Is Meego out for Nokia ?

Has Nokia Scrapped the Meego project ? I heard that Nokia has tied up with Microsoft for all its upcoming  phones for OS. Inshort is Meego Dead ?
Moderator Note: Unannounced product removed. We cannot discuss products that have not officially been announced by Nokia.

As far as I know you don't need In Out unless
you are using that variable to pass values between the two procedures.
It is so easy to try it , so I suggest you write two small procedures to check this.It should only take a couple of minutes.
Hope this helps.

Similar Messages

  • Line Out for Nokia N82

    I've been using my Nokia 6220 Classic and i realize that there is a thing which i can't find from my N82 like what is in 6220 Classic.
    it's the Line Out option that occurs whenever a headphone jack is plugging in.
    In 6220C, it looks like this> Select Enhancement: Headphones; Line Out; TV-Out; Music Strand.
    But in N82, it juz lack of Line Out> Select Enhancement: Headphones; TV-Out; Mucis Strand.

    Just use the Headphones option. it's pretty much the same thing
    If this Post is helpful. A click on the White Kudos star is always Appreciated
    Last Nokia: Nokia Lumia 800
    Current Phone: A Non Nokia Device
    Previous Phones:Don't Ask ;-)

  • Already Converted 10 of my family members over to AT&T for Nokia Lumia 900!!!

    You decided to drag you feet, promote the crap out of Android and stop supporting Windows Phone 7.
    So I converted 10 of my family members over yesterday to AT&T for the Nokia Lumia 900.
    I got them $100 credit towards the Nokia Lumia 900 which AT&T was charging $99 dollars for the phone on Pre-Order.
    So my family members only had to pay $36 for the activation fee.
    Verizon, you had your chance.  You had multiple chances.  If you truly wanted an LTE Windows Phone 7 from Microsoft, you could have easily worked something out with them, just like AT&T did.
    All the information has been leaked out, Apollo/Windows Phone 8 was supposed to have LTE but because AT&T showed that they really were interested in Windows Phone 7 and actually carring a lineup of Windows Phone 7, Microsoft worked it out for them.
    So you can take all your Droid crap that you have heavily invested in, along with all your iPhone 4s that keep hogging all the bandwidth on your network and stick it were the sun don't shine.
    I promise you this, when my contract is done I will be terminating my account in FULL and switching over to AT&T as well.
    To not even stand behind a product that we all have signed 2 year contracts with is unacceptable for the price were paying.  To hold back all updates besides Mango is unacceptable just to lock in new 2 year contracts.  And I'm talking about Droid too.
    Carriers should not be in controll of phone updates PERIOD!!!  Updates should be released from the OS Manufactures just like on computers.  This business model that the industry has created is a SCAM, JOKE and an INSULT to everyone that puts there hard earned money up for phone service.
    Verizon, you have lost all respect in my book, and I will do everything possible to get everyone and everybody I talk to away from your network.
    Only way to solve this issue is to address the Windows Phone 7 community and actually annouce something, PERIOD!!!  Release the 8107 update as a good faith measure and issue a press release stating your business model regarding Windows Phone 7... Unless you want more dollars going to AT&T.
    Also, latest news shows that Android only made $22million in revenues last year, and spend $20 billion acquiring Motorola.  So I don't see Andriod being able to do much in the year 2012 to ramp things up to compete against Windows Phone 7/Nokia and Apple.
    Do Something, NOW!!! CAN YOU HEAR US NOW!!!
    Also, here's another suggestion... Do like AT&T has done and give users a early termination fee to get out of there contracts.  I believe they charge $35 dollars or something higher if your not satisified and want to terminate your contract early.
    Since you don't want to support or offer any more Windows Phone 7, why keep us as unhappy customers.  Give us an option to pay a early termination fee and leave!!!

    thejester77 wrote:
    Also, latest news shows that Android only made $22million in revenues last year, and spend $20 billion acquiring Motorola.  So I don't see Andriod being able to do much in the year 2012 to ramp things up to compete against Windows Phone 7/Nokia and Apple. What news are you reading? Android is not a company but a phone operating system. GOOGLE acquired Motorola, not Android. GOOGLE's 2011 revenues were 37.9 billion, NOT 22 million. Google acquired Motorola for 12.5 billion, NOT 20 billion.
    Also, here's another suggestion... Do like AT&T has done and give users a early termination fee to get out of there contracts.  I believe they charge $35 dollars or something higher if your not satisified and want to terminate your contract early.
    Since you don't want to support or offer any more Windows Phone 7, why keep us as unhappy customers.  Give us an option to pay a early termination fee and leave!!! Again, where are you getting this information? The AT&T ETF is $325 less $10 for each month of your contract which has been completed. It is NOT $35. Verizon has a similar, although slightly higher ETF of $350 less $10 for each month of your contract which has been completed.
    Yes, we can hear you, but you are not making any sense!

  • Are we Beta testing the N97 for Nokia?

    Because if i was given this as a beta release i would have told them what i thought, the current launch version on the N97 with V10 firmware is barely an Alpha release, this phone was a rush job thrown out on the market to coincide with the launch of the iphone 3Gs.
    This is my fourth N series, N80, N95, N95 8gb (the best N series yet), and now this N97 what should be Nokia's flagship, but being stripped of apps and filled with Trial versions to please the accountants at Nokia.
    Day one and it locked up twice, corrupted my contacts when synced with OVI, and ran down to less than 4mb on the C drive, day 2 i found the GPS was not working, it was a joke, walking down the road under a clear sky and it could not hold a signal lock, driving was worse barely holding a signal for a few seconds and as for sitting spinning it round for an age to get the compass to work........forget it id rather be lost than look like a **bleep**.
    Deleting apps and reinstalling them on the mass memory frees up some space, but why should we have to do this, the whole phone is badly thought out and configured.
    Soon after the stylus supplied with the phone and attached to the phones only tie point scratched my screen, what was wrong with a rear cover with a bump and a thin PDA style stylus, no not good enough for Nokia, a fat thing on a string will do for them. 
    New Firmware release 4 days after UK launch and still not available to most users as it has not been network approved yet, 3 network say its Nokia's job and they are delaying things, Nokia say its the networks delay. Come on if it was needed that quickly why leave most of your customers waiting, or just get to work on a layered OS with a standardised core with a network layer, so everyone can have the updated without waiting.   
    4 weeks in on this phone, i too have the scratched camera lens, still No working GPS, and having some good negotiations with Three to try to reverse the contact upgrade, as i don't think another N97 will last any longer than this one.
    I see Nokia spending Millions on punting the N97, TV, Billboards, Net adds, why push so hard on what is a sub standard product, could you imagine Joe public trying to free off some memory by moving apps, tell the care centres to brace themselves the N97 flood will be coming their way.
    What next, well if 3 don't cancel the upgrade, then Nokia will have to fix my phone again and again and again untill it works as advertised, in the mean time i am off to get in touch with watchdog so they can let Joe Public know what to expect from an N97.
    Go to Solution.

    I don't believe we're beta testing the N97 for Nokia. Beta testing suggests it is in a state prior to production. Nokia's track record (at least to me) seems that leading edge phones never reach a stable plateau.
    What I believe happens is the phone is released and remains unstable until they sort of perfect the platform, then a new handset is released bringing a whole new world of bugs and problems and so the cycle continues.
    By the time the phone is suitable for every day use it is, by today's technological stance, ancient and the damage has already been done to the reputation.
    S40 phones seem to fare much better, mainly because it is much more widely used within Nokia. S60 is up against some fine competition from vendors who will rush fixes out.. Nokia only ever seems to rush phones out. It isn't the same and it shows (see their forcast for the next 6 months)
    I honestly would not be surprised if this flagship phone limps on in a partially functional state until it is superceeded by a budget blackberry clone.
    Sad? Very! Am I being cynical, or telling it like it is.
    I'd be real interested to know if any exec at Nokia used the N97 in the weeks before it was released.. Not that I'm a fan, but we all know Stevie J used an iphone long before it was released.. I kind of get the impression they must all use very basic "corporate" s40 handsets and assume their flagship product must be of the same calibre.
    Next release, why not give 100 people N97 for testing, real testing.  It seems Nokias quality assurance team is out of touch with what a $700 handset demands.. ooooh, I gasp in awe at your 30 MB of free capactity when you remove ALL the applications you can. (It's like having a 2TB hard drive in a computer and continuing to boot from a floppy)
    I appreciate there are product time lines to meet, but if Nokia were aiming to compete with the likes of the pre, iphone and the various android handsets (not even mentioning windows mobile) rushing out a phone like this was very wide of the mark. Concept wise, the N97 is a great design.. the implementation of both the hardware and software just isn't going to cut it in todays market.. 
    (but this is what they want? you'll get bored with the handset and buy a replacement! yeay!)

  • Firmware upgrade for Nokia 6280

    I would like to know do we have firmware upgrade for Nokia 6280 as my present one is 3.65 and would like to upgrade it to 5.92 and I am in India
    Could you please help me out.

    updating to new firmware depends on product code which represents your region of purchasing, language pack and if it's branded or not .... so NOKIA releases firmwares and release it for every product code depending on mentioned points
    you can check for updates @ :
    To find what the latest available device software is, you’ll need your device’s product code. The code is printed on the white label beneath the battery (e.g. CODE: 0520001).
    if your phone is branded with an operator, that means that you should go to the operator care center and ask them, not NOKIA
    some updates delay in some countries variant product code, as it requires more effort to add language pack to it like "example. China Japan Korea" or it needs the country to approve it due to its policy
    -you can show appreciation to my posts if it helped or useful by pressing the green Kudo star beside my post that hepled
    -if my answer was the solution , so click accept as solution button
    Started From Nokia 3310 , Now with Nokia N97 v.22.0.110 + N900 PR1.2

  • New Firmware For Nokia C3-00 : Reviews and Problem...

    Today i installed the newest firmware for nokia c3-00 : 8.65 with great anticipation that it would fix the problems and thats what i found out after hard and soft resets many times...
    ** Chat application is still not accesable. I just cant open it in the MESSAGING section even if i click it again and again ... can you fix this?
    ** As for communities, i am getting error of SERIVCE TEMPORARILY NOT AVAILABLE. I hope it really is a temporary error, and we dont have to wait for another firmware update.
    ** A CHAT APPS icon has poped up in my mobile phone and when i click on it , it takes me to nokia ovi's page of some mobile messengers and in which i can only download ebuddy and as for the rest i am getting error that 'THIS ITEM YOU ARE TRYING TO DOWNLOAD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR DEVICE AND/OR COUNTRY. DETECTED DEVICE NOKIA C3-00/PAKISTAN. 
      Does that means we wont be able to get our old ovi chat application ever? i liked that one because i had the facility to minimize the chat application and get notifications of messages. Cant you fix this because i cant do that with the 3rd party chat apps.
    Waiting for reply ...

    Hello friends!! 
    I had the same problem with this firmware update
    and for a moment I thought I had ruined my phone, but it occurred to me
    perform a factory reset on the phone and Communities and Chat surprise and something that works perfectly also note is that the browser to retrieve the factorygoes a little faster.
    I mention it again from your phone please contact Menu> Settings> Restore FactorySettings> All, expect to complete the restoration and your phone is 100% functional.
    Note: Before you restore a backup made ​​of all your files, emails, contacts, etc. That everything is removed with the restoration.

  • Is there anymore updates for Nokia 5800 XM??

    Hi, I would like to know if there is anymore firmware updates for Nokia 5800 XM after V52.0.007?
    Can anyone provide me with the news?
    I am a huge fan of Nokia and their Symbian platform.. But I am getting more and more disappointed with them.
    I cannot use another OS. Cannot use new softwares. Very slow and low hardware and performances..
    I was hoping to get a Symbian ^ 3 update for my 5800 but that is not possible... So I have decided to see the last firmware update for 5800 and see if its any good. Otherwise I'll simply throw it away and start using HD2.

    There are rumors about a v60 coming out, but I quite doubt it... and even if it comes it will most likely be a failure...
    Nokia has done so much stuff wrong latelly (even Symbian^3 devices are filled with bugs and issues) and doesn't commit into fix them before launching something new based on the old ones.
    This angers the users and most likely drivens them away... Nokia was once one of the biggest (if not the biggest) name in smartphone industry... now ... iPhone, Android based and even the dieing Blackberry are way ahead of them ... only 'dumbphones' on Nokia worth some consideration...
    If you think 5800 has issues then don't look at it's more expensive brother ... the N97... so much for a top of the line phone...
    Nokia has the firmware so fragmented that makes Android look like an homogeneous mass of software...
    Because how some companies work, I start a personal blacklist of devices/brands that will never buy.... Apple and Sony are on the top of that list, Nokia will soon join them :[
    Well... true to be said, I have 2 old 'dumbphones' - one of them has a 3.2MP camera with OPTICAL zoom, while it has 6~7 years more than 5800 it beats it in screen quality, camera quality and build quality, it also cost half the value of it - that I would most likely return to once 5800 dies... because it will die...
    5800xm on a blender ... will happen sooner than expected.... v51 is a failure as an update .... v52 just postponed its fate....

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    are there any available audio themes for nokia 5320. I installed the "nokia hip-hop audio theme from their website but i cannot find it listed in the themes.
    Please help me out.

    download the file again and see where it saves it it has to be there did you try the memory card when you get tones clips etc you should be able to scroll to option memory card
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • Bbm for nokia symbian belle

    while bbm just came out on other devices, is there any app designed for nokia symbian belle

    It would be good but you know, Symbian is not under developmen anymore. They are going for newer operating systems like Microsoft Windows phone 8.
    Would be good if Symbian gets a final touch of Optimisation and some final bug fix.
    Hope for the best.
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  • Meego firmware for symbian belle devices

    ian using nokia 701,its really nice and handly,i.can play games watch movies and music .its really nice device,
    but all my friends have android phones.i know symbian is dead already behind android because lack of application games and just like that.nowadays peoples are going to buy a fully powered android phone with cheap rate .no one willnot ready to buy a nokia 701 worth rs15000 but a geonee m2,nokia symbian phones are why dont nokia give a meego update for 2nd generation belle device knowing although belle is dead? why dont nokia give new application n nokia store.iam really boared with lack of games.all my friends have temple run and devices not have this please give the meego update (i have seen android working on meego devices).please reply me

    Pease, let us continue with your initial post …

  • Adobe Reader for Nokia 6600

    I am new to this forum. I was wondering whether there is any information about Adobe Reader for Nokia 6600. Does anyone know? Any help would be great.

    I notoced that Adobe staff don't read this forum or choose to ignore it! So I suggest you fill out thier survey like I did. Maybe then they will get the message.
    I'm sure I don't need to explain how disapointed you are with the support for a product that doesn't exist :-)
    Dear Adobe Web support user:
    Thank you for participating in our online survey regarding your recent experience on the Adobe Web support site. We value your opinion. In fact, we depend on your help to identify and improve the services you need to support your Adobe products. To stay in close touch with your experiences and preferences, we have asked Satmetrix Systems, the leading provider of eCustomer Satisfaction systems, to conduct this survey for us.
    To complete the survey, please click on the Web address below. If that does not work, cut and paste the entire Web address into the address field of your browser. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
    Please note this survey will be available for the next 7 days for your response.
    We look forward to your feedback!
    The Adobe Web Support Team

  • Information about a possible update for Nokia E75

    Hi to everybody,
    I'am a Nokia E75 owner. I'd like to have some information regarding a possible future firmware update (version 2 maybe?). The actual release 110.48.125 has too many bugs. As an owner of this phone I feel like a black son of the goos because many updates are going out for all the phones, but there is no update for my E75. I see it's not a flagship, but it has been totally forgotten! Anybody can give me some information about? I'm very anxious... bye thanks!

    Go to Settings, swipe left for Applications, Background Tasks, and 'Block' City Lens.

  • The future Nokia OS update for Nokia 808 PureView ...

    Warm regards to the Nokia family and all members out here!
    Ive been a Nokia fanboy for the last 5 years, and have bought most of the smartphones produced by our very own Nokia. India is a very good market for Nokia, but since the past few years, people are just moving towards other platforms for some reason(s)..
    Having said that, I would like to inform you that I bought the Nokia 808 PureView Cameraphone recently, and im enjoying the overall experience, though, I would like to give some of my suggestions for the future Nokia (Symbian) OS with a view to better it as a complete smartphone OS and lessen the number of unsatisfied customers. So, without wasting any more time, I'll come to the point straight away. Below are my opinions that ive summarized-
    1.) For a better visual experience:
         - Horizontal scrolling in menu is highly recommended as its simply more practical and easy-to-use.
         - An option for changing wallpapers while changing HS (homescreen) or setting a single widescreen wallpaper that scrolls in every HS would be a welcome addition.
         - Size of icons in menu should be reduced to around half of the current size in FP1.
         - Simpler and faster theme effects.
         - The pop up menu (when 'options' is pressed) while being in the landscape screen orientation (in any app) should be  worked upon so that it populates more options while covering a lesser part of the screen.
         - The bounce back effect of tkinetic scrolling in some apps, like browser for instance, shold be reduced or disabled.
    2.) For better apps and overall experience:
         - App open and close delay should be minimized
         - App installation time (specially QT apps) needs a reduction..
         - the browser needs a major update with full support of flash and improvements in pan & zoom functionality.
         - Im satisfied with the number of apps available, so this is not an issue with me 
         - The qwerty keyboard responsiveness and key positioning needs an improvement. Ive compared it to other OSes myself and found out that I made less errors on those..
    As im short of time, thats it for now. Hope you guys at nokia take this as a positive feedback and work towards improving the overall experience of THE BEST CAMERAPHONE ON PLANET, ie, THE NOKIA 808 PUREVIEW (and other capable hardware phones).
    Varun Paul

    Hello…I own an 808 PureView device. At the outset, I must congratulate you for creating such a marvelous device. It’s in all dimensions a brilliant Smartphone and has no major lags except a few which I would like to mention as suggestions to improve the general smoothness and usefulness of its User Interface (henceforth-UI).
    The in-built gallery lacks ‘mark multiple items’ option which, if integrated, can be fruitfully used to delete or send multiple items though Bluetooth. Also, the in-built gallery lacks ‘renaming’ function which would otherwise be helpful in organizing the gallery items, and in giving custom names which are easy to remember and deal with.
    The generic MUSIC PLAYER lacks the track/music search function from within the music player, and so, to search a song out of the vast collection, the user has to use the generic SEARCH application by exiting or minimizing the music player, which in itself is a cumbersome exercise. The search function, if integrated into the music player, will help a great deal in making the music experience really customized and precise as also time saving.
    The in-built VIDEO editing options available in the video viewing dashboard are relatively much naïve and rudimentary as compared to PureView’s lesser predecessor, the N8. Now, since 808 is a full-fledged camera Smartphone, it is bit logical on part of the user to expect the video editing dashboard to be as efficient and complete as the photo editing dashboard of the same is.  Advance options like adding music clip can be added to the video editing console to mitigate the need of using any third party application to do so, and thus, it will further enhance the utility drawn from the cell-phone UI in terms of video editing and viewing.
    The generic MESSAGING application has the default view as CONVERSATIONS view and manual selection every time is required to switch the view to FOLDERS mode. If there had been an option to make a choice in setting the folders view or the conversations view as default as per users convenience, it would have been again a smooth messaging experience.
    To end up, the generic CONTACT application lacks the facility to edit the contact labels unlike the one which was available in S60 V3 devices (I owned N79 prior to owing 808 PureView and so I am well aware of this utility). Facility to edit the contact labels makes it easy to differentiate between multiple contact numbers of the same contact so as to have an ease of remembrance and clarity of use.
    I earnestly hope that Nokia will incorporate some or all of these suggestions in the next-to-come firmware upgrade for Belle FP1 devices. These modifications/additions, if done and made, will make the Belle OS fully competent with its various other contemporaries as it just lacks these things but otherwise is a fluid and extremely useful OS. I request you to kindly pay due heed and consideration to my observations and work towards making the Belle OS an all-encompassing mobile platform. Thanking You.

  • Where is NFC share in new Belle update for Nokia C...

    I have recently update my Nokia C7 to Belle.
    It looks good.
    In Anna we have nfc share. But in Belle it is not available.
    Only in settings i have Nfc on/off button. 
    Kindly release the update as earliest or help me out.

    The Nokia C7 has the required hardware for near field communication. It is built in and was activated with Anna. With belle its still available. Just activate nfc and tap on another device with nfc. You should be able to transfer data with share application.
    Nokia C7: Running on Nokia Belle
    "If I'm helpful in anyway, a click of appreciation on the star would be nice"

  • Latest software release for Nokia 5800 Xpress Musi...

    Latest software release for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music is 50.0.005  is problematic!!!
    can not find my wireless capabillty after updating my 5800xpress music
    no map containing extras when i enter my menu
    this is a serious problem
    A whole map has dissapeared

    It's advised to reset the device after a firmware update. Dial *#7370# 12345 reformat, you'll lose all data. Make a backup first and restore without the settings.
    ‡Thank you for hitting the Blue/Green Star button‡
    N8-00 RM 596 V:111.030.0609; E71-1(05) RM 346 V: 500.21.009

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