Is there a Tutorialvideo for sincing outside audio source to video clip

Wanting to knoe how to sinc up an HD audio clip and remove original audio from video. I jnow how to remove original audio and how to bring in the HD audio but how do you sinc it up perfectly?

There are multiple tutorials on this ... have you gone to the AdobeTV page and checked what's available? They have some, as do the paid services of say and others. This one might have something in there to help you ...
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Audio in Premiere Pro CC | No Stupid Questions with Colin Smith | Adobe TV

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    A great resource for finding answers to questions like this is
    You can ask questions just like these and they will be answered for you. If you need a tutorial video made or anything like that, you can go there as well and ask for a video to made as well. Check it out.
    If you still have questions on how to do this, they can help you for sure.
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    Alan Read
    SC, USA

    hello ,thanks for jour mail ,but my English is very very bad sorry but
    many thank for your feedback. Hav a nice Day
    Am 09.12.2014 16:57, schrieb carpmusic:
          Replace audio in multiple video clips at one time
    created by carpmusic <> in
    /Premiere Pro/ - View the full discussion

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    Select the clip in the sequence.
    Then command-L to unlink the clips.
    Then select the audio and delete.
    As a suggestion, two things:
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    2. Do a search in the pdf manual in the help manual

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    Gerhard Becker
    What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
    In the absence of that information, I will generalize.
    1. You right click a copy of the Timeline file with the video and audio linked and then select Delete Video from the pop up.
    2. Then you drag your Still Image to the Timeline and align it with your audio file.
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    Now that's pretty good follow-up to your first post, and quickly too! Nice detective work.
    As you have found, there is basically a Render/Replace operation going on in PrPro, to get the material in the correct form for AME.
    Thank you for reporting, as it saved me, and others, from basically saying what you said.
    Good luck, and sorry that you beat us to the punch.

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    Quicktime Kirk,
    I have downloaded another persons inquiry because it is exactly the problem I am having. Here is his post
    "I make movies of cells and convert them to quick time and insert them into powerpoint for presentations for conferences. I never had a problem with this until I upgraded to office 2004 and now many (but not all) of my movies won't play. They seem to be there but when I click play they go white as though there is only the first image. I had saved them as cinepak and or jpeg A usually with image J or older ones from the original NIH image and I can't figure out what the problem is. I even upgraded to quicktime pro to resave them as self contained but still they don't work when I insert them. I can play them all with quicktime player and when I make new ones now in image j I save them as video and that seems to work but it would be very difficult to go back and do that with everything. Does anyone know why or how to fix this?"
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