ISCSI target and time machine

Im planning on setting up an iSCSI target on my synology nas and store music and photos.
Is it possible to backup the iSCSI target from my nas to time capsule?

To see all mounted volumes shift - command - c.    Information learned from Linc Davis.
Time Machine Troubleshooting
Time Machine Troubleshooting Problems

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  • Backing up photos on iMac using external hard drive and time machine

    How do i back up photos from my imac using an external hard drive and time machine
    Thanks in advance

    Apple explains how to use Time Machine in
    Setting up and using TM is very simple to do, connect any external HD (format as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) using Disk Utility ) and your computer shoudl ask if you want to use that EHD for a Time Machine backup. If you have any questions visit your local Apple Store or reseller and they can answer how to setup and use TM and also should be able to offer suggestions on EHDs. My personal preference is OWC ( Mercury Elite Pro due to the build quality and OWC's level of support.

  • I'm having a hard time setting up my external hard from with my AirPort Extreme and Time Machine Backups.

    I have been using a Mac Mini with an external hard and Time Machine.  I bought an Airport Extreme and have had problem setting up the hard drive using the USB port on the Airport Extreme.  I also just recently bought a Mac Book Air and hope to have both computers back up to the external hard drive using Time Machine and Airport Extreme.  I have been using the optical drive from the Mac mini to load programs into the Mac Book Air.  I think I'm just getting confused in Finder.  I am just not seeing the hard drive.  I ended up plugging the hard drive back into the Mac Mini and that is work fine again.  How do I setting the external hard drive up to the AirPort Extreme and use for both computers?  Or at least to start with the Mac mini.

    It's critical to understand that Time Machine (TM) stores backups differently between local and network drives. That would mean the TM backup on your locally attached USB hard drive will not be directly useable when it is connected to the AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBS). There is a way to copy a local version to a network version, but it is not fool-proof. When you do connect this drive and point TM to it, TM will start a brand new backup, leaving your existing backup as is.
    If your current backup is critical to you, you may want to consider getting a second USB drive to attach to the Extreme and use your existing one as a backup ... or use TM's multi-backup process to backup to more than one destination drive alternatively.
    So, at this point, you may want to make a decision on how you want to go forward to help provide a solution for you.
    To directly answer your question, when you go to select a destination for a Time Machine backup, the drive(s) that show up under "Backup Disks" are those that TM already recognizes and has backed up to. Those listed under "Available Disks" are drives (either local or on the network) that TM can back up to.

  • Cannot Find Photos on External Hard Drive Using iPhoto and Time Machine

    Hi everyone,
    This is my first time posting on this forum and am really hoping for some help! I have a 2006 PowerBook G4 that is running iPhoto and Time Machine, and I've used an external hard drive to backup everything on the computer via Time Machine. When I plug the external hard drive into my newer 2010 MacBook Pro, I follow this path to try to access the photos:
         External Hard Drive > Backups.backupd > PowerBook G4 12" > Latest > Macintosh HD > Users > Me > Pictures > iPhoto Library
    When I click "iPhoto Library", I get the following message:
         "The iPhoto Library is a Time Machine backup, and so cannot be used as the main library.  Relaunch iPhoto with <option> key held down to choose another   library."
    So, I do as the error message says and I hold down the "option" key and iPhoto launches and says:
         What Photo Library do you want iPhoto to use?
    In this case, I choose "Other Library..." and again follow this path:
         External Hard Drive > Backups.backupd > PowerBook G4 12" > Latest > Macintosh HD > Users > Me > Pictures > iPhoto Library
    When I choose this, I again get the following message:
         The iPhoto Library is a Time Machine backup, and so cannot be used as the main library.  Relaunch iPhoto with <option> key held down to choose another   library.
    So as you can see, I'm feeling a bit like I'm chasing my tail in trying to open these photos. I did follow another user's advice and confirm that all photos are infact on the hard drive by using the "control" button and clicking "iPhoto Library" under the pictures folder, and choosing "Show Package Contents". All looks to be in tact in the "originals" folder when showing package contents, however, I just can't find a way to actually view the photos in iPhoto. I really don't want to import all the photos to my current MacBook Pro, because I'd like them to live on the external hard drive (which is formatted for Macs) so that I can browse the photos on the external drive, rather than housing it on my computer.
    One other thing I tried was opening iPhoto on my MacBook Pro and going to File > Browse Backups...  which essentially opens Time Machine and shows me the photos on my MacBook Pro but gives me no option to view them from my External Hard Drive.
    Any super users out there willing to lend me some help?

    The iPhoto Library is a Time Machine backup, and so cannot be used as the main library.  Relaunch iPhoto with <option> key held down to choose another   library.
    You can have an iPhoto library on an external drive and use it from different machines
    and you can have a Time Machine backup
    The two can not be on the same volume - and iPhoto can not access the TM backup - it must be restored to use it

  • Time Capsule and time machine with third party router

    This is the first time I use this site.
    I have over three years old Mackbook.
    APP has expired.
    Now I want to know how to set up time capsule in a new environment.
    I moved from Australian and Singapore.
    I was using Time Capsule and Airport Extreme in Australia.
    I have moved to Singapore.
    I am using router provided by Singtell(Singapore Telecommunication). I do not have an Airport Extreme anymore. My housemate and I are using wireless internet-sharing. Needless to say that internet provider is SingTell.
    Now I would like to know how to use time capsule and time machine with the network created with a router provided by SingTell.
    What I did so far is;
    Connected the time capsule to the power point.
    Orange lamp lit and flashed for a few second and stop. Orange lamp stayed on.
    Apple Utility does not recognise Time Capsule.
    I prefer to use it wirelessly.
    There are only two USB cable ports installed.
    One is used to synchronize iPhone.
    Other is used for a printer.
    but if it is not possible, wired would be OK.
    MacBook 13 inch 2.0 GH Late 2006
    I hope that someone able to give me an answer for this.

    In this case the apple support people reveal a truly poor understanding.
    You must bridge something.. you either bridge the TC.. which 90% of people do.. or you bridge the dsl router.. which some people do manage to do.. You will have to look that up for your modem and check with verizon if they support pppoe authentication.
    IMHO just bridge the TC as you were told not to do.. as they are simply wrong about that.
    If you already tried this and it didn't work.. try again.. it is the correct approach.
    You have no choice. But this time let me suggest you do it using the 5.6 airport utility.. as the apple toyland v6 airport utility is likely half your trouble.
    So here is how to get the utility into your computer.
    How to load 5.6 into ML.
    1. Download 5.6 for Lion.
    Click to open the dmg but do not attempt to install the pkg.. it won't work anyway.
    2. Download and install unpkg.
    Run unpkg on the desktop.. it is very simple.. drag the AirPortUtility56.pkg file over to unpkg.. and it will create a new directory of the same name on the desktop.. drill down.. applications utilities .. there lo and behold is Airport utility 5.6 .. drag it to your main utilities directory or just run it from current location.
    You cannot uninstall 6.1 so don't try.. and you cannot or should not run them both at the same time.. so just ignore the toyland version.. the plastic hammer.. and start using 5.6.. a real tool.
    For screen shots see this post.
    Then open the manual setup on the 5.6 utility.. go to internet tab. Connection sharing.. off bridged mode.
    Select this and update..
    Then all your IP addresses will be wrong.. I suspect this is where things are going wrong.. and messing you up.
    Once the TC is bridged.. turn off everything and restart.. in correct order.. modem.. TC.. client computers etc. 2min gap between each.

  • Can Superduper and Time machine write to the same external volume.

    I just setup a 750 GB external drive single partition using firewire 800. Any problem with superduper and time machine writing to the same volume?

    Can Superduper and Time machine write to the same external volume.
    Yes, they can write to the same partition.
    I am doing this, and can report no problems so far. TM still backs up and SuperDuper is bootable.

  • Using LaCie 1Tb Network drive and Time MAchine

    I have read a number of thread here about issues with LaCie and Time Machine but cannot find the help I am looking for. I have a the Lacie device connected to my network and I have access through the Browser Administration utility to the drive, I believe I have set up the users and the shares correctly, and can connect to the share, but when i try to set up Time Machine it fails to recognize that the NAS drive is available, I am doing something wrong and it's probably very simple.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Here's Apple's public statement at for what devices work with TM.
    [You can designate just about any HFS+ formatted FireWire or USB drive connected to a Mac as a Time Machine backup drive. Time Machine can also back up to another Mac running Leopard with Personal File Sharing, Leopard Server, or Xsan storage devices.]

  • "No configured AirPort base stations have been found."  I can see the content of the TimeCapsule's drive in finder and Time Machine but it no longer is making backups. Ideas?

    Bought new TimeCapsule March 2013. Worked fine. Now get "No configured AirPort base stations have been found."  I can see the content of the TimeCapsule's drive in finder and Time Machine but it no longer is making backups. Ideas?

    Make sure that you have AirPort Utility 6.3.1 installed on your Mac.
    AirPort Utility 6.3.1 for Mac - Support - Apple
    Then, power off the entire network...all any order that you want
    Wait a minute, then start the modem first and let it run a full minute
    Start the next device connected to the modem, which may be your Time Capsule and let it run a minute
    Keep starting devices one at a time the same way until the entire network is back up
    See if AirPort Utility can "see" the Time Capsule now.
    If yes, try another backup. If you encounter an error message, post back with the exact message.

  • Hard drive both as s startup and Time Machine

    Right now I am using an Iomega 360 GB hard drive for Time Machine. I would like to put a system on the Iomega so I can use it as a start up in case something hapens with my computer's startup. If I do this will it erase the year of Time Machine copies I have on it now?
    Can the system startup and time machine both be on my Iomega hard drive on the same partition" Or should I have 2 hard drives. One for Time Machine and the other for the system startup?
    I'm just a little freaked out because of the trouble I have had with installing Z.6.

    360GB is kind of small for a Time Machine drive already (unless the data you are backing up is something like 160GB), so you may not want to install additional stuff on the same drive. However, the Time Machine backup archive is kept in its own folder, so you can put other data on the same drive, including a system installation.
    If you are installing Leopard, as long as you don't select to run an +Erase and Install+, and there is no existing system on that drive, the installed system will be added to the existing data.
    Ideally, it would be best to have a separate volume that is only used for Time Machine. A volume can be a partition (it does not need to be the whole drive), so you could partition that drive to have a big partition and a small partition (20GB should be enough), and put the emergency startup system on the small partition. If it is for emergency startup, you can Customize the Leopard installation to de-select things you do not need, such as languages, printer drivers, and bundled apps; that will reduce the size of the installation quite a bit. I use an old FireWire-based iPod with a broken screen as my emergency/maintenance startup disk (about 20GB).
    I'm just a little freaked out because of the trouble I have had with installing Z.6.
    Is that X.6 (Snow Leopard)? What trouble are you having?

  • Network drives and time machine with Lion

    Since upgrading to Lion my MyBookWorld network drive is no longer working with time machine.  The drive is recognised as being there by finder and time machine but when I try and connect to it as registered user there is a warning saying  There was a problem connecting to the server "MyBookWorld.Local". This drive was working fine until I upgraded to lion.  There is no new firmware from Wesern Digital for the disc.  It looks like that will be the solution.  does anyone have any idea when that may be forthcoming?

    Please follow these instructions:
    Lion: Connecting to legacy (pre-Lion) AFP services - and Mac OS X (server):

  • IPhoto, iTunes, and Time Machine

    I have a late 2009 Mac Mini running Mavericks. The Mini has a 200gb drive.  Is it better to have iPhoto, iTunes and Time Machine on an external hard drive? I understand it doesn't matter where the location is as long as you have adequate drive space. That is not what I am asking. Another words, you have a separate external drives for EACH one.  Does it make sense to have separate drives for iPhoto, iTunes and TM. All of these external drives plugged into the Mini. I am thinking of the recovery as well as if one drive crashes then you are not dead in water,
    I am thinking this way because iPhoto alone can get fairly large as well as iTunes. It makes sense to me to have separate drives for each one. Anyone else have this type of setup at home?

    Thanks for the response. I understand that I would need a backup of all three drives.  However, I was asking if it is better to have your iPhoto and iTunes libraries on separate drives versus using 1 large drive to hold the data. The other point, iPhoto and iTunes can get fairly large in size over time. So, do you use 1 large external drive or use 2 separate drives.  Obviously, I know that when a drive crashes, you may or may not be able to recover any data off of it. Obviously, I know that you need a backup of the drives in case of drive failure. 
    I would like to know if other Apple users have separate drives for iPhoto, iTunes and TM?  If so, which manufacturer are you using?

  • Time Machine Restore Leads to Kernel Panic and Time Machine Inaccuracies

    Last night I had to do a full restore from time machine because I had disturbed system files. So I boot in the OSX disk and run time machine from utilities to a time before I messed things up. After it finishes I restart as the screen prompts me to do and I get in a kernel panic restart cycle.
    So I reinstall snow leopard from the disk, and for some reason instead of being formatted everything appears as it did at the beginning of summer (I've had Snow Leopard since it came out). So I boot in the disk and try a time machine full restore to a different backup, and after it completes I again get into the kernel panic restart cycle.
    So I reinstall snow leopard to the same effect, thinking I'll just go into time machine (star wars interface) and manually update all the important files, but even though I have regular updates that run all the way to may, they are inaccurate. For instance: my downloads folder remains identical in all of them, even though it is altered almost daily, also my documents don't change: for instance an essay I'm working on doesn't contain changes which I made and through all of the time machine backups has not been modified since may 10th (quite wrong). But oddly, programs which I had installed recently remain on the computer.
    Disk Utility and Disk Warrior both report my internal hard drive and my external hard drive (where the time machine backups are stored in their own partition) are intact.
    All I want is data restoration, and none of my methods have worked.... if there is a workaround to my time machine kernel panic issue and time machine would give an accurate restoration then I would do this... hopefully some of you have ideas... Thanks.
    Macbook 2.13 Ghz
    2 gb ram
    was running the most recent edition of Snow Leopard, after restore I'm running the original OSX 10.6

    You might try the following to repair permissions in your Home folder. Disk Utility does not repair permissions in the Home folder.
    To fix Home folder permissions
    Open the Terminal application in the Utilities folder. At the command line prompt enter or paste the following command line:
    sudo chown -R `id -un`:`id -gn` ~
    Press RETURN. You will be prompted to enter your admin password which will not be echoed.

  • External Boot drive and time machine?

    Been away from the mac/s for awhile... Just recieved my new mac mini hooked up to an external drive, in this case a very nice mini stack V2 with 500GB and more importantly 7200RPM drive. When I first turned on Leopard I of course designated the external drive as my backup for time machine.
    That done can I still use the external drive as a bootable drive? I want to gain the increase in performance from that hard drive by doing so.
    If YES I just install my OS on to that drive and then once done select it as my boot drive in system preferences? Any help appreciated.

    I'm not sure you would want to have a backup to the same drive you boot the system from, and Time Machine won't give you the option to select the same partition your boot copy of MacOS is in. You may be able to repartition the drive into two (or more) logical drives and do it that way, but realistically to get the best performance from the system you'd probably want to use the external not just as the boot drive, but also for data storage. That being so, you clearly wouldn't gain any real benefit backing up to the same drive even if you could do so, so you might perhaps instead designate the mini's internal drive for Time Machine use, or add a second external and designate that.

  • My external hard drive for backup and Time Machine is full.  I bought a new HD.  Can I just begin using it, or must I transfer old BkUp and TM to the new HD?

    My external hard drive for Back Up and Time Machine is full.  I bought a new HD.  Can I just begin using it and rely on the old HD for past Time Machine versions, or must I transfer the old Back Up and Time Machine files to the new HD?

    It is your choice.
    If you don't want to be able to far back into the time slots covered by the old disk then just start using the new disk.
    If you want to retain the ability to go back into those time slots then copy it.

  • I have a 500 gb hard drive partitioned for files and time machine but when i connect it to my mac only the time machine one shows up

    well as the title says i have a 500gb hard drive with 2 partitions one with time machine and one for files it worked perefectly until yesterday only the time machine partition appeared in finder, i checked disk utility and both partitions appeared but the one for files appeared in grey and when i press mount an error comes up.

    The repair shop likely replaced a major circuit board on your MacBook Pro, so Time Machine thinks that you have a "new" computer and it wants to make a new complete backup of your Mac.
    You are going to have to make a decision to either add another new Time Capsule....or USB drive to your existing Time Capsule....and in effect start over with a new backup of your Mac and then move forward again.
    For "most" users, I think this is probably the best plan because you preserve all your old backups in case you need them at some point, and you start over again with a new Time Capsule so you have plenty of room for years of new backups.
    Or, as you have mentioned, you have the option of erasing the Time Capsule drive and starting all over again. The upside is that you start over and have plenty of room for new backups. The downside is that you lose years of backups.
    Another option....trying to manually delete old backups tricky business....and very time consuming. To get an idea of what is involved here, study this FAQ by Pondini, our resident Time Capsule and Time Machine expert on the Community Support area. In particular, study the pink box.
    Once you look through this, I think you may agree that this type of surgery is not for the faint of heart.  I would suggest that you consider this only if one of the other options just cannot work for you.

Maybe you are looking for