Issue with Float.parseFloat

I tried the following code. Float.parseFloat("23d")does not throw an exception. The below code prints output as 23.0.
String s = new String ("23d");
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("not a number..");
How can I make Float.parseFloat("23d") throw an exception? Please help.

here the d determine that this is double variable.
so this is not give any exception.
if you use any other character then it throw the exception.

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    while ( )
              float corr = Float.parseFloat((String) request.getParameter("echo"));
              out.println("<center><TD><b><font color = #990000>" + rs.getString("race_number") + "</b></TD>");
              out.println("<center><TD><b><font color = #990000>" + rs.getString("sail_number") + "</b></TD>");
              out.println("<center><TD><b><font color = #990000>" + rs.getString("finish_time_elapsed") + "</b></TD>");
              out.println("<center><TD><b><font color = #990000>" + rs.getString("echo") + "</b></TD>");
    I've also tried:
    float corr = Float.parseFloat( String request.getParameter("echo"));
    float corr = 0;
    corr Float.parseFloat((String) request.getParameter("echo"));
    corr = echo;
    corr = request.getParameter("echo");
    corr = rs.getString("echo");
    corr = Float.parseFloat(request.getParameter("echo"));
    temp = rs.getFloat("Problem_Description");
    Any ideas Please!!!

    Null pointer exception means that the value you are trying to turn into a Float is null. Probably request.getParameter("echo") returns null.
    Is "echo" a request parameter, or a field you want to get from the database?
    request.getParameter() has nothing to do with a database query.
    That is your http request coming from the form submission. It won't change.
    If "echo" is meant to be a request parameter, then make sure the parameter is actually present.
    If its a database field (stored as a number) then
    float corr = rs.getFloat("echo");
    should do the trick.
    Can the value be null in the database?

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    I have tried display: inline thinking it may be a margin/padding issue?
    what am I doing wrong, should I be adding clearfloats to separate area's of the page??

    First, open the page in DW and use FILE | Convert > XHTML 1.0 Transitional.  Then try changing this -
    <div class="boxes" id="box1">
          <h1>Acrylic Nails</h1>

  • Issue with setting float point in Textfield

    i have an issue with float input in a textfield.
    what i want to do is.
    when the user start typing numerics it should accept from right hand side and keep appending value from right hand side.
    for ex
    if i want to enter 123.45
    user starts entering
    1 then it should display as 0.01
    2 then it should display as 0.12
    3 then it should display as 1.23
    4 then it should display as 12.34
    5 then it should display as 123.45
    to achive this i have written the code as below
    public class Test{
         public static void main(String[] a){
         try {
    } catch (Exception evt) {}
    DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
    JFrame f = new JFrame("Numeric Text Field Example");
    final DecimalFormateGen tf = new DecimalFormateGen(10, format);
    // tf.setValue((double) 123456.789);
    JLabel lbl = new JLabel("Type a number: ");
    f.getContentPane().add(tf, "East");
    f.getContentPane().add(lbl, "West");
    tf.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke){
              char ch = ke.getKeyChar();
              char key;
              int finalres =0;
              String str,str1 = null,str2 =null,str3 = null,str4= null;
              if(ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_0 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_0 ||
                        ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_0 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_1 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_2 ||
                             ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_3 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_4 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_5 ||
                             ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_6 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_7 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_8 ||
                             ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_9 ){
                   double value1 = Double.parseDouble(tf.getText());
                   int position = tf.getCaretPosition();
                   if(tf.getText().length() == 1){
                        if(tf.getText() != null || tf.getText() != ""){
                        value1 = value1 / 100;
                   /*else if(tf.getText().length() == 3){
                        str = tf.getText();
                        for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
                             if(str.charAt(i) == '.'){
                                  str1 = str.substring(0,i);
                                  str2 = str.substring(i+1,str.length()-1);
                        key = ke.getKeyChar();
                        finalres = calculate.calculate1(str2,key);
                        str3 = merge.merge1(str1,finalres);
                        value1 = Float.parseFloat(tf.getText());
                        value1 = value1*10;
    tf.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    try {
    Long l = tf.getLongValue();
    System.out.println("Value is (Long)" + l);
    } catch (ParseException e1) {
    try {
    Double d = tf.getDoubleValue();
    System.out.println("Value is (Double)" + d);
    } catch (ParseException e2) {
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    * Created on May 25, 2005
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    * @author jagjeevanreddyg
    * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.ParsePosition;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.UIManager;
    import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
    import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
    import javax.swing.text.Document;
    import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.Content;
    public class DecimalFormateGen extends JTextField implements
    NumericPlainDocument.InsertErrorListener {
         public DecimalFormateGen() {
         this(null, 0, null);
         public DecimalFormateGen(String text, int columns, DecimalFormat format) {
         super(null, text, columns);
         NumericPlainDocument numericDoc = (NumericPlainDocument) getDocument();
         if (format != null) {
         public DecimalFormateGen(int columns, DecimalFormat format) {
         this(null, columns, format);
         public DecimalFormateGen(String text) {
         this(text, 0, null);
         public DecimalFormateGen(String text, int columns) {
         this(text, columns, null);
         public void setFormat(DecimalFormat format) {
         ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).setFormat(format);
         public DecimalFormat getFormat() {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getFormat();
         public void formatChanged() {
         // Notify change of format attributes.
         // Methods to get the field value
         public Long getLongValue() throws ParseException {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getLongValue();
         public Double getDoubleValue() throws ParseException {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getDoubleValue();
         public Number getNumberValue() throws ParseException {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getNumberValue();
         // Methods to install numeric values
         public void setValue(Number number) {
         public void setValue(long l) {
         public void setValue(double d) {
         public void normalize() throws ParseException {
         // format the value according to the format string
         // Override to handle insertion error
         public void insertFailed(NumericPlainDocument doc, int offset, String str,
         AttributeSet a) {
         // By default, just beep
         // Method to create default model
         protected Document createDefaultModel() {
         return new NumericPlainDocument();
         // Test code
         public static void main(String[] args) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception evt) {}
         DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#,###.###");
         JFrame f = new JFrame("Numeric Text Field Example");
         final DecimalFormateGen tf = new DecimalFormateGen(10, format);
         tf.setValue((double) 123456.789);
         JLabel lbl = new JLabel("Type a number: ");
         f.getContentPane().add(tf, "East");
         f.getContentPane().add(lbl, "West");
         tf.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
         try {
         Long l = tf.getLongValue();
         System.out.println("Value is (Long)" + l);
         } catch (ParseException e1) {
         try {
         Double d = tf.getDoubleValue();
         System.out.println("Value is (Double)" + d);
         } catch (ParseException e2) {
         class NumericPlainDocument extends PlainDocument {
         public NumericPlainDocument() {
         public NumericPlainDocument(DecimalFormat format) {
         public NumericPlainDocument(AbstractDocument.Content content,
         DecimalFormat format) {
         try {
         .parseObject(content.getString(0, content.length()), parsePos);
         } catch (Exception e) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Initial content not a valid number");
         if (parsePos.getIndex() != content.length() - 1) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Initial content not a valid number");
         public void setFormat(DecimalFormat fmt) {
         this.format = fmt != null ? fmt : (DecimalFormat) defaultFormat.clone();
         decimalSeparator = format.getDecimalFormatSymbols()
         groupingSeparator = format.getDecimalFormatSymbols()
         positivePrefix = format.getPositivePrefix();
         positivePrefixLen = positivePrefix.length();
         negativePrefix = format.getNegativePrefix();
         negativePrefixLen = negativePrefix.length();
         positiveSuffix = format.getPositiveSuffix();
         positiveSuffixLen = positiveSuffix.length();
         negativeSuffix = format.getNegativeSuffix();
         negativeSuffixLen = negativeSuffix.length();
         public DecimalFormat getFormat() {
         return format;
         public Number getNumberValue() throws ParseException {
         try {
         String content = getText(0, getLength());
         Number result = format.parse(content, parsePos);
         if (parsePos.getIndex() != getLength()) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid number: " + content, 0);
         return result;
         } catch (BadLocationException e) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid number", 0);
         public Long getLongValue() throws ParseException {
         Number result = getNumberValue();
         if ((result instanceof Long) == false) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid long", 0);
         return (Long) result;
         public Double getDoubleValue() throws ParseException {
         Number result = getNumberValue();
         if ((result instanceof Long) == false
         && (result instanceof Double) == false) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid double", 0);
         if (result instanceof Long) {
         result = new Double(result.doubleValue());
         return (Double) result;
         public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet a)
         throws BadLocationException {
         if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
         Content content = getContent();
         int length = content.length();
         int originalLength = length;
         // Create the result of inserting the new data,
         // but ignore the trailing newline
         String targetString = content.getString(0, offset) + str
         + content.getString(offset, length - offset - 1);
         // Parse the input string and check for errors
         do {
         boolean gotPositive = targetString.startsWith(positivePrefix);
         boolean gotNegative = targetString.startsWith(negativePrefix);
         length = targetString.length();
         // If we have a valid prefix, the parse fails if the
         // suffix is not present and the error is reported
         // at index 0. So, we need to add the appropriate
         // suffix if it is not present at this point.
         if (gotPositive == true || gotNegative == true) {
         String suffix;
         int suffixLength;
         int prefixLength;
         if (gotPositive == true && gotNegative == true) {
         // This happens if one is the leading part of
         // the other - e.g. if one is "(" and the other "(("
         if (positivePrefixLen > negativePrefixLen) {
         gotNegative = false;
         } else {
         gotPositive = false;
         if (gotPositive == true) {
         suffix = positiveSuffix;
         suffixLength = positiveSuffixLen;
         prefixLength = positivePrefixLen;
         } else {
         // Must have the negative prefix
         suffix = negativeSuffix;
         suffixLength = negativeSuffixLen;
         prefixLength = negativePrefixLen;
         // If the string consists of the prefix alone,
         // do nothing, or the result won't parse.
         if (length == prefixLength) {
         // We can't just add the suffix, because part of it
         // may already be there. For example, suppose the
         // negative prefix is "(" and the negative suffix is
         // "$)". If the user has typed "(345$", then it is not
         // correct to add "$)". Instead, only the missing part
         // should be added, in this case ")".
         if (targetString.endsWith(suffix) == false) {
         int i;
         for (i = suffixLength - 1; i > 0; i--) {
         if (targetString
         .regionMatches(length - i, suffix, 0, i)) {
         targetString += suffix.substring(i);
         if (i == 0) {
         // None of the suffix was present
         targetString += suffix;
         length = targetString.length();
         format.parse(targetString, parsePos);
         int endIndex = parsePos.getIndex();
         if (endIndex == length) {
         break; // Number is acceptable
         // Parse ended early
         // Since incomplete numbers don't always parse, try
         // to work out what went wrong.
         // First check for an incomplete positive prefix
         if (positivePrefixLen > 0 && endIndex < positivePrefixLen
         && length <= positivePrefixLen
         && targetString.regionMatches(0, positivePrefix, 0, length)) {
         break; // Accept for now
         // Next check for an incomplete negative prefix
         if (negativePrefixLen > 0 && endIndex < negativePrefixLen
         && length <= negativePrefixLen
         && targetString.regionMatches(0, negativePrefix, 0, length)) {
         break; // Accept for now
         // Allow a number that ends with the group
         // or decimal separator, if these are in use
         char lastChar = targetString.charAt(originalLength - 1);
         int decimalIndex = targetString.indexOf(decimalSeparator);
         if (format.isGroupingUsed() && lastChar == groupingSeparator
         && decimalIndex == -1) {
         // Allow a "," but only in integer part
         if (format.isParseIntegerOnly() == false
         && lastChar == decimalSeparator
         && decimalIndex == originalLength - 1) {
         // Allow a ".", but only one
         // No more corrections to make: must be an error
         if (errorListener != null) {
         errorListener.insertFailed(this, offset, str, a);
         } while (true == false);
         // Finally, add to the model
         super.insertString(offset, str, a);
         public void addInsertErrorListener(InsertErrorListener l) {
         if (errorListener == null) {
         errorListener = l;
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "InsertErrorListener already registered");
         public void removeInsertErrorListener(InsertErrorListener l) {
         if (errorListener == l) {
         errorListener = null;
         public interface InsertErrorListener {
         public abstract void insertFailed(NumericPlainDocument doc, int offset,
         String str, AttributeSet a);
         protected InsertErrorListener errorListener;
         protected DecimalFormat format;
         protected char decimalSeparator;
         protected char groupingSeparator;
         protected String positivePrefix;
         protected String negativePrefix;
         protected int positivePrefixLen;
         protected int negativePrefixLen;
         protected String positiveSuffix;
         protected String negativeSuffix;
         protected int positiveSuffixLen;
         protected int negativeSuffixLen;
         protected ParsePosition parsePos = new ParsePosition(0);
         protected static DecimalFormat defaultFormat = new DecimalFormat();
    this is not working as desired pls help me.
    can we use this code and get the desired result or is there any other way to do this.
    it is very urgent for me pls help immediately
    thanks in advance

    Hi camickr
    i learned how to format the code now, and u also responded for my testarea problem , iam very much thankful to u, and now i repeat the same problem what i have with a text field.
    actually i have window with a textfield on it and while end user starts entering data in it , it should be have as follows
    when the user start typing numerics it should accept from right hand side and keep appending value from right hand side.
    first the default value should be as 0.00 and as the user starts entering
    then it is as follows
    for ex
    if i want to enter 123.45
    user starts entering
    1 then it should display as 0.01
    2 then it should display as 0.12
    3 then it should display as 1.23
    4 then it should display as 12.34
    5 then it should display as 123.45
    i hope u will give me quick reply because this is very hard time for me.

  • Hi, i am having an issue with a basic motion scroll effect.  I already watched and read every tutorial out there regarding this topic and even tried the adobe chat support, but the guy on the other end of the line disconnected me-, probably he didn't unde

    Hi, i am having an issue with a basic motion scroll effect.
    I already watched and read every tutorial out there regarding this topic and even tried the adobe chat support, but the guy on the other end of the line disconnected me…, probably he didn't understand what i wanted from him because english is not my native language, so a will try to be very, very clear about this one..
    please note, that i am new to muse, this is my first project ever.
    my idea is as following:
    when the customer comes to our companies site, he just sees our logo on a white Background. the logo consists of, say, four elements. when the customer scrolls down, the logo starts to disassamble: first the first part of the logo flies out the left side of the site, then the second part of the logo vanishes down, then the third part of the logo flies to the right, then the fourth part of the logo flies to the top and out of the customers view. given what i have seen, it is possible to do that….
    now i have the four parts of my logo imported as png files into muse and assembled them in design view to build our companies logo. I select every one of the four parts and go into the scroll effects tab left beside the layers tab. first i enter the same values for every one of the four parts: initial motion: 0x and 0x again for the left and right motion; key position ( t-handle) : 0px; final motion: 0x and 0x again for the left and right value.
    now i hit "preview".: the logo is "pinned" at the correct position, i can scroll but the logo stays where it is. so far so good….
    now i select all the four elements again and go to the scroll effecs tab. at "final motion", i click the down arrows and enter 1x. I hit Preview…
    when i am scrolling down the WHOLE logo goes down…. so far so good.
    NOW i want the first part of the logo to go down, THEN the second part to go left, THEN the third part to go up, THEN the fourth part to go right.
    so i select ONLY the first part, go to the scroll motion tab, at "final motion" i click the left arrows, then i enter 1x.( the up-down value, i set to 0 again).. i hit Preview…
    the first part of the logo goes left as soon as i start scrolling, the other three parts still go down at the same time…
    NOW i want the second part of the logo to start moving, when the first part has left the scene, not at the same time as the first part.
    short: when i move the t handle, the initial position of the object changes. thats what i said to the adobe employee, but he said, that thats the expected behavior….
    but if thats so, how can i have my four parts correctly together, so they form my logo, but with different t handles, so that they all start to move at different times??
    Pleeease help me, i am dying of frustration here…..:( that behavior cant be right, right?
    Thanks so much to everyone who actually reads this post and tries to help…….
    All the best,
    Niki Lapan

    Thank you so much for helping,
    But i really wonder how you did that. did you always switch between design view and preview view, then change the key position for 2px then switch back, to align the four letters? because i imagine that can get really frustrating, if you have a logo consisting of 58 parts instead of 4!:)
    Anyway thank you very much for your time and effort!!!!

  • Issues with ios 8.3 update on iPhone 5

    After updating my iPhone 5 to ios 8.3, I am unable to stream purchased music and videos from iTunes or any podcasts. I also can not stream videos on YouTube, Netflix, or Safari. Nothing works on both Wi-Fi and my normal data. If I could I would try to turn off the phone and restart but unfortunately my iPhone 5 is one of the ones that has the faulty lock button that needs to be repaired. But besides that, has anybody else been having issues with streaming music and videos?

    i'm looking for people with problems on iphone 5 with 8.3 because i'm still on ios7 and considering to upgrade
    but if you have problem with turning off the phone,
    you can set up "assistive touch" from setting > general > accessibility > assistive touch (down the bottom)
    you can also set this on the accessibility shortcut for the triple click on the home button to show/hide the assitive touch
    you'll see a black circle floating on the screen somewhere. you can move this thing around if it blocks what you want to see/tap
    now to turn off your phone you can tap the assistive touch button > device > tap and hold the 'lock screen' icon until the power off slider comes up.
    so you don't really have to fix the lock button

  • Reports with FLOAT data  type

    I am trying to create a simple report form from a table which contains a FLOAT data column.
    I follow these steps:
    New>Component>Report>Report with Form...
    I end up with 2-pages: the report and the entry form to update/create a row. The key-column on the report page links to the entry-form page and all values from the selected report row carry-over to the entry-form for an update with the exception of the FLOAT column. This seems to be an issue with fetching the row values when the entry-form is loaded. The FLOAT values entered manually in the form are saved. This issue is related to the FLOAT data type. When I altered the column data type to NUMBER(10,2) the value on the entry-form started appearing.

    Our automated row fetch module (used by wizard-generated form pages) recognizes only the NUMBER datatype for numbers. I'll log this as an enhancement request.

  • TLF 2/2.1/3 Weird behavior with floating graphics?

    Hi guys,
    I'm working on a chat application running on RED5 / AS3 and I'm struggling to get my client "UI" working perfectly.
    My problem is related to the TL Framework, on every version available.
    Basicly, I want to display a picture ( for user messages ) and icons ( for notifications ) on the left side of my lines, like this :
    So, I'v been messing around with "float=start", "float=left" and such, but i'm always encountering weird behaviors whenever I scroll or resize my containerController. It's quite easy to reproduce with the following code :
    public class Main extends Sprite
              private var controller:ContainerController;
              public function Main():void
                        if (stage) init();
                        else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
              private function init(e:Event = null):void
                        stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                        stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                        removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                        var holder:Sprite = new Sprite();
                        addChild( holder );
                        var tFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
                        for ( var i:int = 0; i < 50; i++ )
                             tFlow.addChild( createLine() );
                        controller = new ContainerController( holder, 400, stage.stageHeight  );
                        tFlow.flowComposer.addController( controller );
                        stage.addEventListener( Event.RESIZE, resizeController );
              private function resizeController( e:Event ):void
                        controller.setCompositionSize( 400, stage.stageHeight );
              public function createLine( ):DivElement
                        var d:DivElement;
                        var p:ParagraphElement;
                        var im:InlineGraphicElement = new InlineGraphicElement();
                        im.source = new Bitmap( new BitmapData( 16, 16, true, 0x30FF0000 ) ); // 0x30 Alpha
                        im.float = "left";
                        d = new DivElement();
                        d.clearFloats = "both";
                        p = new ParagraphElement();
                        d.addChild( p );
                        p.addChild( im );
                        return d;
    Basicly, I'm stacking 50 transparent "floating" elements. It works fine most of time, but if I randomly resize my Flash Player Window, I can get the first "invisible" element to overlap the last "visible" :
    It seems to be happening right when the last "floating" element should disappear. Instead, it gets "over" the previous one. It happens upon container resize and scrolls. I'v encountered this issue on lastest 2, 2.1 and 3 TLF builds.
    Beside the visual "bug", it also screws up my container.getContentBounds().height calls - which can make scrolling "trembling", as the height gets reajusted.
    I'm running out of ideas about how to handle this. This bug appears whenever I use "floating" graphics and I can't think of any other way to display graphics on the left side of my chat-lines.
    Maybe someone ran into this very problem and figured out a way to make it work?
    Excuse my english, thanks in advance,

    Thank you for your report. And I have found the root cause.
    protected function composeFloat(elem:InlineGraphicElement, afterLine:Boolean):Boolean
    if (!floatFits && (_curParcel.fitAny || _curParcel.fitsInHeight(totalDepth, int(logicalFloatHeight))) && (!_curLine || _curLine.absoluteStart == floatPosition || afterLine))
                    floatFits = true;
    The condition of if is true, only when the weird behavior happens. We need to discuss about how to fix it.

  • Issues with iOS 8

    i am having issues with the ios8 update for my iPhone 6 plus. The emails do not refresh automatically until I open the email.
    the screen freezes at times which is annoying.

    i'm looking for people with problems on iphone 5 with 8.3 because i'm still on ios7 and considering to upgrade
    but if you have problem with turning off the phone,
    you can set up "assistive touch" from setting > general > accessibility > assistive touch (down the bottom)
    you can also set this on the accessibility shortcut for the triple click on the home button to show/hide the assitive touch
    you'll see a black circle floating on the screen somewhere. you can move this thing around if it blocks what you want to see/tap
    now to turn off your phone you can tap the assistive touch button > device > tap and hold the 'lock screen' icon until the power off slider comes up.
    so you don't really have to fix the lock button

  • Float.parseFloat

    I am compiling my code with jdk 1.3 and getting this error when I compile:
    Error: cannot resolve symbol: method parseFloat (java.lang.String) in class java.lang.Float
    My class path:
    And here is my method...
    public void setGrandTotal(String f){
    Can some one tell me why can not resolve parseFloat
    Thank you

    When I compile your method in isolation, it compiles fine. Have you checked for syntax errors above it in the code? Does the code compile clean if you comment out that method?
    Normally you do not need to specify the java libraries in your classpath. Have you tried compiling with "javac -classpath . file" ?

  • Stack Bar with floating series, invisible or transparent series

    In Excel, I have several stack bar diagrams that have invisible, hidden series that make the remaining visible series appear to be floating.  What is the best way to do this in Xcelsius.  The only solution I have found is to use the "iTheme" theme, and make the invisible series the same color as the Plot Area.  Is there another method or theme?
    I am not a fan of the "iTheme".  I have experiemented with other themes, but other themes' texture, gradient makes it impossible to fully hide the invisible series.
    Is there another theme out there with a "flat", no gradient feel, with no shadow, or series border (or a series border you can control)?

    hello Ultim4t3, maybe that's an issue with hardware acceleration - please try [[Upgrade your graphics drivers to use hardware acceleration and WebGL|updating your graphics driver]] or in case there is no new version available at the moment or this doesn't solve the issue, disable hardware acceleration in the firefox ''menu ≡ > options > advanced > general'' (that setting will take a restart of the browser to take effect).

  • I'm having some issues with Edit in Audition

    This past week my friends and I shot my friend's final film project. We recorded external audio at 192000 Hz, 12288kbps, 32-bit float. I synced up all the audio and sent the project to my friend. When he used Edit in Audition so that he can mix and clean up the audio, it had been exported at 8000 Hz, 512kbp, 32-bit float and everything sounds muffled. I'm more familier with Premiere then he is, so I tried, and I had the same results.
    I know Audition can import and export that kind of audio so I'm assume it's a problem on the Premiere end. Is there any settings that I'm missing or is it impossible for Premiere to extract at that quality? Even if it's the latter, is there a way it can be set to extract at higher than 8000 Hz at 512kbps?

    From what I can tell, it's a problem with Premiere exporting, not Audition importing though. I have the 192000 Hz, 32 bit files working just fine in the Premiere timeline so it doesn't appear to have to much of an issue with editing it, it just exports it at a much lower quality when sending it to Audition
    It seems like the only way I can keep that audio quality is to sync sound in Audition and that's not ideal for me.

  • CS3 issue with ProRes files with projects over 8bpc

    Strange issue with ProRes clips I have had in AE projects in the past. Running CS3 on an Intel Mac with 10.5.8. If I bring an SD clip encoded in ProRes and I have the project set to anything over 8bit (16 or float) the clip just turns to noise, both in a comp and in the project viewer window. I can open the clip in AE (double click) and it appears just fine, same with just opening from the desktop. HD clips encoded into ProRes don't have any issue. The strange thing is that I have had some of this material in past projects with no problem. Nothing has really changed on this box since this cropped up. I've trashed prefs and resaved interpretation rules file, with no success. I also stripped out QT components to make sure I was not having a codec conflict. Has anyone run into something similar?
    I have a very similar set up at home and I am not having any issue with these same files.

         I do not. I did see a post of yours earlier regarding CS5 and AJA. Other issues I should look for?

  • Issue with comparator

    Hello All,
    I am having a warning issue with my code. I am trying top implement the comparator into my code. Here is the warning.. warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to compare(T,T) as a member of the raw type java.util.Comparator
                   if ([low], array[start_high]) == 1)
    The appropriate code line is:
    if ([low], array[start_high]) == 1) Basically I have Class A, Class B and private static Class C (inner class to B). I have mergesort in A, so in B i have a public method that returns an object instance of C.
    A: import;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class EarthquakeDataSet
         private int nNumRecordsProcessed; // tracks number of records actually stored in array container
         private EarthquakeRecord[] reqrCollection; // reference to array which will be allocated when processing the file
         public EarthquakeDataSet() {
         public long ProcessFile(String sFileName) throws Exception {
              Scanner scanInput = null;
              // use a try-block when opening the file to guard against file-not-found errors
              try {
                   scanInput = new Scanner(new File(sFileName));
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                   throw new Exception("Error opening file:" + sFileName);
              int nMaxNumRecords = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Maximum Number of Records: "));
              nNumRecordsProcessed = 0; // nNumRecordsProcessed may be less then nMaxNumRecords if the array is larger than needed
              long lStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
              reqrCollection = new EarthquakeRecord[nMaxNumRecords];
              try {
                   while (nNumRecordsProcessed < nMaxNumRecords && scanInput.hasNext()) {
                        String sRawRecord = scanInput.nextLine();
                        reqrCollection[nNumRecordsProcessed] = new EarthquakeRecord(sRawRecord);
                        //System.out.println("test " + reqrCollection[nNumRecordsProcessed].toString() +"\n");
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   throw new Exception("Input failure at record: " + nNumRecordsProcessed);
              //Comparator c; 
              Comparator c = EarthquakeRecord.CreateDepthObject();
              mergeSort_srt(reqrCollection, 0, 50, c);
              for(int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
                   System.out.println("test11 " + reqrCollection[j].toString());
              return System.currentTimeMillis() - lStartTime; // calculate the elapse time
         public String toString() {
              return "Number of Records: " + nNumRecordsProcessed;
         public void mergeSort_srt(EarthquakeRecord array[],int lo, int n, Comparator c)
                  int low = lo;
                  int high = n;
                  if (low >= high)
              c = EarthquakeRecord.CreateDepthObject();
                  int middle = (low + high) / 2;
                  mergeSort_srt(array, low, middle, c);
                 mergeSort_srt(array, middle + 1, high, c);
                  int end_low = middle;
                  int start_high = middle + 1;
                  while ((lo <= end_low) && (start_high <= high))
                         if ([low], array[start_high]) == 1)
                           EarthquakeRecord Temp = array[start_high];
                           for (int k = start_high- 1; k >= low; k--)
                                array[k+1] = array[k];
                        array[low] = Temp;
              reqrCollection = array;          
    }B has following method...
    public static CompareDepth CreateDepthObject()
              CompareDepth cd2 = new CompareDepth();
              return cd2;
         }and C private static class CompareDepth implements Comparator <EarthquakeRecord>
              public int compare(EarthquakeRecord erq1, EarthquakeRecord erq2)
                   if(erq1.getDepth() < erq2.getDepth())
                        return 1;
                   else if(erq1.getEpicentre() > erq2.getEpicentre())
                        return -1;
                   else return 0;
         }I know I have a problem setting and passing the reference to the comparator that I want. Ne ideas ??

    tanmay.kansara wrote:
    here is my main
    public class EarthquakeTest {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              EarthquakeDataSet eqds = new EarthquakeDataSet(); // create object that will manage the collection of EarthquakeRecord objects
              try {
                   String sFileName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Filename: "); // prompt user for file name
                   long lElapseTime = eqds.ProcessFile(sFileName);// open file and parse all data into EarthquakeRecord objects
                   System.out.printf("File Processing: Elapsed time: %f \n", ((float)lElapseTime)/1000.0);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("File not found.");
    }I do have two pop up boxes that pop up, first one for Filename and second one for number of Entries to sort...
    tanmayRighto... I think I can post my main method without being accused of "spoon feeding" you...
    [again, this code is not compiled, and obviously not tested]
    public class EarthquakeTest
      private static final long NANOS = 1000000000L; // 10^9
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
          String filename = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Filename: ");
          if (filename==null) return; // user pressed cancel.
          long start = System.nanoTime();
          EarthquakeManager manager = new EarthquakeManager();
          manager.sort(new EarthquakeManager.MagnitudeComparator());
          long stop = System.nanoTime();
          System.err.println("took "+((stop-start)/NANOS));
        } catch (Exception e) {
    }The main method says what is happening, but not how... We get a manager, load a user-specified file into the list of quakes, sort, and then print-oput the list... and we're also saying how long the load and sort process took. All good.
    Cheers. Keith.

  • Issues with Creative Cloud for teams deployment workflow

    The Adobe Creative Cloud for teams IT Deployment Guide lists out steps for IT admins to deploy the CS6 applications and then have their end-users license the trial software with their Adobe IDs once they have been invited to the team. There are two major issues with this document.
    First, the media that is on the FTP is not for North American English. We are working to get that posted on the FTP site ASAP. In the meantime, you can find the CS6 MC media from:
    [Note: Getting media from that page requires the use of the Adobe Download Assistant which is very consumer focused. Sorry about that.]
    Second, in order to have the ability to login properly with a Creative Cloud for Teams account the system needs to have the latest copy of Adobe Application Manager installed. If you do not do this step the end user will be prompted for a serial number.
    Unfortunately the Adobe Application Manager can’t be packaged with AAMEE nor is it a native installer. I know, I know! Here are the links to the Adobe Application Manager installers:
    It can be installed from command line by:
    Win: <Path to Setup.exe>Set-up.exe –mode=silent –action=install
    Mac: <path to ASU> /ASU/ –mode=silent –action=install
    Jody Rodgers | Sr. Product Manager | Creative Cloud for Enterprise | Adobe Systems

    Hi Boncker,
    I see that you have an active Subscription under your account . Please launch any of the installed product and when you get the trial prompt , please click on License this software and then Enter the Adobe Id & Password for the account that you have accepted the invite .
    Please do let us know if that worked for you or not .
    Kartikay Sharma

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