Is Tiger retail 10.4 install DVD suposed to come with ilife?

Just bought a secondhand version of retail 10.4. Tiger to install on my Powerbook, G4 1.33ghz (only 1 GB RAM as other RAM doesn't work) - as i wanted a better imovie and garageband performance than my panther ones. I have installed it and was under the impression that it was 'all in' like on panther, but there isn't any ilife! Even tho the manual talks about it as if they were part of the package. Have i been ripped off? should there have been abother disc in the box or does it just NOT come with ilife?! I tried to open the panther install discs so that i could get the old garageband etc but it seems like i have to install oSX 10.3. to get to the apps...I'm so lost- is there anything i can do or do i have to go and buy an ilife from 2005/6 - if so what do i look for? and is it worth it?!

Have i been ripped off?
should there have been abother disc in the box or does it just NOT come with ilife?
It doesn't come with iLife except for the free iTunes.
I tried to open the panther install discs so that i could get the old garageband etc but it seems like i have to install oSX 10.3. to get to the apps
Mac OS X 10.3 retail doesn't include GarageBand. If those disks came with the PowerBook, perform a custom installation of it.

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    1) Buy an old iLife from a place such as e-bay or Amazon.  Make sure it is a version that has iDVD.  Do not buy it from Apple since their version no longer has iDVD.
    2) Try a third party application (none really have the features of iDVD though).
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    You may have to see if you can use some other Mac with a tray-load
    optical drive, and email the file to your other mac or use Firewire cable.
    With a google mail account, the file size is up to 20MB per email. Or,
    if you really need this software, use any computer with a tray load
    optical drive and burn the file to a CD-RW disc (for one-time use; so
    you can reclaim the disc for something else, later.)
    There may be a procedure in the use of the card reader which is not
    being followed. I have never needed a driver for a card reader in Mac
    OSX. You should be able to see a memory card in the reader, if you
    put the card in the reader first, then attach the cardreader to the Mac.
    If this works, be sure to dismount or eject the item from the desktop
    prior to detaching the cable to the card-reader. I have two card readers
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    from the manufacturer's web site; if not, email and ask if they have an alt-
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    Colin R.

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    Did you include the original RESTORE discs that came with the computer? As Niel already pointed out, retails versions of Mac OS do not include iLife applications, but full systems do come with iLife and so the RESTORE discs should have whatever version of iLife the computer originally shipped with.
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    What model is the MBP? Did it come with OS 10.6 or a later OS? Is the install DVD one that came with it or something else?
    You can't run an OS older than Mac on it.
    But if came with 10.6 installed & you have the system discs, you should be able to erase the drive & reinstall the original OS.

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    10.6 Snow Leopard ?
    You can call Apple and order one.  1-800-275-2273
    You cannot use an install dvd that is shipped with another computer.

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    Sorry, but if you're referring to commercial and hence copy-protected video DVDs, breaking the copy protection, which would be necessary to copy the videos from the DVD and convert them, is illegal in the US (and other countries), so we're not allowed to discuss it here.   Some DVDs and Blu-Ray movies come with a "digital copy" that allows you to download a copy of the movie for use on portable devices. You might see if any of the DVDs you have come with such a feature.
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