.  My images are from a Canon 40D (or XTi) each about 10gig and all are RAW.
    So far I have only imported 2116 images and if I convert my currrent Aperture library, it as 40k images I would want to move over.  Of the images I have imported I have only 235 in this current folder, about 60 of those I have edited on.  Some I have done some pretty extensive editing clearing up skin using a combination of the skin smoother and heal tools.  A few have some artistic work on them and only a couple have I sent to an external editor to do manipulation.  I have added one plugin to Lightroom LRB timelapse, and would like to add more for my Photoshelter account and more editing options.
    My MacBook is running Lion, 10.7.1, has dual core 2.4 processors, 4 gigs of Ram and a 500 terribyte 7200rpm drive.  I use an external 22 inch Acer monitor.
    What should I try to recover the performance of Lightroom 3?

    Can you just confirm something? You say each image is 10Gig do you mean 10Mb? You asls say you have a 500 Terrabite Hard Drive? Surely you mean 500Gb??
    Check disk free disk space, you may find things are slowing because you are running out of virtual RAM (which is basically hard disk space)
    I would not consider copying over all your photos again into LR. I too have Aperture and moved over to LR about 18 months ago. As a Manchester Photographer I simply find the support in the photography industry superior and most professional photographers have opted for Lightroom, although I do use Aperture on occasion for certain projects.
    Lightrooms catalogues you images and leaves the originals in their orignal location

  • Backing up catalog from inside of lightroom extremely slow (30 min)

    I have a catalog that is just under 5gb, if I navigate to the folder where it is stored and copy paste it onto my backup drive it copies in under 2 min. However, if I chose to backup my catalog on exit from inside lightroom it takes over 30 minutes (not counting testing etc). Obviously I can backup my catalog manually, but it would be nice if the built in backup feature worked like it's supposed to.
    I'm running win 7 64
    lightroom 64 same probelm in 4.3 and 4.4
    the catalog and lightroom are stored on a ssd drive
    backing up to a NAS ( my typical transfer speeds are 60-80 MB/s)
    Thanks for any thoughts

    I tried to the local ssd with only a small improvement. Like I said, if I navigate to the catalog manually and copy and paste it to the NAS it takes under 2 minutes... (80+ MB/s), but done through lightroom it just crawls.  Lightroom either has a bug, or it's doing something much more than just copying the catalog to the selected directory. I've tried it with and with out check and optimize.
    Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2013 11:57:27 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: backing up catalog from inside of lightroom extremely slow (30 min)
        Re: backing up catalog from inside of lightroom extremely slow (30 min)
        created by web-weaver in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
    A 5 GB Lr catalog is a hefty catalog. But 30 min seems a bit long even for that. I suspect that the NAS drive or its connection speed are slowing things down.Try this: Create a catalog backup from within Lr to an internal drive to check whether that will speed up the process.
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  • Lightroom is slow with certain photos.

    Most of the time Lightroom works really well.  However there is one photo in my catalog (6000 photos) where Lightroom slows to a crawl.  Whenever I move a slider it shows nothing until I release the slider and it takes a second to show.  Other photos are very quick to show changes.  What could be happening here?

    What is special about this picture?
    What kind of file is it?
    How many pixels?
    How many edits in the LR history pane?
    What operating system are you using?
    How much memory does your computer have?

  • Solution to Lightroom 3 slow metadata entry?

    Hi, I've reported this as a bug, but I hope someone has a workaround.
    Metadata entry in Lightroom 3 is VERY slow (wasn't a problem at all in Lightroom 2).  When I enter a field (not all fields but most of them) the scrollbar goes down and then back up - a second or two.  The field that was selected (tab from previous entry) is no longer selected. If I am not very careful and wait for Lightroom to do it's thing and then select a field, any data entered is interpreted by LR as a command (so typing in 'dr', for example, will go to develop/crop).
    Can anyone (including Adobe staff, please) help?  This is a very serious problem for us as we have a great deal of meta data to enter.

    I'm running Windows XP, Intel XeonCPU 3.00GHz, 3GB RAM.  On the whole LR3 is faster than LR2 (sliders for example).  There is no problem with CPU or memory usage  - plenty available even though this is not a fast machine. I have loads of disk space and not at all fragmented.
    My only real problem is metadata entry.  I have tried it with small files and very little metadata and v. large files with lots of metadata. The biggest difference is when there is a lot of metadata, but the symptoms are the same: tabbing to the next field mostly does not move to the next field: what happens is that the metadata slider goes down then back, taking some time (1 or 2 seconds) and the next field is not selected. So any data entry during this time gets interpreted by LR as a command to LR - which means that I have to be very careful to enter data, wait, select the next field and then enter the data.
    I have optimized the catalog (more than once!), turned off auto write to xmp and it makes no difference.
    I would really like to know if this is a problem with my system only, or if this is a general problem. As I mentioned, LR2 did not have this problem at all.  I will install LR3 on a different machine and see if I get the same problem and I'll report back.

  • Lightroom workflow slows down after modifying an image

    Hi fellow users,
    Lightroom 4.3 runs smoothly if I work on unmodified images.
    However, if I apply modifications on an image, retouching it afterwards becomes much slower, even if I render a preview AFTER I made modifications on the image.
    I tell you an example: I import a raw file to the program and I render it`s preview. Then I retouch the image - it works very fast, no waiting time, no Loading overlay.
    Where the problem starts: I import a raw file, I apply some modifications on it (for example a preset), then I render it`s preview - then I want to do more modifications on the image, which becomes very slow.
    I was monitoring the cpu usage of the computer. In the first case, the cpu usage during modifying the image is normal.
    In the second case, it goes up to 100%.
    It seems that applying modifications on an image makes working on it slow, no matter if you have the most up-to-date preview or not.
    Anyone knows if it is normal or not?
    Is there any solution to this?
    My configuration:
    Windows 7 64 bit (up to date)
    Lightroom 4.3 64 bit
    Fast PC
    lightroom settings:
    camera raw cache: 20gb
    video cache: 10gb

    First of all, you can forget about the preview rendering, that's irrelevant. Previews are only used by the Library module, not the Develop module. In Develop, it's handled by the ACR cache.
    Now, as for slowing down after initial adjustments, that's a variable I haven't looked out for. But it could well be correct (it would explain some weird results I got across two machines recently).
    In general, Lightroom 4 performs well below expected standards on some systems, while others fly along, and it seems nobody can explain why. Long story, do a search on this forum and you'll come up with several lengthy threads. The problem is that there are so many variables in this that it's almost impossible to even define what "slow" means. And now you've added another (interesting) one...

  • Lightroom 4 slow download?

    Anybody notice that their download of Lightroom 4 is incredibly slow? I'm getting about 38 *K*B/s on my ~50 MB/s connection. Speedtest seems fine, other downloads are fine too.

    You could try using a different browser.
    It could be that your browser blocks downloads, or perhaps your anti-virus blocks them.

  • Photoshop CS5 & Lightroom running slower than expected...

    Hi All,
    Hope someone can help me out here. I have a 2.66 Quad Core MacPro (2009) with 8gb RAM & I find Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom don't run as quickly as I would expect.
    For instance a lot of times when applying actions in Photoshop I will get the blue "applying filter" bar which will sit for quite some time.
    I have IStat widget installed so tonight as Photoshop really slowed down I went to the widget to take a look and this was what was happening: (not sure if this is useful or not?)
    CPU was 97% idle
    Memory was Wired-643mb / Active-4.91gb / InActive-2.42gb / Free-11mb
    Processors was Adobe Photoshop between 6.8% & 23.6%
    Any idea what would cause the slow down and if there is anything I can do to speed things up?
    Appreciate it.

    There are a number of guides to setting up Mac Pro.
    Read, test, and follow this guide using your own files and such:
    10.6.4 + CS5 + Graphics
    Double your memory probably if not more.

  • Lightroom 5 slow to respond

    I am running windows 7 64 bit operating system, I have Lightroom 5, with the latest version 5.7, I see that there is a later version 5.7.1 but my when I update, it says that I have the latest update, My problem started a couple of days ago, and is. when I was in the print mod and was making templates, I finished off 1 day and went to start again the next and found that the program was not opening the tabs properly, as I clicked on a tab it would take about 8 sec to respond and then it would open, this happened in all the module drop downs and in the header tab area too, while in the print mod I was going to make adjustments to the template that I was working on, and found that when I went to highlight a cell, it would take about 8 sec to show that it had been clicked, when I went to move the cell same thing, it would not move for about the same delay. When I am in the library mod things seem to be working a lot better, this goes for the develop mod too. When I go back to the print mod things slow right up again. I have optimised the catalog checked for updates, tried to see if it was running the 64 bit or 32 bit system, the top lightroom strip above the file, edit,area shows the lightroom logo and the word lightroom only and not the 64x, the graphics card that I have is the nVidia Geforce GTX 650, version 347.52, 1920 x 1080 (60Hz). When I looked up if this was running the 64 bit by going to Dxdiag, in the search box, it shows that it is a 32bit version, I tried to change it to the 64 bit, but not sure what happened, when I went back through the same path to check it again it still showed 32. I am running 2 monitors and both seem to be on the 32 bit, even though the computers running a 64 bit operating system, Photoshop seems to be ok, and shows 64 bit and shows up in the (x86) program files area, where the lightroom shows up in program files area only, not sure what that has to do with anything, but thought it might help?? I think that Lightroom is running 64 bit, but do not know for sure? Hope this info helps, Not sure what else I can do to fix this issue, any help would be greatly appreciated. After doing a bit more checking to see if I could isolated the area I found this........Going through the layout style  drop down thing seem to be working ok in both the single image and picture package, but not in the custom package, all drop downs in both the other areas work fast but when I go to custom everything slows down again, it takes a little time to change back to the other styles but when back in those 2 styles things work well again, the custom package seems to be where the problem lies. all areas of Lightroom work as normal when the print module is left in any style other than custom, is this normal?? Sorry all of this might have been for nothing, it may just be a lightroom glitch
    Thank you
    Gregg Eastwood

    Try a reboot press & hold power button & menu button hold both down until
    you see the Apple logo you will not lose any data.
    bsydd uk

  • Lightroom 3Beta slow to load to second monitor

    I have been blaming a slow computer for this problem but I compared the loading to lightroom 2.5 and it has no problems.
    I hsve a nvidia 512mg card which my hardware guy said should be more than enough.
    My photos are kept on an external drive but this is no different from 2.5.
    Any suggestions.
    I also have an export problem to CS4 but have read you are working on that.

    I apologize, I'm a little confused by your response.
    Are you saying your primary monitor is a wacom, and is viewing an image in Loupe mode?  
    If so, what is your second monitor, and what are you viewing there?
    Also - what size is each monitor, and what resolution do you have set for each?
    If I'm misunderstanding, please clarify.

  • Lightroom with slow editing

    Hi guys, this is my first post cos i just got in Lightroom. This program is very good, but now i have a problem.
    I was using before, just to have a look, Lightroom on a Pc with 1.50ghz 2 duo, 2giga ram and hd 100giga 5200rpm.
    After i bought a macbook pro 2.66ghz 4giga Ram, 320hd with 7200rpm.
    My problem is that now on my mac when i have to edit my pictures, that means moving all the slider right or left ( no forcely all ), i notice that it's not a fluid movement ( it' s like jumping from one position to another for example exposure ). And if i compare with the other laptop, this doesnt happen ( even if it's basically half power ).
    I can add that on the mac my catalog is in the internal hd, with the other i put all my stuff in a external hd.
    I hope u can help me out. thanks a lot

    I have a much older MBP with 4 gigs internal slower harddisk than you and running Snow Leopard and it is very fast. Not at all what you describe so something must be wrong on your end. I get fluid sliders and all. Something else is going on. Check your Activity monitor to see if anything else is running that takes up a lot of processor time (Lightroom running in the background should use almost no processor time when idle). Make sure you set activity monitor to show all processes and sort on the CPU column making the highest CPU consumers appear up top. Also make sure you run Lightroom in 64-bit mode (do a get info on the Lightroom app to set that, check whether it sticks in the Lightroom startup window - it should say 64 bit). Lastly, the Mac Book Pros (not my machine since it is too old to have the dual graphic card) for some reason come set to use the slow Graphics processor instead of the fast one. To change this, go into energy saver in system preferences and set it to highest graphics performance.
    Lastly it never hurts to regularly do a optimization of your catalog (in Catalog settings).

  • Lightroom 5 slow with heavily edited images

    Hi guys!
    Lightroom 5 (64bit) gets really slow on my PC when the file I'm currently working on is already somewhat heavily edited. For example: A file with ~15 spot removal tool sites will slow down Lightroom to a great extent if I try to edit it further. This means that the cursor starts jumping around on the picture and applying changes I made to anything (e.g. highlights) takes much more time.
    Here are some specs of my system:
    OS: Windows 8 professional 64bit
    CPU: i7-3770
    RAM: 16 GB
    GPU: Radeon HD 7970 GHz
    Camera: Nikon D600 (24Mp)
    File size: ~30 MB
    The catalog is on a SSD and the pictures are on a HDD
    Please let me know if you need more information. One thing I noticed is that Lightroom never uses more than 1.5GB RAM. Is this normal?

    The major conflict seems to be between the spot removal tool and lens corrections. Yes, it worked fine in LR4, but remember that the spot removal tool has been redeveloped for LR5 and maybe some further tuning is needed. In the meantime, either leave lens corrections until after any spot removal work, or (if you like to apply lens corrections early in the edit workflow) simply switch off the lens corrections panel (using the small panel switch) when doing the spot removal, then turn it back on again. Not a permanent solution, but a very simple workaround.

  • Two Lightroom issues: Slow file update from CS3 and jitters

    After my recent update to latest version of Lightroom I am noticing two issues. When photos are selected in the film strip for editing the image jitters while it is rendering.
    After taking a photo into CS3 for editing, saving the file and returning to Lightroom, the duplicate thumbnail appears in the film strip but it does not update to showing the edits and new psd file extension. I often have to close Lightroom and reopen it to show the update. This has never occurred in the past. I always immediately see the duplicate file with revisions and the new file extension.
    Your help is appreciated.

    Thank you for your fast response ! I have a 2 TB Time Capsule as well. Maybe I will be moving the images to the Time Capsule and give it a try creating
    a new catalogue from that. All kind of files worked very well on all Mac OS X and still do except images. So it doesn't seem to be a Mac OS X / NAS thing
    generally. Looks more that LR 5 doesn't like the NAS especially when we take into consideration that the files work perfectly on my MacBook AIR that has
    access to the NAS, too but without LR 5.

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