Is there a script for renaming layers in ID CS5?

I am new to scripting (I just started today) so far I have found some very useful existing scripts to help automate my workflow. I am wondering if anyone knows of the existence of a layer renaming script for InDesign.
I have seen similar scripts for PS. I want to learn how to script but I am in need of this one for Monday...
Thanks in advance!

  Please remember that we're all volunteers here. If you can ask your question so we can understand it, we can probably help you. But if you cannot, it would take quite a lot of effort on our part to even determine what you asking.
Jongware wrote in the other thread:
This is quite a specialized case so it's unlikely there "is" a script. But there "could be" one. Ask in the scripting forum, as there are some people in there sharpening their skills with such requests. Make sure to detail what you need it to do: which layers? rename to what? Et cetera.
You're not doing a good job on detail. How would the script know what to change your first, 3rd, 4th, and 5th "atoms" to?
You have given us no information that I can see.

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    var idoc = app.activeDocument;
    var ilayer = idoc.activeLayer;
    for (i=0; i<ilayer.layers.length; i++) {
        var isublayer = ilayer.layers[i]; = isublayer.pageItems[0].name;
    But is doesn't seem to do what I need.
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    Hi Carlos-
    Here is part of my layers pannel before Releasing to Layers:
    Here is part of my layers pannel after Releasing to Layers:
    So I want Layer 6 to be "Hideaway Backpack Straps" without having to rename it manually.
    Any help would be great!

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    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), b.backup_start_date, 103) + + convert(VARCHAR(8), b.backup_start_date, 14) backup_start_date,
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), b.backup_finish_date, 103) + + convert(VARCHAR(8), b.backup_finish_date, 14) backup_finish_date,
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    when (DATEDIFF(hour, b.backup_start_date, getdate())>=24)then 'Failed'
    end Status,
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    (b.backup_size/1024/1024/1024 )BackupSize,
    case b.[type]
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    WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential'
    WHEN 'L' THEN 'Transaction Log'
    END Type,
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    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset) b ON b.database_name = AND RNUM = 1
    where dbid<>2
    a.Name AS DatabaseName ,
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    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE database_name =
    AND type = 'd'
    AND is_copy_only = '0'
    ), 'No Full') AS 'Full' ,
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    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE database_name =
    AND type = 'i'
    AND is_copy_only = '0'
    ), 'No Diff') AS 'Diff' ,
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    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE database_name =
    AND type = 'l'
    ), 'No Log') AS 'LastLog' ,
    COALESCE(( SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), backup_finish_date, 120)
    FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC ) AS 'rownum' ,
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE database_name =
    AND type = 'l'
    ) withrownum
    WHERE rownum = 2
    ), 'No Log') AS 'LastLog2'
    FROM sys.databases a
    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset b ON b.database_name =
    WHERE <> 'tempdb'
    AND a.state_desc = 'online'
    GROUP BY a.Name ,
    To check the schedule you can try the below script

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    Thanks in advance!

    E-mail, eh? You're missing out a lot of fun stuff, as there is
    - editing your own posts
    - using bold and italics to highlight important stuff
    - finally being able to shout (some posters think it's necessary to use a large bold font to make their post stand out in the crowd. They are correct, it does. In the Bad way.)
    - inserting images
    - uh, Jive (-- sorry, couldn't think of any more fun stuff to add)
    Visit the scripting forum (using a web browser, s'il vous plait) by clicking here.

  • Is There An Extension that Renames Layers Based on Movie Clip Names of Files

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    > Sounds great! I was actually thinking about this over
    > weekend and asking a few fellow flashers what they
    > I think instance names should have the highest
    importance. [...]
    If you're still watching this thread, I have a few more
    questions for
    you. :) I finally have some time to play with this script,
    and there's a
    twist I didn't think of earlier.
    Here's how JSFL works in regard to your particular aim:
    a) Get the current timeline.
    b) Get the layers of that timeline.
    c) Get the *frames* inside each layer.
    d) Get the elements inside each frame.
    The twist is C, and it adds considerable complexity to this
    script. You
    might have a layer with 100 frames on it, and each frame has
    a different mc
    (or graphic, or text field, etc.) on it. What on earth should
    this layer be
    named? In your previous post, you suggested this:
    > Layers that have multiple instances should read
    That may well mean that feasibly half of your layers say
    "multi-item" in
    then, even if a given layer only has two separate items on it
    (one graphic
    symbol spanned from frames 50 to 80, and another graphic
    symbol spanned from
    frames 200 to 550).
    Even if we were to increment the names of these, you could
    easily get 30
    layers in a row named "multi-item (1)", "multi-item (2)",
    "multi-item (3)",
    and so on. Seems to me like that wouldn't be any more helpful
    than what you
    have now.
    One approach -- much easier to program, as it happens --
    would be to
    simply stop at the first frame in a layer that has content at
    all, and name
    the layer after that.
    "instanceName" (moveiclip) [1]
    ... where "instanceName" is the element's instance name,
    (movieclip) is the
    element's type, and [1] is the occurence of that element. If
    that layer
    contains any additional content -- either on that frame, or
    frames, we could add that "multi-item" phrase, like this:
    "instanceName" (moveiclip) [1] multi-item
    This way, in cases where the designer only used on element
    in a layer,
    you'd get a meaningful indication of that. In cases where the
    designer used
    several, you'd at least get an indication of the first one,
    with a hint that
    others exist.
    Whatcha think?
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

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    // 2014, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    for (var m = 0; m < myDocument.layerComps.length; m++) {
    myDocument.layerComps[m].name = "comp"+bufferNumberWithZeros(m+1, 2)
    ////// buffer number with zeros //////
    function bufferNumberWithZeros (number, places) {
      var theNumberString = String(number);
      for (var o = 0; o < (places - String(number).length); o++) {
      theNumberString = String("0" + theNumberString)
      return theNumberString

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    I used this After Effects Community Help search for 'script scale multiple compositions' and found this:

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    Does anyone know if such a script exists?
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    Many thanks

    I was able to rename them using these:
    "Path 1"
    app.project.item(1).layer("Shape Layer 1").property("ADBE Root Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Group").property("ADBE Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Shape - Group").name = "MY NEW PATH NAME";
    "Shape 1"
    app.project.item(1).layer("Shape Layer 1").property("ADBE Root Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Group").property("ADBE Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke").name = "MY SHAPE NAME";
    "Fill 1"
    app.project.item(1).layer("Shape Layer 1").property("ADBE Root Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Group").property("ADBE Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill").name = "MY FILL NAME";
    "Group 1"
    app.project.item(1).layer("Shape Layer 1").property("ADBE Root Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Group").property("ADBE Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Group").name = "MY GROUP 1 NAME";

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    Hi Lasantha,
    Please refer to the following post related to renaming user profile thumbnail.
    Please don't forget to mark it answered, if your problem resolved or helpful.

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    Not just any dimensioning ie: Cadtools,
    Is it possible to have "intelligent" dimensioning inside Adobe Illustrator? For example: If I draw a rectangle 4" wide by 2" high, and I stretch it to 6" x 2" is there a way for the 4" dimension to auto-update to 6" without manually overriding the text? Like they do in autoCad. I've been scouring the web for answers with little luck. I even bought CADtools which is great but doesn't provide this option. Any help/suggestions/finger pointing would be greatly appreciated.

    Nope. Illustrator (you know...this ostensibly "professional" drawing program) doesn't provide even rudimentary "dumb" dimension tools (just as the program still dosen't even provide live geometric shape primitives like any other drawing program under the sun does).
    Cheezy workarounds can be (and have been) devised with scripts to create dumb dimension labels, but updating when objects change really requires special dimension objects. Scripts loose their object-specific references when the script completes, or when the script's palette is closed, unless you code into the script some kind of object labeling, which would become cumbersome real quick.
    If it's a frequent need, you need a proper feature for this, and you're just using the wrong program. Use Draw or Canvas. You can probably buy a competitive side-grade to either of those programs for not much more than you pay for an elaborate plug-in, and get alot more value in the deal.

  • Is there a script for this?

    I have a 176 page pdf that has black type throughout, a lot of those pages also have boxes filled with black. I need to change the boxes to rich black but leave the type black only. I tried using actions but it changes both since they have the same fill. I posted this on the creating and editing forum and got no reply, so I'm assuming it may not be possible. Is there possibly a script to do this?
    And if there is could someone talk me through using it. I've used scripts in Indesign but have no clue how to apply them in acrobat.
    I'm on a Mac using Acrobat 9 Pro.
    Your help is much appreciated,

    Thanks for the response Gilad.
    Sorry it has taken me a bit to get back to you. I work for a printing company and don't always get time to "play around" with things.
    I did try your suggestion of color convert with no good results. The boxes and the type have the same fill color and selecting any object
    or line art would also change the type. Also tried changing just the type and both change. Not sure why.
    I do very much appreciate your suggestion.
    Thank you,

  • Need a click and drag script for multiple layers.

    Hi. I'm realitivly new to Flash and Action Script.
    For a Majour project school asignment i am trying to create an interactive map for a hypothetical theme park, and i'll cut to the chase, i need a script that allows the player to drag the content of two or three layers around the screen upon mouse click, similar to this example:\
    I will have a layer for buttons (probably called Buttons) and a layer for the map graphic (Probably called Map), similar to this tutorial:
    If anyone could produce, or has a script lying around that could do this; i would really apreciate it.
    This assignment has a large impact on my UAI (universities admission index).
    Thanks for your time,

    Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
    The problem is; this is the script i am using to make the map interactive:
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    var cities:Array = ["muscat", "sohar", "dubai","abu_dhabi"]
    function mover (targetX, targetY){
    currentX = marker_mc._x;
    currentY = marker_mc._y;
    var xTween:Tween = new Tween(marker_mc, "_x", Strong.easeOut, currentX, targetX, .5, true);
    var yTween:Tween = new Tween(marker_mc, "_y", Back.easeOut, currentY, targetY, 1.5, true);
    for (var i = 0; i<cities.length; i++){
    var my_btn = this[cities[i]+"_btn"];
    my_btn.myCity = cities[i];
    my_btn.onRollOver = function() {
    mover( this._x, this._y);
    And when the buttons are made to be part of a movie clip with the image i am using for the background this script does not work.
    The script is located in a layer called "Actions", if that is of any help at all.
    Any ideas?
    I am sorry if I am being a newsense.

  • Script for renaming postscript files

    I need a script that will rename a postscript file at the time of printing. Ideally, after you hit the print button, a field would appear for you to enter the new name of the postscript file prior to sending it on to the printer. After you entered text, you hit enter again and the file goes to the printer for printing. The print log would show the new name. If anyone knows how to do this, I would appreciate your assistance. I could probably get you some cash.

    This forum is for scripting questions rather than script requests.
    Please start by reading the following:
    Posting guidelines
    Handy tips for posting to this forum
    How to ask questions in a technical forum
    Rubber duck problem solving
    How to write a bad forum post
    Help Vampires: A Spotter's Guide
    -- Bill Stewart [Bill_Stewart]

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    Generally speaking, if a script doesn't run in a later version, you can put it in a subfolder withteh correct version number as the name and it will work. For CS3 that would be "Version 5.0 Scripts" without the quotes.
    That said, if you have Acrobat pro, it's probably easier to use the extract pages command...

Maybe you are looking for

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