Is there a repository for standard software licences?

I have a program I'd like to distribute. I need to include a software licence.
I'm sure this is a common thing. Is there a respository of standard software licences somewhere?

Use Google to search or contact your lawyer.

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    You can use the function module
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    2.'QRKT_STD_DEVIATION_SHEWHART_2'- Algorithms for Shewhart chart for s with overall dispersion and mean line.
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    Hi khurram,
    did you look for examples with the ExampleFinder?
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
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    OS Details: OEL 5.9 64 bit.
    The portlist.ini is only interesting just after installation, and there not always an entry.
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    Requirements for iPhone 5:
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    Mac: OS X v10.6.8 or later
    PC: Windows 7; Windows Vista; or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 3 or later
    iTunes 10.7 or later
    The highest version of iTunes you can install is 10.6.3 which will not sync with the iPhone 5.
    Roger Wilmut1 wrote:
    It's always a good idea to check the requirements before purchasing.
    The person I spoke with at 1-800-MY-APPLE gave me totally different info...she said the iPhone 5 would in fact sync with the older version of iTunes and that I could restore from my previous iPhone 4 backup and also bring in my music that way.  Hmmm....
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    Hi James ,
    Make sure you are entering the correct serial number.Try it once again and check.
    If it fails please get in touch with Adobe Support.Here is the link for the same.
    Sukrit Dhingra

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    Exactly the same problem with me.
    Some other threads advice to remove fonts, clean the caches, remove add ins but nothing works consistenty, for some it looks like it works, for me it failed.
    What I did not try yet, was to move the Render files out of the malicious library to trash.



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    Not with iPhoto, but different apps have different capabilities.
    There are a couple of considerations: How is this transparent image to be used? In a Deskop Publishing environment something like Pages' Instant Alpha might be useful. Or if you're trying to overlay one image on another on a photograph then some editor that supports layers would be required.
    Further, Jpegs as a format doesn't support transparency so you'll need to work ina  file format that does.
    But if you can explain what you're hoping to do we might be able to point you in a more useful direction.
    In order of price here are some suggestions for editors:
    Seashore (free)
    The Gimp (free)
    Graphic Coverter ($45 approx)
    Acorn ($50 approx)
    Pixelmator ($50 approx)
    Photoshop Elements ($75 approx)
    There are many, many other options. Search on MacUpdate or the App Store.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

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    How to maintain a Mac
    1. Make redundant backups, keeping at least one off site at all times. One backup is not enough. Don’t back up your backups; all should be made directly from the original data. Don’t rely completely on any single backup method, such as Time Machine. If you get an indication that a backup has failed, don't ignore it.
    2. Keep your software up to date. In the App Store or Software Update preference pane (depending on the OS version), you can configure automatic notifications of updates to OS X and other Mac App Store products. Some third-party applications from other sources have a similar feature, if you don’t mind letting them phone home. Otherwise you have to check yourself on a regular basis.
    Keeping up to date is especially important for complex software that modifies the operating system, such as device drivers. Before installing any Apple update, you must check that all such modifications that you use are compatible. Incompatibility with third-party software is by far the most common cause of trouble with system updates.
    3. Don't install crapware, such as “themes,” "haxies," “add-ons,” “toolbars,” “enhancers," “optimizers,” “accelerators,” "boosters," “extenders,” “cleaners,” "doctors," "tune-ups," “defragmenters,” “firewalls,” "barriers," “guardians,” “defenders,” “protectors,” most “plugins,” commercial "virus scanners,” "disk tools," or "utilities." With very few exceptions, such stuff is useless or worse than useless. Above all, avoid any software that purports to change the look and feel of the user interface.
    It's not much of an exaggeration to say that the whole "utility" software industry for the Mac is a fraud on consumers. The most extreme examples are the "CleanMyMac" and “MacKeeper” scams.
    As a rule, the only software you should install is that which directly enables you to do the things you use a computer for, and doesn't change the way other software works.
    Safari extensions, and perhaps the equivalent for other web browsers, are a partial exception to the above rule. Most are safe, and they're easy to get rid of if they don't work. Some may cause the browser to crash or otherwise malfunction.  Some are malicious. Use with caution, and install only well-known extensions from relatively trustworthy sources, such as the Safari Extensions Gallery.
    Never install any third-party software unless you know how to uninstall it. Otherwise you may create problems that are very hard to solve.
    4. Don't install bad, conflicting, or unnecessary fonts. Whenever you install new fonts, use the validation feature of the built-in Font Book application to make sure the fonts aren't defective and don't conflict with each other or with others that you already have. See the built-in help and this support article for instructions. Deactivate or remove fonts that you don't really need to speed up application launching.
    5. Beware of malware. Malware is malicious software that circulates on the Internet. This kind of attack on OS X used to be so rare that it was hardly a concern, but it's now increasingly common, and increasingly dangerous.
    There is some built-in protection against downloading malware, but you can’t rely on it — the attackers are always at least one day ahead of the defense. You can’t rely on third-party protection either. What you can rely on is common-sense awareness — not paranoia, which only makes you more vulnerable.
    Never install software from an untrustworthy or unknown source. If in doubt, do some research. Any website that prompts you to install a “codec” or “plugin” that comes from the same site, or an unknown site, is untrustworthy. Software with a corporate brand, such as Adobe Flash Player, must come directly from the developer's website. No intermediary is acceptable, and don’t trust links unless you know how to parse them. Any file that is automatically downloaded from the web, without your having requested it, should go straight into the Trash. A web page that tells you that your computer has a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with it, is a scam.
    In OS X 10.7.5 or later, downloaded applications and Installer packages that have not been digitally signed by a developer registered with Apple are blocked from loading by default. The block can be overridden, but think carefully before you do so.
    Because of recurring security issues in Java, it’s best to disable it in your web browsers, if it’s installed. Few websites have Java content nowadays, so you won’t be missing much. This action is mandatory if you’re running any version of OS X older than 10.6.8 with the latest Java update. Note: Java has nothing to do with JavaScript, despite the similar names. Don't install Java unless you're sure you need it. Most people don't.
    6. Don't fill up your boot volume. A common mistake is adding more and more large files to your home folder until you start to get warnings that you're out of space, which may be followed in short order by a boot failure. This is more prone to happen on the newer Macs that come with an internal SSD instead of the traditional hard drive. The drive can be very nearly full before you become aware of the problem.
    While it's not true that you should or must keep any particular percentage of space free, you should monitor your storage use and make sure you're not in immediate danger of using it up. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of free space on the startup volume for normal operation.
    If storage space is running low, use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper to explore the volume and find out what's taking up the most space. Move seldom-used large files to secondary storage.
    7. Relax, don’t do it. Besides the above, no routine maintenance is necessary or beneficial for the vast majority of users; specifically not “cleaning caches,” “zapping the PRAM,” "resetting the SMC," “rebuilding the directory,” "defragmenting the drive," “running periodic scripts,” “dumping logs,” "deleting temp files," “scanning for viruses,” "purging memory," "checking for bad blocks," "testing the hardware," or “repairing permissions.” Such measures are either completely pointless or are useful only for solving problems, not for prevention.
    To use a Mac effectively, you have to free yourself from the Windows mindset that every computer needs regular downtime maintenance such as "defragging" and "registry cleaning." Those concepts do not apply to the Mac platform. A computing device should not be a focus of your attention. It should be an almost invisible tool by means of which you communicate, work, and play. If you want a machine that is always whining for your attention like a neurotic dog, use a PC.
    The very height of futility is running an expensive third-party application called “Disk Warrior” when nothing is wrong, or even when something is wrong and you have backups, which you must have. Disk Warrior is a data-salvage tool, not a maintenance tool, and you will never need it if your backups are adequate. Don’t waste money on it or anything like it.

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    The problem is that there are probably few dry cleaners running Macs. It would be a big commitment for a developer to enter that market. As a potential user, I'm sure you would like it. From a developer standpoint, I would need 50 such dry cleaners ready to buy at $1000 each just to even consider it. I have some time to develop this year. Should I go after 200 million potential customers, a tiny fraction of whom might spend $5-10 apiece, or those 50 dry cleaners. I know that all of those 200 million people are running the correct operating system for my software. How many dry cleaners have Macs and $1000 to spare? I could go cheaper but then I would need more dry cleaners. Why wouldn't they just use some cloud based service instead?

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