Isync plugin for Samsung i560

Im looking for a FREE download so i can use this phone with isync on my MBP. I have downloaded free ones before, but it seems they all cost arond $10, anyone know a free site?

Developing software, hosting it and providing technical support can take many hours of time and costs money, which is why many developers need to charge (often a nominal fee) for their hard work.
If you don't think the ability to sync your phone is worth just $10 (on top of the hundreds of dollars your Mac, the phone and contract are worth), you could always try learning how and developing your own plugin.
However, you may also like to know that many Samsung phones cannot be supported by iSync, even with a plugin, because they don't have the required industry standard syncing protocols, and as the i560 is a Symbian-based phone it's even more unlikely that a simple iSync plugin can be developed.

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    • SGH-L770V
    • SGH-F480 (Tocco)
    • SGH-F480V
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    Unfortunately with the passage of time link in this post is now dead, which was adapted from N8-00 iSync plug-in:
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

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    See iSync plugins for 6700 classic 

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    that is a really good question. i have no idea when one might come but heard from other users that it will take a while. again not 100% on this one. 
    You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

  • ISync plugin for 7610 Supernova?

    Anyone know where I could find a iSync plugin for 7610 Supernova?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi guys, I tried and re-tried your soultion translated from macuarium, but no way: i just don't get it to work for me (I've got an italian 7610 supernova), as iSync won't ever recognize the phone. The only way to have it work was to build a plugin (similar to yours) following James Lloyd's advices and original Series 40 plugins (
    That way I managed to have my MacBook (Leopard one) see my 7610, but it will stuck at 97% syncing and then... "connection lost" (???).
    Quite obviously, something is wrong if you succeeded with your solution and I don't. Could you please help me making some points clearer?
    For example, you say "in the same package folder" locate .plist file etc etc. Ok, but could you please tell me EXACTLY the path to this .plist file? I found one, but it isn't in the SAME folder (and in fact your solution won't work). BTW, James Lloyd working path is completely different from yours...
    Those of you who managed getting it work, could they please be a little more specific on the steps we'll have to follow (reporting for example phone language, iSync version, OS version... anything that could help troubleshooting)?
    In the meantime, as far as it goes, this is what I did following J.L.'s instructions:
     - navigated to Contents >Plugins > ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice > Contents > Plugins > Nokia-6131.phoneplugin > Contents > Resources
     - Replaced entire MetaClasses.plist content with the one I attach below
     - Placed .tiff image in parent folder as well as in the same folder your solution indicates (didn't understand which one will work, so went for both )
     - Restarted the newly modified iSync package and turned on Bluetooth on both phone and MacBook
     - Started syncing
    As I said, with your solution I had troubles: iSync kept sayng "phone not supported". Now, at least, iSync is seeing my phone, although stopping at 97%. It seems the problem resides in something concerning contacts: asked also to novamedia (still waiting for their response).
    At this time, new suggestions are more than welcome!!!
    Message Edited by zafcom on 09-Jul-2009 04:36 PM
    Message Edited by zafcom on 09-Jul-2009 04:37 PM
    Message Edited by celandine on 09-Jul-2009 05:25 PM
    7610Supernova.xml ‏16 KB

  • Plugin for Samsung SCH-A950

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    Well, syncing isn't the only use for Bluetooth. You can also use it for file transfers, wireless headsets, wireless modem etc (if the phone supports such features)...
    When choosing your new phone, be sure to check out iSync compatibility first with the following pages:
    then, also check that your network operator hasn't crippled the phones Bluetooth features...

  • A little info about the iSync plugin for the N97

    Several 3rd party developers have confirmed that something is broken in the way the N97 communicates via the iSync plugin. Nokia has changed, incorrectly implemented, or out right made something wrong and a firmware upgrade is DRASTICALLY needed or a plugin will NEVER work. The problem started with Nokia and ends with Nokia. They need to fix the problem with the N97. The developers feel that unless Nokia fixes this problem there will never be a plugin for the N97. It is as simple as that.
    This is all the info that I have at the moment. For the time being the only way to sync your data is:
    1. Prepare all of your data the way you want on your phone and then us Ovi. This can be a problem too as Ovi is not that great and is not very stable.
    2. You can use Memotoo ( to sync your data via SyncML. I have used tried it and it works okay. Better than Ovi for sure but it costs.
    3. You can use The Missing Sync by Mark Space ( - currently testing). It does not use the same way to sync via iSync plugins. The Missing Sync sends a plugin to your phone instead. The syncing is very stable and works flawlessly. The only drawback is that the phone plugin is not exactly designed for the N97 and it requires that the N97 needs to be reboot sometimes to sync. Other than this, the operation is flawless and it appears that Mark Space will be able to fix this one problem faster than Nokia will be able to fix their phone.
    Hope this helps...... 
    Show the KUDOS button some love.... Hit that bad boy.... It don't hurt....
    Apple iPhone 5,
    Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Nikon D4

    Yes, once you have MfE, you can sync N97 to Google Calendar and Gmail Contact list. The Mac's iCal app can add the Google Calendar. For Address Book, there are two choices: Access Gmail Contact via LDAP, or do proper synchronization in iSync style (see
    MfE is not "installed" by default in the N97, but it is actually there. I need to credit someone on this forum for mentioning it, but I'm afraid I forgot who. The steps are basically thus:
    Basically go to the Menu -> App folder, look for Settings Wizard "Sett. wiz.". Try to setup an email account from there. Don't use your gmail account though (it seems like MfE tries to be smart when it recognizes some email domains and pre-selects some settings for you, but we need to be able to access some options to set on our own). Don't worry about this account, you can always delete it once MfE is configured. At some point of the setup, you will be asked what kind of server. Choose Mail for Exchange. This will trigger Mail for Exchange to be installed.
    Subsequently you will see your MfE folder populated with Mail for Exchange and other stuffs. Get into it and configure your Gmail. Some settings to note:
    Exchange server:
    Secure connection: Yes
    Use default port: Yes
    Username: Your gmail username (just the name, no need the part)
    Password: For the gmail account
    Domain: (I believe blank is also ok, but mine is current set as such)
    Make sure that synchronization is set for Contacts and Calendar only. Tasks must be disabled (it used to be because Google Calendar did not support Tasks, but even they do support Tasks now, it still breaks MfE). Email must be disabled.
    I did have further trouble though. The sync keeps hanging and then eventually "Invalid Password" error (yah right, after sync halfway they realize my password is wrong... no, something else is mucked up). I eventually deleted my phone data, and re-sync it from Google again, and everything was fine.
    Once you've got your phone data on Google, you can search Google for other tips on pulling the data into Mac.
    Hope you have fun getting this to work. 

  • A bit of information about the iSync plugin for th...

    Several 3rd party developers have confirmed that something is broken in the way the N97 communicates via the iSync plugin. Nokia has changed, incorrectly implemented, or out right made something wrong and a firmware upgrade is DRASTICALLY needed or a plugin will NEVER work. The problem started with Nokia and ends with Nokia. They need to fix the problem with the N97. The developers feel that unless Nokia fixes this problem there will never be a plugin for the N97. It is as simple as that.
    This is all the info that I have at the moment. For the time being the only way to sync your data is:
    1. Prepare all of your data the way you want on your phone and then us Ovi. This can be a problem too as Ovi is not that great and is not very stable.
    2. You can use Memotoo ( to sync your data via SyncML. I have used tried it and it works okay. Better than Ovi for sure but it costs.
    3. You can use The Missing Sync by Mark Space ( - currently testing). It does not use the same way to sync via iSync plugins. The Missing Sync sends a plugin to your phone instead. The syncing is very stable and works flawlessly. The only drawback is that the phone plugin is not exactly designed for the N97 and it requires that the N97 needs to be reboot sometimes to sync. Other than this, the operation is flawless and it appears that Mark Space will be able to fix this one problem faster than Nokia will be able to fix their phone.
    Hope this helps...... 
    Show the KUDOS button some love.... Hit that bad boy.... It don't hurt....
    Apple iPhone 5,
    Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Nikon D4
    Go to Solution.

    caber wrote:
    I think Nokia have always treated Mac users as second class citizens. The do provide some support but not enough and not quickly enough! They are not alone in this attitude and we are a minority even if we are smarter than the average PC user ( Flame warning!) in coosing Macs. We also have to be a bit smarter in figuring out work arounds as always
    You really think this is a wise thing to say to someone and then not expect them to flame you? You sound just like those fanatic iBoys or iSheeple. A smart computer user is one who can see the benefit from all OS's and play to their strengths. I am glad anyone that has seen your post decided not to play your Apple-ista name game and didn't bother to comment.
    Grow up dude. 
    Show the KUDOS button some love.... Hit that bad boy.... It don't hurt....
    Apple iPhone 5,
    Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Nikon D4

  • ISync Plugin for 5233 dont work in any way

    First of all, sorry for the long post and my bad english ..
    I am very disappointed with the support of Nokia in Brazil. My 5233 is runningthe latest version of software, downloaded the isync plugin 5233 and updated my mac with SL 10.6.6, Nokia original USB cable and ...
    ... I can not make my mac recognize or connect my smartphone!
    The Nokia support in Brazil simply do not know the settings on a Mac, but ASK ME what to do to configure a mac... That seems like a joke!
    I'm reading here in the forum that you can use my model phone with isync, but can not figure out what the problem.
    I think that Nokia should Brazil make sure that the plugin works on all handsets sold before available for users to download ...
    Using Windows on Ovi Suite for you, using the same cable and the bluetooth sync everything correctly ... The problem is even with the mac ...
    On the Mac, with or without the plugin installed v2.0, I can not anything withUSB cable. By Bluetooth can only "see" my device, but the isync says it can not connect.
    Details: Across the usb cable I can use the phone as a modem on my mac, enter "data transfer" to download pictures from the camera and send songs to5233, but I can not synchronize the phonebook, calendar or any other datathat would synchronized by isync ...
    Appreciate any help.

    I have done this and it worked for my Nokia 5233 on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion via Bluetooth. I could sync my contacts, but haven't managed to sync the calendar yet.
    If you have a backup of your old MacOSX 10.6 Snow Leopard, go to Applications folder and copy iSync into MacOSX 10.7 Lion. If you don't have it, just download form somewhere else.
    Go to the Asian Nokia website, where you'll find the 5233's plugin for iSync:​nokia-isync/compatibility-and-download
    On Address Book, make sure that you copy all your contacts into "All on My Mac" list.
    I'll came back if I manage to sync the calendar.
    Have fun!

  • ISync plugin for 6136

    I hope this isn't seen as a commercial plug ... it's not intended to be.
    I thought other users of 6136 (mostly BT Fusion customers in the UK I would have thought) like myself would like to know that I asked Nova Media Solutions to make an iSync plugin so that I can synchronise calendar and contacts between my Nokia 6136 and my Mac.
    I tested it and it all works brilliantly ... so phone is at least 100% more useful to me than it was before.
    Go to
    Now, if the Nokia Mac data transfer beta package I see available via this forum works out for me half as well as the iSync plugin then I'll be ecstatic!

    Just to let you know I can iSync my 6136 again with Leopard thanks to some very helpful tips from yotun in this thread:

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    Typing "nokia 9300 isync plugin" into Google gives a large number of options.

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    as long as you run Android OS 2.2., you might want to check out FoneSync. It features an iTunes like interface and syncs contacts, calendars, music and photos.
    Kind regards
    Jan Fuellemann
    Disclaimer: I work for nova media, but get no benefit or compansation from posting here

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    That's because there isn't one.
    No LG phones are compatible with iSync, mainly because they don't support the industry standard SyncML protocol for syncing.

Maybe you are looking for

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