Is there a Silver (palette) Variant control?

I've been (consistently) using Modern controls, but for a new Project (and a spiffier-looking Front Panel), I started using controls and indicators from the Silver palette.  So that my sub-VIs have some visual consistency, I wanted to use Silver there, as well (I especially like not having to change the names of the default Error In and Error Out to "Error In" and "Error Out", which has been my own "style" with the Modern controls).
I can't find the Variant control (which I want to put inside a Silver Cluster).  Is it simply "not there" (and are there plans to create it, given that this is no longer the Silver Anniversary of LabVIEW?).  If so, are there hints on how I could "build my own"?  If not, where is it?
Bob Schor

The Silver controls were designed for user interfaces, not as a general replacement for Modern controls, so there are some controls that do not have Silver versions. (There are also some Silver controls that we want but haven't gotten staffed to implement yet, e.g. tab controls and radio buttons).
However, someone inside NI wanted a Silver Variant recently and made the attached version. It looks pretty good without the scrollbar visible, but unfortunately the scrollbar is drawing at the wrong size and I don't think I can fix it without making changes to the LabVIEW executable itself.
It is possible to "make your own" Silver style controls using the Control Editor - you can copy/paste the decorations from the Silver controls into the parts of other controls. There are limitations, however, such as not being able to edit some things (such as scrollbar style) in the Control Editor.
Christina Rogers, Senior Software Engineer and UX Technical Lead, LabVIEW R&D
Silver Variant (sort of).vi ‏6 KB

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    is it that bad to show the current state of the zoom mode selection?
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    Hello D60,
    This behaviour has not been fixed in LV 2012.
    COPY - Please use "Copy to clipboard" by right clicking on the background
    Please note that only the background of the graph will change. The rest of the elements such as the legend will not be altered (I did specify this was a cheap workaround )
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    Hi there
    "Adobe Captivate will need to change to complete."
    I'm assuming here you meant to type "compete". But that's the nature of any upgrade, no? I'm sure that Captivate will change.
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    Cheers... Rick

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    What you as is difficult without knowing your exact circumstances, i.e. what format pictures are you sending, do you shoot in .jpg or shoot in RAW and convert to .jpg, etc.  However, I don't see a way to quickly reduce the size of your image files without reprocessing your files in some manner.
    You could export all of the images to be loaded onto your iPad in JPEG format using Lightroom or Aperture and greatly lower the quality setting in the .jpg export.  If you do this make sure you export to a new folder. Lowering the quality can have a huge impact on the size of the image files.  If this worked it would give you the advantage of still having the largest amount of pixels allowable on the iPad 3.  I found that on my iPad 2 I could 'get away' with setting the quality to around 50 without seeing any obvious changes.  A higher quality setting may or may not be required on the iPad 3, time will tell and as my iPad 3 is going back I've not taken the time to put more than a few sample (800 or so) images on it.  They were exported at a quality setting of 60 and look as well as can be expected considering my defective iPad 3 display.
    If you images are already exported at a lower quality setting and are still too large the next step would be to reduce the dimensions of the image.  Lightroom has this capability.  I don't know about Aperture, but I assume it does.
    My normal workflow with my 7D:
    Take picture in RAW.
    Transfer to Lightroom 4 converting the Canon RAW files to Adobe's DNG format.
    Process images in Lightroom.  If any need further processing then export to Photoshop and/or Nik plug-ins.
    Export processed images that I wish to have on my iPad to my Pictures folder in .jpg format using a quality setting of 60.  I do not reduce the dimension of the image as I want the maximum sized images my iPad will allow.  As I only transfer a couple of thousand size is not an issue.
    Use iTunes to Sync photos to iPad.
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    The computer is not too old (and neither are you ).   It may be better if you could upgrade it from 10.5.8 to 10.6 ... but that would not solve this problem.
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    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime;
    using Windows.UI;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
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    private TextBlock testBlock;
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    parentPanel = new StackPanel();
    testBlock = new TextBlock();
    parentPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
    parentPanel.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
    testBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Aqua);
    testBlock.Text = " hello World ";
      Best Regrads Derrick.

    Here's one solution that I found:
    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    public MainPage()
    protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
    DerrickPanel D = new DerrickPanel();
    public class DerrickPanel : Control
    private StackPanel parentPanel;
    private TextBlock testBlock;
    public DerrickPanel()
    this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(DerrickPanel);
    this.Template = DerrickPanel.CreateTemplate();
    private static ControlTemplate CreateTemplate()
    string xaml = "<ControlTemplate xmlns=\"\">";
    xaml += "<StackPanel Orientation=\"Vertical\" Background=\"Red\">";
    xaml += "<TextBlock Foreground=\"Aqua\">Hello World</TextBlock>";
    xaml += "</StackPanel>";
    xaml += "</ControlTemplate>";
    var сt = (ControlTemplate)XamlReader.Load(xaml);
    return сt;
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
    NOTE: If I ask for code, please provide something that I can drop directly into a project and run (including XAML), or an actual application project. I'm trying to help a lot of people, so I don't have time to figure out weird snippets with undefined
    objects and unknown namespaces.

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    Premiere Elements 12 Mac
    You should be able to right click your audio and select Fade, followed by Fade In Audio or Fade Out Audio.
    Please refer to my blog post on Fades
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE11: Timeline Fade Out Shortcuts and Time Stretched/Time Remapped Video
    As mentioned I am strictly an Elements Windows user, so I am assuming that the Premiere Elements Windows and Mac
    are the same on this feature.
    Please let us know if you need clarification on the above.
    Thank you.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Sorry, there is no such application.

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    Establishing a wireless connection with a client computer is left to the access point for various reasons. One reason that your Mac may not connect to the strongest access point is that it may have reached a limit of the number of clients it can serve, leaving it unable to accept a connection with another. The limit may not be very large.
    Suppose that happens, and your Mac establishes a connection with a more distant access point having a weaker signal. Then, suppose a client drops off the network. Doesn't this mean your Mac will switch to the stronger access point? Not necessarily. The throughput delivered to and from your Mac would have to drop below a threshold specified in the AP for it to drop the client, leaving your Mac free to connect with another one. The reason for this is to prevent rapid switching from one AP to another in an area in which two signals are of approximately equal quality. If that were to occur the frequent and repetitive handshaking between the two devices would slow throughput to zero.
    In an environment in which several access points are broadcasting the same SSID, Apple provides no insight as to how it determines which access point to choose. This is the reason I suspect this "choice" is a function of the router, or access point. The connection originates with it, not the Mac.
    Now, what would solve your dilemma would be to determine a way to control the access point with which your Mac connects, by specifying the access point's unique MAC address for example. In this happy circumstance, you could maintain an editable "whitelist" or "blacklist" of the harbor's access points and be able to choose which among them you prefer.
    I do not believe OS X maintains such a record of MAC addresses though, only those of the routers it uses. If I am correct about that, such a solution is unlikely to exist. Don't let that discourage you from searching for one though... I would concentrate on something like "selecting access point by specific MAC address".
    I did find this patent application though:
    Roaming Network Stations Using A Mac Address Identifier To Select New Access Point
    Perhaps it's a start

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