Issues with captured video

I just recently captured a video with the application iShowU and it's a .mov file. For some reason I cannot see the video component of the video, but I can hear everything. Yet on my friend's computer he can watch the complete video. I have OS 10.5.4 with Quicktime Pro 7.5.5 and my friend is the same. What is up?

See if this sheds some light:
FCPro can handle native HDV and it does not break clips depending on the settings. FCE will split clips every time.
We are assuming HDV is being used. Can you confirm?

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    Hi RodWard,
    Thanks for your fast reply!!!
    The video files are present in the same folder as the SWF publish location.
    The drive letter is on my local PC with multiple partitions and not a network drive.
    Flash global security settings are set for E:
    To your last suggestion about file naming I did the following:
    Generate new mp4s
    Name them only with alphanumerics ie. DemoScroll
    insert them into project
    preview OK
    publish and check if demos are in folder - yes they are
    open html in IE9  - NOK!!!
    Now frustration rose...
    So I tried one thing that I had not yet tried - open html in FireFox and there it is OK :-)
    I do not understand....BUT we need to be able to support IE!!!!
    Do you think there are specific settings that need to be changed in IE to make it work?
    I would highly appreciate a suggestion what to look for in IE...
    Do you think it is related to IE9?  ´
    Since I have IE 9 and CP6 I also get the LMS messages and actriveX message when viewing projects in browser.
    Looking forward to your help.
    Thanks in advance Stephanie

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    What so often happens with a video driver is that a simple OS update, or hot-fix, can render it obsolete. For most programs, there is not the type of interface that one sees with an editing program, like PrE. This gives one a false sense of security, as simple players and other programs work, but the NLE program does not. This is why we always look to a video driver update very early on, when one has a display issue. The embedded Intel chips seldom get driver updates, which is a shame. Same thing happens with some of the proprietary drivers, like for Toshiba laptops. No new drivers ever appear, leaving the user stranded with bad video in their NLE.
    Glad that you got it sorted out. Intel makes great chips, but I would never use an embedded graphics chip, due to the lack of driver support.
    Good luck,

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    think you mean import
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    most people connect it by firewire or usb

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    Message was edited by: gmob25

    hmmm.. the files from GoPro are already mp4 format.  The Flash is already FAT32, brand new 16gig...
    I am new to Macs but have no problems with PC's.  I suspect that because the files are exporting as shadowed files which won't play and are very small kb files, yet they are actually in excess of 140 mb each that it might have something to do with the iphoto software?  That's where the pics and video are, they imported to there by default, not to a folder in the home folder [which is where I would have expected them to be]
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    When previewing, make sure that you're using RAM preview to get real-time playback: nd_audio
    See this regarding the issue with your output file stuttering:
    Most important, start here to learn the basics:

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    To see the stream with the OSMF/Strobe player, go to:
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    If someone has ideas on debugging I can PM the actual video assets to you.

    Hi Tim,
    You need to add this setting:
    The actual value can be higher or lower. The best practice is to use a value that is twice the keyframe distance. Anyway, try different values and see which performs the best for your content.
    I know that the setup page does not contain this option and it is not documented in the UserGuide. We simply missed it. Sorry.
    Also note that the dynamic buffering algorithms are not being used for dynamic streaming content. I tried to explain this here:
    Looking forward to your confirmation that this solved your issue.

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    3. It turned out that it wasn't Java messing with my videos.  I just needed version 10,3,181,34 of Adobe Flash and now all videos are working.   Hope that helps if anyone else was having similar issues.  Here's the link if you need to find out which version you have:
    4.  It turns out that there are several other discussions regarding people who can't drag and drop links into Tabs on Safari.  My solution was to write to Apple to ask if they can put that feature back in.
    5. I'm not sure if I am still having Java issues, but so far everything I am needing to upload and watch is fine.
    One and two are still annoying, so I'll continue to look for solutions.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate them.  Hope this helps someone as much as it helped me.  I don't want to throw my computer against a wall every 5 seconds now.

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    This might be your problem:
    Re: 1 of 2 audio tracks missing on certain browsers (h.264)

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    I know that this issue is with how iTunes is playing it back, because when I play it in another video program it works fine.
    Just in case it will help, I am running iTunes

    Are the videos the right kind of files to play in itunes?  If not they need to be converted.
    Not sure if I am allowed to mention the software needed to convert so you may have to use google to find that.

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