IS NOT NULL in order clause

Hi -
It is not allowed to have IS NOT NULL in order by clause, isn't it? When order by clause is being formed dynamically, is there anyway to check for not nulls in any column to be used for order by clause? Thanks,

If we have order by C1, C2, C3, then .. it is not the same as just C2 and C3 - is it?No, results depend upon content of result set.
SQL> drop table nulls_ob;
Table dropped.
SQL> create table nulls_ob (id1 number, id2 number, id3 number);
Table created.
SQL> insert into nulls_ob values(null,100,null);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into nulls_ob values(null,110,null);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into nulls_ob values(null,null,100);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into nulls_ob values(null,null,120);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into nulls_ob values(null,90,100);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from nulls_ob order by 1,2,3;
       ID1       ID2          ID3
             90          100
SQL> insert into nulls_ob values(70,110,null);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into nulls_ob values(90,null,100);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into nulls_ob values(80,90,100);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from nulls_ob order by 1,2,3;
       ID1       ID2          ID3
     70       110
     80        90          100
     90               100
             90          100
8 rows selected.
SQL> select * from nulls_ob order by   2,3;
       ID1       ID2          ID3
     80        90          100
             90          100
     70       110
     90               100
8 rows selected.

Similar Messages

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    from table1
    get_val(col_4) is not null
    group by col1,col2, get_val(col_4)
    I have simplified this but it is something similar. This works great - performance is great. Now I commented out the where clause as I needed to populate null values - and that's it the query does not retrieve the resultset - it keeps running forever. With the where clause it comes back in 60 seconds. There is only one row out of 560 rows that has null value for col_4 which i need to display.
    Any help is appreciated.

    The only difference I notice between the two sqls is HASH(UNIQUE) -
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    HASH(UNIQUE)          1598     1     209
    HASH(GROUP BY)          1598     1     209
    When is not null is removed from the where clause -
    SELECT STATEMENT     ALL_ROWS     1598     1     206
    HASH(GROUP BY)          1598     1     206          
    I'm guessing that the index is being used in the first scenario and not in the second. Any idea/suggestion as to how to over come this?          

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    satish (guest) wrote:
    : Hi everbody,
    : I am working in forms4.5,oracle 7.3 in winNT. I had some
    : which were defined as NOT NULLs in the database. When I tried
    : loading data into them I got an error.I found that there were
    : values for those columns in the datafile. So removed the NOT
    : NULLs from the columns and loaded the data. These were the old
    : datas. Now I should change the columns back to NOT NULLs as the
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    : the form? I want the NOT NULL columns to be diplayed as blanks
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    : entered (if it is already present in the old data) then a blank
    : should be displayed in those not null columns. How will I do
    : this?
    : Any help is appreciated.
    : Thanks in advance,
    : satish
    If you genuinely have some rows for your table where there are no
    values for particular columns then you should leave the columns
    null-enabled. This sounds to be the case here - a column does
    not have to be defined as NOT NULL in order for data to be
    entered; you will be able to enter your new data for these
    columns even though they are not defined as NOT NULL.
    In any case, while you have existing rows in the table with null
    values for these columns, the SQL engine will not allow you to
    change the columns to be NOT NULL.
    Hope this helps,
    Stuart Housden

  • Order Of Null and Not Null Values while table creation

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    The only reason I can think of having the NULL columns at the end is storage space.
    To conserve space, a null in a column only stores the column length (zero). Oracle
    does not store data for the null column. Also, for trailing null columns, Oracle does
    not even store the column length.

  • Parentheses not enforcing evaluation order.

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    or (pe.subEndDate IS NOT NULL) and (pe.subStartDate IS NULL) and (:date <= pe.subEndDate)
    or (pe.subStartDate IS NOT NULL) and (pe.subEndDate IS NOT NULL) and (:date >= pe.subStartDate and :date <= pe.subEndDate)We all know that those two where clauses don't return the same data. Reading the J2EE tutorial on sun, it states the following:
    A WHERE clause consists of a conditional expression, which is evaluated from left to right within a precedence level.
    You can change the order of evaluation by using parentheses.
    So, theoretically, it should process my query, with the parentheses intact. But it is not. What am I doing wrong? or is there another way of doing this?

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  • Get list of Not Null and PK Columns

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    with the below query I am getting the not null ones but need to get the PK columns  also
    SqlServer Version is 2008R2
    WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Express'

    Give this a go. It includes by bitval solver function, as the status column is stored that way.
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.solveBitVal(@val BIGINT)
    RETURNS @result TABLE (id INT, bitvalue BIGINT)
    DECLARE @bitTranslate TABLE (id INT, bitvalue BIGINT)
    DECLARE @numbah TABLE (num INT)
    DECLARE @loopah INT
    SET @loopah = 1
    WHILE @loopah <= 63
    INSERT INTO @bitTranslate (id, bitvalue) VALUES (@loopah, POWER(CAST(2 AS BIGINT),@loopah-1))
    INSERT INTO @numbah (num) VALUES (@loopah)
    SET @loopah = @loopah + 1
    WHILE @val > 0
    INSERT INTO @result
    SELECT MAX(id), MAX(bitvalue) FROM @bitTranslate WHERE bitvalue <= @val
    SELECT @val = @val - MAX(bitvalue) FROM @bitTranslate WHERE bitvalue <= @val
    ;WITH cons AS (
    FROM sys.sysconstraints c
    INNER JOIN sys.objects o
    ON = o.object_id
    CROSS APPLY dbo.solveBitVal(c.status) b
    ), rCTE AS (
    SELECT, c.constid,, c.colid, c.spare1, c.status, c.actions, c.error, CAST(CASE WHEN statusID = 1 THEN 'PRIMARY KEY constraint '
    WHEN statusID = 2 THEN 'UNIQUE KEY constraint '
    WHEN statusID = 3 THEN 'FOREIGN KEY constraint '
    WHEN statusID = 4 THEN 'CHECK constraint '
    WHEN statusID = 5 THEN 'DEFAULT constraint '
    WHEN statusID = 16 THEN 'Column-level constraint'
    WHEN statusID = 32 THEN 'Table-level constraint '
    END AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS statusName, c.seq, c.statusID
    FROM cons c
    WHERE seq = 1
    SELECT, c.constid,, c.colid, c.spare1, c.status, c.actions, c.error, CAST(r.statusName + ', ' + CASE WHEN c.statusID = 1 THEN 'PRIMARY KEY constraint '
    WHEN c.statusID = 2 THEN 'UNIQUE KEY constraint '
    WHEN c.statusID = 3 THEN 'FOREIGN KEY constraint '
    WHEN c.statusID = 4 THEN 'CHECK constraint '
    WHEN c.statusID = 5 THEN 'DEFAULT constraint '
    WHEN c.statusID = 16 THEN 'Column-level constraint'
    WHEN c.statusID = 32 THEN 'Table-level constraint '
    END AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), c.seq, c.statusID
    FROM cons c
    ON =
    AND c.colid = r.colid
    AND c.seq - 1 = r.seq
    SELECT *
    Don't forget to mark helpful posts, and answers. It helps others to find relevant posts to the same question.

  • MySQL using Is Null and Is Not Null

    I am using mySQL and PHP to design a web site. On one of the
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    field either having a date inputted or not having a date inputted.
    I want the user to be able to select these options on the page via
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    Label Value
    Open Is Null
    Closed Is Not Null
    However I can not seem to get this to work (sql below), is
    the syntax correct and should it be a GET or POST variable eg
    $_POST['ListBox']. Hope this makes sense.
    SELECT *
    FROM tbltable
    WHERE datefield variable

    Change the order of your conditions
    SELECT name,
           CASE WHEN creditcard IS NULL AND credit_used IS NULL THEN
             'Sell both'
           WHEN creditcard IS NULL THEN
             'Sell Card'
           WHEN credit_used IS NULL THEN
             'Sell Credit'
             'No Action'
           END "Action"
      FROM customers;

  • Creating table with null and not null values.

    I have to create a table with 5 Null nd 5 Not Null fields.My questionis which fields are place first?Not or Not Null and why???

    What you mean is: the person who asked you the question thought the order of columns was important, and wanted to see if you agreed. Or maybe they were just asking the question to see whether you thought it was important (as a test of your understanding of the database).
    When I started out in Oracle I was told that it was good practice to have the mandatory columns first and then the optional columns. But if you do some research you find this: the impact of column ordering on space management is: empty nullable columns at the end of the table take up zero bytes whereas empty nullable columns at the middle of the table take up one byte each. I think if that saving really is important to you you need to spring for an additional hard drive.
    Besides, even if you do organise your columns as you suggest, what happens when you add an eleventh NOT NULL column to your table? It gets tacked on to the end of your table. Your whole neat organisation is blown.
    What does still matter is the positioning of large VARCHAR2 columns: they should be the last columns on your table in case they create chaining. Then any query that doesn't need the large columns can be satisfied without reading the chained block, something that can't be guaranteed if you've got columns after a VARCHAR2(4000) column. This doesn't apply to CLOBs, etc. which are stored separately anyway.
    Cheers, APC

  • DB Diagram: Modality Difference between NOT NULL and check constraint

    I am using jdev 11g ( I am trying to create a db diagram from two tables. I have a FK that is NOT NULL (defined on the column). When i try to display these two tables modality, it does not show up in the diagram. I noticed that there are two ways NOT null can be defined on a table (right click on the db object to edit it; a) under column definitions there is a check box for not null, b) there is a check constraint that one can add to do not null.
    I am confused and was wondering whether I must I have check constraints on the database in order to display modality (optional versus mandatory). Logically speaking it does not make any sense though.

    Hi Susan,
    Thanks for your email. I understand that in order to show modality under
    UML notation, one must define a COLUMN being NOT NULL instead of defining a check constraint.
    I still do not understand how modality (optional versus mandatory) is shown in ERD notation in JDev. I tried flipping ERD/UML notations and made sure icons for tables were showing, but no MODALITY is shown in ERD notation ( an '0" icon or a "|" icon for optional and mandatory). Is it the solid line versus dotted line in the ERD diagram? I am confused because generally under Crawfoot ERD notation '0" icon or a "|" icon is shown for modality.
    Modality gets picked up in jdev diagram when COLUMN not null is specified and UML notation is used
    Modality does not get picked up in jdev db diagram when check constraint is specified and UML notation is used
    Another question i have related to the matter mentioned above is as follows. Since I want to see modality in db diagram, it follows that I must define a column as not null instead of a check constraint. I must also use NO VALIDATE on NOT NULL column because i have prior data that does not meet the new restriction. I noticed that if i use the following syntax to define a NOT NULL column, two things happen.
    a) A constraint is defined as not null automatically and a system generated name is given to the constraint.
    b) DB diagram in Jdev does not show the modality.
    My question is whether there is a way to see modality in this case.
         alter table DETAILAJ
    Edited by: user11219846 on Nov 19, 2009 11:07 AM

  • Testing for IS NOT NULL with left join tables

    Dear Experts,
    The query is showing the NULL rows in the query below....
    Any ideas, advice please? tx, sandra
    This is the sql inspector:
    SELECT O100321.FULL_NAME_LFMI, O100321.ID, O100404.ID, O100321.ID_SOURCE
    , O100404.NAME, O100321.PERSON_UID, O100404.PERSON_UID, O100404.VISA_TYPE
    , ODSMGR.VISA O100404
    WHERE ( ( O100321.PERSON_UID = O100404.PERSON_UID(+) ) ) AND ( O100404.VISA_TYPE(+) IS NOT NULL )

    Hi Everyone,
    I am understanding alot of what Michael and Rod wrote.... I am just puzzled over the following:
    the query below is left joining the STUDENT table to
    HOLD table.
    The HOLD table - contains rows for students who have holds on their record.
    a student can have more than one hold (health, HIPAA, basic life saving course)
    BUT, for this query: I'm only interested that a hold exists, so I'm choosing MAX on hold desc.
    Selecting a MAX, helps me, bec. it reduces my join to a 1 to 1 relationship, instead of
    1 to many relationship.
    Before I posted this thread at all, the LEFT JOIN below testing for IS NOT NULL worked w/o
    me having to code IS NOT NULL twice....
    Is that because, what's happening "behind the scenes" is that a temporary table containing all max rows is being
    created, for which Discoverer has no predefined join instructions, so it's letting me do a LEFT JOIN and have
    the IS NOT NULL condition.
    I would so appreciate clarification. I have a meeting on Tues, for which I have to explain LEFT JOINS to the user
    and how they should create a query. I need to come up with rules.
    If I feel "clear", I asked my boss to buy Camtasia videocast software to create a training clip for user to follow.
    Also, if any Banner user would like me to email the DIS query to run on their machine, I would be glad to do so.
    thx sooo much, Sandra
    SELECT O100384.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, O100255.ID, O100384.ID, O100255.NAME, O100384.NAME, O100255.PERSON_UID, O100384.PERSON_UID, MAX(O100255.HOLD_DESC)
    WHERE ( ( O100384.PERSON_UID = O100255.PERSON_UID(+) ) ) AND ( O100384.ACADEMIC_PERIOD = '200820' )
    GROUP BY O100384.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, O100255.ID, O100384.ID, O100255.NAME, O100384.NAME, O100255.PERSON_UID, O100384.PERSON_UID
    HAVING ( ( MAX(O100255.HOLD_DESC(+)) ) IS NOT NULL )

  • How to use Not Null in

    Hi All,
    I did one personalization which is related to DFF of an Item.
    It is working partially but i need the perfect solution will u please resolve my doubts.
    My requirement is as follows:
    I have one DFF in Items page say attribute1 which has a maximum of 3 values i.e., 'A' or 'B' or 'C'
    In my Purchase order Auto create form, when an select an requisition, the related lines are displayed for me.
    When i select an line and if the line has an item which has an attribute values of either 'A' or 'B' or 'C'.
    Then i need to display an error message.
    For this I do the following steps.
    In conditions tab i wrote the following condiitons:
    Not Null IN ( SELECT attribute1 FROM mtl_system_items_b where segment1= :REQ_LINES.ITEM_NUMBER AND organization_id=FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ORG_ID'))
    But my condition evaluates to false, even though i have values in attribute1---------------------- My question is will the above query is right or not. if not will u please provide me the correct syntax of how to use not null.
    'A' IN ( SELECT attribute1 FROM mtl_system_items_b where segment1= :REQ_LINES.ITEM_NUMBER AND organization_id=FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ORG_ID'))
    The above query is working fine. Please help me on this issue.
    Thanks and Regards

    Dear Zaheer,
    you compare the organization with Operating unit, Please use
    fnd_profile.value('MFG_ORGANIZATION_ID') inspite of org_id.

  • Oracle insert problem(records not in the order they are inserted)

    hi, all:
    I tried to insert a word list into a oracle table, everything is fine except that the words are not in the order they are inserted. For example, the words are inserted in the following sequence:
    When I retrived the resultset from the table and iterate through each of the record, the words are not in the order inserted, i.e., it may look like this,
    This strange phenomenon won't happen when the word list is small, like 500 words or so, but when the number of words reaches around 10,000, it takes place. My coworker also experienced this problem when trying to insert large volume of data into oracle table.
    The code I used to insert into the DB table:
    BufferedReader reader=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:\\Dictionary.txt"));
    while( (line=reader.readLine())!=null )
         sql="INSERT INTO DICT " +
         "VALUES ('" + line +"')";                         
    Any advice will be highly appreciated,

    Well, the best thing to do is follows scsi-boy's advice and add the additional column and either put a sequence number in it from the Java side as you insert, or use an Oracle sequence object to put a sequence number in it from the Oracle side (which is sort of like an auto-generated value, but different).
    Note that an Oracle sequence generates numbers in sequence, but possibly with gaps (usually if the database is rebooted), unless you do some things that slow sequences down substantially. Sequences can also be something of a bottleneck on RAC clusters. See:
    However, if your coworker is commiting after each and every insert (which is bad form and slows the database down, -10 points), and if your coworker is also never ever ever updating the columns after they've been inserted, and if your coworker is using Oracle 10g and not some older version such as 9i, then your coworker could use the ORA_ROWSCN pseudo-column to order by. Those are very very severe constraints and you shouldn't begin to consider doing it that way without a very good reason, and right now you and your coworker wouldn't know a good reason if it snuck up and bit you on the butt, you've got a lot of learning the basics first.

  • All_tab_columns says NULLABLE = 'Y' while there is a NOT NULL constraint

    Hi all,
    I created a table MANT (here is the script) :
      MANT     NUMBER(7)                            NOT NULL,
      SPER     NUMBER(7)                            NOT NULL,
      RANT     VARCHAR2(10 BYTE)                    NOT NULL,
      ANT      VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
      CMT      VARCHAR2(800 BYTE),
      DU       DATE,
      USR      VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
      DTE      DATE
    )Then I added a column called RSMF :
    ADD (RSMF VARCHAR2(100 BYTE));and added a check constraint :
    NOVALIDATEI had to add NOVALIDATE clause because all the records had a null value. So to validate the constraint I simply executed the following update
    update dmi.mant set rsmf = 'yy';and then validate the contraint with :
    VALIDATE;The problem comes when I query ALL_TAB_COLUMNS table...
    from all_tab_columns
    where table_name = 'MANT'
       and owner = 'DMI'
       and COLUMN_NAME = 'RSMF';Why does the ALL_TAB_COLUMNS table gives for RSMF column a NULLABLE value equals to 'Y' while there is a validated check NOT NULL constraint on it ?
    It's annoying because I want to get all the NOT NULL columns in a given table and here the SRMF column is not returned...
    Here is the result :
    DMI    |MANT       |RSMF         |VARCHAR2   |100          |YThks for your replies...

    NULLABLE would be true if you created the table like this:
    create table x (a not null)
    but not if you add a check constraint after the fact.

  • Function-based index, NOT NULL bug?

    CREATE TABLE xxx (code CHAR(6) NOT NULL);
    create index xxx_idx on xxx (upper(code));
    select * from xxx order by upper(code);
    -> ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    (Oracle 9.0.1, Windows 2000)

    I know it's quite a long-time that anyone replied this post, but I just need to report our attempts to workaround that.
    Dropping function-based indexes in primary database, just before creation of Logical Dataguard hasn't solved our problem, neither dropping indexes in logical database.
    In my opinion and after some docs in metalink, I think there's no way to solve it.
    Or you drop them or you migrate to 10g.

  • How to findout rows which are not null ?

    Hi friends,
    Can anyone tell me how to find out the no of rows which is having full data in each column (not null) ?
    Ex:- TEST_TABLE having 1000 columns and lakes of rows.
    myQuestion:- I need to find the no of rows which are filled with 1000 columns filled with not null data.
    Thanks in Advacne.

    You're just going to have to write the query with IS NOT NULL on each column. This will help generate the predicates for the WHERE clause to save quite a bit of typing...
        ' AND '||column_name||' IS NOT NULL'
        table_name = 'TEST_TABLE'You can take the output and add that to
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_table WHERE 1=1 HTH

Maybe you are looking for

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