Issuing a Break Command

Hello all-
I'm trying to get some code running in MATLAB on my MacBook Pro, and I made the mistake of writing an infinite loop. Normally, I'd just hit CtrlBreakBreak in order to terminate the running program. There's no Break key on the Apple keyboard, and so instead, I had to use Activity Monitor to kill the runaway program. How do I issue the equivalent of CtrlBreakBreak on a MacBook Pro keyboard or in Mac OSX at all?

Robin Armistead wrote:
Hello all-
I'm trying to get some code running in MATLAB on my MacBook Pro, and I made the mistake of writing an infinite loop. Normally, I'd just hit CtrlBreakBreak in order to terminate the running program. There's no Break key on the Apple keyboard, and so instead, I had to use Activity Monitor to kill the runaway program. How do I issue the equivalent of CtrlBreakBreak on a MacBook Pro keyboard or in Mac OSX at all?
Welcome to Apple Discussions
In a terminal usually Ctrl-d or occasionally Ctrl-d works, but sometimes it depends on the application or process.
Usually Ctrl-c
Also depending on your terminal settings it may be Cmd-C or Cmd-D.
You could of course run the ps command and then kill the PID which is the usual way of terminating an errant process, but that takes time.
If it happens a lot, open a second tab in terminal, do the ps in advance to know Matlab's PID and you could even type in kill PID ahead of time.

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    After this I sill could issue all comands, not only test command /tmp/
    When I issued comand profiles on test role I received the following:
    bash-3.00$ profiles test
    Basic Solaris User
    So I commented line in the /etc/policy.conf to read:
    #PROFS_GRANTED=Basic Solaris User
    After that, when I try to issue /tmp/ command as a test role I receive the following error:
    $ /tmp/
    pfexec: Exec format error
    Does anybody know how to set up the role which can issue only one command ? Maybe there is a way to do this in the way which wil not affect another roles (ie, not to touch /etc/policy.conf).
    Best regards

    RadekW wrote:
    I am thinking about setting role, which will be allowed to issue olny one command. I have created role test. Which has the following entries in the following files:They will need the ability to run at least a profile shell otherwise all bets are off. So now you're down to two commands. :-)
    bash-3.00$ profiles test
    Basic Solaris User
    AllFirst you need to define what already exists by default. (policy.conf)
    Then you get to change those defaults or create a new default list just for test.
    Then you get to add a role or profile for test that allows the execution of a profile shell and one command.
    Then you should test all of the user accounts to ensure that something didn't break. This step might be a little overkill.

  • SMTPSendFailedException: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first

    Hello, I was trying to send mails via GMail's smtp server ( but the following exception occurred. I used port 25 (used 467 also, didnt work). Would anybody tell what the following exception mean. Thanx.
    com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command firstHere's my code:
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.event.TransportListener;
    import javax.mail.event.TransportEvent;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.activation.*;
    class MailSender {
         private String mailHost="";
         private String body;
         private String myFile="F:\\DRacing.avi";
         private Properties props;
         private Session mailSession;
         private MimeMessage message;
         private InternetAddress sender;
         private Multipart mailBody;
         private MimeBodyPart mainBody;
         private MimeBodyPart mimeAttach;
         private DataSource fds;
              //Creating a Session
              props=new Properties();
                        props.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");
              props.put("", mailHost);
              props.put("mail.smtp.port", "25");
              props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
              mailSession=Session.getDefaultInstance(props, new MyAuthenticator());
              //Constructing and Sending a Message
                   //Starting a new Message
                   message=new MimeMessage(mailSession);
                   mailBody=new MimeMultipart();
                   //Setting the Sender and Recipients
                   sender=new InternetAddress("[email protected]", "Kayes");
                   InternetAddress[] toList={new InternetAddress("[email protected]")};
                   message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, toList);
                   //Setting the Subject and Headers
                   message.setSubject("My first JavaMail program");
                   //Setting the Message body
                   mainBody=new MimeBodyPart();
                   mainBody.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(body, "text/plain"));
                   //Adding a single attachment
                   fds=new FileDataSource(myFile);
                   mimeAttach=new MimeBodyPart();
                   mimeAttach.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds));
              catch( e)
              catch(MessagingException e)
              catch(IllegalStateException e)
    public class TestMail01
         public static void main(String args[])
              new MailSender();
    class MyAuthenticator extends Authenticator
         protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()
              return new PasswordAuthentication("dider7", "MY_PASSWORD");

    This is an application that sends a message but there is a problem the domain could not be resolved
    * Created on March 23, 2006, 11:22 AM
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under
    * the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose
    * Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor.
    * @author Trainee
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class Notifier //throws MessagingException
    public static void main(String args[]) //throws Exception
    //SystemTray.getDefaultSystemTray().addTrayIcon(new TrayIcon(new ImageIcon("imagefilename")));
    // starts time getter
    NotifierThread NThread = new NotifierThread();
    Thread t = new Thread(NThread);
    //email module
    //EmailThread emailThread = new EmailThread();
    /*SimpleSender simple = new SimpleSender();
    //String[] arrayKo = { "[email protected]","def","xyz" };
    //String[] arrayKo = { "[email protected]","def","xyz" };
    //String recipients = "[email protected]";
    /*EmailThread EThread = new EmailThread();
    // ( String recipients[ ], String subject, String message , String from)
    EThread.postMail( "[email protected]" , "NOTIFY", "ContractOverdue" , "[email protected]");
    catch(MessagingException me)
    //DBConnection dbc = new DBConnection();
    String host = "";
    String from = "[email protected]";
    //String to = "[email protected]";
    String to = "[email protected]";
    // Get system properties
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    // Setup mail server
    props.put("", host);
    props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    // Get session
    Authenticator auth = new MyAuthenticator();
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, auth);
    // Define message
    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
    message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
    new InternetAddress(to));
    message.setSubject("Hello JavaMail");
    message.setText("Welcome to JavaMail");
    // Send message
    class DBConnection
    static String[] email2 = new String[10];
    static int ctr = 0;
    static String ctrlno = "";
    public void DBConnect()
    Connection connection = null;
    Statement statement = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql:cms", "postgres", "password");
    statement = connection.createStatement();
    String ctrlno2 = "ctrlno1";
    String sql = "SELECT (expiredate - CURRENT_DATE) as no_days, cms_trans_contract.ctrlno, cms_trans_contract_notify.notifyid,, notify1, notify2, notify3 from" +
    " cms_trans_contract, cms_trans_contract_notify, ofc_employee where" +
    " cms_trans_contract.ctrlno = cms_trans_contract_notify.ctrlno and cms_trans_contract_notify.notifyid = ofc_employee.idnum";
    //where ctrlno = " + "'"+ctrlno2+"'";
    //"select expiredate from cms_trans_contract";
    //wherer ctrlno = " + "'"+ctrlno2+"'";
    //SELECT (CURRENT_DATE - expiredate) as no_days from cms_trans_contract
    sql += "where startdate between '";
    sql += request.getParameter("commenceStartDate") + "' and '"
    sql += request.getParameter("commenceEndDate") + "'";
    sql += "and expiredate between '";
    sql += request.getParameter("expireStartDate") + "' and '"
    sql += request.getParameter("expireEndDate") + "'";
    rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
    //System.out.println("rs: " +;
    while (
    //System.out.println("Record Found");
    String firstname = "";
    String lastname = "";
    String notifyid = "";
    String email = "";
    int notify1;
    int notify2;
    int notify3;
    //Date expiredate;
    int subtracted_date;
    //firstname = (rs.getString(1));
    subtracted_date = (rs.getInt(1));
    ctrlno = (rs.getString(2));
    notifyid = (rs.getString(3));
    //email = (rs.getString(4));
    email2[ctr] = (rs.getString(4));
    notify1 = (rs.getInt(5));
    notify2 = (rs.getInt(6));
    notify3 = (rs.getInt(7));
    //lastname = (rs.getString(2));
    //System.out.println("FIRSTNAME: " + firstname);
    //System.out.println("LASTNAME: " + lastname);
    //System.out.println("Expiredate: " + expiredate);
    //System.out.println("Ctrlno: " + ctrlno);
    System.out.println("SUB: " + subtracted_date);
    //System.out.println("sql: " + sql);
    if((((subtracted_date == notify1) || (subtracted_date == notify2)) || (subtracted_date == notify3)) && (subtracted_date > 0))
    System.out.println("CtrlnoGET: " + ctrlno);
    System.out.println("NotifyID: " + notifyid);
    //System.out.println("email " + email);
    System.out.println("EmailCTR: " + ctr +": " + email2[ctr]);
    System.out.println("notify1: " + notify1);
    System.out.println("notify2: " + notify2);
    System.out.println("notify3: " + notify3);
    EmailThread emailThread = new EmailThread();
    emailThread.sendMessage(DBConnection.email2, DBConnection.ctrlno);
    if ( == false)
    System.out.println("No records found");
    catch (Exception ex)
    System.out.println("Error getting connections");
    if (rs != null)
    if (statement != null)
    if (connection != null)
    catch (Exception ex)
    System.out.println("Error closing connections");
    // time getter module
    class NotifierThread implements Runnable
    public void run()
    while (true)
    Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
    int hour12 = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR); // Range 0..11
    //int hour24 = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); // Range 0..23
    int min = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); // Range 0..59
    int sec = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND); // Range 0..59
    //int ms = cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND); // Range 0..999
    int ampm = cal.get(Calendar.AM_PM); // Range 0=AM, 1=PM
    String am_pm = "";
    if(ampm == 0)
    am_pm = "AM";
    am_pm = "PM";
    System.out.println("Time " + hour12 + ":" + min + ":" + sec + " " + am_pm);
    if(sec == 10)
    //EmailThread emailThread = new EmailThread();
    DBConnection dbc = new DBConnection();
    catch(Exception e)
    class SimpleSender
    * Main method to send a message given on the command line.
    /*public void senderClassKo()
    //String smtpServer="";
    String smtpServer="localhost";
    String to="[email protected]";
    String from="[email protected]";
    String subject="hello";
    String body="sa wakas ng send din";
    send(smtpServer, to, from, subject, body);
    catch (Exception ex)
    //System.out.println("Usage: java com.lotontech.mail.SimpleSender"
    //+" smtpServer toAddress fromAddress subjectText bodyText");
    /*public static void send(String smtpServer, String to, String from, String subject, String body)
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    // -- Attaching to default Session, or we could start a new one --
    props.put("", smtpServer);
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
    // -- Create a new message --
    Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
    // -- Set the FROM and TO fields --
    msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
    msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(to, false));
    // -- We could include CC recipients too --
    // if (cc != null)
    // msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC
    // ,InternetAddress.parse(cc, false));
    // -- Set the subject and body text --
    // -- Set some other header information --
    //msg.setHeader("X-Mailer", "LOTONtechEmail");
    msg.setSentDate(new Date());
    // -- Send the message --
    System.out.println("Message sent OK.");
    catch (Exception ex)
    //Authentication module
    class MyAuthenticator extends Authenticator
    //protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()
    public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()
    return new PasswordAuthentication("johann108", "password");
    // email module
    class EmailThread //throws MessagingException
    public void sendMessage(String toEmail[], String ctrlno) //throws MessagingException
    String host = "localhost";
    //String host = "";
    //String from = "[email protected]";
    String from = "[email protected]";
    //String[] to = toEmail;
    //"[email protected]";
    // Get system properties
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    // Setup mail server
    props.put("", host);
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    // Get session
    Authenticator auth = new MyAuthenticator();
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, auth);
    boolean debug = true;
    // Define message
    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
    message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
    InternetAddress[] to = new InternetAddress[DBConnection.ctr];
    for (int i = 0; i < DBConnection.ctr; i++)
    to[i] = new InternetAddress(toEmail);
    //System.out.println("EMAILTO:" + to[i]);
    message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, to);
    //message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to));
    message.setSubject("Contract Expiry");
    "Contract is about to expire\n" +
    " ContractNumber is " + DBConnection.ctrlno
    // Send message
    catch(Exception me)
    System.out.println("Error in Sending Message");

  • Mailer object error message "SMTP: invalid from address. SMTP error 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. d5sm35857280yhl.19".

    I am trying to send an email from Lookout V6.6 using the Mailer object.  I have an email address setup through GMAIL and have verified it works.  Also, Lookout Mailer object is able to verify GMAIL server.  I get the following error message when trying to send the email: "SMTP: invalid from address. SMTP error 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. d5sm35857280yhl.19".  Anyone know what is causing this?

    Another method is to use a SMTP relayer, we have deployed them in the past.
    Forshock - Consult.Develop.Solve.

  • How to issue an OS command?

    Does anyone know if there is a way to issue an OS command from within an application made in Application Express? Actually, I need to start an outside application, but even just issuing an OS command would be a start.
    Best regards,

    Re: execute OS command

  • ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command fi

    Hello friend,
    I have changed my smtp server to send email but now i am getting a different error like given below
    ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. 2sm141783tif.39
    I dont know what is this STARTTLS command.
    Pls help me ;
    Uttam SIngh

    It is NOT obvious to someone experiencing a ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: messages that the root cause is in the SMPT server, it is still an ORA error code. It is especially NOT OBVIOUS, if that person is OBVIOUSLY a newbie. It is OBVIOUS that when you essentially flame people for asking such questions you discourage them from ever asking questions on your forum.
    Could you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be a little less arrogant and stop cluttering up this forum with over-the-top and OFF responses????
    Thank You in Advance Mr. Expert.

  • 829 = 530 5 7 0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. d4s

    Hi SAP Guru's
    I have configured SCOT for SMTP but when I am sending mails its show in below error
    Internal error: CL_SMTP_RESPONSE ESMTP error code is not
    known. 530 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.d4s
    and scot trace is giving below error
    829 = 530 5 7 0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. d4s
    I have gone thorugh all the SDN Threads but no success , please suggest some solution

    check this SAP Notes
    931596 Recipient is missing in synchronous status message 04.05.2006
    751332 Error sending mails with several recipients 08.04.2005
    690020 SAPconnect send process hangs with large mails 27.01.2004
      693215 Service unavailable during inbound processing 30.12.2003
    402907 SAPconnect: Sending via ESMTP terminates with a dump

  • ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 503 Issue MAIL FROM: command before RCPT T

    Hi all, i have a procedure called proc_send_mail, the procedure obviously, send a mail using utl_smpt. I use that procedure in many clients and just in one of them, i got this error (ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 503 Issue MAIL FROM: command before RCPT T).
    Here is my code:
    recStat := utl_smtp.helo(c, vServidor);
    vStatus := nvl(vStatus,'') || to_char(recStat.code) ||' '|| recStat.text;
    recStat := utl_smtp.mail(c, p_address_from);
    vStatus := nvl(vStatus,'') || to_char(recStat.code) ||' '|| recStat.text;
    utl_smtp.rcpt(c, p_address_to);
    vStatus := nvl(vStatus,'') || to_char(recStat.code) ||' '|| recStat.text;
    -- This is the message
    vMensagem := 'MIME-Version: 1.0' || chr(13) || chr(10);
    vMensagem := vMensagem ||'From: '|| p_mail_from ||' <'|| p_address_from ||'>'|| chr(13) || chr(10);
    vMensagem := vMensagem ||'Subject: '|| p_subject || chr(13) || chr(10);
    vMensagem := vMensagem ||'To: '|| p_mail_to ||' <'|| p_address_to ||'>'|| chr(13) || chr(10);
    vMensagem := vMensagem ||'Reply-To: '|| p_address_from || chr(13) || chr(10);
    So, i call:
    - utl_smtp.helo
    - utl_smtp.mail
    - utl_smtp.rcpt -----> in this i have trouble
    anyone can help me? I check the mail from and mail to, and they are correct.
    P.S: Sorry, my english is too bad.

    Many mail server provides like gmail use TLS/SSL for mail transmission. The error suggest your mail server is expecting a TLS/SSL connection.
    The TLS/SSL connection is not part of the UTL_SMTP and UTL_MAIL API. You have to either use Wallet as described here or use a third party tunneler like stunnel as described here

  • JavaMail Gmail Error !! Strucked - "Must issue a STARTTLS command first"

    I have used the code as below. !!
    I guess code is perfect and i have tried many alternative code. but not working !!
    I am calling the function from my other Page
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;
    class javax.mail.MessagingException: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. nh6sm15292366pbc.44
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.Message;
    import javax.mail.MessagingException;
    import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
    import javax.mail.Session;
    import javax.mail.Transport;
    import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
    public class SendMail {
    public static void send(String to, String from, String subject,
    String body) {
    final String username = "emailId";
    final String password = "password";
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
    props.put("", "");
    props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587");
    Session session = Session.getInstance(props,
    new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
    protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
    return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);
    try {
    Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
    message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
    catch (MessagingException e)
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    SendMail sendMail = new SendMail();
    sendMail.send("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "javamail", "Body");
    Edited by: 942767 on Jun 27, 2012 7:14 AM

    I am using Java Mail Version 1.3.1
    Debug Out Put
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG: setDebug: JavaMail version 1.3.1
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG: getProvider() returning javax.mail.Provider[TRANSPORT,smtp,com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport,Sun Microsystems, Inc]
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG SMTP: useEhlo true, useAuth false
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG SMTP: trying to connect to host "", port 587
    220 ESMTP hf5sm1011580pbc.4
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG SMTP: connected to host "", port: 587
    EHLO Evosys-PC at your service, []
    250-SIZE 35882577
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "SIZE", arg "35882577"
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "8BITMIME", arg ""
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "STARTTLS", arg ""
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES", arg ""
    12/06/28 05:29:20 DEBUG SMTP: use8bit false
    MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
    530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. hf5sm1011580pbc.4
    Edited by: 942767 on Jun 27, 2012 10:54 PM

  • Must issue a STARTTLS command first

    Hi, I hope anyone can help me.
    I'm trying to setup BPM Studio to send emails.
    I've been reviewing some previous threads but I couldn't find a solution.
    I want to use gmail or hotmail smtp but I get the following error:
    530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
    I've created an external resource to setup the SMTP.
    I will appreciate any help.

    Hi Matias,
    I poked arount this today and could not get gmail's StartTLS working in Oracle BPM either. Just as an experiment, I verified that I could send an email using another client (Eudora) using my Gmail account. Using the smtp server "" and port 587 and marking it "StartTLS". This worked like a charm.
    Unfortunately, as you've seen - when configuring an Outgoing Email Service (right mouse click "External Resources" -> "New External Resource" -> click the "Type" dropdown and click "Mail Outgoing Service") none of the 4 options are "STARTTLS". I thought either "SSL" or "TLS" would have worked but they don't.
    Other than hand coding Java, I'm not sure there's a good answer for you since it appears StartTLS is not supported in Oracle BPM.
    Is it possible you might be able to use another SMTP outgoing service? Most companies I've worked with in the past have made their SMTP service available that does not require StartTLS.

  • Also got an issue with MSI command center, maybe windows is to blame?

    MSI Command Center crashes every time after it's been running a little while, googling it I've noticed there have been a lot of topics about it crashing. I think someone here on this forum suggested reinstalling windows might help :/ Not too keen on that but better now than when I've installed a ton of stuff on the PC.
    Actually both MSI command center and Intel extreme tuning utility crash for me. MSI command center crashes after a while it's been running and Intel extreme tuning utility crashes every time I click on the settings menu.
    I wonder if something is still wrong with my OS, first time I installed windows 8.1 games crashed if they ran in fullscreen but ran fine in windowed mode. Later after reinstalling widows games started working fine, in fact I haven't had any crashes since (other than from these 2 programs).
    Just yesterday I decided to make a bootable USB drive for windows 8.1 and I noticed that my PCcouldn't actually create an ISO from the windows CD cause the DVD drive couldn't read it properly no matter how many times I tried. My other PC managed to read the Windows DVD just fine, so managed to make a bootable USB drive after all. Donno how it managed to install windows at all, it did struggle a bit.
    I wonder if doing a repair install or a completely fresh install of Windows now when my PC can actually read the windows installation media properly would fix these last issues.
    Is there a difference between a clean install of windows and an install where it keeps all settings and programs? Think reinstalling windows a 3rd time would help (3rd time is the charm right?) Think reinstalling windows again would help?
    Application: CommandCenter.exe
    Framework Version: v4.0.30319
    Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
    Exception Info: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException
       at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRa ngeException()
       at CommandCenter.Toolkit.CPUFrequency.<Timer_AnimationShowHW>b__0()
       at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapp er.InternalRealCall(System.Delegate, System.Object, Int32)
       at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHe lper.TryCatchWhen(System.Object, System.Delegate, System.Object, Int32, System.Delegate)
       at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOper ation.InvokeImpl()
       at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOper ation.InvokeInSecurityContext(System.Object)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunIn ternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)
       at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOper ation.Invoke()
       at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Pro cessQueue()
       at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Wnd ProcHook(IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr, Boolean ByRef)
       at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr, Boolean ByRef)
       at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbac kOperation(System.Object)
       at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapp er.InternalRealCall(System.Delegate, System.Object, Int32)
       at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHe lper.TryCatchWhen(System.Object, System.Delegate, System.Object, Int32, System.Delegate)
       at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Leg acyInvokeImpl(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPrio rity, System.TimeSpan, System.Delegate, System.Object, Int32)
       at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.SubclassWndProc(IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr)
       at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMe ssage(System.Windows.Interop.MSG ByRef)
       at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Pus hFrameImpl(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherFram e)
       at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Pus hFrame(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherFram e)
       at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Run()
       at System.Windows.Application.RunDispatche r(System.Object)
       at System.Windows.Application.RunInternal(System.Windows.Window)
       at System.Windows.Application.Run(System.Windows.Window)
       at CommandCenter.App.Main()
    Faulting application name: CommandCenter.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x542c7911
    Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.3.9600.17055, time stamp: 0x532943a3
    Exception code: 0xe0434352
    Fault offset: 0x00011d4d
    Faulting process ID: 0x1764
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cfe0e065a99cf3
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\Command Center\CommandCenter.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
    Report ID: 6fe5aaa5-4cd6-11e4-8264-448a5b9f9b8d
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:

    This issue isn't super important but I don't like programs crashing. None of the games I've played so far crash. (after I reinstalled windows once) Windows never crashes, and the PC has never crashed either so far.
    Both MSI command center (version and intel extreme tuning utility (version crash. Both are kinda same type of programs it seems. MSI CC crashes sometimes immediately sometimes 15 minutes after I start it. The intel program crashes every time I click on the settings menu. MSI CC gives those errors when it crashes, the Intel program has no errors recorded in the event viewer when it crashes.
    Board: MSI Z97 Gaming 5
    Bios: Version 1.0 (Well that's what CPU-Z says it is)
    VGA: MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4g
    PSU: Asus 850W CP-850
    Intel Core i5-4670K Haswell 3.4GHz (3.8GHz Turbo Boost)
    MEM: Kingston HyperX Fury 1866Mhz DDR3
    SSD: Crucial MX100 256Gb
    HDD: Seagate Barracuda 2Tb
    COOLER: Noctua nh-d15
    OC: Everything stock (for now)
    OS: Windows 8.1 64bit
    I tried reinstalling windows by keeping all applications and settings, that didn't help at all. I could still do a fresh windows 8.1 install and remove everything, still I'd rather avoid doing that if I can. Maybe I'll just ignore the errors. Perhaps it's something related to the motherboard since both are these sort of OCing software.

  • Cisco security manager deployment issue with invalid command

    Running CSM 3.3.1, to manage an 800 series pre-configured router.
    The router has a number of policy ACL's and class-maps configured. When the config is imported to CSM a number of warnings are seen reporting that some of the interfaces are unprotected by ACL's, which is correct, no serious errors are reported and the device is succesfully imported.
    But, when I look at the configuration within CSM non of the ACL's or the class maps are shown.
    Also, when I configure some feature on the router, during the deployment phase I get an error indicating that there is an invalid protocol under one of the class maps associated with an interface. The protocol in question is bittorrent. This error prevents depolyment of my changes. In fact this causes my client to hang, eventually if I close the application windoes reports that the issue is caused by javaw.exe faiing to respond.
    If I take out the bittorrent protocol under the class map then all seems well.
    So, I though flexconfigs would resolve this, enabling me to import the config with the unsupported command. I created a flexconfig with the class map and the invalid protocol. When I re-imported the device there is still a lot of configuration features that are on the router but are missing in CSM.
    I'm not sure how to resolve this, the router was not configured through CSM in the first place.

    Update to this, the CSM is also altering firewall configurations, if I import a configuration from an ASA running 8.0.4 code, then compare that configuration to that running on the same ASA there are quite a few differencies. Some of these are not items that CSM reports as requiring Flexconfig support, which concerns me.
    This is not the first time I've seen this occur, customer is concerned about the reliability of the way this system handles configurations, and I cannot explain why it exhibits this process.
    Anyone else seen this, and found a work around?

  • Issue on Enter command in RF scanner

    Hi ABAP Gurus,
    Need help on an issue on a custom RF transaction. I have created a custom transaction which works on SAP system but doesn't work in the RF scanner particularly the "Enter" command. The custom transaction has 3 screens, first screen to enter the pallet number, second screen - information on the material/pallet on display only (no fields to be inputted), and lastly the third screen for details on TO confirmation final processing. It works correctly in the SAP system but when executed in the RF scanner, there is an issue on the second screen when Enter is pressed. Second screen has only F3Back and F4Nxt pushbuttons while the others have F3Back, F4Nxt and F2Clr. Can somebody help me in this issue? Thanks a lot. =)

    You have answer to this issue, I have the same problem.

  • SQL*Loader issue with WHEN command

    Environment: R12.1.2
    We have a file coming in from a bank that needs to be loaded into a custom table using SQL*Loader.
    The file has multiple record formats. Each record in the file starts with a "record type", which defines the format.
    For simplicity, let me say that there is a record type of "H" with the header format, and another record type "D" has a detail record format. An "H" record may be followed by multiple "D" records until the next "H" record is encountered. Unfortunately, there is no common key, like say "Vendor Number" in both the "H" and "D" records to establish a relationship. So the plan was to use a Oracle sequence or SQL*Loader sequence to get a sequence loaded into the table as the file is being loaded. Then if consecutive "H" records had a sequence value of 100 and 112, we would know that the "D" records for the "H" 100 record are all the records with sequence value of 101 through 111.
    The issue occurs as we have to use the WHEN command in the control file to direct a certain record type to specific columns of the table. Based on the populated sequence values, with the WHEN command, it seems that all the "H" records get loaded first followed by the "D" records. The sequence becomes of no use and we cannot establish a link between the "H" and "D" records. The alternative is to not use WHEN with the sequence, but load the file into generic column names which provides for less understanding in the application.
    Is there a way (command feature) to ensure that SQL*Loader loads the records sequentially while using WHEN?

    I used RECNUM parameter instead of sequence and it worked fine

  • SIP SRST transfer issue using ALIAS command

    Dear Networkers,
    We have a CUCM v10 cluster installed. We're using Cisco 7821 and Cisco 7841 IP Phones. we're using autoregistration, and every user is loggin in using extension Mobility.
    Auto registration DNs : 95XXX
    Device Profiles DNs : 2XXX
    We have a SRST Gateway in a remote site (Cisco 2911)
    What I would like to have is that when some user logs out from EM (2411 for exemple) so the phone gets back his old extension in 95XXX, and in SRST mode, his incoming calls should be redirected to the Lobby phone DN 95077
    I am using to "alias 1 2411 to 95077" command under the Voice register Pool tag (tag is 1 in my case). The issue is that when I call the number 2411 from another extension, all i get is busy tone instead of redirecting the call to 95077.
    Can you please advice ?

    I am assuming that you`re abbreviating the translation profile command under the voice register pool 3 cause  "translate-outgoing called 66"  doesn't seem to be a valide IOS command.                                  
    For me your transaltion and alias are doing the same thing. Remove the translation-profile command from the voice register pool 3 and put the alias 2 3225016599 to 3225016588 under call-manager-fallback. Or create a dial-peer which has 3225016599 as destination-pattern and use the translation-profile under the same dial-peer to send the call to 3225016588.

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