Is timesten fit for analytical application ?+ my test result

quite surprised by the performance of Timesten on OLTP application, I tried to know whether timesten perform as better in OLAP (analytical application) as well.
I have the test table as below:
"ddate" date,
     "B_5"     char(2),
     "C_10"     char(2),
     "D_1000"     char(4),
     "E_2"     char(2),
     "ttl"     smallint
I have 5mil rows in the table, unique values of each attribute is B_5 = 5, C_10=10, D_1000=1000, index is created for each of the attribute except for ttl
the datastore size is over 200MB which is quite acceptable, I set the permant size at 800 MB, so now the dataset is comfortably fit in the physical memory. (I have 2G memory)
now I have a bunch of crazy query like this:
select sum(ttl) from syn where D_1000 in ('v106','v111','v113','v128','v130','v193','v250','v277','v28','v292','v3','v317','v32','v337','v34','v341','v381','v389','v415','v421','v445','v468','v487','v535','v566','v574','v575','v600','v621','v628','v63','v643','v663','v667','v671','v679','v68','v690','v691','v701','v733','v747','v754','v768','v769','v774','v779','v805','v809','v818','v824','v825','v867','v880','v881','v919','v952','v958','v984','v986','v991','v995') and C_10 in ('v1','v10','v4','v8','v9') group by ddate
The query time per query varies between 2 seconds - 12 seconds, but I never be able to see the superior experience at micro-second/query as in the benchmarking.
I using direct method on 4CPU, 2G physical memory machine, WinXP SP2, single connection, query tool is ttisql.
Is this performance reasonable with timesten?

Our TTree index can be used to speed up query when the condition specifies constraint on a prefix of the index. Constraint must be equality unless the constraint on the last key of this prefix which can be in-equality. So you can take advantage of this in order to reduce the number of index created. Index will take space to store and time to maintain. Note than for an update, we will update an index if and only some column of this index is changed. And when we need to update an index, we delete the old value and insert the new one so its cost will be double that of an insert or delete. If space is not an issue and/or updates is not frequent than index creation should be no problems. Otherwise consideration has to be made to balance select and update. You should also consider updating statistics so the best index can be used in case there is no index that can cover all the constraints. For instance in this case with single column index, the better index to be used is the one on d_1000 because it has more values but the optimizer wont know it unless statistics was collected. So you may have acceptable performance without additional indexes but better statistics.

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    hi Kevin,
    check if helps following oss note
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               Import Support Package 10 for SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI (BI Patch 10 or SAPKW70010) into your BI system. The Support Package is available once Note 914304 "SAPBINews BI 7.0 Support Package 10", which describes this Support Package in more detail, has been released for customers.
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       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.Msaa.AccWrapper.get_RoleInt()
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     BaseExceptionMessage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    Hi Jameebug,
    You could share the log fine on the OneDrive and share the link here.
    There is a link about enable tracing for MTM that may benefit you:
    # Enable Tracing for MTM
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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  • RE: Test automation tools for Forte applications

    There is a basic automated testing program already
    supplied by Forte in the examples. It is called
    AutoTest.Pex. It records events and can replay them.
    It can be a bit tricky and is a bit basic, but
    may have some of the functionality that you want.
    This is specifically for window / widget testing.
    Hope this helps,
    Kerrie Vickers
    Forte Consultant
    Mark Wick Wrote :
    We are evaluating test automation tools for a Forte client server
    Does anybody have experience with testtools for Forte applications or
    can even recommend a testtool particulary suitable for Forte
    We want to test GUIs on NT-clients as well as a batch process running
    a Unix solaris server and accessing an oracle database.
    any help appreciated
    Marc WickMazda Australia takes every precaution to ensure email messages are virus free. For complete protection, you should virus test this message.
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    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    There is a basic automated testing program already
    supplied by Forte in the examples. It is called
    AutoTest.Pex. It records events and can replay them.
    It can be a bit tricky and is a bit basic, but
    may have some of the functionality that you want.
    This is specifically for window / widget testing.
    Hope this helps,
    Kerrie Vickers
    Forte Consultant
    Mark Wick Wrote :
    We are evaluating test automation tools for a Forte client server
    Does anybody have experience with testtools for Forte applications or
    can even recommend a testtool particulary suitable for Forte
    We want to test GUIs on NT-clients as well as a batch process running
    a Unix solaris server and accessing an oracle database.
    any help appreciated
    Marc WickMazda Australia takes every precaution to ensure email messages are virus free. For complete protection, you should virus test this message.
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

  • Test automation tools for Forte applications

    We are evaluating test automation tools for a Forte client server
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    can even recommend a testtool particulary suitable for Forte
    We want to test GUIs on NT-clients as well as a batch process running on
    a Unix solaris server and accessing an oracle database.
    any help appreciated
    Marc Wick
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    There is also TestComplete by AutomatedQA but it is of
    limited usage because it is not mx.automation aware and in many
    difficult cases reverts to dumb mouse X,Y recording.
    And there is the upcoming RIATest that will be specifically
    designed for Flex using mx.automation. Here is the site:
    Disclosure: I am a RIATest developer.

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    Hi Fabien,
    Have you heard about NeoLoad from Neotys?
    It is a load testing tool for Web applications. It is very focused on all RIA’s included Flex and RTMP.
    I’m working for the company, and you could think that my opinion is biased here.
    I then invite you to have a try yourself and download the trial version at
    It includes all RTMP and Flex capabilities. You’ll see how NeoLoad makes easy the handling of that protocol.
    Our website gives explanation on RTMP load testing, that might be helpful too.
    The last but not the least, we’re Adobe partner. Our tool has been designed accordingly to all RTMP requirements. You can go ahead with confidence.
    Olivier Hanoun.

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    Edited by: Katherine on 20/12/2010 16:38
    Edited by: Katherine on 20/12/2010 16:39

    Hi ,
    You can create a single dynamic distribution group with the condition to have only the mailboxes in exchange as its members . Then when a person send an email to that  Dynamic distribution group it will get distributed to all the mailboxes
    in exchange.
    Note : Most important feature in the dynamic group is that the membership of that group will be maintained automatically and also along with that we can have group membership by defining the recipient types/OU /rules.
    I agree with ED and also based on my knowledge you cannot achieve your scenario without Distribution groups or dynamic distribution groups.
    Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham

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    I belive there is no sch a script as you mention. Please log a SR for your request

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    Tests for app failures from common coding errors: exceptions, handles, heaps, locks, memory, thread local storage.      
    App failures, crashes, and hangs are some of the top negative factors for customers. Eliminating such failures improves app stability and responsiveness.App verifier catches common coding errors and prevents heap corruption, the cause of more than 15% of application failures.
    Interestingly..! Even a simple Hello World program is failing this test...!

    Open [] and search for the word "Java".

Maybe you are looking for

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