Is there a better way to add aliases to an interface?

Hello All,
I need a little help in adding/binding a few thousand IPs to an interface --e.g. from the wiki:  ' … P_aliasing' the process is to edit the rc.conf and add:
eth0="eth0 netmask broadcast"
eth0_0="eth0:0 netmask broadcast"
eth0_1000="eth0:0 192.168.X.X netmask broadcast 192.168.X.255"
INTERFACES=(lo eth0 eth0_0 ... eth0_1000)
but this solution does not seem practical; in addition, if I create more than two aliases and do an 'ifconfig' only the first two show -- e.g.
1- stop /etc/rc.d/network
2- edit /etc/rc.conf
eth0="eth0 netmask broadcast"
eth0_0="eth0:0 netmask broadcast"
eth0_1="eth0:0 netmask broadcast"
eth0_2="eth0:0 netmask broadcast"
INTERFACES=(lo eth0 eth0_0 eth0_1 eth0_2)
3- start  /etc/rc.d/network
4- ifconfig -a
only eth0 and eth0:0 display
would it be an option to add the 'ifconfig' cmd to the rc.local to bind the IPs after boot?
any help will be appreciated

cactus wrote:Aside: Why in the name of all that is holy would _one machine_ need thousands of IPs!?!?
I'm curious too, but I have a feeling I'm going to regret knowing...
Something like this in rc.local (or your own init script in /etc/rc.d/) should get you going.... Assuming you're using contiguous addresses.
Requires iproute2
/path/to/ eth0
/path/to/ eth0
/path/to/ eth0
if [ "${IPADDR_START%.*}" != "${IPADDR_END%.*}" ]; then
echo $"error: IPADDR_START and IPADDR_END don't agree" >&2; exit 1
if [ $ipaddr_startnum -gt $ipaddr_endnum ]; then
echo $"error: IPADDR_START greater than IPADDR_END" >&2; exit 1
while [ $ipaddr_num -le $ipaddr_endnum ]; do
ip a a $IPADDR/24 dev $DEVICE
let 'ipaddr_num=ipaddr_num+1'
let 'ipaddr_clonenum=ipaddr_clonenum+1'
Credit: CentOS network init script; modified (from initscripts package, licensed under GPLv2)
Last edited by fukawi2 (2011-02-21 08:57:29)

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    > the "apply without changes" setting that Martin mentioned?
    Check - enable this and do not
    set "apply without changes". But be aware that regardless of what you
    configure, security policies WILL apply every 16 hours or so in the
    background. That's a hard coded value and behavior, and this applies
    only to security settings.
    Mal ein
    GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    Good or bad GPOs?
    And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

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    Thanks again! Happy New Years again!

    Wild Duck,
    That doesn't quite do what I need. My end-product is 271 (used to be 116) separate files created from one large file. That large one is made up of WAY more than 271 (the VO actor records different versions of some commands, makes mistakes, etc.).
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    those for which there are no assets)
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    and here it is in SQL:
    select t.description type, d.description description, count(*) count,
    sum(a.purch_price) sumPurchPrice
    from assets a
    left outer join asset_descriptions d
    on a.adesc_no = d.adesc_no,
    asset_types t
    where a.atype_no = t.atype_no
    group by t.description, d.description
    order by t.description, d.description
    it takes <100ms to produce 5300 rows from 83000 assets.
    The nearest I have managed with JDO is (pseodo code):
    perform projection query to get t.description, d.description for every asset
    loop on results
    if this is first time we've had this combination of t.description,
    perform aggregate query to get aggregates for this combination
    The java code is below. It takes about 16000ms (with debug/trace logging
    off, c.f. 100ms for SQL).
    If the inner query is commented out it takes about 1600ms (so the inner
    query is responsible for 9/10ths of the elapsed time).
    Timings exclude startup overheads like PersistenceManagerFactory creation
    and checking the meta data against the database (by looping 5 times and
    averaging only the last 4) but include PersistenceManager creation (which
    happens inside the loop).
    It would be too big a job for us to directly generate SQL from our generic
    ad-hoc report GUI, so that is not really an option.
    KodoQuery q1 = (KodoQuery) pm.newQuery(Asset.class);
    "assetType.description, assetDescription.description");
    "assetType.description ascending,
    assetDescription.description ascending");
    KodoQuery q2 = (KodoQuery) pm.newQuery(Asset.class);
    q2.setResult("count(purchPrice), sum(purchPrice)");
    "String myAssetType, String myAssetDescription");
    "assetType.description == myAssetType &&
    assetDescription.description == myAssetDescription");
    Collection results = (Collection) q1.execute();
    Set distinct = new HashSet();
    for (Iterator i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
    Object[] cols = (Object[]);
    String assetType = (String) cols[0];
    String assetDescription = (String) cols[1];
    String type_description =
    assetDescription != null
    ? assetType + "~" + assetDescription
    : assetType;
    if (distinct.add(type_description)) {
    Object[] cols2 =
    (Object[]) q2.execute(assetType,
    // System.out.println(
    // "type "
    // + assetType
    // + ", description "
    // + assetDescription
    // + ", count "
    // + cols2[0]
    // + ", sum "
    // + cols2[1]);

    It sounds like the problem that you're running into is that Kodo doesn't
    yet support the JDO2 grouping constructs, so you're doing your own
    grouping in the Java code. Is that accurate?
    We do plan on adding direct grouping support to our aggregate/projection
    capabilities in the near future, but as you've noticed, those
    capabilities are not there yet.
    Neil Bacon wrote:
    Can anyone offer advice on how best to use JDO to perform
    projection/aggregate queries? Is there a better way of doing what is
    described below?
    The web application I'm developing includes a GUI for ad-hoc reports on
    JDO's. Unlike 3rd party tools that go straight to the database we can
    implement business rules that restrict access to objects (by adding extra
    predicates) and provide extra calculated fields (by adding extra get methods
    to our JDO's - no expression language yet). We're pleased with the results
    so far.
    Now I want to make it produce reports with aggregates and projections
    without instantiating JDO instances. Here is an example of the sort of thing
    I want it to be capable of doing:
    Each asset has one associated t.description and zero or one associated
    For every distinct combination of t.description and d.description (skip
    those for which there are no assets)
    calculate some aggregates over all the assets with these values.
    and here it is in SQL:
    select t.description type, d.description description, count(*) count,
    sum(a.purch_price) sumPurchPrice
    from assets a
    left outer join asset_descriptions d
    on a.adesc_no = d.adesc_no,
    asset_types t
    where a.atype_no = t.atype_no
    group by t.description, d.description
    order by t.description, d.description
    it takes <100ms to produce 5300 rows from 83000 assets.
    The nearest I have managed with JDO is (pseodo code):
    perform projection query to get t.description, d.description for every asset
    loop on results
    if this is first time we've had this combination of t.description,
    perform aggregate query to get aggregates for this combination
    The java code is below. It takes about 16000ms (with debug/trace logging
    off, c.f. 100ms for SQL).
    If the inner query is commented out it takes about 1600ms (so the inner
    query is responsible for 9/10ths of the elapsed time).
    Timings exclude startup overheads like PersistenceManagerFactory creation
    and checking the meta data against the database (by looping 5 times and
    averaging only the last 4) but include PersistenceManager creation (which
    happens inside the loop).
    It would be too big a job for us to directly generate SQL from our generic
    ad-hoc report GUI, so that is not really an option.
    KodoQuery q1 = (KodoQuery) pm.newQuery(Asset.class);
    "assetType.description, assetDescription.description");
    "assetType.description ascending,
    assetDescription.description ascending");
    KodoQuery q2 = (KodoQuery) pm.newQuery(Asset.class);
    q2.setResult("count(purchPrice), sum(purchPrice)");
    "String myAssetType, String myAssetDescription");
    "assetType.description == myAssetType &&
    assetDescription.description == myAssetDescription");
    Collection results = (Collection) q1.execute();
    Set distinct = new HashSet();
    for (Iterator i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
    Object[] cols = (Object[]);
    String assetType = (String) cols[0];
    String assetDescription = (String) cols[1];
    String type_description =
    assetDescription != null
    ? assetType + "~" + assetDescription
    : assetType;
    if (distinct.add(type_description)) {
    Object[] cols2 =
    (Object[]) q2.execute(assetType,
    // System.out.println(
    // "type "
    // + assetType
    // + ", description "
    // + assetDescription
    // + ", count "
    // + cols2[0]
    // + ", sum "
    // + cols2[1]);

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    Have you tried exporting a 10 second section of the footage to see if the issue shows up once the seqeunce is actually exported from the timeline. I edit on CS5 with windows 7 pro at work quite often and have no issues so I assure you that isn't the issue. I also edit with AVCHD footage when at home and work quite freqeuntly as well so I'm positive that isn't the issue. It sounds like a GPU driver has been corrupted in the way it interacts with premiere pro. What type of GPU do you have? If it supports MPE's GPU acceleration have you tried turning it off and seeing if that makes any difference?
    Anyways though try to export a 10 second test section of your timeline to see if when the clip is exported from premiere it will play normally in windows media player or vlc or w/e media player you want to use. If it exports fine then you can almost be positive it's a corrupted video card driver. If that's the case I'd re-install your GPU's driver and also check your gpu makers website to see if they have a updated driver avaiable.

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        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() instanceof toolButton){
                toolButton tb = (toolButton)e.getSource();
                optionPanel = tb.getPanel();
        }This code above is what I used to execute when one of several JButtons is being pressed.
    In this program, one of the JPanel will be automatically switched to another JPanel when you press the respective JButtons.
    Here are my questions:
    1. Right now, I use westPanel.setVisible(false) and then change some stuff and then invoke westPanel.setVisible(true) to make it visible again. Although this works, I have a feeling that this is not quite right. I feel that there should be some better way to do this, switching the panel and request the program to redraw the replacing JPanel. Is there a better way for this?
    2. Most of the time, the JPanel changes the size according to the components on it. I have tried several LayoutManager, but it seems that those components have more priority. Is there a way to completely fix the JPanel so that they stay the same size?

    Look into using a Card Layout rather than manually swapping the panels:

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    I configured the new server using a time machine backup from my old. I de-authorized my old computer and re-authorized the new one. All of my music, movies and pictures transferred over fine. To get the Apple TVs to work (they weren't visible on the new server), I had to 'remove' them from the old computer. Then add them again be getting a code from the ATVs and typing it into the new ITunes server.
    Even though both ATVs were current with all content, they reloaded everything. I'm about 48 hours in, and it still isn't done. Was there a better way?

    No, unfortunately, it's one of the more annoying aspects of the ATV. If you replace the computer you keep your iTunes library on the ATV sees it as a different library even though it's the same library on a different computer. The hardware signature of the new computer is different, so the ATV doesn't recognize it as the same library. The same thing happens if you replace the hard drive in your computer, the ATV will no longer recognize it as the same computer. Your only option is to wait for the sync to complete.

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    Many Thanks

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    William ..
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    I would export to a file saved on your drive as h.264, same frame size. Then import that into youtube.
    I have never used FCP X to make a DVD but I assume that it will build the needed vob mpeg 2 source material for the disk.
      I used to use Toast & IDVD. Toast is great.
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    Of course. The following code is for the home page: 
    /* this image stays in internal style sheet*/
        background-image: url(images/mainImageBkgrnd.jpg);
        background-position: center top;
        background-repeat: repeat-y;
        width: 875px;
        height: 625px;
        margin: 0 auto;
        padding-left: 0px;
        padding-right: 0px;
        margin-top: 0px;
        position: relative;
        position: absolute;
        top: 700px;
        left: 10px;
        position: absolute;
        left: 35px;
        z-index: 0;
        position: absolute;
        top: 300px;
        right: 20px;
    #flashMovie {
        background-image: url(images/flashPix.png);
        background-position: center top;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        width: 700px;
        height: 300px;
        margin: 0 auto;
    .flashText p{
        width: 250px;
        padding-top: 75px;
        font-family: "Arial Narrow";
        font-size: 180%;
        line-height: 1.5em;
        color: #666;
    #vertStripe {
        position: absolute;
        top: 325px;
    #serviceHeader {
        position: absolute;
        z-index : 50;
    #apDiv1 {
    html {overflow-y:hidden;}
    body {overflow-y:auto;}
    <!IE7 and lower stylesheet>
    <!>If this page is not displaying correctly, please update your browser by downloading Internet Explorer 8.<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie7-and-down <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie7-and-down.css" />  <![endif]>
    font-size: 70%;
    text-align: center;
    <!begin flash Movie> 
            Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.
    !|height=33|alt=Ge t Adobe Flash player|width=112|src= .gif!</p>
    <!end flash Movie>
    !images/banner_nws.gif|height=120|alt=Northwind Safety Corp.|width=875|src=images/banner_nws.gif!
    <!main Navigation menu>
    [About Us | about_us.html]
    [Services | serv_fa.html]
    [Training | train_cpr.html]
    [Products | products.html]
    First Aid
    [AEDs | aed_philips.html]
    <!end main Navigation menu>
    !images/serviceComp.png|height=250|alt=Van Serviceman|width=400|src=images/serviceComp.png!<!end serviceHeader>
    </div><!end serviceImage>
    <!end vertical stripe>
    !images/orderComp.png|height=250|alt=Order Taker|width=380|src=images/orderComp.png!
    <!end orderImage>
    </div><!end mainImage>
    h1. Contact Us
    h1. Careers
    h3. Northwind Safety Corporation
    8425 Rausch Drive
                       Plain City, Ohio 43064
                    phone: 614-873-1000
                    fax: 614-873-1002
    [ [email protected] | mailto:[email protected]]
    <!end footer div>
    </div><!end container div>
    </div><!end body div>
    <!end body>

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