IS Retail, Promo Discounts, KA02, WGRU1

I am trying to set up a promotional discount at Merchandise Category 1 (WGRU1) level. The promotion discount condition (KA02) requires a table containing the field WGRU1 in order to hold the % discount. Even though this field is in the field catalogue, it isn't available when creating the condition table. I tried creating a copy of this field (ZZWGRU1) but there isn't an appropriate user exit to populate this field from the standard one through WAK1. I also looked at the promotion BADI but had the same problem.
Does anyone know how best to resolve this?
Thank you,
Stephen Parsons

Have you tried these 2 standard BADIs using SE18 Transaction ?
Documenatation of BADI - WAKT_BADI_001 -
You use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to change how the system responds to customer-specific requirements when you enter new items in the retail promotion.
The method, SUGGEST_ITEM_DATA, allows you to preassign item data that is ready to be entered in the promotion processing to customer-specific requirements and to change the standard assignment determined by the system.
The method, SUGGEST_STANDARD_SALES_PRICE, is used to adjust the standard sales price defaulted by the system for customer-specific needs. The method <DS:IO.IF_EX_WAKT_BADI_001           SUGGEST_PLANTGROUP_DATA>SUGGEST_PLANTGROUP_DATA enables you to preassign plant group data ready for input in promotion processing according to customer-specific needs or change the standard assignment determined by the system. The method <DS:IO.IF_EX_WAKT_BADI_001           INTERFACE_PROMOTION_DATA>INTERFACE_PROMOTION_DATA transfers certain data that are due for update within the promotion to external applications or systems.
The methods: SUGGEST_ITEM_DATA and <DS:IO.IF_EX_WAKT_BADI_001           SUGGEST_STANDARD_SALES_PRICE>SUGGEST_STANDARD_SALES_PRICE are called if new items are included in a promotion in transactions WAK1, WAK2 or WAK12, or if a promotion is created with reference to a reference promotion. The method, SUGGEST_STANDARD_SALES_PRICE, is also called in the BAPI methods, Promotion.CreateFromData and Promotion.Change. It is also called if the user allows the system to determine the standard sales price again.
The method SUGGEST_PLANTGROUP_DATA is called if new plant groups are included in the transactions WAK1 or WAK2 or if a promotion is created in reference to a reference promotion. The method is called for all transactions that subsequently call a database change.
The standard procedure is run before the BAdI is called. The results can be changed in the BAdI implementation.
Standard settings
This BAdI is not active in the standard system. In the standard procedure, the system preassigns some of the item data from the header data in the retail promotion. When copying a promotion, selected item data is copied from the reference promotion. The standard sales price is determined in accordance with the settings in Customizing for the promotion type.
You want to preassign the planned sales quantity to a promotion item.
Sample code for BADI - WAKT_BADI_001
method if_ex_wakt_badi_001~interface_promotion_data .
*** SAP implementation ***
  data l_s_wsaf_artmast_rem type wsaf_artmast_rem.
  data l_s_wsaf_promo_delta type wsaf_promo_delta.
  data l_t_wsaf_promo_delta type
                            standard table of wsaf_promo_delta.
  data l_s_d_waled          type waled.
  data l_s_d_wagud          type wagud.
  data l_s_x_waled          type waled.
  data l_s_x_wagud          type wagud.
  data l_s_db_wagu          type wagu.
  data l_werks              type t001w-werks.
  data l_timestampl         type timestampl.
  data l_datum_min          type date.
  data l_datum_max          type date.
  data l_datum_min_1        type date.
  data l_datum_min_2        type date.
  data l_datum_max_1        type date.
  data l_datum_max_2        type date.
* Bei Aufrufen mit Kennzeichen '2' Änderungen an Aktionen
* wird die Delta-Tabelle für Aktionen versorgt ...
  if pi_selkz <> '2'.
* Löschsätze verarbeiten ...
  loop at pi_t_d_waled into l_s_d_waled.
*   .. für die Filiale
    clear l_s_wsaf_promo_delta.
    select single werks from t001w into l_werks
     where kunnr = l_s_d_waled-kunnr.
*   Prüfung ob Artikel an SAF übertragen wurde ..
    select single * from wsaf_artmast_rem into l_s_wsaf_artmast_rem
     where werks = l_werks
       and matnr = l_s_d_waled-artnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
*     Gültigkeitsdatum bestimmen ..
      read table pi_t_d_wagud into l_s_d_wagud
        with key clint = l_s_d_waled-clint.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        l_datum_min_1 = l_s_d_wagud-avkvo.
        l_datum_max_1 = l_s_d_wagud-avkbi.
        l_datum_min_1 = '99999999'.
        l_datum_max_1 = '00000000'.
      read table pi_t_db_wagu into l_s_db_wagu
        with key clint = l_s_d_waled-clint.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        l_datum_min_2 = l_s_db_wagu-avkvo.
        l_datum_max_2 = l_s_db_wagu-avkbi.
        l_datum_min_2 = '99999999'.
        l_datum_max_2 = '00000000'.
      if l_datum_min_1 < l_datum_min_2.
        l_datum_min = l_datum_min_1.
        l_datum_min = l_datum_min_2.
      if l_datum_max_1 > l_datum_max_2.
        l_datum_max = l_datum_max_1.
        l_datum_max = l_datum_max_2.
      get time stamp field l_timestampl.
*     Delta-Satz für Filiale schreiben ..
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-mandt      = sy-mandt.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-werks      = l_werks.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-aktnr      = pi_wakhd-aktnr.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-matnr      = l_s_d_waled-artnr.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-timestampl = l_timestampl.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-aktyp      = pi_wakhd-aktyp.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-validfrom  = l_datum_min.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-validto    = l_datum_max.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-predictval = '0'.
      append l_s_wsaf_promo_delta to l_t_wsaf_promo_delta.
*   .. für das Verteilzentrum
    check not l_s_d_waled-vzwrk is initial.
*   Prüfung ob Artikel an SAF übertragen wurde ..
    select single * from wsaf_artmast_rem into l_s_wsaf_artmast_rem
     where werks = l_s_d_waled-vzwrk
       and matnr = l_s_d_waled-artnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      clear l_s_wsaf_promo_delta.
      get time stamp field l_timestampl.
*     Delta-Satz für Verteilzentrum schreiben ..
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-mandt      = sy-mandt.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-werks      = l_s_d_waled-vzwrk.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-aktnr      = pi_wakhd-aktnr.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-matnr      = l_s_d_waled-artnr.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-timestampl = l_timestampl.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-aktyp      = pi_wakhd-aktyp.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-validfrom  = pi_wakhd-alivo.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-validto    = pi_wakhd-alibi.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-predictval = '0'.
      append l_s_wsaf_promo_delta to l_t_wsaf_promo_delta.
  insert wsaf_promo_delta from table l_t_wsaf_promo_delta[].
* Änderungssätze verarbeiten ...
  loop at pi_t_x_waled into l_s_x_waled.
    check not l_s_x_waled-updkz is initial.
*   .. für die Filiale
    clear l_s_wsaf_promo_delta.
    select single werks from t001w into l_werks
     where kunnr = l_s_x_waled-kunnr.
*   Prüfung ob Artikel an SAF übertragen wurde ..
    select single * from wsaf_artmast_rem into l_s_wsaf_artmast_rem
     where werks = l_werks
       and matnr = l_s_x_waled-artnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
*     Gültigkeitsdatum bestimmen ..
      read table pi_t_x_wagud into l_s_x_wagud
        with key clint = l_s_x_waled-clint.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        l_datum_min_1 = l_s_x_wagud-avkvo.
        l_datum_max_1 = l_s_x_wagud-avkbi.
        l_datum_min_1 = '99999999'.
        l_datum_max_1 = '00000000'.
      read table pi_t_db_wagu into l_s_db_wagu
        with key clint = l_s_x_waled-clint.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        l_datum_min_2 = l_s_db_wagu-avkvo.
        l_datum_max_2 = l_s_db_wagu-avkbi.
        l_datum_min_2 = '99999999'.
        l_datum_max_2 = '00000000'.
      if l_datum_min_1 < l_datum_min_2.
        l_datum_min = l_datum_min_1.
        l_datum_min = l_datum_min_2.
      if l_datum_max_1 > l_datum_max_2.
        l_datum_max = l_datum_max_1.
        l_datum_max = l_datum_max_2.
      get time stamp field l_timestampl.
*     Delta-Satz für Filiale schreiben ..
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-mandt      = sy-mandt.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-werks      = l_werks.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-aktnr      = pi_wakhd-aktnr.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-matnr      = l_s_x_waled-artnr.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-timestampl = l_timestampl.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-aktyp      = pi_wakhd-aktyp.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-validfrom  = l_datum_min.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-validto    = l_datum_max.
      if l_s_x_waled-updkz = 'U'.
        l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-predictval = '0'.
        l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-predictval = '1'.
      append l_s_wsaf_promo_delta to l_t_wsaf_promo_delta.
*   .. für das Verteilzentrum
    check not l_s_x_waled-vzwrk is initial.
*   Prüfung ob Artikel an SAF übertragen wurde ..
    select single * from wsaf_artmast_rem into l_s_wsaf_artmast_rem
     where werks = l_s_x_waled-vzwrk
       and matnr = l_s_x_waled-artnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      clear l_s_wsaf_promo_delta.
      get time stamp field l_timestampl.
*     Delta-Satz für Verteilzentrum schreiben ..
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-mandt      = sy-mandt.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-werks      = l_s_x_waled-vzwrk.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-aktnr      = pi_wakhd-aktnr.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-matnr      = l_s_x_waled-artnr.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-timestampl = l_timestampl.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-aktyp      = pi_wakhd-aktyp.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-validfrom  = pi_wakhd-alivo.
      l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-validto    = pi_wakhd-alibi.
      if l_s_x_waled-updkz = 'U'.
        l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-predictval = '0'.
        l_s_wsaf_promo_delta-predictval = '1'.
      append l_s_wsaf_promo_delta to l_t_wsaf_promo_delta.
  insert wsaf_promo_delta from table l_t_wsaf_promo_delta[].
Hope this will help.
- Atul

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        Please check these BADI's/Enhancement
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    Hi Ravi
    find promotion config doc of IS Retail
    2.3     Retail Promotion
    2.3.1     Number Ranges, Promotions
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Number Ranges, Promotions
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    2.3.2     Promotion Category
    Table     V_TWTY, TWTY, TWTYT
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Promotion Category
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    2.3.3     Promotion Type
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Promotion Type
    Details of the configuration     Following Promotion Types Created
    •     BC01     Barista Promotion Type
    Select entries & click on Magnifying glass icon
    1.     BC01 –
        Promotion - DC Price
        Following Settings Maintained
         Promotion Category = BC01
         Create SP conditions Activated
         Without Calculation – Activated
                 Price Activation Type – 2 (Site Group)
         List Group –A
         List Variant – 02
         Cond Group Purch –
         Cond Type Group SP – BC01
         SP Sales Org –
         SP dis Channel –
         CondType % Discount – KA02
         CondType Abs Discount – KA04
         No Range Int assgt – 01
         No Range ext assgt – AA
         Lead time Purch – 10
         Follow-on time Purch – 02
         Lead Time Listing – 30
         List. Follow Up time – 30
         Announcement Lead Time – 5
         Lead Time Store Gr – 3
         Alloc Table Type – 1000
         Announcement Category – F
         Message Schema – RTBN01
    2.3.4     Promotion Themes
    Table     V_TWAT, TWAT, TWATT
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Promotion Themes
    Details of the configuration     Standard Setttings Made
    2.3.5     Control for Condition Tables for Promotion Discount
    Table     V_TWREB, TWREB
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Control for Condition Tables for Promotion Discount
    Details of the configuration     Settings Made for condition type KA02 & KA04.
    ConditionType     Organization Level     Article Disc Lvl     Table
    KA02     02     01     4
    KA02     02     02     359
    KA02     02     03     359
    KA02     02     04     359
    KA04     02     02     677
    KA04     02     03     677
    KA04     02     04     677
    2.3.6     Promotion Determination in Sales Order Processing
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Promotion Determination in Sales Order Processing
    Details of the configuration     No Settings Made.
    2.3.7     Condition Type Groups For Promotions in Purchasing
    a.     Assign Condition Type/Table to Condition Type Groups
    Table     V_T6B2F, T6B2F, T681A, T6B2, T681B, T6B2T
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Condition Type Groups For Promotions in Purchasing &#61614; Assign Condition Type/Table to Condition Type Groups
    Details of the onfiguration     No Settings made.
    b.     Assign Condition Type Groups and Arrangement Types
    Table     V_T6BM_ZU, T6B1, T6B1T
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Condition Type Groups For Promotions in Purchasing  &#61614; Assign Condition Type Groups and Arrangement Types
    Details of the configuration     No settings maintained
    2.3.8     Condition Type Groups For Promotions In SD
    a.     Define Condition Type Groups for Promotions
    Table     V_T6B2, T6B2, T6B2T
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Condition Type Groups For Promotions In SD &#61614; Define Condition Type Groups for Promotions
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    b.     Assign Condition Type/Table to Condition Type Groups
    Table     V_T6B2, T6B2, T6B2T
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Condition Type Groups For Promotions In SD &#61614; Assign Condition Type/Table to Condition Type Groups
    Details of the configuration     Settings maintained for Condition Type Group 0007
    Cond Typ Grp     Cond Type Grp     Cntr     CnTy     Condition Type     Number     Table
    0007     Promo Conditions 2     10     VKA0     Promo SP        IS-R     6     Price List Type/Currency/Article
    0007     Promo Conditions 2     11     VKA0     Promo SP        IS-R     73     Article per SOrg/DstCh
    0007     Promo Conditions 2     12     VKA0     Promo SP        IS-R     71     Article per Site
    0007     Promo Conditions 2     20     KA03     Promo Discount % 2     71     Article per Site
    0007     Promo Conditions 2     21     KA03     Promo Discount % 2     155     Sales Org./Dist. Channel/Price List/
    Article/Sales Unit
    0007     Promo Conditions 2     22     KA03     Promo Discount % 2     73     Article per SOrg/DstCh
    0007     Promo Conditions 2     30     KA05     Promo Discount MD 2     71     Article per Site
    0007     Promo Conditions 2     31     KA05     Promo Discount MD 2     155     Sales Org./Dist. Channel/Price List
    /Article/Sales Unit
    0007     Promo Conditions 2     32     KA05     Promo Discount MD 2     73     Article per SOrg/DstCh
    c.     Assign Condition Type Groups and Arrangement Types
    Table     V_T6B2, T6B2, T6B2T
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Condition Type Groups For Promotions In SD &#61614; Assign Condition Type Groups and Arrangement Types
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    2.3.9     Message Determination
    a.     Single Messages
    1.     Create Condition Table
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Single Messages &#61614; Create Condition Table
    Details of the configuration     No Settings Maintained
    2.     Change Condition Table
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Single Messages &#61614; Change Condition Table
    Details of the configuration     No Settings Maintained
    3.     Display Condition Table
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Single Messages &#61614; Display Condition Table
    Details of the configuration     No Settings Maintained
    4.     Access Sequence
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Single Messages &#61614; Access Sequence
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    5.     Message Type
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Single Messages &#61614; Message Type
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    6.     Message Schema
    Table     V_T683S_XX, T683S, T683T
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Single Messages &#61614; Message Schema
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    Select entry & click on Control Data
    7.     Assign Schema to Document Type
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Single Messages &#61614; Assign Schema to Document Type
    Details of the configuration     No Settings Maintained
    8.     Assign Program/Form to Message Types
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Single Messages &#61614; Assign Program/Form to Message Types
    Details of the configuration     No Settings Maintained
    9.     Requirements for Message Types
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Single Messages &#61614; Requirements for Message Types
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    b.     Group Messages
    1.     Number Ranges, Group Message
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Group Messages &#61614; Number Ranges, Group Message
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    2.     Message Type
    Table     VN_T685B, T685, T685B, T685T, T682, T682T, TCSTR, TCSTRT, T681Z, T681A, T681B
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Group Messages &#61614; Message Type
    Details of the configuration     Standard Settings Maintained
    3.     Assign Program/Form to Message Types
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Message Determination &#61614; Group Messages &#61614; Assign Program/Form to Message Types
    Details of the configuration     No Settings Maintained
    2.3.10     Business Add-In for Promotion
    Transaction Code     SPRO
    Menu Path     IMG &#61614; Logistics - General &#61614; Retail Promotion&#61614; Business Add-In for Promotion
    Details of the configuration     No Settings Maintained
    Amit Shivhare
    PS Reward Point
    Edited by: Amit Shivhare on Mar 10, 2008 3:44 PM

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    I bought my configured Macbook Pro through our school's .edu store site and I received the stated promo discount AND the $100 Mac App Store card at online checkout.

  • Promotional Bundle Discount - Disappointing Customer Service for the first time ever

    I'm a long time Comcast customer currently on a triple bundle package.   My promo discount ended and typically I can call; talk to a knowledgeable rep; and find a comparable bundle to keep my rate under $200 a month (tv, internet, phone that I use for business calls).   Last week I got a "sassy" rep who was anything but helpful;  reading off scripted cards; insisting that she was doing a good job and had satisfactorily helped me.  I kept telling her no...I wasn't happy hearing there was NO promo available to me via the phone but I should try going to the website...well, I've spent another hour online trying to find alternatives with no luck.    After reading some forum posts, I'm convinced there is NO site on comcast that offers any promo bundles for existing cusotmers that want to lower their bills.  I do not need all the channels that my current plan has, but apparently if I change some things, comcast will get me for additional equipment costs so I'm sort of screwed unless we just drop everything and switch things up....I do hope someone from Comcast reaches out to help before you lose me as a customer...... 

    I must have talked to the same rude customer service girl as you did. I was also trying to get a reduction in my bill and her response was to give back the modem that I rent and that would take $10.00 off my bill. For the last month I have had nothing but poor wifi service, having to call almost every day and have my modem reset. Well I hooked up this new modem that also includes the router on Saturday, what a nightmare that was. For more than 24 hours now my wifi has been intermittent at best. I called earlier and spent a good hour on the phone being transferred multiple times and each time having to repeat the same stuff over and over again! I have been with Comcast for more than 15 years and I think it's time for a change, tomorrow I am calling AT&T !!!

  • About promo

    Thanks i cosmas frm nigeria i want to is realy a nokia promo because i recevie a txs mesage telling me i won much money last mouth,and ask me to call their uk line thanks

    Did you purchase the Mac AT the store or through an online link (like I did)? 
    I bought my configured Macbook Pro through our school's .edu store site and I received the stated promo discount AND the $100 Mac App Store card at online checkout.

  • Promotion Number in Sales Order

    Hi all,
    I am using SAP Retail.
    I create Sales Promotion (WAK1) and assign "SP Condition" KA02 - Promo Discount % into this promotion.
    However, when I create sales order (VA01), the promotion number is not determined by the system but the condition KA02 is granted in the pricing procedure.
    Compared with the Sales Promotion (WAK1) created for sales price promotion (VKA1). The promotion number and sales price promotion can be determined correctly in sales order.
    Could you please help to clarify whether the standard SAP can determine promotion number in this case?
    Thank you very much in advance.

    Hi selva
    1)Check in Change Promotion T.code - WAK2
    in the item level   Promotion announcement category(Ann column) - set indicator as F     Promotion announcement
    2)Check sales periods dates - Sales order from to TO it should be valid date
    if not works, reply me i will give some more solutions

  • POS Currency

    I am having a query with regards to POS.
    We are Implimenting IS Retail and SAP POS
    I need an option for Omani Riyals which has three decimal points.
    Our people did some configuration and there were three decimal places shown.
    But there are calculation errors when we process sale of more than one items and also discounts...
    Is there a way I could configure three decimal places at my cash counters without errors?
    Jacob Sam Paul.

    You can try with the workarounds on the integration front to achieve three decimals but the ideal solution is to raise the change request to SAP for this
    The reason being is it is not only the sales price which is getting affected but also it has dependencies on functionalities like Returns, mix match, promo, discounts,price override, lay aways etc
    Hope this helps
    Suhail Shaik
    SAP POS/EPOS Consultant
    SAP India
    NB. yes he is my friend

  • Best Buy DOES need to address all the negative issues with Citibank!

    Hi, I've read all the negative posts about Citibank.
    I have been a loyal customer of Best Buy for quite some time and have purchased products from washing machines to electric guitars.
    I have my own story:
    I've had nothing but issues with them since Best Buy went to them.  The last 5 bills I've received have been all messed up.  Each time it's been for at least 2 hours.  I never had problems until the switch to Citibank. 
    I have several deferred interest purchases.  I've taken each of those, divided them by the number of months the contract is for, thus determining how much to pay each month to pay them off by the expiration date.  Citibank has screwed them up every month. Distributing them differently than I had requested.  One time in "fixing" their mistake, they "mistakenly" added an additional charge of $130 to my account!  In reversing that they screwed up other distributions. That's why I've been on the phone with them so long each time.  Some of them they still haven't fixed. 
    One six month account isn't due to expire until 9/16/2014, but the way they are applying the distributions it will be paid off 6/15/2014.  A full 3 months before it is due.  It obviously saves them having that receivable for 3 months.
    Most of the customer Service reps have tried to be helpful but some of the time it is them that do the screw-ups.  When I ask to speak to a Supervisor they are usually not helpful or rude.  I was talking to one and he wasn't answering my questions, I challenged him and found out he wasn't even listening!  Sometimes they say "it was a change that didn't get into the computer right". I've spent my entire career in the computer industry (Retail chains, Discount Chains, Accounts Receivables, and Bank Systems)  You NEVER release a change until it has been completely tested.  Apparently they have someone totally incompetent that department.
    They apparently started a new policy 2 months ago that applied your minimum payment to the your revolving balance (non-promotional) first, if you only had Promotional balances it was applied to the one that would expire first.  Again, it's a way for the bank to relieve Receivables earlier than they should. To their benefit.
    I don't understand why so many of the Moderators and other responders have to be so rude and condescending to the people in this forum.  All we hear is this Mantra that Best Buy has nothing to do with the credit card. Yet, the Logo on the statement says "MY BEST BUY CREDIT CARD".  When you pay by mail the payment stub "Make checks payable to "BEST BUY CREDIT SERVICES".  When you call they answer "BEST BUY CREDIT SERVICES".  And you wonder why people think Best Buy owns the credit cards?
    You are correct that Citibank owns the credit cards and processes them.  But some Executive at Best Buy initiated having Citibank do this.  You talk about it's just a marketing thing to have Best Buy's name on everything.  Well I'll tell you. with all the complaints I've read here and horror stories that I have personally heard from customers, it is a very NEGATIVE marketing thing.
    Most of the customer Service reps have tried to be helpful but some of the time it is them that do the screw-ups.  When I ask to speak to a Supervisor they are usually not helpful or rude.  I was talking to one and he wasn't answering my questions, I challenged him and found out he wasn't even listening!  Sometimes they say "it was a change that didn't get into the computer right". I've spent my entire career in the computer industry (Retail chains, Discount Chains, Accounts Receivables, and Bank Systems.)  You NEVER release a change until it has been completely tested.  Apparently they have someone totally incompetent in that department.
    They apparently started a new policy 2 months ago that applied your minimum payment to your revolving balance (non-promotional) first, if you only had Promotional balances it was applied to the one that would expire first.  Again, it's a way for the bank to relieve Receivables earlier than they should. To their benefit.
    I also noticed that one of the Moderators posted a response to several complaints about no more 18 month deferred purchases that it was Citibank that discontinued them.  It seems to be a very popular "marketing thing" for Best Buy also.  Why keep a bank that dictates "marketing things" to your company?
    Have any of these many complaints been brought to the attention of Best Buy Management?  Do they even know about them?  If they have, then I would think they would be concerned enough to re-think their decision on a Bank Card Processor.
    Many have said they will quit buying from Best Buy.  I will not.  I like the stores, their merchandise and staff.  But I have serious concern that if this problem is not addressed thier may nit be a Best Buy to shop at in the future.
    For that reason I am sending a letter to the CEO and CFO regarding this.
    I would suggest each person that has complained dothe same.  Since the Moderators blocked out the executive's names on one of the posts, you can go to Best main page at thew bottom under "Corporate Info/About Best Buy/About Best Buy (yellow Tab)/Executive Team  and you will find their names.  The Corporate address is one one of the posts in here.  The one the they deleted the names from.  Maybe all of our voices will be heard.
    P.S. - Check back to see if I'm blocked or this post is closed or deleted.  If so, another thing to comment to the Executives about...
    Best Regards Everybody!

    Hello GJT,
    Welcome to the forum, and thank you for being a loyal Best Buy customer! I'm very sorry to read of all the troubles you've been having with your My Best Buy credit card account. 
    If you made a purchase using one of our interest free financing offers, to avoid paying the interest, you would need to ensure you were making the minimum monthly payments and paid the full balance by the end of the financing term. For future reference, the promotion expiration will not be the same as the payment due date. The expiration is determined from the date of the purchase. This date would have been clearly marked on each of your billing statements.
    If you did make other purchases during the financing period, the payments would have been applied to the account according to the credit card laws as the others have mentioned. It is my understanding that any payments made to the account would first be applied to all minimum payments due for purchases on the account. Next, it would be applied to purchases that have interest charges due. Lastly, if funds remain from the payment, they will be applied to purchases with the financing promotions, in the order they are set to expire.
    As you may be aware, Citibank, N.A. is the issuer of your My Best Buy credit card account. Due to this, we have no influence, or access to their accounts or policies.  It is however, my goal to assist our valued customers as best as I can; therefore, I will be reaching out to Citibank on your behalf to look into your concerns. and they should be reaching out to you directly within the next 3-5 business days to discuss this further. If you do not hear from them within this timeframe please let me know.
    Thank you for posting your feedback here on the forum, and please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. 
    Maria|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Tax Problem in pricing procedure

    I define the pricing procedure to sell material.
    In the pricing procedure:
    1- First I define sales price
    2- Discount (condition subtotal = A)
    3- and Output Tax / subtotal (condition subtotal = 2)
    but when create sales order, system only calculate the sales price, and it did not calculate discount and Tax in the net value.
    I want to know that Is it some configuration remained that I forgot?

    Hi Lida,
    There is nothing wrong with your procedure, nor with your calculation. It's just that on the basis of Price, discounts and rebates you calculate Net Price and on the basis of Net Price and Tax you calculate Total Price.
    For Ex :
         ZPR0     Price- Test     1,500.00      INR     1     EA     1,500.00
         Gross Value     1,500.00      INR     1     EA     1,500.00
    ZTK3     Promo Discount % 3-T     3.000-     %                    45.00-
         Discount Amount     45.00-     INR     1     EA     45.00-
         Rebate Basis     1,455.00      INR     1     EA     1,455.00
         Net Value for Item     1,455.00      INR     1     EA     1,455.00
         Net Value 2     1,455.00      INR     1     EA     1,455.00
         Net Value 3     1,455.00      INR     1     EA     1,455.00
    ZZWR     Down Pay./Settlement     0.00      INR                    0.00
    ZTST     Output Tax-Test     2.000      %                    29.10
         Total     1,484.10      INR     1     EA     1,484.10
    SKTO     Cash Discount     0.000      %                    0.00
    VPRS     Internal price     980.00      INR     1     KG     980.00
         Profit Margin     475.00      INR     1     EA     475.00

  • Needs Help in Backorder Report!

    Good day to everyone.
    I would like to ask for help in checking the Backorder Report below. The user requirement is to include the plant field in the Report. Though I already included the plant field, the program encounters ABAP runtime upon execution. Please help me correct the errors that is being encountered.
    Thank you very much.
    REPORT zsdr_out_of_stock  LINE-SIZE  380
    TABLES:  mara,
    Start of Internal tables for Out of Stock
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_total_out_stock1 OCCURS 0,
            fkdat  LIKE vbrk-fkdat,         "Billing Date
            bukrs  LIKE vbrk-bukrs,         "Company
            knumv  LIKE vbrk-knumv,         "No of the document condition
            vbeln  LIKE vbrp-vbeln,         "Billing Doc
            posnr  LIKE vbrp-posnr,         "Item
            aubel  LIKE vbrp-aubel,         "Sales Order
            aupos  LIKE vbrp-aupos,         "Sales Item
            matnr  LIKE vbrp-matnr,         "Material No.
            fkimg  TYPE p DECIMALS 2,       "Billed Quantity
            auart  LIKE vbak-auart,
            kunnr  LIKE vbak-kunnr,
            vkbur  LIKE vbak-vkbur,           "Sales office
            vkorg  LIKE vbak-vkorg,           "Sales organization
            vkgrp  LIKE vbak-vkgrp,           "Sales group
            zcusno LIKE zcust-zcusno,
            zregion LIKE zcust-zregion,
          END OF it_total_out_stock1.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_total_out_stock2 OCCURS 0,
            vbeln   LIKE vbak-vbeln,
            auart   LIKE vbak-auart,
            kunnr   LIKE vbak-kunnr,
            vkbur   LIKE vbak-vkbur,           "Sales office
            vkorg   LIKE vbak-vkorg,           "Sales organization
            vkgrp   LIKE vbak-vkgrp,           "Sales group
            zcusno  LIKE zcust-zcusno,
            zregion LIKE zcust-zregion,
          END OF it_total_out_stock2.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_vbap OCCURS 0,
              vbeln  LIKE vbap-vbeln,
              posnr  LIKE vbap-posnr,
              werks  LIKE vbap-werks,
              matnr  LIKE vbap-matnr,
              netwr  LIKE vbap-netwr,
              kwmeng LIKE vbap-kwmeng,
              bukrs_vf LIKE vbak-bukrs_vf,
              knumv  LIKE vbak-knumv,
              kunnr  LIKE vbak-kunnr,
              vkbur   LIKE vbak-vkbur,           "Sales office
              vkorg   LIKE vbak-vkorg,           "Sales organization
              vkgrp   LIKE vbak-vkgrp,           "Sales group
          END OF it_vbap.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_vbap_stock OCCURS 0,
              vbeln  LIKE vbap-vbeln,
              posnr  LIKE vbap-posnr,
              werks  LIKE vbap-werks,
              matnr  LIKE vbap-matnr,
              netwr  LIKE vbap-netwr,
              kwmeng TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
              bukrs_vf LIKE vbak-bukrs_vf,
              knumv   LIKE vbak-knumv,
              kunnr   LIKE vbak-kunnr,
              vkbur   LIKE vbak-vkbur,           "Sales office
              vkorg   LIKE vbak-vkorg,           "Sales organization
              vkgrp   LIKE vbak-vkgrp,           "Sales group
          END OF it_vbap_stock.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_out_stock OCCURS 0,
              vbeln LIKE vbap-vbeln,
              posnr LIKE vbap-posnr,
              werks LIKE vbap-werks,
              matnr LIKE vbap-matnr,
              netwr LIKE vbap-netwr,
              knumv LIKE vbak-knumv,
              bukrs_vf LIKE vbak-bukrs_vf,
              kunnr   LIKE vbak-kunnr,
              vkbur   LIKE vbak-vkbur,           "Sales office
              vkorg   LIKE vbak-vkorg,           "Sales organization
              vkgrp   LIKE vbak-vkgrp,           "Sales group
              fkimg   TYPE p DECIMALS 2,         "Billed Quantity
              kwmeng LIKE vbap-kwmeng,
              counter TYPE i,
          END OF it_out_stock.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_mara_totals_stock OCCURS 0,
            matnr LIKE mara-matnr,
            matkl LIKE mara-matkl,
            spart LIKE mara-spart,
          END OF it_mara_totals_stock.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_tspat_totals_stock OCCURS 0,
            spart LIKE tspat-spart,
            vtext LIKE tspat-vtext,
          END OF it_tspat_totals_stock.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_t023t_totals_stock OCCURS 0,
            matkl  LIKE t023t-matkl,
            wgbez  LIKE t023t-wgbez,
          END OF it_t023t_totals_stock.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_konv_totals_stock OCCURS 0,
            knumv LIKE konv-knumv,
            kposn LIKE konv-kposn,
            kschl LIKE konv-kschl,
            kawrt LIKE konv-kawrt,
            kwert LIKE konv-kwert,
            kbetr LIKE konv-kbetr,
          END OF it_konv_totals_stock.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_total_stock_final OCCURS 0,
            cnt1   TYPE i,
            cnt2   TYPE i,                  "DPM Category
            werks  LIKE vbap-werks,         "Plant
            spart  LIKE mara-spart,         "Division Description
            matkl  LIKE mara-matkl,         "Material Type
            vbeln  LIKE vbrk-vbeln,         "Billing Doc
            aubel  LIKE vbrp-aubel,         "Sales document
            aupos  LIKE vbrp-aupos,         "Sales document item
            vkbur  LIKE vbak-vkbur,         "Sales office
            vkorg  LIKE vbak-vkorg,         "Sales organization
            vkgrp  LIKE vbak-vkgrp,         "Sales group
            kunnr  LIKE vbak-kunnr,         "Customer
            matnr  LIKE vbrp-matnr,         "Material
            vtext  LIKE tspat-vtext,        "Material Group Desc
            kbetr1 LIKE konv-kbetr,
            kbetr2 LIKE konv-kbetr,
            kawrt  LIKE konv-kawrt,         "Condition Rate
            kwert1 LIKE konv-kwert,         "Volume Discount
            kwert2 LIKE konv-kwert,         "Promo Discount
            fkimg  TYPE p DECIMALS 2,       "Billed Quantity
            kwmeng LIKE vbap-kwmeng,
            counter TYPE i,
         END OF it_total_stock_final.
    Start of Internal tables for Held
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_total_held1 OCCURS 0,
            erdat     LIKE vbak-erdat,
            bukrs_vf  LIKE vbak-bukrs_vf,
            knumv     LIKE vbak-knumv,
            kunnr     LIKE vbak-kunnr,
            werks     LIKE vbap-werks,           "Plant
            vkbur     LIKE vbak-vkbur,           "Sales office
            vkorg     LIKE vbak-vkorg,           "Sales organization
            vkgrp     LIKE vbak-vkgrp,           "Sales group
            vbeln     LIKE vbap-vbeln,
            posnr     LIKE vbap-posnr,
            matnr     LIKE vbap-matnr,
            kwmeng    LIKE vbap-kwmeng,         "Order Quantity
            cmgst     LIKE vbuk-cmgst,
          END OF it_total_held1.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_total_held2 OCCURS 0,
            zcusno    LIKE zcust-zcusno,
            zregion   LIKE zcust-zregion,
          END OF it_total_held2.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_mara_totals_held OCCURS 0,
            matnr LIKE mara-matnr,
            matkl LIKE mara-matkl,
            spart LIKE mara-spart,
          END OF it_mara_totals_held.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_tspat_totals_held OCCURS 0,
            spart LIKE tspat-spart,
            vtext LIKE tspat-vtext,
          END OF it_tspat_totals_held.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_t023t_totals_held OCCURS 0,
            matkl  LIKE t023t-matkl,
            wgbez  LIKE t023t-wgbez,
          END OF it_t023t_totals_held.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_konv_totals_held OCCURS 0,
            knumv LIKE konv-knumv,
            kposn LIKE konv-kposn,
            kschl LIKE konv-kschl,
            kawrt LIKE konv-kawrt,
            kwert LIKE konv-kwert,
          END OF it_konv_totals_held.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_total_held_final OCCURS 0,
            cnt1   TYPE i,
            cnt2   TYPE i,                  "DPM Category
            werks  LIKE vbap-werks,         "Plant
            spart  LIKE mara-spart,         "Division Description
            matkl  LIKE mara-matkl,         "Material Type
            vbeln  LIKE vbrk-vbeln,         "Billing Doc
            aubel  LIKE vbrp-aubel,         "Sales document
            aupos  LIKE vbrp-aupos,         "Sales document item
            erdat  LIKE vbak-erdat,
            vkbur  LIKE vbak-vkbur,         "Sales office
            vkorg  LIKE vbak-vkorg,         "Sales organization
            vkgrp  LIKE vbak-vkgrp,         "Sales group
            kunnr  LIKE vbak-kunnr,         "Customer
            matnr  LIKE vbrp-matnr,         "Material
            vtext  LIKE tspat-vtext,        "Material Group Desc
            kwmeng LIKE vbap-kwmeng,        "Order Quantity
            kawrt  LIKE konv-kawrt,         "Condition Rate
            kwert1 LIKE konv-kwert,         "Volume Discount
            kwert2 LIKE konv-kwert,         "Promo Discount
         END OF it_total_held_final.
    End of Internal tables for Held
    DATA: l_quantity LIKE vbap-kwmeng.
    DATA: g_div(20),      "Division
          g_mat(20),      "Material Group
          v_net_value TYPE p DECIMALS 2.
    Constants are named data objects that you create statically using
    a declarative statement. They allow you to store data under a
    particular name within the memory area of a program.
    The value of a constant cannot be changed during the execution of
    the program.
    CONSTANTS: header01(10)    TYPE c VALUE 'Invoice #',
               header02(06)    TYPE c VALUE 'Item',
               header03(10)    TYPE c VALUE 'Sales Doc.',
               header04(03)    TYPE c VALUE 'Div',
               header05(20)    TYPE c VALUE 'Division Desc',
               header06(10)    TYPE c VALUE 'Customer #',
               header07(35)    TYPE c VALUE 'Customer Name',
               header08(18)    TYPE c VALUE 'Material No.',
               header09(40)    TYPE c VALUE 'Material Text',
               header10(09)    TYPE c VALUE 'MType',
               header11(20)    TYPE c VALUE 'Material Grp Desc',
               header12(20)    TYPE c VALUE 'Condition Rate',
               header13(20)    TYPE c VALUE 'Vol Discount',
               header14(20)    TYPE c VALUE 'Promo Discount',
               header15(12)    TYPE c VALUE 'Date Created',
               header16(12)    TYPE c VALUE 'Invoice Date',
               header17(20)    TYPE c VALUE 'Net Value',
               header18(12)    TYPE c VALUE 'Sales office',
               header19(10)    TYPE c VALUE 'Sales Org',
               header20(10)    TYPE c VALUE 'Sales Grp',
               header21(20)    TYPE c VALUE 'Quantity',
               header22(04)    TYPE c VALUE 'Plnt'.
    End of Internal tables for Out of Stock
    Start of selection screen criteria
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_zreg  FOR zcust-zregion,               "Region
                    s_matkl FOR mara-matkl,                  "Material Group
                    s_spart FOR mara-spart,                  "Division
                    s_vkorg FOR vbak-vkorg,                  "Sales Org
                    s_vkbur FOR vbak-vkbur,                  "Sales Office
                    s_class FOR zcust-zaclass.               "Account Class
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_curr  FOR vbrk-fkdat OBLIGATORY.       "Date
    Start of Selection
      IF p0 = 'X'.
    ****Get the Out of Stock
        PERFORM out_stock.
        PERFORM write_report.
      ELSEIF p1 = 'X'.
        PERFORM held_order.
        PERFORM write_report1.
    *&      Form  out_stock
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM out_stock.
      DATA: l_cnt1 TYPE i,
            l_cnt2 TYPE i,
            l_spart LIKE mara-spart,
            l_matkl LIKE mara-matkl,
            l_text  LIKE tspat-vtext,
            l_amount TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
            l_aupos LIKE vbrp-aupos,
            l_aubel LIKE vbrp-aubel.
      SELECT vbrk~fkdat
             vbak~vkbur           "Sales office
             vbak~vkorg           "Sales organization
             vbak~vkgrp           "Sales group
             INTO TABLE it_total_out_stock1
             FROM vbrk
             INNER JOIN vbrp
             ON vbrkvbeln = vbrpvbeln
             INNER JOIN vbak
             ON vbrpaubel = vbakvbeln
             INNER JOIN zcust
             ON vbakkunnr = zcustzcusno
             WHERE vbrk~fkdat IN s_curr
               AND vbrp~matkl IN s_matkl
               AND vbrp~spart IN s_spart
               AND vbak~auart IN ('ZDOA', 'ZDTO', 'ZQOA', 'ZDTA', 'ZQTO')
               AND zcust~zregion IN s_zreg
               AND zcust~zaclass IN s_class
               AND vbak~vkorg IN s_vkorg
               AND vbak~vkbur IN s_vkbur
               AND vbak~bukrs_vf IN ('5116', '5106')
               AND vbak~vkbur <> '5100'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        IF NOT it_total_out_stock1[] IS INITIAL.
    ***Check if the Order is Out of Stock compare to billing invoice
          SELECT vbap~vbeln
                 vbak~vkbur           "Sales office
                 vbak~vkorg           "Sales organization
                 vbak~vkgrp           "Sales group
                 INTO TABLE it_vbap
                 FROM vbap
                 INNER JOIN vbak
                 ON vbapvbeln = vbakvbeln
                 FOR ALL entries IN it_total_out_stock1
                 WHERE vbap~vbeln = it_total_out_stock1-aubel
                   AND vbap~posnr <> it_total_out_stock1-aupos
                   AND vbak~auart IN ('ZDOA', 'ZDTO', 'ZQOA',
                                  'ZDTA', 'ZQTO')
                   AND vbak~vkorg IN s_vkorg
                   AND vbak~vkbur IN s_vkbur
                   AND vbap~matkl IN s_matkl
                   AND vbap~spart IN s_spart.
    ***Check if the Order is Out of Stock by Quantity
          SELECT vbap~vbeln
                 vbak~vkbur           "Sales office
                 vbak~vkorg           "Sales organization
                 vbak~vkgrp           "Sales group
                 INTO TABLE it_vbap_stock
                 FROM vbap
                 INNER JOIN vbak
                 ON vbapvbeln = vbakvbeln
                  FOR ALL entries IN it_total_out_stock1
                   WHERE vbap~posnr = it_total_out_stock1-aupos
                     AND vbap~vbeln = it_total_out_stock1-aubel
                     AND vbap~kwmeng NE it_total_out_stock1-fkimg
                     AND vbak~auart IN ('ZDOA', 'ZDTO', 'ZQOA',
                                        'ZDTA', 'ZQTO')
                     AND vbak~vkorg IN s_vkorg
                     AND vbak~vkbur IN s_vkbur
                     AND vbap~matkl IN s_matkl
                     AND vbap~spart IN s_spart.
        IF NOT it_vbap[] IS INITIAL.
          SORT it_vbap BY vbeln posnr.
          SORT it_total_out_stock1 BY aubel aupos.
          LOOP AT it_vbap.
            READ TABLE it_total_out_stock1
              WITH KEY aubel = it_vbap-vbeln
                       aupos = it_vbap-posnr.
            IF sy-subrc NE 0.
              it_out_stock-vbeln    = it_vbap-vbeln.
              it_out_stock-posnr    = it_vbap-posnr.
              it_out_stock-matnr    = it_vbap-matnr.
              it_out_stock-netwr    = it_vbap-netwr.
              it_out_stock-knumv    = it_vbap-knumv.
              it_out_stock-bukrs_vf = it_vbap-bukrs_vf.
              it_out_stock-kunnr    = it_vbap-kunnr.
              it_out_stock-werks    = it_vbap-werks.
              it_out_stock-vkbur    = it_vbap-vkbur.  "Sales office
              it_out_stock-vkorg    = it_vbap-vkorg.  "Sales organization
              it_out_stock-vkgrp    = it_vbap-vkgrp.  "Sales group
              it_out_stock-kwmeng   = it_vbap-kwmeng.
              APPEND it_out_stock.
        IF NOT it_vbap_stock[] IS INITIAL.
          SORT it_vbap_stock BY vbeln posnr.
          SORT it_total_out_stock1 BY aubel aupos.
          LOOP AT it_vbap_stock.
            LOOP AT it_total_out_stock1 WHERE aubel = it_vbap_stock-vbeln
                                         AND  aupos = it_vbap_stock-posnr
                                         AND  fkimg NE it_vbap_stock-kwmeng.
              it_out_stock-vbeln    = it_vbap_stock-vbeln.
              it_out_stock-posnr    = it_vbap_stock-posnr.
              it_out_stock-matnr    = it_vbap_stock-matnr.
              it_out_stock-netwr    = it_vbap_stock-netwr.
              it_out_stock-knumv    = it_vbap_stock-knumv.
              it_out_stock-bukrs_vf = it_vbap_stock-bukrs_vf.
              it_out_stock-kunnr    = it_vbap_stock-kunnr.
              it_out_stock-werks    = it_vbap_stock-werks.
              it_out_stock-vkbur    = it_vbap_stock-vkbur.  "Sales office
              it_out_stock-vkorg    = it_vbap_stock-vkorg.  "Sales org
              it_out_stock-vkgrp    = it_vbap_stock-vkgrp.  "Sales group
    ****Begin Insert by Ron
              it_out_stock-kwmeng   = it_vbap_stock-kwmeng.
              it_out_stock-fkimg    = it_total_out_stock1-fkimg.
              it_out_stock-counter  = 1.
    ****End Insert
              APPEND it_out_stock.
      ENDIF.      "it_total_out_stock1
      IF NOT it_out_stock[] IS INITIAL.
    ***get the value of material and material group
        SELECT matnr
               INTO TABLE it_mara_totals_stock
               FROM mara
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_out_stock
               WHERE matnr = it_out_stock-matnr.
    ***Get the Value of Division Description
      IF NOT it_mara_totals_stock[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT spart
               INTO TABLE it_tspat_totals_stock
               FROM tspat
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_mara_totals_stock
               WHERE spart = it_mara_totals_stock-spart AND
                     spras = sy-langu.
    ***Get the Material Group Description
      IF NOT it_mara_totals_stock[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT matkl
               INTO TABLE it_t023t_totals_stock
               FROM t023t
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_mara_totals_stock
                WHERE matkl = it_mara_totals_stock-matkl AND
                      spras = sy-langu.
    ***Get the Value of Condition Type
      IF NOT it_out_stock[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT knumv
               INTO TABLE it_konv_totals_stock
               FROM konv
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_out_stock
                WHERE knumv = it_out_stock-knumv
                  AND kposn = it_out_stock-posnr
                  AND kschl IN ('ZQPR', 'ZQD3', 'ZQP3',
                                'ZDPR', 'ZDD3', 'ZDP3').
      SORT it_out_stock          BY vbeln posnr.
      SORT it_mara_totals_stock  BY matnr.
      SORT it_tspat_totals_stock BY spart.
      SORT it_t023t_totals_stock BY matkl.
      SORT it_konv_totals_stock  BY knumv kposn.
      LOOP AT it_out_stock.
        CLEAR: it_total_stock_final-kawrt,  it_total_stock_final-kwert1,
               it_total_stock_final-kwert2, it_total_stock_final-vtext,
               it_total_stock_final-matkl,  it_total_stock_final-spart,
               it_total_stock_final-aubel,  it_total_stock_final-aupos,
               it_total_stock_final-cnt1,   it_total_stock_final-cnt2.
    ***Begin Insert by RONCR
        CLEAR: it_total_stock_final-kwmeng, it_total_stock_final-fkimg,
    ***End Insert by RONCR
        CLEAR: it_mara_totals_stock, it_tspat_totals_stock,
               it_t023t_totals_stock, it_konv_totals_stock,
               l_cnt1, l_cnt2.
    **Counter for Total Orders Column
        l_cnt1 = 4.
        READ TABLE it_mara_totals_stock
            WITH KEY matnr = it_out_stock-matnr.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          it_total_stock_final-matnr = it_mara_totals_stock-matnr.
          it_total_stock_final-matkl = it_mara_totals_stock-matkl.
          it_total_stock_final-spart = it_mara_totals_stock-spart.
          IF it_total_stock_final-matkl EQ 'DPM' OR
             it_total_stock_final-matkl EQ 'SSN'.
            READ TABLE it_tspat_totals_stock
             WITH KEY spart = it_mara_totals_stock-spart.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              it_total_stock_final-vtext  = it_tspat_totals_stock-vtext.
    ***Non Dole
            READ TABLE it_t023t_totals_stock
             WITH KEY matkl = it_mara_totals_stock-matkl.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              it_total_stock_final-vtext  = it_t023t_totals_stock-wgbez.
        IF it_total_stock_final-matkl = 'DPM' OR
           it_total_stock_final-matkl = 'SSN'.
          l_cnt2 = 1.
          l_cnt2 = 2.
    ***Condition Value for Comapny Code 5116
        IF it_out_stock-bukrs_vf EQ '5116'.
          READ TABLE it_konv_totals_stock
            WITH KEY knumv = it_out_stock-knumv
                     kposn = it_out_stock-posnr
                     kschl = 'ZQPR'.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            it_total_stock_final-kawrt = it_konv_totals_stock-kawrt.
          READ TABLE it_konv_totals_stock
            WITH KEY knumv = it_out_stock-knumv
                     kposn = it_out_stock-posnr
                     kschl = 'ZQD3'.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            it_konv_totals_stock-kwert = it_konv_totals_stock-kwert * -1.
            it_total_stock_final-kwert1 = it_konv_totals_stock-kwert.
            it_total_stock_final-kbetr1 = it_konv_totals_stock-kbetr.
            it_total_stock_final-kbetr1 = it_total_stock_final-kbetr1 * -1.
          READ TABLE it_konv_totals_stock
            WITH KEY knumv = it_out_stock-knumv
                     kposn = it_out_stock-posnr
                     kschl = 'ZQP3'.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            it_konv_totals_stock-kwert = it_konv_totals_stock-kwert * -1.
            it_total_stock_final-kwert2 = it_konv_totals_stock-kwert.
            it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 = it_konv_totals_stock-kbetr.
            it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 = it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 * -1.
    ***Condition Value for Company Code 5106
        IF it_out_stock-bukrs_vf EQ '5106'.
          READ TABLE it_konv_totals_stock
            WITH KEY knumv = it_out_stock-knumv
                     kposn = it_out_stock-posnr
                     kschl = 'ZDPR'.      "Base price
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            it_total_stock_final-kawrt = it_konv_totals_stock-kawrt.
          READ TABLE it_konv_totals_stock
            WITH KEY knumv = it_out_stock-knumv
                     kposn = it_out_stock-posnr
                     kschl = 'ZDD3'.      "Volume Discount
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            it_konv_totals_stock-kwert = it_konv_totals_stock-kwert * -1.
            it_total_stock_final-kwert1 = it_konv_totals_stock-kwert.
            it_total_stock_final-kbetr1 = it_konv_totals_stock-kbetr.
            it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 = it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 * -1.
          READ TABLE it_konv_totals_stock
            WITH KEY knumv = it_out_stock-knumv
                     kposn = it_out_stock-posnr
                     kschl = 'ZDP3'.      "Promo Discount
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            it_konv_totals_stock-kwert = it_konv_totals_stock-kwert * -1.
            it_total_stock_final-kwert2 = it_konv_totals_stock-kwert.
            it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 = it_konv_totals_stock-kbetr.
            it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 = it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 * -1.
        it_total_stock_final-cnt1  = l_cnt1.
        it_total_stock_final-cnt2  = l_cnt2.
        it_total_stock_final-aubel = it_out_stock-vbeln.
        it_total_stock_final-aupos = it_out_stock-posnr.
        it_total_stock_final-kunnr = it_out_stock-kunnr.
        it_total_stock_final-werks = it_out_stock-werks.
        it_total_stock_final-vkbur = it_out_stock-vkbur.  "Sales office
        it_total_stock_final-vkorg = it_out_stock-vkorg.  "Sales org
        it_total_stock_final-vkgrp = it_out_stock-vkgrp.  "Sales group
    ***Begin Insert by RONCR
        it_total_stock_final-kwmeng = it_out_stock-kwmeng.
        it_total_stock_final-fkimg = it_out_stock-fkimg.
        it_total_stock_final-counter = it_out_stock-counter.
    **End of Insert by RONCR
        APPEND it_total_stock_final.
    ENDFORM.                    " out_stock
    *&      Form  write_report
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM write_report.
      ULINE (360).
      WRITE: / sy-vline, header01,
            12 sy-vline, header02,
            19 sy-vline, header03,
            30 sy-vline, header04,
            35 sy-vline, header05,
            55 sy-vline, header18,
            75 sy-vline, header19,
            87 sy-vline, header20,
           100 sy-vline, header06,
           112 sy-vline, header07,
           150 sy-vline, header08,
           170 sy-vline, header09,
           215 sy-vline, header10,
           225 sy-vline, header11,
           247 sy-vline, header21,
           271 sy-vline, header12,
           293 sy-vline, header13,
           315 sy-vline, header14,
           337 sy-vline, header17,
           360 sy-vline, header22,
           363 sy-vline.
      ULINE (360).
      SORT it_total_stock_final BY cnt2 cnt1 spart aubel aupos.
      LOOP AT  it_total_stock_final.
        CLEAR: g_div, g_mat, g_maktx, g_name1, v_net_value.
        SELECT SINGLE vtext INTO g_div
           FROM tspat
           WHERE spart = it_total_stock_final-spart
             AND spras = sy-langu.
        SELECT SINGLE wgbez INTO g_mat
           FROM t023t
           WHERE matkl = it_total_stock_final-matkl
             AND spras = sy-langu.
        SELECT SINGLE maktx INTO g_maktx
           FROM makt
             WHERE matnr = it_total_stock_final-matnr
               AND spras = sy-langu.
        SELECT SINGLE name1  INTO g_name1
           FROM kna1
              WHERE kunnr = it_total_stock_final-kunnr.
        IF it_total_stock_final-counter = 1.
          CLEAR: l_quantity.
          l_quantity = it_total_stock_final-kwmeng -
          it_total_stock_final-kawrt = it_total_stock_final-kawrt /
          it_total_stock_final-kawrt = it_total_stock_final-kawrt *
          it_total_stock_final-kbetr1 = it_total_stock_final-kbetr1 /
          it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 = it_total_stock_final-kbetr2 /
          it_total_stock_final-kwert1 = it_total_stock_final-kawrt *
          it_total_stock_final-kwert2 = it_total_stock_final-kawrt *
              clear:  it_total_stock_final-kawrt,
        v_net_value = it_total_stock_final-kawrt -
                      it_total_stock_final-kwert1 -
        WRITE: / sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-vbeln,
              12 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-aupos,
              19 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-aubel,
              30 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-spart,
              35 sy-vline, g_div,
              55 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-vkbur,
              75 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-vkorg,
              87 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-vkgrp,
             100 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-kunnr,
             112 sy-vline, g_name1,
             150 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-matnr,
             170 sy-vline, g_maktx,
             215 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-matkl,
             225 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-vtext.
        IF it_total_stock_final-counter = 1.
          WRITE:  247 sy-vline, l_quantity,
                  271 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-kawrt,
                  293 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-kwert1,
                  315 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-kwert2,
                  337 sy-vline, v_net_value,
                  360 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-werks,
                  363 sy-vline.
          WRITE:  247 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-kwmeng,
                  271 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-kawrt,
                  293 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-kwert1,
                  315 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-kwert2,
                  337 sy-vline, v_net_value,
                  360 sy-vline, it_total_stock_final-werks,
                  363 sy-vline.
      ULINE (360).
    ENDFORM.                    " write_report
    *&      Form  held_order
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM held_order.
      DATA: l_cnt1 TYPE i,
            l_cnt2 TYPE i,
            l_spart LIKE mara-spart,
            l_matkl LIKE mara-matkl,
            l_text  LIKE tspat-vtext,
            l_amount TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
            l_aupos LIKE vbrp-aupos,
            l_aubel LIKE vbrp-aubel.
      SELECT vbak~erdat
             vbak~vkbur                          "Sales office
             vbak~vkorg                          "Sales organization
             vbak~vkgrp                          "Sales group
             vbap~kwmeng                         "Order Quantity
             INTO TABLE it_total_held1
             FROM vbak
             INNER JOIN vbap
             ON vbakvbeln = vbapvbeln
             INNER JOIN vbuk
             ON vbapvbeln = vbukvbeln
             WHERE vbak~erdat IN s_curr
               AND vbak~vkorg IN s_vkorg
               AND vbak~vkbur IN s_vkbur
               AND vbap~matkl IN s_matkl
               AND vbak~bukrs_vf IN ('5116', '5106')
               AND vbak~vkbur NE '5100'
               AND vbak~auart IN ('ZDOA', 'ZDTO', 'ZQOA', 'ZDTA', 'ZQTO')
               AND vbak~kkber = '5116'
               AND vbuk~cmgst = 'B'
               AND vbap~spart IN s_spart.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        SELECT zcusno
               INTO TABLE it_total_held2
               FROM zcust
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_total_held1
                WHERE zcusno = it_total_held1-kunnr
                  AND zcust~zregion IN s_zreg
                  AND zcust~zaclass IN s_class.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    ***get the value of material and material group
          SELECT matnr
                 INTO TABLE it_mara_totals_held
                 FROM mara
                 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_total_held1
                 WHERE matnr = it_total_held1-matnr.
    ***Get the Value of Division Description
          IF NOT it_mara_totals_held[] IS INITIAL.
            SELECT spart
                   INTO TABLE it_tspat_totals_held
                   FROM tspat
                   FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_mara_totals_held
                   WHERE spart = it_mara_totals_held-spart AND
                         spras = sy-langu.
    ***Get the Material Group Description
          IF NOT it_mara_totals_held[] IS INITIAL.
            SELECT matkl
                   INTO TABLE it_t023t_totals_held
                   FROM t023t
                   FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_mara_totals_held
                    WHERE matkl = it_mara_totals_held-matkl AND
                          spras = sy-langu.
    ***Get the Value of Condition Type
          IF NOT it_total_held1[] IS INITIAL.
            SELECT knumv
                   INTO TABLE it_konv_totals_held
                   FROM konv
                   FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_total_held1
                    WHERE knumv = it_total_held1-knumv
                      AND kposn = it_total_held1-posnr
                      AND kschl IN ('ZQPR', 'ZQD3', 'ZQP3',
                                    'ZDPR', 'ZDD3', 'ZDP3').
      SORT it_total_held1       BY vbeln posnr.
      SORT it_total_held2       BY zcusno zregion.
      SORT it_mara_totals_held  BY matnr.
      SORT it_tspat_totals_held BY spart.
      SORT it_t023t_totals_held BY matkl.
      SORT it_konv_totals_held  BY knumv kposn.
      LOOP AT it_total_held1.
        CLEAR: it_total_held_final-kawrt,  it_total_held_final-kwert1,
               it_total_held_final-kwert2, it_total_held_final-vtext,
               it_total_held_final-matkl,  it_total_held_final-spart,
               it_total_held_final-aubel,  it_total_held_final-aupos,
               it_total_held_final-cnt1,   it_total_held_final-cnt2.
        CLEAR: it_mara_totals_held, it_tspat_totals_held,
               it_t023t_totals_held, it_konv_totals_held,
               l_cnt1, l_cnt2.
        READ TABLE it_total_held2
            WITH KEY zcusno = it_total_held1-kunnr.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
    **Counter for Total Orders Column
          l_cnt1 = 3.
          READ TABLE it_mara_totals_held
              WITH KEY matnr = it_total_held1-matnr.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            it_total_held_final-matnr = it_mara_totals_held-matnr.
            it_total_held_final-matkl = it_mara_totals_held-matkl.
            it_total_held_final-spart = it_mara_totals_held-spart.
            IF it_total_held_final-matkl EQ 'DPM' OR
               it_total_held_final-matkl EQ 'SSN'.
              READ TABLE it_tspat_totals_held
               WITH KEY spart = it_mara_totals_held-spart.
              IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                it_total_held_final-vtext  = it_tspat_totals_held-vtext.
    ***Non Dole
              READ TABLE it_t023t_totals_held
               WITH KEY matkl = it_mara_totals_held-matkl.
              IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                it_total_held_final-vtext  = it_t023t_totals_held-wgbez.
          IF it_total_held_final-matkl = 'DPM' OR
             it_total_held_final-matkl = 'SSN'.
            l_cnt2 = 1.
            l_cnt2 = 2.
    ***Condition Value for Comapny Code 5116
          IF it_total_held1-bukrs_vf EQ '5116'.
            READ TABLE it_konv_totals_held
              WITH KEY knumv = it_total_held1-knumv
                       kposn = it_total_held1-posnr
                       kschl = 'ZQPR'.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              it_total_held_final-kawrt = it_konv_totals_held-kawrt.
            READ TABLE it_konv_totals_held
              WITH KEY knumv = it_total_held1-knumv
                       kposn = it_total_held1-posnr
                       kschl = 'ZQD3'.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              it_konv_totals_held-kwert = it_konv_totals_held-kwert * -1.
              it_total_held_final-kwert1 = it_konv_totals_held-kwert.
            READ TABLE it_konv_totals_held
              WITH KEY knumv = it_total_held1-knumv
                       kposn = it_total_held1-posnr
                       kschl = 'ZQP3'.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              it_konv_totals_held-kwert = it_konv_totals_held-kwert * -1.
              it_total_held_final-kwert2 = it_konv_totals_held-kwert.
    ***Condition Value for Comapny Code 5106
          IF it_total_held1-bukrs_vf EQ '5106'.
            READ TABLE it_konv_totals_held
              WITH KEY knumv = it_total_held1-knumv
                       kposn = it_total_held1-posnr
                       kschl = 'ZDPR'.      "Base price
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              it_total_held_final-kawrt = it_konv_totals_held-kawrt.
            READ TABLE it_konv_totals_held
              WITH KEY knumv = it_total_held1-knumv
                       kposn = it_total_held1-posnr
                       kschl = 'ZDD3'.      "Volume Discount
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              it_konv_totals_held-kwert = it_konv_totals_held-kwert * -1.
              it_total_held_final-kwert1 = it_konv_totals_held-kwert.
            READ TABLE it_konv_totals_held
              WITH KEY knumv = it_total_held1-knumv
                       kposn = it_total_held1-posnr
                       kschl = 'ZDP3'.      "Promo Discount
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              it_konv_totals_held-kwert = it_konv_totals_held-kwert * -1.
              it_total_held_final-kwert2 = it_konv_totals_held-kwert.
          it_total_held_final-cnt1   = l_cnt1.
          it_total_held_final-cnt2   = l_cnt2.
          it_total_held_final-aubel  = it_total_held1-vbeln.
          it_total_held_final-aupos  = it_total_held1-posnr.
          it_total_held_final-kunnr  = it_total_held1-kunnr.
          it_total_held_final-erdat  = it_total_held1-erdat.
          it_total_held_final-werks  = it_total_held1-werks.
          it_total_held_final-vkbur  = it_total_held1-vkbur.  "Sales office
          it_total_held_final-vkorg  = it_total_held1-vkorg.  "Sales Org
          it_total_held_final-vkgrp  = it_total_held1-vkgrp.  "Sales group
          it_total_held_final-kwmeng = it_total_held1-kwmeng. "Order qty
          APPEND it_total_held_final.
        ENDIF.     "it_total_held2
    ENDFORM.                    " held_order
    *&      Form  write_report1
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM write_report1.
      ULINE (360).
      WRITE: / sy-vline, header01,
               12 sy-vline, header02,
               19 sy-vline, header03,
               30 sy-vline, header15,
               45 sy-vline, header04,
               50 sy-vline, header05,
               75 sy-vline, header18,
               90 sy-vline, header19,
              103 sy-vline, header20,
              115 sy-vline, header06,
              127 sy-vline, header07,
              167 sy-vline, header08,
              184 sy-vline, header09,
              227 sy-vline, header10,
              237 sy-vline, header11,
              260 sy-vline, header21,
              282 sy-vline, header12,
              306 sy-vline, header13,
              330 sy-vline, header14,
              354 sy-vline, header17,
              376 sy-vline, header22,
              380 sy-vline.
          ULINE (376).
          FORMAT COLOR 2.
          SORT it_total_held_final BY cnt2 cnt1 spart aubel aupos.
          LOOP AT  it_total_held_final.
            CLEAR: g_div, g_mat, g_maktx, g_name1, v_net_value.
            SELECT SINGLE vtext INTO g_div
               FROM tspat
               WHERE spart = it_total_held_final-spart
                 AND spras = s

    790072 wrote:
    Hi Gurus,
    Need your help in writing an sql to search records which has length of 4000 bytes from an varchar2(4000) column and inserting the same records to another table by truncating the record to 3500 bytes .Something like this:
    INSERT INTO new_table (txt_column)
    SELECT  SUBSTRB (txt_column, 1, 3500)
    FROM    old_table;SUBSTR returns a string with a specified number of characters , SUBSTR<b>B</b> has a specified number of bytes .

  • Used Condition type per Invoice number (AR)

    I would need to know how (or is it) possible to get the list of all Inovices (Account Receivables) and condition types used for each of them.
    If I use certain condition type as additional promo discounts to customers, then via this I could easily mark which Invoice from the bucket had that discount? and based on it, isolate the Volume given as promoted.
    Is there any t-code which could help me? It would be great if it is display access right only, so I would not have any issue having it.
    Thank you in advance,

    I would need to know how (or is it) possible to get the list of all Inovices (Account Receivables) and condition types used for each of them.
    If I use certain condition type as additional promo discounts to customers, then via this I could easily mark which Invoice from the bucket had that discount? and based on it, isolate the Volume given as promoted.
    Is there any t-code which could help me? It would be great if it is display access right only, so I would not have any issue having it.
    Thank you in advance,

  • Lost aperture disk and Macbook Pro HDD

    My MBP crashed, lost my HDD. I cannot seem to find my original install disc of aperture (bought it full retail before discounts), so dont have the license number. Just bought a new mac mini 2012, hoping to reuse aperture without having to repurchase aperture again. Any ideas?
       I do have a backup of the photos in a vault in a  USB drive, will that help at all?

    Hi Frank,
        i tried launching aperture direct from the USB HDD while holding down the option key. This is the error i get.
    Aperture [2309]
    3.1.2 (3.1.2)
    Build Info: 
    Code Type:  
    X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [149]
    User ID:    
    2012-12-28 12:30:18.611 +0800
    OS Version: 
    Mac OS X 10.8.2 (12C2034)
    Report Version:  10
    Interval Since Last Report:     
    10483 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:      
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2
    Anonymous UUID:                 
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
    Dyld Error Message:
      Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_MRMarimbaTextView
      Referenced from: /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/
      Expected in: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlid eshow
    in /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/
    Binary Images:
    0x100000000 -   
    0x100adaff7 (3.1.2 - 3.1.2) <4C81D2B1-24EA-B85D-F707-2905593C7C98> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/
    0x100d2c000 -   
    0x100d4afef (1.0.0 - 52) <800DD908-E341-2BCD-11D9-DEAC7E8197E9> /Library/Frameworks/XSKey.framework/Versions/A/XSKey
    0x100d5c000 -   
    0x100d65fff (1.2 - 23) <99F1EF39-7AC1-2579-5F45-1C1299B8FD6C> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ work/Versions/A/AEProfiling
    0x100d70000 -   
    0x100d7dff7 (1.7.6 - 55) <0818095B-2BE1-37A5-89A3-590770A48E5A> /Library/Frameworks/PluginManager.framework/Versions/B/PluginManager
    0x100d8b000 -   
    0x100d9eff7 (1.2 - 401) <1CD5C68E-636F-0D61-60ED-3F5C5B0E8231> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ amework/Versions/A/AERegistration
    0x100db9000 -   
    0x100e5bff7 (4.3.1 - 943) <AAECB7FE-671E-3A9F-B118-64E05FD91AA1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BrowserKit.framework/Versions/A/BrowserKit
    0x100ece000 -   
    0x10113cff7 (7.3.1 - 1943) <337A0FD3-41AC-392B-826B-2132CC40101B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit
    0x1012d0000 -   
    0x1012d0ff8 (1.1 - 452) <8DFD46E2-9D13-BE0A-01EF-84A303916564> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlid eshow
    0x1012d4000 -   
    0x1012eefe7 (1.0 - 19) <38F9BF7E-AFF2-9DBE-9B65-88619F0F0C5E> /Library/Frameworks/iLifeFaceRecognition.framework/Versions/A/iLifeFaceRecognit ion
    0x101302000 -   
    0x101340ff7 (20090616 - 5) <90BB74B8-B340-B93F-172C-B4AD66250B5B> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ mework/Versions/A/PrintServices
    0x101384000 -   
    0x10153dfef (1.4 - 140) <E2FA27A1-1F3D-86D4-23A4-D828497A8C39> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ ersions/A/Geode
    0x101613000 -   
    0x101689fff (1.2 - 134.6) <FD758016-815F-23EA-66D7-36D1107459E7> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ rk/Versions/A/ProXTCore
    0x1016f9000 -   
    0x101701fff (1.0 - 113) <57B39A62-6CCA-8251-F5B2-C69B38469053> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ rk/Versions/A/MediaSync
    0x10170b000 -   
    0x1017f1ff7 (1.4 - 20.3) <52F42EC4-1D43-4051-C213-94C0D7805F02> /Library/Frameworks/iLifeSQLAccess.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSQLAccess
    0x10184b000 -   
    0x10184dfff (1.5 - 10) <7A487C6B-6E23-3059-84C7-8739399D4707> /System/Library/Frameworks/ExceptionHandling.framework/Versions/A/ExceptionHand ling
    0x101852000 -   
    0x10187ffff (1.1 - 42.3) <460DFC81-40EE-DDCE-C004-936DEEB2C910> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ Versions/A/Tellus
    0x1018aa000 -   
    0x101983ff7  libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib (106) <C1F22F70-84C5-39FC-9C73-5662AF4385E9> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
    0x1019da000 -   
    0x1019dcfff +eOkaoCom.dylib (1) <393F340C-3AD1-C89B-6C37-9D8ABF4BFFD9> /Library/Frameworks/iLifeFaceRecognition.framework/Versions/A/Resources/eOkaoCo m.dylib
    0x1019df000 -   
    0x101a06ff2 +eOkaoPt.dylib (1) <E6500FB8-157F-57B5-FE25-2A3A1CB3574C> /Library/Frameworks/iLifeFaceRecognition.framework/Versions/A/Resources/eOkaoPt .dylib
    0x101a0b000 -   
    0x101a40fe7 +eOkaoDt.dylib (1) <7A74253D-8930-6FF1-B513-0929C4E111A2> /Library/Frameworks/iLifeFaceRecognition.framework/Versions/A/Resources/eOkaoDt .dylib
    0x101a46000 -   
    0x101baefef +eOkaoFr.dylib (1) <510E837E-135A-92C8-9AC0-465691EA43D2> /Library/Frameworks/iLifeFaceRecognition.framework/Versions/A/Resources/eOkaoFr .dylib
    0x101bb1000 -   
    0x101be7fff (1.1 - 134) <140CA08F-B779-BA92-4F01-B673813B97B6> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/Framework s/iLifeSlideshowCore.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshowCore
    0x101c0e000 -   
    0x101d54fe7 (1.1 - 382) <4DA9B912-EBF8-0E63-35A8-4BBD8094C0C6> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/Framework s/iLifeSlideshowProducer.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshowProducer
    0x101df2000 -   
    0x101f29ff9 (1.1 - 375) <64F8771F-504E-F53A-D1A6-C1D24E0BE956> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/Framework s/iLifeSlideshowRenderer.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshowRenderer
    0x101fda000 -   
    0x101fe3fff (1.1 - 159) <F8CDC486-09B1-81AB-931E-124AD968A63E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/Framework s/iLifeSlideshowExporter.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshowExporter
    0x101feb000 -   
    0x102019fff (1.6.4 - 1.6.4) <6BD1B3AE-A0A6-3988-A815-75BC8EEAFA2C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudioKit.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudioKit
    0x200000000 -   
    0x20000bff7 (1.1 - 1) <E907B79D-2CCB-F396-5A4A-EFC373E61106> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ ionPlugin.framework/Versions/A/AccountConfigurationPlugin
    0x2002b5000 -   
    0x20036afef (11 - 1.0.3) <077B867D-E91A-537E-2279-4B08F6B6C32B> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ k/Versions/A/MobileMe
    0x200470000 -   
    0x2004a7fff (1.0 - 113) <46DAD01A-4EFD-D5F7-4A72-F8A99C2B1A01> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ k/Versions/A/ProUtils
    0x2005ad000 -   
    0x200a80fef (1.4 - 212.12) <84F59713-63BA-9E3D-A541-5D82ABF95C40> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ /Versions/A/RedRock
    0x200e0b000 -   
    0x200e37fff (1.1 - 42.3) <BC64FAE8-83DE-1E5A-81D8-43E23E41267D> /Volumes/VOLUME/Applications/ /Versions/A/Tessera
    0x7fff6939a000 -
    0x7fff693ce93f  dyld (210.2.3) <36CAA36E-72BC-3E48-96D9-B96A2DF77730> /usr/lib/dyld
    0x7fff895e9000 -
    0x7fff89669ff7 (332 - 341.1) <AFDC05E6-F842-33D9-9379-81DF26E510CA> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/ATS
    0x7fff896c7000 -
    0x7fff89704fe7  libGLImage.dylib (8.6.1) <7F31DD61-3110-3541-A9BB-035CD1262E50> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dyl ib
    0x7fff89705000 -
    0x7fff89775fff (1.9.8 - 56) <19436666-D781-3C6A-B091-85BE7316E4B2> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ISSupport.framework/Versions/A/ISSupport
    0x7fff89785000 -
    0x7fff897edff7  libc++.1.dylib (65.1) <E5A0C88E-0837-3015-A987-F8C5A0D35DD6> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
    0x7fff897ee000 -
    0x7fff898f0fff  libJP2.dylib (845) <405CAF25-0AA5-3C6B-A4A6-94471A1EDD2F> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJP2.dylib
    0x7fff898f2000 -
    0x7fff89917ff7  libc++abi.dylib (24.4) <E7BD9363-1D25-3551-A68A-2E2FF6ABECD7> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
    0x7fff89918000 -
    0x7fff8992ffff (10.8 - 151.10) <10F41DA4-AD54-3F52-B898-588D9A117171> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFOpen Directory.framework/Versions/A/CFOpenDirectory
    0x7fff89930000 -
    0x7fff89a2efff (4.0 - 555.4) <4DD9355C-B521-326F-AA74-9CA7FF2690B0> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.f ramework/Versions/A/QuickLookUI
    0x7fff89a5b000 -
    0x7fff89aa6ff7 (1.0 - 926.62) <CFBD094F-DA9C-3498-9D50-BC754B56F00A> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMedia.framework/Versions/A/CoreMedia
    0x7fff89aa7000 -
    0x7fff89ab5fff  libcommonCrypto.dylib (60027) <DA98AE56-BC3F-3AD0-9660-8CC79E4AECE6> /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib
    0x7fff89b46000 -
    0x7fff89c8afef (1.4.5 - 145.3) <33878020-478C-3CA2-88AA-8C4B59B5E2D3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaControlSender.framework/Versions/A/Media ControlSender
    0x7fff89c8b000 -
    0x7fff89c8bfff (3.8 - vecLib 3.8) <794317C7-4E38-338A-A874-5E18001C8503> /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x7fff89c8c000 -
    0x7fff89fa3ff7 (1037.3 - 1037.3) <DF7CABCA-F2CB-345B-8EFF-F0F4E937B7FF> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
    0x7fff89fa4000 -
    0x7fff89fc1fff (1.3.6 - 148.2) <33B87CFB-CACC-3EBC-893D-38AECB94FB8A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting .framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting
    0x7fff8a01b000 -
    0x7fff8a01bfff  libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib (148.2) <B8061D13-C1B2-38D5-A723-9A98D64E67AC> /usr/lib/libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib
    0x7fff8a01c000 -
    0x7fff8a01cfff (1.5 - 1.5) <6403C982-0D45-37EE-A0F0-0EF8BCFEF440> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Quartz
    0x7fff8a01d000 -
    0x7fff8a01dfff (1.8 - Accelerate 1.8) <6AD48543-0864-3D40-80CE-01F184F24B45> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
    0x7fff8a01e000 -
    0x7fff8a129fff  libFontParser.dylib (84.5) <7640CCCD-088A-32DA-AA2E-910470B0A6B3> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontParser.dylib
    0x7fff8a12a000 -
    0x7fff8a156fff (8.3 - 830.18) <393DA053-D5D8-3337-8488-3C4108427486> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Apple80211
    0x7fff8a157000 -
    0x7fff8a159ff7  libunc.dylib (25) <2FDC94A7-3039-3680-85F3-2164E63B464D> /usr/lib/system/libunc.dylib
    0x7fff8a15a000 -
    0x7fff8ad87ff7 (6.8 - 1187.34) <9F9633D9-D7E1-3F65-B4FD-F9943FE8E399> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
    0x7fff8ad88000 -
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    0x7fff8bd7f000 -
    0x7fff8bd87fff  liblaunch.dylib (442.26.2) <2F71CAF8-6524-329E-AC56-C506658B4C0C> /usr/lib/system/liblaunch.dylib
    0x7fff8bd94000 -
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    0x7fff8be7b000 -
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    0x7fff8c9df000 -
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    0x7fff8ca62000 -
    0x7fff8caadfff (3.0.1 - 301.12) <BAF24691-0BCF-370E-976D-5AE3E6708DCA> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework/Versions/A/CoreWLAN
    0x7fff8caae000 -
    0x7fff8cac5fff (1.1 - 132.2) <36AA7DF0-36A6-32BE-8D28-7EE656636639> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/Gene rationalStorage
    0x7fff8cd70000 -
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    0x7fff8cd76000 -
    0x7fff8cd76fff (6.7 - 19) <3CFC90D2-2BE9-3E5C-BFDB-5E161A2C2B29> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
    0x7fff8cd77000 -
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    0x7fff8cde3000 -
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    0x7fff8ce63000 -
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    0x7fff8cea7000 -
    0x7fff8ceb6ff7  libxar.1.dylib (105) <B6A7C8AA-3E20-3A1D-A7BA-4FD0052FA508> /usr/lib/libxar.1.dylib
    0x7fff8ceb7000 -
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    0x7fff94eb5000 -
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    0x7fff94ec1000 -
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    0x7fff950fe000 -
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    0x7fff9515a000 -
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    0x7fff9515e000 -
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    0x7fff9518e000 -
    0x7fff951e8fff (8.1 - 387.1) <C1A669C2-DEE9-30EA-B55A-36B37C93BB37> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore
    0x7fff951e9000 -
    0x7fff951f2fff (1.0 - 26) <120C2EBA-C197-36C0-90B9-214BA6B62910> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/C ommerceCore.framework/Versions/A/CommerceCore
    0x7fff951f3000 -
    0x7fff951fafff (1.1 - 47) <0EB01ED6-F8DD-3A72-89C6-BA3E7AD805C8> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhoneNumbers.framework/Versions/A/PhoneNumber s
    0x7fff951fb000 -
    0x7fff95269fff (2.0.1 - 755.20.4) <F2E5AC1B-F03D-3916-B239-7B421579DFA5> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
    0x7fff9526a000 -
    0x7fff952b9ff7  libFontRegistry.dylib (100) <F7EC0287-58E4-3ABE-A45E-B105A68EA76E> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontRegistry.dylib
    0x7fff952ba000 -
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    0x7fff953b8000 -
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    0x7fff953d4000 -
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    0x7fff956a7000 -
    0x7fff95a03fff (6.8 - 945.11) <A5D41956-A354-3ACC-9355-BE200072223B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
    0x7fff95a0c000 -
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    0x7fff95f0e000 -
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    0x7fff95f10000 -
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    0x7fff95f1f000 -
    0x7fff95f3eff7  libresolv.9.dylib (51) <0882DC2D-A892-31FF-AD8C-0BB518C48B23> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
    0x7fff95f3f000 -
    0x7fff95f42ff7  libdyld.dylib (210.2.3) <F59367C9-C110-382B-A695-9035A6DD387E> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
    0x7fff95f43000 -
    0x7fff95fcdff7 (2.7.2 - 546) <9F3D20FA-DE46-3947-B747-97FF603D5BE5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeMediaBrowser.framework/Versions/A/iLifeM ediaBrowser
    0x7fff95fce000 -
    0x7fff960a1ff7 (7.0 - 7000.2.4) <D62DA01B-5B60-3E99-9395-C11FB47E82E0> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecording.framework/Versions/A/DiscRecording
    0x7fff960a2000 -
    0x7fff960a2fff (3.8 - vecLib 3.8) <B5A18EE8-DF81-38DD-ACAF-7076B2A26225> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x7fff96329000 -
    0x7fff96375ff7  libauto.dylib (185.1) <73CDC482-16E3-3FC7-9BB4-FBA2DA44DBC2> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
    0x7fff96376000 -
    0x7fff963cffff (5.0.1 - 5.0.1) <B2DB058A-7873-3639-8124-E27E107FAF56> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageCaptureCore.framework/Versions/A/ImageCaptureCo re
    0x7fff964c6000 -
    0x7fff964c9fff (1.3.2 - 42) <418A9A41-BCB4-32A2-97ED-3A388F69CA9D> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framewor k/Versions/A/Help
    0x7fff964ca000 -
    0x7fff964cffff (10.8 - 151.10) <1F47EC96-7403-3690-8D8D-C31D3B6FDA0A> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/OpenDirectory
    0x7fff964d0000 -
    0x7fff964f7fff (4.1 - 410) <DA74A2FC-01AE-3212-B1AF-0400F2E5B02F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyControls.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCon trols
    0x7fff964f8000 -
    0x7fff9652efff (98 - 98) <7059F71D-9A82-3D32-99BB-E043DEDA6174> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DebugSymbols.framework/Versions/A/DebugSymbol s
    0x7fff9652f000 -
    0x7fff96530ff7  libSystem.B.dylib (169.3) <92475A81-385C-32B9-9D6D-38E4BAC90996> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    Model: Macmini6,2, BootROM MM61.0106.B03, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.6 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 2.8f0
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Built-In, 512 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x02FE, 0x45424A3230554638424455302D474E2D4620
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x02FE, 0x45424A3230554638424455302D474E2D4620
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x10E), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.1.2f9 11046, 2 service, 18 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
    Serial ATA Device: APPLE HDD HTS541010A9E662, 1 TB
    USB Device: hub_device, 0x8087  (Intel Corporation), 0x0024, 0x1a100000 / 2
    USB Device: hub_device, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2514, 0x1a130000 / 3
    USB Device: AS2105, 0x174c  (ASMedia Technology Inc.), 0x5106, 0x1a134000 / 6
    USB Device: Wired Keyboard 600, 0x045e  (Microsoft Corporation), 0x0750, 0x1a131000 / 5
    USB Device: USB Optical Mouse, 0x046d  (Logitech Inc.), 0xc077, 0x1a132000 / 4
    USB Device: hub_device, 0x8087  (Intel Corporation), 0x0024, 0x1d100000 / 2
    USB Device: hub_device, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2512, 0x1d180000 / 3
    USB Device: IR Receiver, apple_vendor_id, 0x8242, 0x1d182000 / 5
    USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x1d181000 / 4
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x828a, 0x1d181300 / 7

  • UK Price Hike

    Apple were making inroads in Education but the Ed discount is now only 5% and in the UK that means the price of these machines has actually risen over the older machines.
    Additionally the retail (without discount) price in comparison with the older machines has also risen considerably.
    It seems to me that the 5% reduction in margin is being made up by a reduction in Education discount and an increase across the World (except the USA of course) in machine price.

    I must say, these new MacBooks have put me and the missus in a bit of a quandry...
    She wants a MacBook, and I suggested she wait a few weeks until the new ones come out. She only really needs a low spec one for what she wants to do on it, but now, to get any of the new features (aluminium case, glass multi-touch trackpad, better graphics card), you have to buy the mid or higher-priced models. Minimum outlay of £950, instead of the previous £700.
    The (new) lowest priced model is just the same old white plastic one from yesterday except it's £20 more than it was! I was expecting lower prices on this refresh, not higher...
    As usual Apple rips us off in the UK compared to the US, (and I am taking into account Sales Tax/VAT when comparing prices). The new 2.0 Ghz MacBook is still £73 more expensive in the UK after converting and adding 17.5% VAT.
    Although my wife prefers the look of the new aluminium ones, she'll most likely end up getting an old model - hopefully discounted a bit...

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