Is there a script for applying a certain style to several thousands of words arranged in a list?

Hello, I have tried using FindChangeByList, but I'd pretty much do all the work of pasting every word on the brackets, so i could as well apply the styles by hand.
So my project involves applying the same style to around 11 thousand words that appear in a book. Those words are mostly names and brands, and they appear throughout the whole text, so applying that style manually would be quite time-consuming.
I have those words set aside in a list.txt
Does anyone know if I could use that in any script and apply the style automatically?
Like I said, pasting every single word into FindChangeByList is out of the question, just like applying the style word by word, it would take forever...

Okay, for anyone that might be interested in this as I was, I found a solution.
If you want to have a particular text expression on your .txt list to be used as a search parameter by your script, here are a few tips:
Let's say you want to add the following 2 expressions on your list, without the quotation marks:
a) "test, test."
b)"[test] {test}"
1 - Like Jongware said, you MUST abide by GREP syntax.
2 - If you want to put an expression on your .txt list that DOES NOT uses characters that represent GREP syntax (example a) with regular text, commas and simple punctuation), you may simply add them to your list between parentheses:
     a) (test, test.)
3 - If you want the script to search for an expression that DOES CONTAIN characters that are also used by GREP syntax (example b) you can try stuff like:
     b) (\p{Ps}test\p{Pe})
     note the parentheses, because it's a specific text expression
     then note the \p{Ps} and \p{Pe} that mark opening or (s)tarting and closing or (e)nding punctuation such as brackets, braces, parentheses...
Here is a file with the GREP expressions that helped me solve my problems:
Although this is a very specific matter and probably easily solvable by all the professional scripters here, I thought I'd share it since it took 3 whole days of studying for me to conclude everything.
Thanks again, specially to Jongware

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    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), b.backup_start_date, 103) + + convert(VARCHAR(8), b.backup_start_date, 14) backup_start_date,
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    //var myPStyle4 = "D";
    //var myPStyle5 = "E";
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    Sorry about being late to the party, I usually pick up stuff like this right away.
    How about this one?
    1. No separate scripts needed, it uses a tiny dialog where you can choose what style set to use. If I'm correct, you can press a number key on Windows to immediately select one of the items.
    2. It works down from the paragraph your cursor is in. It has nothing to do with text frames, though -- consecutive paragraphs inside a story always ignore any text frames.
    3. Extensible: you can easily change the names of the styles in the top array, and the number of style groups in the list.
    var styleLists = [
              [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ],
              [ "A", "B", "D", "E", "G", "H" ],
              [ "A", "C", "D", "F", "G", "H" ],
              [ "A", "D", "G", "H" ]
    var radiobutts = [];
    styleDialog = app.dialogs.add ({name:"Set Multiple Styles",canCancel:true});
    with (styleDialog)
              with (dialogColumns.add())
                        with (radiobuttonGroups.add())
                                  for (i=0; i<styleLists.length; i++)
                                            // Build radio button string
                                            str = "&"+String (i+1)+". ";
                                            for (j=0; j<styleLists[i].length; j++)
                                                      if (j) str += "-";
                                                      str += styleLists[i][j];
                                            radiobutts.push (radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:str, checkedState:false}) );
    radiobutts[0].checkedState = true;
    if (
              for (i=0; i<radiobutts.length; i++)
                        if (radiobutts[i].checkedState == true)
              if (i < radiobutts.length)
                        par = app.selection[0].paragraphs[0];
                        for (j=0; j<styleLists[i].length; j++)
                                  par.appliedParagraphStyle = styleLists[i][j];
                                  par = par.parentStory.paragraphs.nextItem(par);

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      Please remember that we're all volunteers here. If you can ask your question so we can understand it, we can probably help you. But if you cannot, it would take quite a lot of effort on our part to even determine what you asking.
    Jongware wrote in the other thread:
    This is quite a specialized case so it's unlikely there "is" a script. But there "could be" one. Ask in the scripting forum, as there are some people in there sharpening their skills with such requests. Make sure to detail what you need it to do: which layers? rename to what? Et cetera.
    You're not doing a good job on detail. How would the script know what to change your first, 3rd, 4th, and 5th "atoms" to?
    You have given us no information that I can see.

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    E-mail, eh? You're missing out a lot of fun stuff, as there is
    - editing your own posts
    - using bold and italics to highlight important stuff
    - finally being able to shout (some posters think it's necessary to use a large bold font to make their post stand out in the crowd. They are correct, it does. In the Bad way.)
    - inserting images
    - uh, Jive (-- sorry, couldn't think of any more fun stuff to add)
    Visit the scripting forum (using a web browser, s'il vous plait) by clicking here.

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    var mydoc=app.activeDocument;
    var mypara = mydoc.stories.item(0).paragraphs.everyItem().getElements();
    for(i=0; i<mypara.length; i++){
        if (myPara[i]"CN"){
               mypara[i].parentTextFrames[0].parent.appliedMaster = mydoc.masterSpreads.item("CO-Opener");
    alert("Master Page applied Sucessfully")

    Hi Math,
    I hope your coding is correct, but it seems stories[0] do not have "CN" Styles.
    Change the below line:
    var mypara = mydoc.stories.item(0).paragraphs.everyItem().getElements(); 
    var mypara = mydoc.stories.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().getElements(); 
    Thanks to Jongware and Green4ever.....
    and also the use the below url to get the correct coding for CS4 and CS5 and above
    Apply Master Page using Paragraph Style
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument; 
    var myParas = myDocument.stories.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().getElements(); 
    var myPage = myDocument.pages; 
    for(i=0; i<myParas.length; i++) 
        if(myParas[i] == "CT") 
            //Works only in CS5 and later 
            myParas[i].parentTextFrames[0].parentPage.appliedMaster = myDocument.masterSpreads.item("B-Master"); 
            //for CS4 use this 
            //myParas[i].parentTextFrames[0].parent.appliedMaster = myDocument.masterSpreads.item("B-Master"); 

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    I used this After Effects Community Help search for 'script scale multiple compositions' and found this:

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    Nope. Illustrator (you know...this ostensibly "professional" drawing program) doesn't provide even rudimentary "dumb" dimension tools (just as the program still dosen't even provide live geometric shape primitives like any other drawing program under the sun does).
    Cheezy workarounds can be (and have been) devised with scripts to create dumb dimension labels, but updating when objects change really requires special dimension objects. Scripts loose their object-specific references when the script completes, or when the script's palette is closed, unless you code into the script some kind of object labeling, which would become cumbersome real quick.
    If it's a frequent need, you need a proper feature for this, and you're just using the wrong program. Use Draw or Canvas. You can probably buy a competitive side-grade to either of those programs for not much more than you pay for an elaborate plug-in, and get alot more value in the deal.

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    @kajzica – I don't have a script for that, but it is scriptable. You surely mean that you want to apply the object styles to the container frame of the images, aren't you?
    A few minutes later – try the following ExtendScript (JavaScript) code:
    You could edit the names of the two object styles at the beginning of the script code.
    OR: you could first run the script, the script will add two object styles to the document that you can edit afterwards.
    The script will sort the EPS and the TIFs from the other image types.
    Make sure that all graphics are up-to-date and linked correctly!!
    //Uwe Laubender
    * @@@BUILDINFO@@@ ApplyObjectStylesTo_ContainersOf_TIF_EPS.jsx !Version! Thu Dec 12 2013 13:15:30 GMT+0100
    //Edit your style names here. Change the name between the two " " only!!
    //OR: edit your object styles in InDesign after running the script.
    var styleNameForEPS = "EPS-Containers-Only";
    var styleNameForTIF = "TIF-Containers-Only";
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    app.doScript(_ApplyObjectStylesToContainers, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, [], UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Apply object styles to containers for TIF and EPS graphics");
    function _ApplyObjectStylesToContainers(){
    var d=app.documents[0];
    var allGraphicsArray = d.allGraphics;
    for(var n=0;n<allGraphicsArray.length;n++){
        //The EPS case:
        if(allGraphicsArray[n].getElements()[0] === "EPS"){
            allGraphicsArray[n].parent.appliedObjectStyle = d.objectStyles.itemByName(styleNameForEPS);
        //The TIF case
        if(allGraphicsArray[n].getElements()[0] === "Image" && allGraphicsArray[n].getElements()[0].imageTypeName === "TIFF"){
            allGraphicsArray[n].parent.appliedObjectStyle = d.objectStyles.itemByName(styleNameForTIF);
    }; //END: function _ApplyObjectStylesToContainers()

  • Is there a script for this?

    I have a 176 page pdf that has black type throughout, a lot of those pages also have boxes filled with black. I need to change the boxes to rich black but leave the type black only. I tried using actions but it changes both since they have the same fill. I posted this on the creating and editing forum and got no reply, so I'm assuming it may not be possible. Is there possibly a script to do this?
    And if there is could someone talk me through using it. I've used scripts in Indesign but have no clue how to apply them in acrobat.
    I'm on a Mac using Acrobat 9 Pro.
    Your help is much appreciated,

    Thanks for the response Gilad.
    Sorry it has taken me a bit to get back to you. I work for a printing company and don't always get time to "play around" with things.
    I did try your suggestion of color convert with no good results. The boxes and the type have the same fill color and selecting any object
    or line art would also change the type. Also tried changing just the type and both change. Not sure why.
    I do very much appreciate your suggestion.
    Thank you,

  • [CS3-CS5|JS] is there a script to apply creep to artwork?

    I work for a commercial printer and we have RIP software which, when requested, applies creep to impositions. it literally pushes the pages in the imposition closer to the spine in increments of the total creep calculation.
    Out of curiosity more than anything else, has a script like this been made to apply creep directly to indesign native files? If not, how difficult would it be to adjust the default "adjustlayout.jsx" script to instruct it to behave this way?
    Message was edited by: cdflash
    did find a link to an iphone app:
    don't know if it works though as i don't have an iphone :( . also sounds like it simply adds guides which reflect the creep, rather than shifting the content.
    this all came about after a DL portrait saddle-stitched print job came in with a running footer which was a swash-like crossover on every page, so creep could not be applied using the RIP (as the pages were closer to the centre spread the swash lined up less and less). instead, all content EXCEPT the running footer had to be crept in page by page in different increments for each page.

    @ John Hawkinson
    your suggestion is SOOOOOO close... but still trying to iron it out.
    by adjusting line 134 to be
    myAdjustPage(myPage, myEvenX*myPageValue, 0);
    and line 138 to be
    myAdjustPage(myPage, myOddX*myPageValue, 0);
    the pages do move incrementally... but not how i'd hoped. I'm still keeping the myEvenX and myOddX so that I can type the creep figure into the UI.
    instead of pages 1 & 2 staying where they were and pages 3 & 4 moving the one incremental value as input in the UI, what happens is page 1 stays where it is, but page 2 moves in by one increment, page 3 moves in by two increments, page 4 by three increments etc... What am I missing here?
    I have been adjusting these lines in the script since and am getting interesting results, but not the results that I need as illustrated in the last paragraph.
    as I said in my earlier post, i've devised a javascript to calculate the creep increments, but haven't been able to upload the file anywhere. I can however cut and paste the "engine" of it here:
    var leaves = (form.pages.value * 1) / 4
    var creepdecimal = leaves * (form.thickness.value * 1)
    var leavestomove = leaves - 1
    var movedecimal = creepdecimal / leavestomove
      form.creep.value = creepdecimal.toFixed(3)
      form.move.value = movedecimal.toFixed(3)
    so the actual HTML calculator simply asks for the amount of pages (with an extra javascript to ensure only amounts divisble by four are entered) and the thickness. Once submitted, the calculator returns the overall creep value and then the page increment value.
    apart from that, it'll be a winner... at least until the centre spread. I did originally think "I'm not too worried about making the script so it magically works on reverse from the centre of the book, i can just tell the script to run from pages 1-X and then run the script again from X-End using reversed values" but i can't do that because the pages after the centre of the book wouldn't have gone anywhere, and simply running the same script again with reversed values wouldn't work.

  • Is there a script for apache to automatically make a "download as tar"

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    Generally speaking, if a script doesn't run in a later version, you can put it in a subfolder withteh correct version number as the name and it will work. For CS3 that would be "Version 5.0 Scripts" without the quotes.
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    Generally speaking, if a script doesn't run in a later version, you can put it in a subfolder withteh correct version number as the name and it will work. For CS3 that would be "Version 5.0 Scripts" without the quotes.
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