Is my i7 really not faster?

I just bought an iMac 27" i7 and noticed, that it's not seemingly faster than my 13" MacBook Pro.
When doing xBench tests, the i7 only "pulls" a 169 score and when doing compression in Final Cut Compressor, it's like the cores only gets 20% maxed out (according to iStat Menu).
My MacBook Air (ssd model) is 232 in xBench and another 27" (not i7, though) is 235 in xBench.
Do I need to do anything, to get better performance or is there anything else I should know?
Right now, I'm kind of dissapointed with the performance, which is the last thing I should be with an i7, right? I really don't understand why it's not utilizing 100% of the "horsepower".
I installed extra 4 gb ram in the iMac - can this be the root of a problem?

You're expecting the wrong kind of speed. I've explained this several times already, so you can find one of those posts for more detail.
The basic idea is that the i7 has more parallel processing power. It can process 4X the data the MBP can. Any given task may be slower than the MBP, but there's just no way the MBP could hope to keep up under load. Not only that, but the overall system responsiveness will stay much more consistent with the i7. So even if you're rendering some large project with FCP, you could still browse the web, check your email, and other things without your system feeling a bit sluggish.
I have a C2D laptop and an i7 desktop, and I can definitely notice the difference when I start trying to do some of my usual desktop things on my laptop. The laptop starts to buckle under the load my desktop handles without breaking a sweat.

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    , prntmv.parent_group_id
    , jgd.parent_group_id sales_group_id
    , fact.lead_id
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    , fact.lead_id, fact.opp_open_status_flag, fact.win_loss_indicator, fact.forecast_rollup_flag
    , to_number(to_char(opty_creation_date,'J'))
    , to_number(to_char(opty_conversion_date,'J'))
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    , to_number(to_char(opty_creation_date,'J')) opty_creation_time_id
    , to_number(to_char(opty_conversion_date,'J')) opty_conversion_time_id
    ,count(*) cnt
    FROM bil.bil_bi_opty_ld_f_tst fact, bil_bi_rs_grp_mv rgmv, bil_bi_rs_grp_mv prntmv,
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    AND prntmv.sales_group_id = jgd.parent_group_id
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    , fact.lead_id
    , fact.opp_open_status_flag
    , fact.win_loss_indicator
    , fact.forecast_rollup_flag
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    Both the write cache ticks should be on, The allow host cache flushing should be off. The use steady streaming mode tick should be off also. (So the pattern of th ticks is: on, off, on, off)
    The stripes stting depends on the cache size of the disk. On disks with lower than 16 MB, the 8 stripes setting is right. On disks from 16MB cache you can use the 128 stripes setting (In general the 750 GB disks have 16 MB, the others have lower).

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    through a remote interface. I timed both ways of calling
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    "Reinhard Klemm" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I appreciate your response and, at the same time, I am somewhat
    surprised about it. Here are the reasons for my surprise:
    1. Your response indicates that WebLogic uses RMI for
    EJB local method calls, i.e., even if the client is on the same VM.
    I would have assumed that WebLogic would bypass RMI in such
    a situation.That is not what I said. Local interfaces wont use rmi.
    But remote interfaces do better if the call is from the same VM. This is
    weblogic rmi optimization. Please see Rob's posting also.
    2. Other J2EE application servers fare a lot better. In one
    experiment, I timed WebLogic against WebSphere 5.0 Technology
    for Developers (i.e., WebSphere 5.0 Beta, which is expressly
    NOT for performance testing) and against the Sun Reference
    Implementation. Here are the numbers for calling business
    methods in a stateless session EJB through its local interface:
    WebLogic: 5.15 ms on the average
    WebSphere: 0.41 ms on the average
    Sun Reference Implementation: 0.11 ms on the average
    This indicates to me that both WebSphere and the Sun Reference
    Implementation are better optimized than WebLogic by excluding
    RMI when making local EJB calls.
    "Maruthi Nuthikattu" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:<[email protected]>...
    Can you post some numbers so that we can visualize the difference.
    Please add the numbers with other J2EE appserver also.
    Otherwise top of my head, the reason is:
    Weblogic rmi is well optimized for the calls with in the same JVM andsame
    J2EE application.
    This could be the reason you are not seeing much difference.
    "Reinhard Klemm" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I was curious how much faster calling business methods in
    a stateless session EJB in WebLogic 7.0 would be through
    a local interface than calling the same business methods
    through a remote interface. I timed both ways of calling
    the same methods and much to my surprise the times were
    nearly identical. I double-checked that in one case I really
    used the local interface (using ejb-local-ref, local-jndi-name,
    local interfaces in source code). Does anybody (perhaps from
    BEA) have an explanation for this? By the way, I ran the
    same experiment with other J2EE application servers such
    as IBM's WebSphere 5 (Beta) and there was a tremendous
    performance difference between local and remote interface

  • Fans only run slow, not fast on PowerMac G5 Dual 2.3

    I've noticed recently that some occasional kernal panics seem related to the fact that under a heavy load my processor fans are not revving up. This is on my olde PowerMac Dual 2.3 from some time ago. We have the same model at one of our workstations at work and the fans kick in and out as we render, so I know what a healthy PowerMac G5 Dual 2.3 should sound like.
    I've checked inside the case... the two fans in front of the processors are running, just really slow. The same with the two rear fans. I can't get them to spin up faster when doing anything processor intensive. Seems like it's been like this for a while, though it was definitely not always like this as I recall a few mornings where I found it in jet engine mode.
    The white tab on the clear plastic internal cover is seated correctly... I don't know where any other sensors might be.
    I ran the Apple Hardware Test from my original gray install disc... upon booting into the test I was surprised to hear the fans revving up to full speed. On the first run the computer had no problems. After a reboot into the OS and then another reboot back into the test disc, the full speed fans just locked up the OS choice screen and I couldn't get past it.
    I see plenty of posts here regarding loud, fast fans that won't spin down... but I don't find too many with this problem.
    Can anyone shed any light on this?

    I run BOINC on my Power G5 and it places a full load on the processors for as long as the application is up. I find the fans are not very loud if you have done a proper dust cleaning of the computer. This includes cleaning out the power supply that's located in the very bottom of the case. If you think you have a problem I suggest you look into Istat Pro from This will allow you to look at the fan speed to determine if you have a problem or if things are running normal. Under full load, my fan data looks something like this.
    Drive bay 1000 rpm
    Backside 1100 rpm
    CPU A intake Around 800 rpm
    CPU B intake Same as CPU A
    CPU A exhaust About 30 RPMs higer that CPU A intake
    CPU B exhaust Same as CPU A exaust
    Slots Intake 1560 RPM
    The only fans that seem to change much based on load are the CPU fans and with no load they may drop to about 500 RPM. Under full load on a warm day and the system in need of having the dust clean out I have seen the fans go up to 950 RPM. The fans that made the most noise were the Power Supply fans when I missed blowing out the power supply for a while.
    The G5 processor is able to run at temperatures up to the boiling point of water but it truth I have never seen mine get above 164 degrees fahrenheit.
    If you have just done a good cleaning of the system, it's possible you have just returned the system to normal operation and extended it's life instead of having a problem.

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