Is that possible that Apex + OLAP database

Hi all,
Apex : 4.1
database: OLAP
I'm not sure whether I can develop apex application to query OLAP database or not.
Somebody can answer it?
Best Regards.

if you Google the 2 files, you can find it
jean marc

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    Make a controller for connect to db and save the connection in global varible (in model). Use this connection variable whenever u wanna execute the sql statements. Create seperate dao's for each table. Queries should be executed under the daos. You can call the method under the dao for execute the query from controller and show the result in view.

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    APEX 4.1
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    appreciate your advice!
    Edited by: lxiscas on May 17, 2013 9:34 AM
    Edited by: lxiscas on May 17, 2013 9:35 AM

    lxiscas wrote:
    Could you give me more detail about the affects on current session? as I found I have no problem to get to other pages through navigation, and I can still use the current page. The apex_application.stop_apex_engine is called at last in the procedure. and the procedure is called when user click one of two links.I think the API documentation and Martin's post fully cover the effects on the current "session" ("request" would be a more accurate term). Is there something specific that's bothering you?
    <tt>apex_application.stop_apex_engine</tt> does not exert any global control over APEX or the current session (see +{thread:id=2401000}+ for previous discussion on this). It simply stops further APEX page processing of the current request. This is necessary because you want to send the contents of a downloaded file, or redirect it to a new resource, not display an APEX page.

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    Hope this help

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    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "10:00 AM", 2, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "10:30 AM", 3, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "11:00 AM", 4, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "11:30 AM", 5, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "12:00 PM", 6, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "12:30 PM", 7, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "1:00 PM", 8, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "1:30 PM", 9, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "2:00 PM", 10, 1)>
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    <cfquery name="getEmployee"
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    <cfloop list='#timelist#' index='current_time'>
    <cfif current_time eq '#getEmployee.TIME#'>
    <cfset d = StructDelete(atime, "#current_time#",
    Thank you in advance.

    Thank you CFDEBUG for answering my question. Basically, I
    have a form for users to make appointment.
    First the user'll have to select a date, then user select an
    employee who he/she wants to make appointment with. Based on the
    selected employee, I populate a dropdown of available time. Please
    see GetTime.cfm below:
    <cfset atime = StructNew()>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "9:30 AM", 1, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "10:00 AM", 2, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "10:30 AM", 3, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "11:00 AM", 4, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "11:30 AM", 5, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "12:00 PM", 6, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "12:30 PM", 7, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "1:00 PM", 8, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "1:30 PM", 9, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "2:00 PM", 10, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "2:30 PM", 11, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "3:00 PM", 12, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "3:30 PM", 13, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "4:00 PM", 14, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "4:30 PM", 15, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "5:00 PM", 16, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "5:30 PM", 17, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "6:00 PM", 18, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "6:30 PM", 19, 1)>
    <cfset a = StructInsert(atime, "7:00 PM", 20, 1)>
    <cfset timelist = arrayToList(structSort(atime,
    <!--- If user doesn't select anything, I give an empty
    dropdown --->
    <cfif URL.nicknm eq ''>
    <select name="available_time">
    <option value=''> </option>
    <!---If user selects 'All', I loop over the structure
    above and populate all the time --->
    <cfelseif #trim(URL.nicknm)# eq 'All'>
    <select name="available_time">
    <option value=''>[Select]</option>
    <cfloop list='#timelist#' index='time'>
    <!--- If user selects an employee in the dropdown, I query
    the database --->
    <cfquery name="getEmployee"
    select * from SIGNATU_APPOINTMENT where EMPLOYEE_ID =
    <!--- First I check if that employee has been booked yet.
    If he/she has been booked 1 or more, I check what date is he/she
    booked. --->
    <cfif getEmployee.RecordCount GT 0>
    <!--- if the dates in the database are the same as the
    date the user selected, again I loop over the structure above and
    check if any of the times in the structure are the same as the time
    in the database. If found, I delete those times which are the keys
    of the structure so that they don't show in the available time.
    <cfif '#getEmployee.DATE#' eq '#URL.dt#'>
    <select name="available_time">
    <option value=''>[Select]</option>
    <cfloop list='#timelist#' index='current_time'>
    <cfif current_time eq '#getEmployee.TIME#'>
    <cfset d = StructDelete(atime, "#current_time#",
    <!--- If the dates in the database are not the same as the
    date the user selected, I just loop over the structre above and
    populate all the time. --->
    <select name="available_time">
    <option value=''>[Select]</option>
    <cfloop list='#timelist#' index='curr_time'>
    <!--- If the employee has been't booked any appointment, I
    loop over the structre above and populate all the time again.
    <select name="available_time">
    <option value=''>[Select]</option>
    <cfloop list='#timelist#' index='time'>
    I know my logic is not very clear. If you can suggest any
    better solution, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you for
    your time.

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    Hi Jaco,
    It seems like your reporting database refresh has failed, so the OLAP DB cannot be generated either. It could be due to a large resource pool.
    See reference below:
    Note also that you can click on "processing" (as per your screenshot) to have the OLAP DB creation log in order to have more information on the status.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

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    can someone please elaborate on what these are and where i can find them in mysql:
    Database Link Name      
    Connect To Schema      
    Remote Hostname or IP      
    Remote Host Port      
    SID or Service Name      
    I need to link to mysql database so I can set up a 3D pie chart in apex

    Hi jononioo
    A database link is a device for connecting between Oracle database instances only. Oracle does have a method for connecting to other database systems (Transparent Gateway) but this is restricted to other commercial databases and I don't believe there is a gateway for Mysql. (I could be wrong)
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    I realize the ideal would be separate, but that means 2 expensive licenses instead of 1.  Most of our OLTP stuff happens during the day while OLTP processing happens at night (so good use of resources) if just 1 server.  Also, the disks that hold
    the files could have different allocations (small chunks for the OLTP disks, large for the OLAP disks).  Also, by being on the same database server, the OLTP data is immediately accessible for processing into the warehouse.
    Or, is it just a cardinal rule to never mix the two worlds as server completely different purposes?

    Answer given in simillar below thread would help you for sure:
    MSDN Forum:
    Is keeping your OLAP and OLTP databases on the same server is considered bad practice?
    -Vaibhav Chaudhari

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    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • Is it possible to return a database query without refreshing the page?

    I have a form which has a drop-down select box. What I want to do is send the value from the select list to a CFC which runs some SQL code and returns a recordset. I then want to use this recordset on my original CFM page that has the form on it.
    Is it possible to do this without refreshing the page through some kind of AJAX? Apologies I am a newbie at AJAX but I did manage to write a bit of code that uses <cfdiv> to bind to a URL that does the database work and returns some HTML. But really I just want the database recordset and not sure how to get it?

    You could use AJAX, Flex Remoting or any such remoting technique. That is, if there is a case for it. However, from what you describe in the first paragraph, you don't need to. Just send the form to its own page.
    In the following example, the CFC and CFM page are both in the same directory under the root. I have made use of the cfdocexamples datasource which ships with ColdFusion.
    <cffunction name="getEmployeeDetails"  output="false" returntype="query">
    <cfargument name="employee_id">
    <cfset var employeeDetails = queryNew("","")>
    <cfset var emp_id = arguments.employee_id>
    <cfif isNumeric(emp_id)>
        <cfquery name = "employeeDetails" dataSource = "cfdocexamples">
            SELECT firstname, email as email_name, department, phone, location
            FROM Employees
            WHERE emp_id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#emp_id#">
    <!--- Will activate error-handler in the caller --->
    <cfif NOT isNumeric(emp_id) or employeeDetails.recordcount EQ 0>
        <cfthrow message="You selected no employee.">
    <cfreturn employeeDetails>
    <cfif isDefined("form.employee_id")>
        <cfset employeeObj = createobject("component","Employee")>
        <!--- employeeDetails is a query--->
        <cfset employeeDetails = employeeObj.getEmployeeDetails(form.employee_id)>
        <cfdump var="#employeeDetails#">
    <cfform action="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#">
    <cfselect name="employee_id">
    <option value="0">Employee</option>
    <option value="1">Carolynn Petersen</option>
    <option value="2">Dave Heartside</option>
    <option value="3">Linda Stewart</option>
    <cfinput name="sbmt" type="submit" value="Send">

  • Is it possible to set the database with nulls first for all its tables ?

    I have a schema of 117 tables and I would like Oracle to behave nulls first when doing any order by on any tables.
    Is there a way to tell that respectable old database server to do such a thing ?
    As it is today, I have to write some custom DAO specific to Oracle just so as to have a nulls first in the sql statements.
    Kind Regards,

    user573224 wrote:
    I have a schema of 117 tables and I would like Oracle to behave nulls first when doing any order by on any tables.Basically this is an application (sql) issue. If you do not code explicitly, ascending ordering is default and also means that nulls last is the default.
    As 'nulls first' belongs to order by clause of select statment, this seems like a question for the SQL forum. {forum:id=75} That you happen to run sql on XE does not matter.
    As it is today, I have to write some custom DAO specific to Oracle just so as to have a nulls first in the sql statements.Changing how a database engine behaves seems like the opposite of dbms agnostic application, if that's the purpose. Also in general, database agnostic/ignorant applications are often considered a sure way to unscalable and unmanageable systems.
    One could also consider that customers having Oracle as part of their infrastructure, would like to see that applications make good use of Oracle's strong and highly capable features and options -- not treat it as some sort data dumping bin.
    (Ok, granted, with XE this might not be true. Instead there are issues of limitations and lack of support (patches), that you might not want or can take on as an applications vendor.)
    Btw, good to see that you've found a fix in sql for your problem, and thank you for reverting back with that to the forum!
    Edited by: orafad on Dec 7, 2012 10:29 PM
    Edited by: orafad on Dec 7, 2012 10:31 PM

  • Restore of an application without having an OLAP database backup

    Could you tell me if there is a means (manually or through the server manager) to restore a working application-set if I have not a backup of the OLAP database ?
    Thanks in advance,

    There is a way :
    On the server hosting BPC Server Manager :
    1. Create a new folder named "MyAppSet" where MyAppSet is the exact name of your appset.
    2. Create 3 sub-folders, in the previous one, named WebFolder, FileDB and SQL
    3. In \MyAppset\Webfolder put a zip file contening all the files and subdirectory of the appset webfolder
    4. In \MyAppset\FileDB put a zip file contening all the files and subdirectory of the appset fileDB
    5. in \MyAppSet\SQL put the .BAK file of your DB (full backup of your appset.
    6. Run SAP BPC server manager => AppSet => Restore AppSet
    7. Open \MyAppSet directory.. This will automatically find the correct filedb zip, webfolder zip and DB .BAK file
    SSAS DB will be recreated but you will have to reprocess application / dimensions and security from the Admin client.

  • OLAP Database Deleted

    Hi All,
    The OLAP cube processing was running fine until today all of a sudden I faced a problem. The same OLAP database was showing as not built. Can I come to know how could this happen? 
    Also the following message is showing in the ULS logs:
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    Cheers, Amit Wairkar

    Is this issue related to 2013 or 2010?
    Hrishi Deshpande Senior Consultant

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    what's the OS ?
    You can check metalink doc, for example this one
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    Changing between 32-bit and 64-bit Word Sizes
    Doc ID: NOTE:62290.1

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