Is there really a nation wide 3G and 4G outage today?????

Since this morning at about 1:00am I've noticed my T-bolt is only getting 1X now it's 8:00am and after a restart still 1X. CSR says theres a mation wide outage with no eta on when it will be fixed. Anyone else having the same issue?

GreenRobot wrote:
CSR just I talked to 30 min ago said both are out and from the looks of it on the CSR wasn't feeding me **bleep**. So I guess we just have to wait....
Really this forum automatically  put **bleep** over the the letters B and S being next to each other. Only if VZW sent out notices about service outages as well as they censored their forum. 

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    A Project is a movie you are making. You can use the clips from one or more events in a project. You can also use photos from iPhoto or Aperture or the Finder, and you can use Music from iTunes. When you "finish" a project, you use the SHARE menu to execute all your edits and create a file that can be played where you want it, in the size you want it. Even after you Share a project, you can go back and edit it some more if you like, but then you would need to Share it again.
       Or is it a "project" while you create it and then it becomes a "movie:" after you finish it? 
    A movie is the result of your Sharing the project as I mentioned above.
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    You shouldn't really need to understand caches and libraries to use iMovie. The Library is a section of your hard drive that you don't generally need to go to. It holds a bunch of files that are used by the system.
    A cache is a temporary place to hold something that you might need right away. For example, Let's say you are editing the first five seconds of a clip. It takes time to go out and get the clip off the disk drive and bring it into memory so you can edit it. A cache might be used, say, to save some time by going ahead and bringing in the whole clip (not just the first 5 seconds) and maybe the next clip too. Another example. You want a glass of milk. So do you go to the store and buy a glass of milk? No. You buy a gallon of milk and put it in the refrigerator. You drink your glass of milk. When you want another glass, you go to the cache (the refrigerator) not the store. The iMovie App handles all this behind the scenes so you don't have to worry about it.
    Clip seems on the surface obvious (a short section of continous video/audio that is a building block for a movie) but as I think about it, I wonder.....It is BOTH audio and video?  or EITHER?  If a movie contained only one clip wouold it be called a clip or a movie?
    The best way to understand clips is that it is a unit of video from the time you press record on your camera until the time you press stop. Ususally a clip is from 5 seconds to 20 seconds, but if you are recording a convert, a single clip might be two hours.   A clip is imported into an Event. A clip, or a portion of a clip, can be used in a project. It becomes a movie when you share the project. Could you take one clip and make a project from it with no editing? Sure.
    Usually a camcorder will record both audio and video. You can, however, use only the audio or only the video in a project if you want.
      If the audio and the video were from different sources would it still be a clip?
    No, it would be two clips. You can edit them together. If you want to sync multiple video angles (from different cameras) and different sound sources (like really good microphones, separate from the camera) then Final Cut Pro X is your best bet. But for simple needs, you can combine audio clips and video clips in iMovie.
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    A scene is usually a unit within your movie. It is up to you to define that. For example, if I was makeing a movie about my daughter's marathon, I might put a scene together about the pre-race preparations, a scene about the starting line, a scene about the midpoint, and a scen at the finish line. Each scene could have many clips. A scene is really where you use your creativity. I am not sure how you are using the word Section.
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    I think I already answered  this one.

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    duplicate annihilator -
    And NEVER import an iPhoto library into another iPhoto library - doing so des not work and creates massive duplication
    if you still have all of the original iPhoto libraries I recommend you drag the bad one you created to the desktop (delete it later when everythin has successfully been completed) and start over usin iPhoto Library Manager - -  to merge the libraries

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    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.) No data/files will be erased.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Thank you for your prompt response - I did as you said and did a drag and drop into the iTunes window - it imported and got my album art from the net. When I started Itunes with the shift key down I was prompted to choose a library but since I copied over the media folder and not the library folder I was unable to select that so I guess I will have to create a new library and add in all the music, videos, etc. unless I wait for my laptop and export the library or at least that seems to be the case? In short, all my data (iTunes media folder) is on my external drive and can be added to the blank iTunes screen but I can not choose a library folder. Is there anyway around completely making all those playlists again? I am not sure my laptop will survive the shop with data intact and really hate to start over on those.
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    Thanks for your response.  That's a great link.  I don't recall seeing a page that is so clear and easy to read back when I was doing this the 1st time, but I probably just missed it.  That helps.
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    Anyway, thanks for your support.  I'll be trying this again and we'll see.

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    There is no way to track a lost or stolen iPod Classic. Sorry.
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product

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    I dont want to use "sync" in iTunes because I dont want a synched static set of files . i want to swap out the files i have on the ipad as I process them.
    The fastest way I done it so far is to use dropbox and email. Needless to say this is a chore especially when I have the PC, a cord and the ipad right here in front of me.
    I hope this isnt a convoluted question but I am somewhat stunned that there isnt a simple way to do this. Am I missing something?

    Your right in that there is no way to simply copy them to the iPad.
    Option 1:
    In iTunes, after choosing your iPad under devices on the left, click the Apps tab. Towards the bottom under File Sharing you'll see iPhoto listed there. Clicking on that icon and then you can drag and drop into the Document box, or click Add and select them.
    Option 2:
    Camera Connection Kit will allow you to tramsfer the files directly from the camera to Ipad.
    Your biggest disappointment though is going to be the fact that iPhoto for iOS does not read RAW images. You can get them on the device but what you will be looking at is the small jpeg embedded in the RAW file. How big this is depends on the camera and at least on Canon cameras cannot be user changed.
    Secondly, when you do finish editing the image in iPhoto it will save the 'new' image as a new jpg. It does not create any sort of sidecar file of the changes made so there isn't any way for Lightroom to read those edits. If you wanted the 'new' picture in Lightroom you would have to import it, and it will be a small jpeg.
    It sounds like what you really want is some sort of iOS version of Lightroom. PhotoSmith is the most powerful one I know of on iOS but it isn't even close.

  • Is there really no way to delete a profile from my macbook pro?

    I got a new macbook pro recently. I was planning to move data from my old mac but couldn't resist to turn it on right away. In doing this I ended up having to set the profile up on my new mac. One step in this process is to move data from a different mac. Since I hadn't read up on the details of this step yet I chose to skip it. When I finally was ready to move the data from my old mac I was forced to create a another new profile.
    I now have two profiles on my new mac and I'm desperate in trying to figure out how I can remove the old profile.
    Is there really no way to delete an existing profile from my mac?

    the way to delete a user account is to log in as the administrative user which you wish to keep, and open the Users & Groups pane in System Preferences. If the padlock in the lower-left corner of the System Preferences window is locked, click on the padlock to unlock it (by giving it your administrative user’s password). Select the user account that you would like to delete, and press the “-” button at the bottom of the list of user accounts. Relock the padlock if desired, and exit System Preferences.

  • Color Shift - Save To Web - There really is an issue

    OK, Every article I have read about this topic indicates that the user does not really grasp colour management fully. However, I'm going to stick my neck out, and suggest that there really is an issue with either PS or Fireworks CS5, and here's why.
    Create a new document - maybe just 100x100px, and choose "Don't color manage this document" when creating it. Fill it with a solid colour, I used RGB 24 16 44 - a dark blue. Now, we have an un-managed swatch.
    Save this to web as a JPG, making sure that no conversion to sRGB is taking place (Convert to sRGB is unchecked). In the Save to Web window, you can hover over the swatch and see the colours are still RGB 24 16 44 - so far so good...
    Save it as a JPG at 100% quality, just to be sure. Also, save it as a 24bit PNG.
    OK, now do something similar in Fireworks... name your files accordingly...
    Now open the files in the opposite applications. There SHOULDN'T be any colour shifts at all - you are dealing with raw, un-managed RGB files. However, the JPGs in both instances have shifted. PNG files are spot on.
    Can someone explain - without being a terse smart arse - exactly what is causing this? And please, if you are going to glibly refer to some FAQ or such, supply a URL. Sorry, I know the vast majority of folks here are helpful, but I find the quality of some replies aren't worth reading.

    I think you can deduce the reason by looking really closely (literally, zooming in) at how .jpgs are constructed.  There is a grid of sampling areas (the size based on the quality setting) and each 'block' is like a little gradient, that is the trick that jpg uses to compress.  If the program could not change a colour, it would not be able to compress.
    Non-lossy formats (eg: zip) look at compressing the data, if it sees a chain of 300,000 zeros, it logically says 'put 300,000 zeros here', that is quicker than literally writing the zeros.
    Lossy methods look at the colour of a group of pixels and then substitute them with a mathematical gradient that averages out the content of the block and where you have little detail, the compression is greater because the little blocks are easily described as bland gradients. (bland blends? hehe).
    That is why final file sizes in jpgs are variable for the same pixel dimensions, a fact which has baffled many here, because a complex image cannot be averaged out as easily as a plain one.
    Again: If the program could not change the colour of pixels, it would not be able to compress in this way.

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