Is Premiere Pro extra?

Why is premiere pro only available as trial and not included with my creative cloud membership? I've googled and searched the Adobe site and cannot find an answer to why this one program in my apps list on creative cloud is only available as a trial. Thanks for any help.

Premiere Pro is definitely included a full Cloud membership.
Have you tried signing out of your Cloud account and signing back in again?

Similar Messages

  • Premiere pro cs4 is adding an extra frame to my sequences

    Premiere Pro CS4 is adding an extra frame to my sequences so that when I import them into Encore an extra, black frame plays at the end. In the program monitor my sequences stop at the frame I have set the sequence to end at but the counter on the bottom right of the program monitor shows that an extra frame has been added. This duration, not the duration I have set for my sequence, is what Premiere Pro is importing into Encore. I have spoken to Adobe technical help and the representative was having the same issue but she could not resove it. Help! Thank you!

    Hello Wil.
    For various reasons, I always add Black Video to the end of my Sequences, to allow for any extra Audio Units. As I also Export DD 5.1 SS, I allow 02 sec. of Black Video at the beginning, to allow set-top players time to "lock onto" the DD 5.1 SS Audio Track. Many high-end units require this extra time at the beginning, too.
    Good luck to the OP,

  • Kann ich mir kostenlos Encore herunterladen, auch wenn ich nur Premiere Pro und nicht die gesamte Cloud installiert/abonniert habe? Wenn ja, wie geht das? Wenn nein, was kostet das extra?

    Kann ich mir kostenlos Encore herunterladen, auch wenn ich nur Premiere Pro und nicht die gesamte Cloud installiert habe? Wenn ja, wie geht das? Wenn nein, was kostet das extra?

    Great! Thanks! it seems that the German installation instruction is not updated:
    Encore CS6 wird nicht mit Creative Cloud installiert
    That's why I could not find how to download Premiere Pro S6.
    With your English Link I could solve the problem!
    Thank you!!!

  • Ich will Premiere Pro CC abonnieren  - ist After Effect gleich mit dabei oder muss das extra abonniert werden??

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    Vielen Dank voraus.

    Es sind zwei separate Programme und rein rechnerisch lohnen sich die Single-App-Pläne dann schon nicht mehr und man kann gleich die volle Packung nehmen...

  • Sony NEX-5N AVCHD 2.0 1080p50 and Premiere Pro/After Effects CS5.5

    Hi all,
    I have a new Sony NEX-5N and have shot some test 1080p50 video using it.
    On my quest for some new editing/production software to close the loop I have just downloaded and installed a Trial Version of CS5.5 Production Premium.
    I am able to load my video files into Premiere Pro.
    However, when I attempt to open the Video File in After Effects, I recieve the following Error message:
       After Effects error: '00023.MTS' cannot be imported - this '.mts' file is damaged or unsupported.
    I have tried renaming the extension to .MPG, .M4V, .M2TS all with exactly the same result.
    Perhaps this is a limitation of the Trial Version or perhaps a limitation of After Effects CS5.5.  Is anyone able to advise?
    As extra information I include below the TEXT output from MediaInfo for the file I am able to load into Premiere Pro CS5.5 but not After Effects.
    ID                               : 0 (0x0)
    Complete name                    : F:\AVI\Video\SourceMedia\00023.MTS
    Format                           : BDAV
    Format/Info                      : Blu-ray Video
    File size                        : 61.8 MiB
    Duration                         : 19s 616ms
    Overall bit rate mode            : Variable
    Overall bit rate                 : 26.4 Mbps
    Maximum Overall bit rate         : 28.0 Mbps
    ID                               : 4113 (0x1011)
    Menu ID                          : 1 (0x1)
    Format                           : AVC
    Format/Info                      : Advanced Video Codec
    Format profile                   : [email protected]
    Format settings, CABAC           : Yes
    Format settings, ReFrames        : 2 frames
    Format settings, GOP             : M=1, N=12
    Codec ID                         : 27
    Duration                         : 19s 680ms
    Bit rate mode                    : Variable
    Bit rate                         : 25.1 Mbps
    Maximum bit rate                 : 26.0 Mbps
    Width                            : 1 920 pixels
    Height                           : 1 080 pixels
    Display aspect ratio             : 16:9
    Frame rate                       : 50.000 fps
    Color space                      : YUV
    Chroma subsampling               : 4:2:0
    Bit depth                        : 8 bits
    Scan type                        : Progressive
    Bits/(Pixel*Frame)               : 0.242
    Stream size                      : 58.8 MiB (95%)
    ID                               : 4352 (0x1100)
    Menu ID                          : 1 (0x1)
    Format                           : AC-3
    Format/Info                      : Audio Coding 3
    Mode extension                   : CM (complete main)
    Codec ID                         : 129
    Duration                         : 19s 680ms
    Bit rate mode                    : Constant
    Bit rate                         : 256 Kbps
    Channel(s)                       : 2 channels
    Channel positions                : Front: L R
    Sampling rate                    : 48.0 KHz
    Bit depth                        : 16 bits
    Compression mode                 : Lossy
    Stream size                      : 615 KiB (1%)
    ID                               : 4608 (0x1200)
    Menu ID                          : 1 (0x1)
    Format                           : PGS
    Codec ID                         : 144
    Duration                         : 19s 135ms

    Hi and thanks, this is exactly what I am looking for :-)
    Tim Kurkoski wrote:
    Other question: Is it just this one file that fails to import or is it all files from that camera?
    All of the clips I have recorded fail to import to AE but work in PPro
    Tim Kurkoski wrote:
    Can you post a sample file that exhibits the problem so that I could try the clip on my machine?
    I just recorded 4 seconds of a clock pendulum swinging, surprisingly the file was 20Mb!?!?  Anyway, I have made the file available for download at the following location:
    You can browse the directory at if you need to "right-click" and save as.
    I am hoping it is a limitation of the trial as I have noticed a few other "gotchas" with the trial version.
    Thanks for the advice about video format, I have noticed that my computer (Core 2 Duo) is very slow to process the H.264 stream, PremierePro cannot play the 30sec stream in realtime (starts to stutter around 23sec) and After Effects starts its stutter almost immediately (both just playing the stream with no effects) - that said WindowsMediaPlayer has no problem playing the same stream at full speed.  I am however reluctant to do any transcoding except to a lossless format as it seems counter intuitive - but this will be the subject of another post, as I don't want to clutter this one.
    Thanks again.

  • Issues re-installing adobe premiere pro cs5.5 Family

    Hello All,
    I Hope you guys can help me out on this, not sure this is the correct topic.
    I've been working with Adobe Premiere Pro CS 5.5 For a while now, allways ran perfect on my machine:
    Computer Specs
    IBM Lenovo Thinkpad T420
    Core I5
    8 Gigabyte RAM
    Windows 7 Professional
    Native resolution 1366 x 768
    Last week, I wanted to install adobe After effects 5.5 and this is where it went wrong.. (I probably excidentally swtiched some folders and my Premiere Pro got corrupted when I wanted to start up the program). I tried to install it again, but keep getting the same error: See below.
    These are the steps i've allready tried
    I've tried the Adobe cleanup program adobe provides to clean up all the remaining files, and used Your un-installer to delete all the remaining keys in the registry etc.
    I've also tried the same install package on an other computer which works perfect.
    I've tried the Adobe CS 6 Pro 30-days trial and this is also working fine.
    I've tried to install adobe after effects 5.5 but gives me the same error.
    I've tried solution : where the Microsoft_VC80_CRT_X86 was replaced by the X64
    This is the error I keep getting;
    Exit Code: 7
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 66 error(s), 63 warning(s)
    ---- Payload: {92D58719-BBC1-4CC3-A08B-56C9E884CC2C} Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86 ---
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 1610 - The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel.

    Hi all,
    I've got the combination of solutions working from what i've read on the forums and this is my solution which worked atleast for Adobe Premiere Pro CS 5.5 Family:
    Solution Adobe Premiere Pro CS 5.5 Family:
    Browse to \Installation\Adobe CS5.5\payloads
    1: Start with backing up your files which gave an error in the log: In my case, it first gave an error on the "Microsoft_VC80_CRT_X86" later when I fixed this .MSI package it also gave an error on the "Microsoft_VC90_CRT_X86" file. So I made a backup of the 2 folders which are indicated "RED" in the picture below.
    2: Copy from the green directory, the files which are in the image below
    3. Paste the 2 files into the X86 folder as in the image below, delete the 2 files which are indicated red by the image below, and then adjust the new files to the same name as the files which were deleted:
    4: You will probably have to do this twice for the different errors.
    Extra step 5: I'm mentioning this step because im not sure if this helped, but I also uninstalled the MSI files to be sure there was nothing left behind of the old installer.
    Hope this helps, I will try the same for After Effects and let you know if this also works.

  • How do I export a video on Premiere Pro exactly as it is in my sequence?

    I've only used Premiere Pro CS6 for a week so I'm fairly new to it. I just completed editing my first video but when I tried exporting it, the video didn't show all the clips I used in my sequence and/or had extra clips that I did not use.
    This screeshot says that this video is 2 minutes 15 seconds long. Ok good. That's how long I needed it to be.
    BUT HERE. The file says its only 1 minute and 4 seconds long and once I scrolled through it, I saw that it didn't have all the clips I used and instead inserted itself clips I DIDN'T use. This is a fan video so I used a large file as a source and used the input-output to grab clips and edit and added music and transitions. That's it.

    You need the Work Area Bar to cover what you want exported.
    You can see in your screen grab of the sequence...that the yellow tabs are short of the ends.
    Drag them out to cover is one way.
    In and Out points is another.
    Entire sequence option is another
    The options are in the Export Window.

  • Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 & Adobe Encore 1.0?

    Hi there,<br /><br />Can some kind soul please point me to a resource or explain exactly what Encore v1.0 has to offer over & above Premiere Pro 2.0 and/or Premiere Elements 2.0?<br /><br />I have just built a new PC and not wanting to install anything that may be surplus to requirements I thought I would ask the question - excuse my ignorance...<ducking><br /><br />I have both Premiere Pro 2.0 and Premiere Elements 2.0 installed and I also have Encore v1.0 - I was wondering whether to just install Encore 2.0 and be done with but doesn't Premiere Pro/Premiere Elements 2.0 output to DVD directly from the timeline with chapter points, menus etc?<br /><br />Isn't this what Encore does or does it 'do it better'?<br /><br />Is it worth my while even installing Encore 1.0?<br /><br />Maybe take this chance to upgrade to Encore 2.0?<br /><br />Worthwhile upgrade? What will Encore 2.0 give me above & beyond what Premiere Pro/Elements 2.0 offers?<br />Thanks for any help in advance.<br /><br />Regards,<br />-=Glyn=-

    Here's a few:
    1. You can't save customized menus in Premiere Pro. Any changes you make to the standard templates are good in that project only. In Encore, you can save customized templates in the Library for use in other projects.
    2. PPro's menus are limited to a main menu and a scene selection menu. You can't create extra menus. In Encore you can have many menus for navigation and/or special effects.
    3. In PPro, there is no way to set up custom navigation between timelines and/or between menus. You can't even change which button links to which chapter/scene. Encore's navigation and program flow possibilities are (almost) limitless.
    4. Motion menus and buttons are limited to 30-second durations in PPro. There is no such limitation in Encore.
    5. PPro doesn't support dual-layer discs.
    6. In PPro, you can't add subtitles without duplicating the video. The audience can't turn the subtitles on and off in the middle of a program.
    7. You are very limited in how you can add any bonus material to your disc.
    8. And...drum roll, can't easily edit menus or templates in PPro by going into and out of Photoshop like you can in Encore. Menu design and creation in Encore is limited only by your imagination because of its integration with Photoshop.
    Hope this helps you make your decision,

  • Smart rendering for DNxHD quicktimes not working in Premiere Pro CC

    Hi if I understand things correcty PPCC should be able to smart render DNxHD codec in a quicktime wrapper back . If so this does not appear to be working. I am noticing small differences if I pull in a DNxHD quickitme clip in to Premiere and just render straight back out again no effects just cuts as DNxHD Quicktime. My sequence is set up to be the same as the codec. Although I do notice that trying to set the exact settings for the quicktime codec is not easy as it resets back to the defaults of DNxHD 220 59.94i so maybe this has something to do with it and their is no option to choose the MXF setting for my medi a as Adobe have neglected to make a DNxHD115 preset.
    If you look on the YC waveform you can see the changes occuring when you compare the two side by side. This however does not happen if you render out as Opt1a MXF as it does appear to smart render and when ingested back in you see no difference with the source DNxHD clip. I also notice that when you choose the Opt1a option it has an extra check box for smart rendering.
    Anyone noticed this. It all works perfectly for ProRes quickitmes so just wondering why its not working for DNxHD quicktimes.

    Hi Simon,
    Here's what I have for you:
    Smart Render support for DNxHD wrapped in QuickTime was added in Premiere Pro CC
    You must have Avid codecs installed
    No option to check to enable smart rendering is needed, Premiere Pro always tries to smart render by default
    The first thing I would check is to see if the DNxHD (QuickTime) codecs are installed or not.

  • IMac and Premiere Pro CS6 compatability

    I am currently importing HD footage off a DSLR Canon 60D (h.264) into an old macbook with PP CS4. I have to render every bit of footage before I can view it without juddering. Every time I add a transition or title etc, I have to render again to view it cleanly.
    It's time to upgrade.
    I'd like an iMac. I know the cost arguments, but I am not interested in buying a PC. An iMac is cheaper than a MacBook Pro, and I'd like the extra screen space.
    But I'm getting confused about what will actually happen if I try and work Premiere Pro CS6 on an iMac.
    1.Will it simply not work? Or will it just not have as good as performance as it could?
    2.Does it mean I would only lose out on the GPU processing?  With my DSLR footage, will I be able to watch it, judder free, without having to render it first?
    3.If it does still fundamentally work, at what point would it start to falter? How much would I have to have going on in a project for it to need the power of the merucry playback engine?
    4.Does anyone know IF a new iMac came out in the next two months, would it likely have the 1GB VRAM or would Adobe offer an update so that it worked with whatever the new iMac had. (eg the current top end iMac has AMD Radeon HD 6970M with 1GB, yet is not supported by CS6 - why?)
    Finally, why do Apple and Adobe have to make this so difficult?
    Many thanks for anyone's help.

    nepmedia wrote:
    We need to make CS6 compatible with AMD 6970M, on an IMAC, thats all there is to it. Any ideas?
    You could do some experimentation and see if the OpenCL text file works the same way as the CUDA text file.  I'm betting it does, but I have no direct experience.  I think it's worth looking into tho...
    Open a new Finder window and navigate to the Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 folder.
    Right-click on the Adobe Premiere Pro icon, and chose  "Show Contents" from the menu.
    A new window will pop open; open the Contents folder.
    Double-click on the file named: opencl_supported_cards.txt.  If it asks you what application to use to open it, select TextEdit.
    Now... be VERY CAREFUL what you type here.  Add a new line to the file and on it:  ATI Radeon HD 6790M
    That's it.  COMMAND-S to save the file, COMMAND-W to close the file, and COMMAND-Q to quit TextEdit.
    Alternatively, if you're comfortable in the UNIX environment like I am, open a window and do the following:
    cd /Applications/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\ CS6/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\
    sudo vi opencl_supported_cards.txt
    Perform the above edit in vi, then save and close the file.
    Start Premiere Pro back up and see if you have MPE available in hardware mode.  Bear in mind: you're not going to be supported by Adobe if any issues pop up due to MPE stuff... this is an aftermarket "modification" to your software.

  • Suggestion BOX for Premiere Pro!!! Add your suggestions. what would you like to see in CS 6.5 or CS7

    1. I would appreciate if you could import and link files like in avid media composer.
    Sometimes we work on bigger projects and from different computers, but if I open the project on another computer I have to relink the files, what sometimes is really annoying, and sometimes I take my work  home, but can't, since the files are placed on different servers/locations I just can access at work. So, the "real" import would be very helpful.
    2. You also should be able to have the opportunity to structure your project like in avid media composer.
    If you create a new project, there should be just one place/location where your files are stored like the Avid MediaFiles folder.
    3. On the list view - it should be possible to sort assets, and in the project window the icons are still to large (even though you are already chose the smallest)
    4. Speed/Duration - It should be possible not only to adjust the % it would be nice, also to adjust the frame rate.
    e.g. you have a project/clip with 25/24fps. and you want play it in 24/25fps without skipping/interpolating frames.  Also when you render it, it should be possible to choose this option (with the information that the clip will be played slower or faster, depends what you want)  It's just like you would speed or slow down the indicator in the timeline.
    5. Is it already possible to choose a window via keyboard???
    If the source monitor is activated and I want to activate the timeline, can I do this without using the mouse, like (alt+F4)?   Jumping between the source-project monitor, project window, timeline ....  This would increase my work SPEED also if you in the source monitor and want to jump into the effects panel should be possible  without mouse (tab).
    6.  If you already work on a project and you recognize that you have the wrong audio track settings that would it be possible to change it from mono to stereo and stereo to mono.
    7.  Multicam
    If you have set up a Multicam session with many (and/or) big files, than would it be nice if you could do a right click on it and choose something like - convert to workable quality (proxies) - (also the size of the video e.g. from 720p to 360p should shrink)(option box where you can adjust the quality/size and also what premere pro suggest) because in many cases you have to convert it manually and this are some extra steps you have to do, what I think isn't necessary. After you are done with the editing you should right click again and able to choose - replace with original files - or something like that.
    Editing in MULTICAM MODUS is sometimes still a pain. We want edit sometimes in Multicam - Monitor, but every time I stop recording and press play and just want to change the camera, I get an new edit I don't want (and rec turns automatically on) Then when th rec is on and I go frame by frame and click in the multicam monitor on the camera I want, it doesn't add an edit. This all is so weird and makes multicam uncomfortable to work.
    I'm really interested what your ideas are and maybe adobe picks some of it (hopefully) to improve premiere pro.

    Thx for this input and information!
    I'll try it.
    1&2. Most of the time, the files get moved from one server to another where I have no influence on it. That's why import is so important to me, and still have to work on avid media composer.
    4. I knew that it'll work like this this , but I still hope it's going to be easier in future, so I can avoid an extra sequenz
    5. Thx a lot, because I couldn't find out, and this will speed up my work speed
    6. Never mind, I just had once the problem I made a stereo track (because it was recorded in stereo). Then came the time to mix and master it and figured out (this should be mono) I tried to change it to mono but I couldn't.
    7. I'm using multicam most of the time on a mobile computer and I have footage of 4 cameras in 1080p or 720p50/60. Then I can't edit it in multicam because it's too much for my computer and I have to resize it what takes ages. I know you could say I should purchase a better computer, but I have no problems to edit 2 video tracks in 1080p
    Thank you again, and sry that I posted my wishes in this forum. was looking for suggestion box but couldn'd find it. Now I know it's called wishform.
    Again THX alot.!!!

  • H.264 playback stutter in Premiere Pro CS4

    Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
    Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
    3GB RAM
    32 bit Windows Vista SP2
    I'm having problems with the playback of H.264 video files in Premiere Pro CS4. The files are 1280x720 60FPS clips, ranging in size from 8MB to 40MB, and they were shot with a Kodak Zi8 handheld HD camera.
    The clips play fine with the following players on my computer -- VLC, Windows Media Player, and Media Player Classic. However, when importing the clips into Premiere and viewing them either in the preview pane or the timeline, the video is stuttering heavily. This is impeding my editing work as the only way to smoothly view the clips in Premiere is to drop them in the timeline and render the project, but I obviously can't work like this because I cannot render the entire project every time I drop in a new clip, or add an effect, or rearrange a clip, etc.
    I'm at a loss as to a solution here, any help would be appreciated.

    Here is what I did.
    I just dumped your clip into a timeline I was working on at that particular time - which just happened to be a P2 720p seq.. You dont need DVCPRO CODECS. Use what the demo says. HDV
    I only did this to see exactly how compliant your clip was.   It turned out to be compliant and editable in an un matched timeline ( Good start).
    I throw all sorts of extra stuff at this timeline ( its my base setting for what I shoot and export from)  but  I usually have to render the extra stuff  so as I can play them  back smoothly.  Thats the way it works. One day ( god forbid) there maybe a preset for a camera like you are using.
    I have been doing it for years and rendering is a fact of life.  I am dealing with Professional footage including Prores and H264 from D5's etc as well as
    my own HD footage and footage from 35mm film cameras.
    Your clips are kind of hybrid so you need to expect this.  Forget about the demo.  Deal with what you have ,convert them or use a different camera.

  • HELP: Premiere Pro CC not using all CPU and RAM during rendering and export

    I am using Premiere Pro CC on a Windows 7. My timeline is quite simple with two videos, one with the movie (mpeg) and the other with the subtitles (avi).
    When I render the sequence in PP or export, the rendering time is way too slow and it only uses around 15-20% of the CPU and 3 GB of RAM.
    My hardware config is :
    - CPU : i7-4770k 3.50Ghz
    - RAM : 8 GB
    - Disk : 2 x 3 TB SATA (no raid)
    RAM is not the bottleneck, neither the disk access.
    I have tried rendering and exporting the same project on an iMac (with an i5 2.7 Ghz and 4 GB RAM and only 1 disk) and the result is 4x faster !!!
    The CPU usage is close to 100% as well as RAM usage.
    So how come PP uses all resources availble on an iMac and not on a Windows 7 ?
    Is there any known bug or software bottleneck on Windows 7 ?
    My machine is brand new and nothing much installed besides Adobe products.
    Any help is very much appreciated.

    I just rendered out a a 2 minute sequence with about 100 clips in it and Colorista effects on everything to the Vimeo 1080 H264 preset. It took about 5 minutes to render straight from Premiere, it used all the recourses it could, my CPU was running at near %100, same with my ram and GPU, I was happy.
    Then I did another render with Red Giant Denoiser and it now wants to take 30 mins and it is only using about %20 of the recourses available. My problem isn't that its taking longer with Denoiser but that its not using all of my computers CPU and GPU.
    Im rendering at maximum render quality and bit dept to H264 (Im happy to wait the extra time), if I try to use VRB 2 it encodes 1 pass at a time and wants to take up to 40 minutes.
    I would appreciate some advice on this.
    Premiere Pro CC 2013
    2.6 GHz Intel Core i7
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB (CUDA GPU enabled in Premiere)
    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)

  • Export to Premiere Pro from Audition has stopped working...

    Hello guys,
    When I've finished an edit in Premiere I send it to Audition via Edit>Edit in Adobe Auditoin>Sequence.
    But when I've finished in Audition and try to send it back via Multitrack>Export to Premiere Pro (sent as each track as a stem), Audition processes the session and then tries to send it back to Premiere.
    The screen jumps back to Premiere as usual, but instead of seaing the pop-up window to insert new tracks as it should do, nothing happens. I've ran lots of tests to see what is going wrong, and can't find it. Somewhere on the journey into Premiere, the process stops and I really, really liked this feature.
    Can anybody shed some light on why this has suddenly stopped working? I have made no changes to the installation of either Premiere or Audition, and neither have any plug-ins or extras.
    Hope you can help,

    I have the same problem to import files from audition. It save the work in .xml what I can load in premiere but automaticly it will not work.

  • Premiere Pro CC's Warp Stabilizer BUGS...see for yourself. (7.0.1 & 7.1)

    I'd love to hear from Adobe Staff on this one. Hopefully they can focus on fixes over features for the next update, especially for one it's most touted effects.
    Warp Stabilizer works great at stabilizing clips in Premiere Pro CC...but I'm beginning to learn that it's quite buggy. The two bugs below simply cripple the user experience when you use the effect a lot like we do. Here's a link to a sample project with just 2 clips (around 1 minute in length each) on two separate timelines with each clip stabilized using the Warp Stabilizer effect. It's only a sample/test project meant to show the issue which can be MUCH larger in a longer/bigger project. Relink to any longer media and you'll quickly see what happens when you have multiple warp stabilizers applied to a Premiere Pro CC project and how problematic it can be.
    See for yourself.
    Two VERY Annoying BUGS and One Unfortunate Feature:
    BUG #1: (It affects 7.0.1 and the new 7.1 Release/Update)
    1) With GPU Acceleration Enabled and both sequences open, once the timeline render bar has turned yellow, hit save.
    2) Now toggle to the 2nd sequence and you'll notice a delay/freeze as the render bar switches back to red and then yellow again.
    3) Now toggle back to the other sequence and you have the same thing occur. Then, you can toggle back and forth with no delay...until...the project saves (or auto-saves) again...and then the delay/freeze will happen all over again.
    4) Side Note: Even when you right-click on the sequence in the Project window, there's a delay. Right-click on a sequence with no Warp Stabilizers and the drop down list pops up immediately.
    What's the Big Deal?: When you have tons more warp stabilizer effects applied to multiple sequences, not only does it take a while to save, but when it does, you are forced to wait while Premiere Pro freezes momentarily. This affects AUTO-SAVE too!!! The more warp stabilizers, the longer the wait. Our sequences have delayed up to 30-40 seconds depending on how much we've used warp stabilizer in each sequence. Imagine if you have Auto-Save set to every 30 minutes or less, well that means that every 30 minutes or less you'll be forced to stop while premiere freezes up for 30-40 seconds or so (depending on how much this effect is used). Other effects do NOT have this issue.
    BUG #2: (It affects only the new October Release/Update of Premiere 7.1...this issue is NEW and does NOT occur in 7.0.1!!!)
    1) Take the above project into Premiere Pro CC 7.1 (again, this does NOT occur in the previous 7.0.1 release) and hit FILE>EXPORT>Media.
    2) You'll notice a delay while the EXPORT SETTINGS popup opens.
    3) Toggle to different "FORMATS" in the export settings window and there's more delays every time the format is switched.
    What's the Big Deal?: Again, this is a small sample project. When you have a much bigger project with lots more Warp Stabilizers applied to many more clips this "delay" can extend up to several minutes!!! Yes, on a recent project over an hour with MANY warp stabilizers applied to lots of clips, it took 7 minutes for the Export Settings window to pop up after hitting EXPORT>Media. And there was about a one minute delay now when switching formats. This occurs whether GPU Accleration is enabled or not. It ONLY occurs on Premiere Pro CC 7.1
    We obviously use Warp Stabilizer A LOT. It's a great effect. The above bugs cripple the user experience. This last issue isn't a bug, but rather a default setting on Premiere Pro's warp stabilizer that should be changed. Within the settings of Warp Stabilizer there's a section called "Method". The default setting is "Subspace Warp". That sounds pretty cool. But in practice, and we have had lots of practice (eg. THOUSANDS of clips stabilized in just the last few months alone (no exaggeration)), we've found that switching the default method to "Position, Scale, Rotation" is a MUCH more effective way to stabilize a clip. Most of the time it cuts down on that "wobble" that you might see in complex moving clips...but more importantly, 9 out of 10 times it crops the video either the same or less than when you use the default method. By "crops less" I mean that the "Auto-Scale %" is less. Of those 9 times, I'd guess 7 or 8 of them would crop in on the video less while the other 1 or 2 times there would be no change to the Auto-Scale %. Less scaling = better.
    What's the Big Deal?: Well, as cool as Subspace Warp sounds, our numbers don't lie. Again, we use this effect on HUNDREDS of clips every week. When you have to go into hundreds and hundreds of clips every week and keep switching the setting so the effect will work better, it gets old real fast. We end up wasting so much time doing this but it's worth it because the results are undeniable. Why not create a CUSTOM PRESET???! Well, that'd be nice if it worked...but it doesn't. The problem with a custom preset like that is that when you drop it on a clip, it doesn't activate/analyze the clip automatically so you have to manually go into the settings and hit analyze which negates any time saved. It's be great if the default "method" was simply changed to Position, Scale, and Rotation. Or at the very least, it'd be great if one could create a custom preset that would automatically activate/analyze the clip it's dropped on (just like the original effect does). 
    (BONUS FEATURE: It'd also be nice to have the ability to set a "max scaling %" too so you never crop in more than a preselected amount...but first things first...fixes over features.)
    NOTE: I'm on a 2011 suped up iMac running OSX 10.8.5

    [r]Evolution wrote:
    Would it help to  Render these Warp Stabaliized clips instead of leaving them in the sequence w/ the Effect applied?
    Any way to "Batch" Warp Stabalize your media before editing so the effect is not needed during the edit?
    Sounds like you guys could benefit from having your shooters use a "Stabalizer".
    Thanks for the rendering tip rEvolution. Rendering the clips does help with BUG#1, however, I'm not sure if it would truly save us any time because of the constant need to render and rerender tons of very short clips with this effect as we make adjustments to the edit. Warp Stabilizer is GPU Accelerated so playback is really smooth which is great but why does saving a project have any effect on this and cause it to freeze up? And then it works great...until the next time the project is saved. Using any other effect, there is no issue (that I've found) when a project is saved or auto-saved.
    Rendering unfortunately has no effect on BUG#2 in Premiere 7.1 (again, this bug/issue did not occur in Premiere 7.0.1)
    Regarding "batch" stabilizing...I'm not entirely sure what you mean. We do stabilize dozens of clips at a time before editing because it's imperative for us to know which clips (the sections we've pulled) will stabilize effectively. And then once the longer edit is complete we end up pulling all the best shots from that long sequence and copy/paste it to another sequence to make a 2nd shorter edit.
    To say we've gone back and forth about the use of stabilizers would be an understatement. The fact is that we've spent almost 4 years creating a unique way to shoot based almost entirely around the effectiveness of warp stabilizer. It's taken years of trial and error but our style of shooting effectively allows us to mimick and thus replace the need for stabilizers, sliders and cranes. The extra freedom allows us to get MUCH more varied coverage of live events. It's different, I know, but it's fun and rewarding having a unique style. Granted the extra work is passed on to the editing side, but it's worth it IMO especially if these issues were addressed/fixed.
    Regarding the "unfortunate feature" I mentioned, I would be satisfied knowing the default method works great for others if one were simply able to apply a custom preset of the clip with the adjusted method and it activated automatically and began analyzing the clip without the need to manually go into settings and hit analyze. That would be nice.
    Thanks again for your input.

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