Issue with container divs, and absolute/fixed positioning

Hello everyone, I have an issue getting my divs to function properly. I have a container div and I want the table div to float inside (and move with page resize). Right now it doesnt move with the page (see photo).
However, when I change the position to relative of that div, it moves under the container div and locks itself there.(Second photo)
Any help would be great! Thanks!
Picture one:
Picture two
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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color: #000;
background-image: url();
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* ~~ Element/tag selectors ~~ */
ul, ol, dl { /* Due to variations between browsers, it's best practices to zero padding and margin on lists. For consistency, you can either specify the amounts you want here, or on the list items (LI, DT, DD) they contain. Remember that what you do here will cascade to the .nav list unless you write a more specific selector. */
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {
margin-top: 0; /* removing the top margin gets around an issue where margins can escape from their containing div. The remaining bottom margin will hold it away from any elements that follow. */
padding-right: 15px;
padding-left: 15px; /* adding the padding to the sides of the elements within the divs, instead of the divs themselves, gets rid of any box model math. A nested div with side padding can also be used as an alternate method. */
a img { /* this selector removes the default blue border displayed in some browsers around an image when it is surrounded by a link */
border: none;
/* ~~ Styling for your site's links must remain in this order - including the group of selectors that create the hover effect. ~~ */
a:link {
text-decoration: underline; /* unless you style your links to look extremely unique, it's best to provide underlines for quick visual identification */
a:visited {
color: #4E5869;
text-decoration: underline;
a:hover, a:active, a:focus { /* this group of selectors will give a keyboard navigator the same hover experience as the person using a mouse. */
text-decoration: none;
/* ~~ this container surrounds all other divs giving them their percentage-based width ~~ */
.container {
width: 80%;
max-width: 1260px;/* a max-width may be desirable to keep this layout from getting too wide on a large monitor. This keeps line length more readable. IE6 does not respect this declaration. */
min-width: 780px;
margin: 0 auto; /* the auto value on the sides, coupled with the width, centers the layout. It is not needed if you set the .container's width to 100%. */
/* ~~ This is the layout information. ~~
1) Padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the div. The elements within this div have padding on their sides. This saves you from any "box model math". Keep in mind, if you add any side padding or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width you define to create the *total* width. You may also choose to remove the padding on the element in the div and place a second div within it with no width and the padding necessary for your design.
.content {
padding: 10px 0;
font-size: x-small;
/* ~~ This grouped selector gives the lists in the .content area space ~~ */
.content ul, .content ol {
padding: 0 15px 15px 40px; /* this padding mirrors the right padding in the headings and paragraph rule above. Padding was placed on the bottom for space between other elements on the lists and on the left to create the indention. These may be adjusted as you wish. */
/* ~~ miscellaneous float/clear classes ~~ */
.fltrt {  /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
float: right;
margin-left: 8px;
.fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
float: left;
margin-right: 8px;
.clearfloat { /* this class can be placed on a <br /> or empty div as the final element following the last floated div (within the #container) if the overflow:hidden on the .container is removed */
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<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" -->
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<div class="container">
  <div class="container"><img src="../images/Davide.png" width="800" height="600" usemap="#Map" border="0" />
    <div id="apDiv2">
      <map name="Map" id="Map">
        <area shape="rect" coords="48,416,125,435" href="../news.html" />
        <area shape="rect" coords="262,416,304,436" href="../studio.html" />
        <area shape="rect" coords="490,416,545,435" href="../projects.html" />
        <area shape="rect" coords="702,415,751,436" href="../contact.html" />
      <table id="myTable" class="tableizer-table">
          <tr class="tableizer-firstrow">
            <th>YEAR </th>
            <td>EXPO 2015 - Italian Pavilion</td>
            <td>Milan - Italy</td>
            <td>Requalification of "Almerici", "Bufalini" and "Fabbri" Squares</td>
            <td>Cesena - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Re-thinking Shanghai: sustainable intervention along the Suzhou Creek</td>
            <td>Shanghai - China</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>VCC Flat</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Interior design</td>
            <td>Commission / Built</td>
            <td>London 2012 Olympic Games Information Pavilion</td>
            <td>London - UK</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Enhancement project for the sacred area of the sanctuary of Hercules Victor</td>
            <td>Tivoli - Italy</td>
            <td>VTL Flat </td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Interior design</td>
            <td>Commission / Built</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>BNC Flat</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Interior design</td>
            <td>Commission / Built</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Expansion of the "Farnesina" High School</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Competition / Selected Project</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Neanderthal Art Center</td>
            <td>Pilo�a - Spain</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>New pedestrian & cycling footpath in the site of the "San Leopoldo II" old bridge</td>
            <td>Poggio a Caiano - Italy</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Proposition 2065 - St. Leonards site</td>
            <td>Sidney - Australia</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>MEIS - National Museum of Italian Judaism and Shoah </td>
            <td>Ferrara - Italy</td>
            <td>Competition / 3rd Prize</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>36 The Calls Design Competition</td>
            <td>Leeds - UK</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Europan 10: masterplan for an harbour area</td>
            <td>Rudk�bing - Denmark</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td>"Scuola in Piazza a Levante" - Kindergarten and public areas</td>
            <td>Bisceglie - Italy</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>CIBAF - City of Kids </td>
            <td>Frattamaggiore - Italy</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Designing in Teheran</td>
            <td>Teheran - Iran</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td>Competition / Selected Project</td>
            <td>DawnTown 2008: Waterworks</td>
            <td>Miami - USA</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Venice Biennale New Australian Pavillion</td>
            <td>Venice - Italy</td>
            <td>Competition / 1st Prize</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>New pedestrian and cycling bridge</td>
            <td>Civita di Bagnoregio - Italy</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Renovation of "San Ciro" Square</td>
            <td>Portici - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td>Competition / 2nd phase selected / 3rd Prize</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Renovation of "Umberto I�" Square</td>
            <td>San Ferdinando di Puglia - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Historic Renovation of the "Corsie Sistine" Hospital Wards </td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Tender Competition (design/bid/build)</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Furniture design</td>
            <td>Commission / Built</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Office table and lighting system</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Furniture design</td>
            <td>Commission / Built</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>New City Library</td>
            <td>Legnano - Italy</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Office table</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Furniture design</td>
            <td>Concept Design</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Volleyball Arena, Hotel and Commercial Spaces</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td>Concept Design</td>
            <td>New Provincial Archaeological Museum in the Santa Scolastica Monastery</td>
            <td>Bari - Italy</td>
            <td>Competition / 5th Prize</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>The City of Water and Health</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Parkway Iconic Bridge</td>
            <td>Sheffield - UK</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Renovation of "Loveno 84" Sport Center</td>
            <td>Menaggio - Italy</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>"Guardia di Finanza" Corp Main Headquarters</td>
            <td>Catanzaro - Italy</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>"Lega Lombarda" Real Estate Complex Urban Development</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td>Tender Competition (design/bid/build) </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Jewellery design</td>
            <td>Prototype </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Moon putter</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Product design</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Aleale Coffee Table</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Furniture design</td>
            <td>Concept Design</td>
            <td>"1st October" Public Square</td>
            <td>Santa Maria Capua Vetere - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td>Competition / 1st Prize / Built</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>"Attilio Pecile" New Square and Sustainable Mixed Use Building</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td>Competition / 1st Prize</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Renewal of the "Porta Nuova" Old Tower</td>
            <td>Venice - Italy</td>
            <td>Competition / 2nd Prize</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>"Meno e pi� 4": Civic Center and Pre-school Building</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td>Competition / Mention</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Urban Renewal of Historic Building and Public Squares</td>
            <td>Conversano - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td>Competition / 2nd Prize</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>New Seafront and Beach Accesses</td>
            <td>Fregene - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td>Competition / Mention</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Requalification of Main Streets and Squares of the Old City Centre</td>
            <td>Bari - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Gyeonggi-do Jeongok Prehistory Museum</td>
            <td>Jeongok-ri - South Korea</td>
            <td>Competition / Honourable Mention</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Low-income housing development</td>
            <td>Guadalajara/Ceuta - Spain</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Shop extension</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Commission / Concept Design</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Temporary Concert Hall</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Concept Design</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Office Space Interior Design - New Seat of the Lombardy Regional Government </td>
            <td>Milan - Italy</td>
            <td>Tender Competition (design/bid/build)</td>
            <td>Europan 8 - Urban Requalification</td>
            <td>Istanbul - Turkey</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Natural Park Visitor Center, Kindergarten and Primary School</td>
            <td>Funes - Italy</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Coastal Area Development</td>
            <td>Latina - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Requalification of Three Squares</td>
            <td>Benevento - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Office and Data Center New Building in the Ministry of Defense headquarters</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Concept Design</td>
            <td>JCD Floating Pearl Store</td>
            <td>Tokio - Japan</td>
            <td>Competition / 2nd phase selected </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Requalifications of Rome�s Beachfront and Coastal Areas</td>
            <td>Ostia - Italy</td>
            <td>Urban planning</td>
            <td>Competition / 1st Prize</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>40 Apartments Building and Sport Center</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td>Competition / 2nd Prize</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>nMBA New Beaux-Art Museum</td>
            <td>Lausanne - Switzerland</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>The Dubai Residence and Hotel Towers</td>
            <td>Dubai - UAE</td>
            <td>Mixed use</td>
            <td>Concept Design</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Shoes and Accessories Shop</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Commission / Concept Design</td>
            <td>Pedestrian and cycling Bridge </td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Temporary Pavillion for a Car Show</td>
            <td>Rome - Italy</td>
            <td>Commission / Concept Design</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Belvedere Tower</td>
            <td>Castellammare di Stabia - Italy</td>
            <td>Concept Design</td>
<!-- end .container --></div>

#apDiv2 {
    position: absolute;
    width: 698px;
    height: 299px;
    z-index: 1;
    top: 117px;
    overflow: scroll;
Don't forget to fix your code errors.  You're still missing a <body> tag in your markup. 
Nancy O.

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    Unexpected response from server. The status code of response is '0'. The status text of response is ''.
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    #apDiv2 {
        position: absolute;
        width: 698px;
        height: 299px;
        z-index: 1;
        top: 117px;
        overflow: scroll;
    Don't forget to fix your code errors.  You're still missing a <body> tag in your markup. 
    Nancy O.

  • Issue with Information broadcasting and pre-cal server in SAP BI

    Hi Experts,
    I have issue with information Broadcasting and Pre-cal server. I have a worrkbook whcih runs from information broadcasting in pre-cal server. Workbook is desinged on single query and workbook contains visual basic code. workbook has a variable which is controlled by Control query in information broadcasting.
    I have 20 employees every month I need to send workbook via e-mail from information broadcasting.  The problem is sometimes all 20 employees will recieve e-mails and sometimes not. I identified there is something wrong in workbook or in pre-cal server.
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    Below log In pulled from pre-cal server
    Can you please tell what could be the problem.
    Successful job
    3/11/2011 9:29:46 AM (3) -> RS_PREC_LAUNCH_EXCEL i nvoked in thread 3 and job 'BIBCAST4L4EIS7TOR5BWG0
    2PCUG9ZPPP'. nvoked in thread 3 and job 'BIBCAST4L4EIS7TOR5BWG0
    3/11/2011 9:29:46 AM (3) -> InitConnection in thre ad 3
    3/11/2011 9:29:46 AM (3) -> Trying to open "C:\Pro gram Files\Common Files\SAP Shared\BW\BExAnalyzer.
    xla" gram Files\Common Files\SAP Shared\BW\BExAnalyzer.
    3/11/2011 9:30:18 AM (4) -> RS_PREC_GET_SERVER_STA TUS invoked.
    3/11/2011 9:30:18 AM (4) -> RS_PREC_GET_SERVER_STA TUS finished
    3/11/2011 9:30:35 AM (3) -> Using Version 7100.4.1 200.35 of BExAnalyzer.xla
    3/11/2011 9:30:35 AM (3) -> PID of Excel process: "2504"
    3/11/2011 9:30:35 AM (3) -> EndOfInitConnection in  thread 3
    3/11/2011 9:30:35 AM (3) -> RS_PREC_LAUNCH_EXCEL f inished
    3/11/2011 9:30:36 AM (0) -> Calculation Request 91 1A35ED029D4D79DD7A000200000000 received for job 'B
    IBCAST4L4EIS7TOR5BWG02PCUG9ZPPP'. 1A35ED029D4D79DD7A000200000000 received for job 'B
    3/11/2011 9:30:52 AM (6) -> RS_PREC_GET_SERVER_STA TUS invoked.
    3/11/2011 9:30:52 AM (6) -> RS_PREC_GET_SERVER_STA TUS finished
    3/11/2011 9:31:22 AM (0) -> Opening workbook: C:\W INDOWS\TEMP\BW\Analyzer\Workbooks\SAPBEXPRECMML4NN
    3/11/2011 9:31:43 AM (0) -> Refresh BExAnalyzer.xl a!MenuRefreshPrecalc returned with 1.
    3/11/2011 9:31:43 AM (0) -> Calculated workbook C: \WINDOWS\TEMP\BW\Analyzer\Workbooks
    4NNDVLYAPC2SYIC7F1AAIO_0.xls saved. \WINDOWS\TEMP\BW\Analyzer\Workbooks
    3/11/2011 9:31:43 AM (0) -> Calculated workbook C: \WINDOWS\TEMP\BW\Analyzer\Workbooks
    4NNDVLYAPC2SYIC7F1AAIO_0.xls closed. \WINDOWS\TEMP\BW\Analyzer\Workbooks
    3/11/2011 9:31:44 AM (0) -> Excel based operations  finished.
    Failure job
    3/10/2011 10:22:58 AM (1) -> RS_PREC_LAUNCH_EXCEL invoked in thread 1 and job 'BIBCAST4L41566ZBZDN2N
    TGJR0462ZFX'. invoked in thread 1 and job 'BIBCAST4L41566ZBZDN2N
    3/10/2011 10:22:58 AM (1) -> InitConnection in thr ead 1
    3/10/2011 10:22:58 AM (1) -> Trying to open "C:\Pr ogram Files\Common Files\SAP Shared\BW\BExAnalyzer
    .xla" ogram Files\Common Files\SAP Shared\BW\BExAnalyzer
    3/10/2011 10:23:20 AM (3) -> RS_PREC_GET_SERVER_ST ATUS invoked.
    3/10/2011 10:23:20 AM (3) -> RS_PREC_GET_SERVER_ST ATUS finished
    3/10/2011 10:23:44 AM (1) -> Using Version 7100.4. 1200.35 of BExAnalyzer.xla
    3/10/2011 10:23:44 AM (1) -> PID of Excel process:  "2544"
    3/10/2011 10:23:44 AM (1) -> EndOfInitConnection i n thread 1
    3/10/2011 10:23:44 AM (1) -> RS_PREC_LAUNCH_EXCEL finished
    3/10/2011 10:23:44 AM (5) -> Calculation Request 9 11A35ED02654D789871000900000000 received for job '
    BIBCAST4L41566ZBZDN2NTGJR0462ZFX'. 11A35ED02654D789871000900000000 received for job '
    3/10/2011 10:24:27 AM (0) -> RS_PREC_GET_SERVER_ST ATUS invoked.
    3/10/2011 10:24:27 AM (0) -> RS_PREC_GET_SERVER_ST ATUS finished
    3/10/2011 10:24:31 AM (5) -> Opening workbook: C:\ WINDOWS\TEMP\BW\Analyzer\Workbooks\SAPBEXPRECQB2VE
    3/10/2011 10:24:52 AM (5) -> Refresh BExAnalyzer.x la!MenuRefreshPrecalc returned with 1.
    3/10/2011 10:24:52 AM (5) -> Calculated workbook C :\WINDOWS\TEMP\BW\Analyzer\Workbooks
    2VEA8O8D8FBHYCR4HVB5UI8_0.xls saved. :\WINDOWS\TEMP\BW\Analyzer\Workbooks
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Ravikanth,
    Thank you very much for the reply
    I went into RSPRECADMIN and clicked on 'Display Current Queue'.  There we have 3 sections
    1) Queue Overview of Open Precalculations
    I can see this section is always blank after running IB also
    2) Queue Overview of Current Precalculations
    In this section I can see an entry after running IB and duration is changing. but some time workbook in this section will never processed but the duration column is changing may be something is happening at this stage.
    If the entry is not proccessed in this section and IB SM37 job will never end. I manually cancelled the job from SM50.
    Don't why the workbook is taking long time and will never end even though I cancelled the SM37 IB job.
    3) Queue Overview of Proccessed Error-Free Precalculations
    All the error free workbooks which means all pre-cal server completed workbook calculation and sent to SOST.
    I manually ran the workbook for all the 20 employees I can't find any pop-up message (earlier we have pop-up windows appearing because of VB code and when report returns no data and we fixed the pop-up issues)
    Can you please help me further to trace the error.
    Thank you

  • Oracle text - issue with contains query

    Need urgent help.
    Following code in my procedure is giving me error.
    TYPE c_1 is ref cursor;
    result_cursor c1;
    i_text2 := 'NEW%';
    open result_cursor for
    'select /*+ INDEX_SS_DESC(e cad_addr_idx2 )*/
    from cad_address
    contains(text, {:i_text2}, 1) > 0
    and rec_type in (1,2,3,4)
    order by occur_count desc'
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    ORA-06512: at "AV_OWNER.MY_PROC", line 43
    ORA-06512: at line 6
    Oracle version is

    check your table is 'text indexed' on this 'Text' column.To knoow more about 'text index' go to
    Also refer to the below thread where someone had faced issues with CONTAINS clause.
    ORA-20000: Oracle Text error: DRG-10599: column is not indexed

  • "Copy to clipboard" issue with Acrobat X and Skype extension in Firefox

    This post is just to let you know that there is and issue with Acrobat X and the Skype extension in Firefox.
    I don't know why but when both programs (Firefox and Acrobat) are opened and I try to copy something from a PDF I always get an error
    message like "Impossible to copy into the clipboard. An internal error occurred".
    If I close Firefox or I disable the Skype extension for Firefox everything runs smoothly.
    It is really odd, I don't know if it is a problem of Acrobat, Firefox or of Skype....
    Are anyone experiencing the same problem?
    See you.
    Ps. I'm using Windows Vista SP2, Skype extension, Acrobat 10.0.1, Firefox 3.6.16

    Just found your post after getting the same problem with Google Chrome and Adobe Reader 10. It doesn't happen all the time but is annoying. If I switch Chrome off the problem is cured. Switch it straight back on and the problem reappears. It has only started after Skype was installed. Thanks for posting - I'll just switch Chrome off for now when I want to copy and paste unless a fix appears.

  • Apple Support admitted an Issue with WEP authentication and some Routers

    After reading many posts here and other places I logged a service call to Apple support. With the particulars: AT&T U-verse 2 Wire router would not connect with WEP would connect with Security disabled. I wanted a call logged before I went past the return time
    I got a call back immediately after a few basic questions I was passed to a product manager for ipads, it seems connectivity issues are taken seriously.
    The upper level support said there were known issues with some routers and WEP security we steeped through changing the security and it works fine now.
    Bottom Line:
    Apple knows there is an issue with some routers
    They were very helpful and acknowledged the issue.
    He even stayed on the line while I reconfigured one of my Windows PC to make sure it connected to the new settings
    I suggest to all to log a call and get a tech support involved before taking the iPad to the local store
    They certainly new their are some connectivity issues. If that does not work you can always return it.
    He did not admit it was a Apple issue and did not commit that Apple was working on it but it is something they are aware of.
    So skip the Apple store got right to tech support.
    Just my 2 cents.

    "But folks need to go straight to tech support. I live in oz, so it will be interesting to see if they help me.. or not.. but if support gets inundated they will fix it or have a massive recall (not likely on the latter)."
    Can't agree more. I used to manage a tech support department and it is all about the numbers. No matter how many forum entries the issues that get addressed are dictated by the reports.
    So for those that are buying new routers contact Tech Support first even if you end up getting a new router the call is logged that will get Apple's attention.
    People that are not familiar with post launch processes have no idea how things that need to get corrected and enhanced are dictated by support requests

  • Issues with Exchange Account and Q10

    Well, I hate to be writing this, but I'm hoping that there might be someone out there that can help get past some first day issues I am experiencing.
    The background: I have a long history with legacy BlackBerry devices, and almost as much history with iOS devices. My most recent phone was an iPhone 4S, and I make extensive use of iCloud to keep my iMacs, iPhone, and iPad connected in real-time. The setup worked. It wasn't perfect, but it worked. However, because I used to have a BlackBerry device (most recent the 9930) and because I don't use the iPhone for more than e-mail, iMessage, and phone calls (generally speaking), I decided to give the newest BlackBerry device a shot. So I bought a Q10.
    At this point I feel compelled to say that the hardware is everything I had hoped it to be. It's solid, has a good weight, and appears to be made very well. I have no complaints with the hardware, including the keyboard (a big selling factor for me), so I won't really get into the hardware as the issues I am experiencing all have to do with the OS. Let me also say that I am very familiar with the iCloud integration issues (missing Contact photos and disabled Calendar sync), so I'm not voicing a complaint over those issues in this thread.
    I have connected my Exchange account. I used to have everything in Exchange before I moved my entire computing world over to Apple, and now I keep Exchange around for e-mail. Therefore, I have no contacts, no tasks, no notes, very limited calendar entries, and a massive amount of e-mail on the Exchange server. However, to test everything out, I have added a single contact record so I can see it show up on the phone and be able to test two-way sync between the Q10 and Exchange. And here is where the first issues crop up. It looks like Exchange connects and then disconnects at random. For example, if I open my Contacts on the phone, I see the one contact (called John Doe). Then, as the phone is sitting there with the screen on, the contact will disappear and I will see a "Start adding contact to your contact list" notice on the screen. Then, after a short period of time, the single contact will return. It is important to note that the entire time this is happening, the All Contacts option is selected in the list so that all available contacts are shown. Additionally, I have SIM card contacts turned off, but if I alter the selection in the view list (All Contacts, Favorites, etc.), the SIM contacts will re-appear when I return to the All Contacts view. At the same time, even though I have turned off SIM Contacts in the settings, the setting has reverted to show SIM Contacts. If I turn off the setting again, SIM Contacts still show up. Possibly related: I can't delete contacts on the SIM card, no matter how many times I try, and it now it seems that I can't get SIM Contacts to go away in the Contacts app.
    Likewise, Exchange seems to connect and disconnect from Calendar. I go to the calendar and move day by day to June 15th. I see an entry that I know is from Exchange (I have no other connected calendars at this time), and it is in blue. I change the calendar color to green and the entry changes color, as expected. However, if I jump back to today and then scroll day by day to get to June 15th again, the calendar entry is missing. After a few seconds, the entry re-appears, but it is, once again, in blue. The setting has reverted itself, and it seems like Exchange is completely disconnecting and automatically reconnecting to the phone like I am setting it up again for the first time. Very odd. As I'm typing this, I just saw something odd. I swiped to wake up the phone, and the active frames screen was the visible screen. The calendar app is still running (since I left it running, minimized, when the phone went to sleep) and the date shown in the active card was Jan 1, not Jun 8. Why? The date (and time) on the phone is correct and is set automatically by the cellular system.
    Nevertheless, looking at BlackBerry Hub, I see only two e-mails in my Inbox from Exchange, even though I have roughly a dozen in my Inbox. The rest are filed in sub-folders. And bam! Just like that... I get the "Add Accounts" screen while looking at the Hub. In other words, as I was typing this, I first saw two Exchange e-mails and then, out of nowhere, the e-mails disappear and I see the "Add Accounts" screen as if no account has been connected.
    So... first question: Is anyone else experiencing this issue? This is very strange, and very frustrating. Second: could this be related to the large amount of e-mails I have stored on Exchange, some of which have large attachments? I selected "Forever" as the sync history length. I have my concerns, however, if this is related to loading historical e-mails onto the phone (in other words, the first sync with Exchange) because there is no reason that I can understand that the phone would blank out as if no account was connected at all. I can understand lag and stuttering while the history is syncing, but not a complete disconnect and reconnect. Considering all of the issues with the one and only contact record disappearing, the calendar entry for Jun 15th disappearing and then reappearing with the wrong calendar color, and e-mail in my Inbox incomplete (two of a dozen e-mails) and ultimately disappearing, I feel like this OS just has some real, significant issues.
    Full disclosure: I do want iCloud to work and am a fan of Apple products, but the lack of full iCloud sync support is not a big enough issue for me to want to send back this phone and/or see it fail so miserably. I will happily move my info from iCloud into Exchange, Google, and/or set up a new Exchange account for personal use (Office 365) because I am not wedded to iCloud per se. But, I won't go through that trouble if I can't even get my first account to work properly. It should also be noted that I do have a basic Google account (non-paid) and I had previously attempted to connect to it. However, I was experiencing the exact same issues with contacts disappearing, e-mail disappearing, etc. So I deleted that account. Truth be told, I deleted the Exchange account as well, and then re-connected to Exchange only to test one account at a time. Unfortunately, even with Exchange only, I am seeing very strange and frustrating behavior as described above.
    Help... please. I want this to work but the frustration I am feeling is growing worse by the hour.
    Model: SQN100-2
    OS Release:
    OS Version:
    Build ID: 525050

    To follow-up with this issue:
    I ended up performing a security wipe on my device. The security wipe finished, and I was about to reconnect with Exchange when I decided to visit our host's web site to see if they had any articles covering the issues I was experiencing. While they didn't have anything specific, I did find a step-by-step guide to connecting a BB10 device to Exchange... and right there at the end, it said "Do NOT enable memo sync."
    I contacted support, and the rep told me that OS 10 has an issue with memo sync and it can cause all sorts of unpredictable behavior. Now, whether or not this is accurate I can say this: So far, the device is not disconnecting and reconnecting like it was before. Problem is, is this a result of not enabling memo sync, or is this a result of the security wipe?
    I may have overlooked it, but I don't recall reading anything about that anywhere else. I'm tempted to try re-enabling the memo sync to see if everything blows up again. At least that way I can see for myself if the memo sync is a real issue. Of course, perhaps it's an issue with SherWeb (our host) specifically. Hm...
    Anyway, for those that were interested, and for those that may come along in the future with a similar situation, the strange behavior that I first reported is no longer happening. I just don't know if it was a result of a security wipe or a result of not enabling memo sync with Exchange.

  • Since the Mountain Lion OS update today I've had issues with internet connection and e-mail, has anyone else?

    Since the Mountain Lion OS update today I've had issues with internet connection and e-mail, has anyone else?

    That's what I would have thought, but even after saving the setting, as soon as I shut down my computer or log out of Mail, it automatically defaults back to 25. It's a bit frustrating.
    Now I just need to figure out how to get rid of those horrible pop-up banners but still have my glass sound and number of emails in the red dot when I get an email...
    These little tweaks are the only thing I HATE about upgrading my OS.

  • I am having major issues with Logic 8 and want to reinstall.

    I am having a lot of issues with Logic 8 and want to do a re-install. What is the procedure and what do I need to uninstall first. I need to be careful, because I don't want to affect my Logic 7.
    Any suggestions?

    What problems?
    The first thing to do is trash the preferences. As far as affecting Logic 7, once you install 8, 7 is "forgotten" about. I'm assuming your L8 is a real version, not a "borrowed from the interweb" one.

  • My itunes account shuts down for no reason.  It wont recognize my iphone and there is an issue with network connectivity and itunes.  I have already  reinstalled itunes and did a syste restore on my computer, firewall checked and virus scan done.  Ideas??

    My itunes account on windows xp shuts down for no reason.  If even try to delete something from my library it shuts down.   It wont recognize my iphone and there is an issue with network connectivity and I can't connect to the store.  I have already  reinstalled itunes and did a system restore on my computer, firewall has been checked, itunes is ok on firewall and virus scan done.  Ideas??

    Same problem. I can see the itunes store so not a problem with windows firewall. The account is active on my iphone so i know i am not locked out. I can connect the PC to my iphone so i know itunes is working ok. It is just logging into itunes on this pc which doesn't work. Only thing I can think of is that the email address I use for my apple id has been offline for a while and is working again now, I'm wondering whether this has been the case for others who are having this issue?

  • HT4527 Is there an issue with home sharing and windows 8?

    Is there an issue with home sharing and windows 8? I've tried everything and cant get mine to work.

    Here is the entire error listing after it states the installation encountered errors.
    Exit Code: 7
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 1 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 13 warning(s)
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {0D96CFE6-376D-44B8-808A-16F3BEB73263}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {601CB5BC-03F9-43CC-86F0-C75E65E6AF31}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {56AE7FCC-81B2-4A63-A171-CD95C9295EF2}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {4717AE70-5377-45C7-A9E9-4E400485F0BF}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {8B59B329-26C1-48A4-A5AA-923F55B17B87}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {948B7277-3D4C-4672-B1DB-24B3C83D704E}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {25303D67-B573-460C-A0B6-B5CF2AE05045}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {33E08F4F-42B7-42A9-89E4-443E02738DB0}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {D5B1535A-FDFC-4B40-B2E2-21DA83D9CB57}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {AD60EB24-4CEE-4CA0-A6AA-526EAF41F2DB}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {F9FAC696-2E48-497D-B820-C9A65DA630DF}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {7DE6CDC3-CFEE-4564-813D-3F59E5D71F10}
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {C92E440F-EE79-4A28-B1E1-EC82B6F2AF33}
    ERROR: DW020: Found payload conflicts and errors:
    ERROR: DW020:  - Adobe Flash CS5.5 depends on Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX to be installed.
    FATAL: DW020: Conflicts were found in the selected payloads. Halting installation.

  • Compatibilityy issue with windows XP and windows 8.1 for adobe photoshop elements 4.0

    Compatibility issue with windows XP and windows 8.1 for adobe photoshop elements 4.0?comcom

    You are going to have to contact Adobe on this one. We are other users.
    Sounds like it's not even an Apple question? Not sure.
    But the Adobe program changed, nothing changed in iTunes, right?

  • Issues with iCloud synchronisation and contacts over two or more devices.  iTouch and iPad2 sync with different results from iMac.  Thoughts?

    Has any one experienced issues with iCloud synchronisation and contacts over two or more devices? The primary machine is an iMac running Lion. Address Book was created from vcf file (backup of address book prior to moving to iCloud). iTouch replicates Contacts just fine and matches the Address Book on the iMac. The iPad 2 does not showing only 123 contacts where there should be 200. I have turned off iCloud on both devices thus erasing the iCloud content of both devices and staring from scratch with both devices with identical results. Even turned off iCloud on the iMac and erased the Address Book and rebuilt with the same results. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I am going nuts.....

    To follow-up with this issue:
    I ended up performing a security wipe on my device. The security wipe finished, and I was about to reconnect with Exchange when I decided to visit our host's web site to see if they had any articles covering the issues I was experiencing. While they didn't have anything specific, I did find a step-by-step guide to connecting a BB10 device to Exchange... and right there at the end, it said "Do NOT enable memo sync."
    I contacted support, and the rep told me that OS 10 has an issue with memo sync and it can cause all sorts of unpredictable behavior. Now, whether or not this is accurate I can say this: So far, the device is not disconnecting and reconnecting like it was before. Problem is, is this a result of not enabling memo sync, or is this a result of the security wipe?
    I may have overlooked it, but I don't recall reading anything about that anywhere else. I'm tempted to try re-enabling the memo sync to see if everything blows up again. At least that way I can see for myself if the memo sync is a real issue. Of course, perhaps it's an issue with SherWeb (our host) specifically. Hm...
    Anyway, for those that were interested, and for those that may come along in the future with a similar situation, the strange behavior that I first reported is no longer happening. I just don't know if it was a result of a security wipe or a result of not enabling memo sync with Exchange.

  • Issues with Office 2010 and Acrobat Pro 8

    Good Day All;
    We are in the middle of upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7 with Office 2010 and I was wondering if there are any issues with importing Office documents into Acrobat Pro 8. I have found out that there are a couple of issue with Office 201 and LifeCycle Designer.
    Any comments would be helpful

    Acrobat 8 is not compatible with Microsoft Office 2010 and the PDFMaker plugins will not install. Only Acrobat X is compatible with Office 2010, and at this time only in 32-bit mode.
    Acrobat 8 is also not officially compatible with Windows 7, again Acrobat X is the first version to carry approval for that OS. It will still install, but Adobe cannot guarantee it will operate perfectly in all cases, and doesn't provide install support for that combination.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello, we are creating our Pdf pages on our Coldfusion server. Can we receive any suggestions as how to Enable Fast Web View the PDF pages we are creating. Your suggestions will be appreciated.