Is there a way to crop an actual clip?

That is, in a few of my clips, the right hand side of the screen is a solid white vertical bar. I'd like to zoom in on the clip, or crop out the white strip and stretch the image. Any ideas?

If its a photo you can right click and set Edit Photo Settings, then zoom in.

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    If your export looks like the screenshot in post 6, then please write your Publish+Share settings in a reply to confirm your present situation.
    and then what?
    Windows Media
    You might only be seeing MPEG, AVCHD, and XAVC-S in the list because the other are hidden from view. You need to use the small scroll bar to the right of the choices to scroll down to the ones beyond XAVC-S.
    If you select MPEG and do nothing but accept the first choice of Presets which is NTSC DVD Standard, then you are going to get a 4:3 export. Under those circumstances, you have a 16:9 project setting, then you are going to get the type of result that you are seeing in post 6.
    If you are doing that, then look at the MPEG Presets = NTSC DVD Widescreen, do your export, and let us know if all is OK.
    Do you have any special receipt requirements for the export? With further information from you, I will help you with the export setting appropriate for your project and maintaining what you are created in the edit area.

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       <form name="myForm">
       <form name="anotherForm">
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    DrClap wrote:
    YouRang wrote:
    2. The first handler would validate the entire XML document, extract the "type" attribute from each <form> element, and place each <form> element and its sub-elements into the map of Strings, using the "type" attribute as the key. The second handler would take a <form> element and parse it into a Form object for the display. This option was the impetus for my question because it relies on the first handler being able to access the entire <form> element XML String and write it to a map.I don't see why you need the raw data from the XML document here. You should already be abstracting your data into Java classes in the first handler, instead of making the second handler do the parsing all over again.Correct, I am not referring to XForms. In this case, it happens that I am using the XML to generate an SWT ScrolledForm object and, thus, the XML element name happens to be named "form." However, the concept/design problem could apply to any type of object and the XML element could be appropriately renamed.
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    I apologize that option two didn't make more sense; it is difficult to explain. Yes, optimally the data should be abstracted into Java classes in the first handler. This is really an elaboration that I failed to specify when explaining option one. The problem is that the user can choose to create any number of "forms" of any type. For instance, let's say that from the File -> New menu there are options for seven different types of forms and each form is used to send completely different data. The user can select form1, select form1 again, select form4, and select form7 (or any other combination) and bring up tabs that display the different forms. The user can then enter data and submit each form separately. When the user selects File -> New -> FormX, a SWT ScrolledForm object that corresponds with FormX must be given to the display. Because SWT ScrolledForm objects do not allow a deep copy, I cannot simply read the XML <form> elements at initialization, parse them into ScrolledForm objects, and pass deep copies of the ScrolledForm objects to the display each time the user clicks File -> New -> FormX. The only simple way I see of getting a new copy of a ScrolledForm object is to reparse the appropriate XML <form> element in order to create one each time the user selects File -> New -> FormX. As such, one handler would need to read the entire XML document and parse the <form> elements into a map (or some other data structure) and another handler would need to parse individual <form> elements into SWT ScrolledForm objects. The first handler would be called at initialization and the second handler would be called each time a user clicked on File -> New -> FormX. Once again, this isn't exactly my favorite implementation... but seems the simplest given that there is no way to do a deep copy of an SWT ScrolledForm object. Hopefully that makes a little more sense. No worries if it doesn't -- I just figured I'd throw this out there and see if anyone had a better idea.

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    ''is there any way that Firefox will actually suggest correct spelling''
    Right click on the indicated word, and choose, the spelling, add to dictionary,
    or close the right-click context menu to allow without changing anything.
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    bilboleo wrote:
    1. We (my company) purchased Illustrator (or the design suite) as a replacement for CorelDraw, which it was specifically marketed by Adobe as being most appropriate for. CorelDraw does allow for import and manipulation of image files within the program, so there is a direct representation between the two programs and what users may expect to be able to do with them.
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    Disingenuous? I'm not sure that's an attribute of software. Adobe has never billed Illustrator as a one-stop solution. Creative (Whatever) is a suite of specialized applications, each developed at different times by different teams; integrated in some ways and not in others. Using Photoshop to process and prepare an image for placement in an Illustrator or InDesign layout is a routine and common practice among graphics professionals. And, Photoshop is simply the correct tool for the task. Is your hammer's manufacturer disingenuous because they sold you a hammer that can't turn a screw?
    If I have to go through ALL of this crap to take care of simple steps, why shouldn't I just stay with the competitors program?
    Again "ALL of this crap" is really just a simple keystroke or click combination to switch between applications when appropriate, but if that's undesirable for you, then yes, you should have stuck with CorelDraw. Like you, I had CorelDraw before I was an Adobe user, and your favoring it is not lost on me. I still use it in some situations. It's really only ever a matter of choosing the best tool for the job. I'm not certain why you seem to see it as all or nothing for one or the other.
    3. I tried Photoshop; it is even less user friendly than Illustrator. And to spare you the details, I just won't go there.
    Heh...most software doesn't come out of the box in a truly "user friendly" state. The apps we're discussing here are industry standard tools for trained professionals. There's a learning curve in just about every case. At least you didn't say it's "not intuitive." Ugh.
    I would like to think that some of these discussions about what can't be done in Illustrator get back to the developers so they can improve their product, thus the explanation here. Cheers
    Oo god. "How do I crop an image in Illustrator?" is one of the most asked questions of all time. They might add the feature at some point, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

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    Thanks Jon - That's kind of where I started, but the part of that I need help with on is the second to last step.
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    You need to use a video editor like iMovie or QuicktimePro. OR an app like this:

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    You can capture the complete clip and then apply Mark > DV Start/Stop Detect over the captured clip. You could get the best of two worlds so: smooth capture and clips creation.

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    I assume you are referring to the 72 point-per-inch legacy standard. The only way I know to get there today is to use an old 21" CRT monitor and set it to 1024 x 768. But I am not really sure you would like the end result. Pretty retro.
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