Item Missing while using Collator

Dear Experts
I am writng code using KM API to get the list of files in a given folder, when I use
IResourceList resourceList=parent.getChildren();
the size of resource list is 23
I need to sort the list according the coustom property of the file hence I ended up with using Collator object as following
IPropertyName propName=new PropertyName("","QP_CP_Published_Date");
Collator collator =new Collator();
IResourceList resourceList=parent.getChildren(null,collator,null);
Note the QP_CP_Published_Date is of type date
Now the size of resource list is 18
Please help me in getting the file list in sorted order with out loosing the items

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  • Dropdown values are missing while using the function module KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT

    Hi all,
    when i am trying to upload the excel template by using the function module " KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT" to an internal table some field values are missing.
    i am using the function module " KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  and i am uploading an excel template and downloading that excel data into an internal table but some field values are missing while uploading the excel template and i found that the field which contains the drop down list values those values are missing.
    And also when i am uploading the excel template by using the function module" KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  when i am coming out of this function module one pop up is coming. how can i avoid this popup, can any one please provide me the solution thanks in advance. is showing the below popup screen ..

    hi Feiyun,
    below is the code(highlighted in bold)and after coming out of the function module i am getting popup and also the drop down values are missing.
    DATA: ls_control         TYPE zsfi_fiupload_control,
             ls_header          TYPE zsfi_fiupload_header_v13,
             ls_item            TYPE zsfi_fiupload_item_v13,
             ls_trailer         TYPE zsfi_fiupload_control,
             l_line_count       LIKE zsfi_fiupload_control-rec_count,
             l_current_curr     TYPE kcde_cells-value,
             l_current_postdate TYPE kcde_cells-value,
             l_current_compcode TYPE kcde_cells-value,
             l_currentrow       TYPE kcde_cells-row,
             l_filename         LIKE rlgrap-filename.
       DATA: BEGIN OF lt_intern OCCURS 0.
               INCLUDE STRUCTURE  kcde_cells.
       DATA: END OF lt_intern.
       DATA: BEGIN OF lt_items OCCURS 0,
               a TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               b TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               c TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               d TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               e TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               f TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               g TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               h TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               i TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               j TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               k TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               l TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               m TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               n TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               o TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               p TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               q TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               r TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               s TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               t TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               u TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               v TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               w TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               x TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               y TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               z TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               aa TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ab TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ac TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ad TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ae TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               af TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ag TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ah TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ai TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               AJ TYPE KCDE_CELLS-VALUE,
               AK TYPE KCDE_CELLS-VALUE,
               END OF lt_items.
       l_filename = p_flpath.
    * the file must be an xls file, not xlsx or comma seperated
       IF p_flpath NS '.xls' AND p_flpath NS '.XLS'.
         MESSAGE i261(zfi).
         g_error = 'X'.
    * upload excel file to a generic table
           filename                = l_filename
           i_begin_col             = 1
           i_begin_row             = 1
           i_end_col               = 150
           i_end_row               = 65000
           intern                  = lt_intern
           inconsistent_parameters = 1
           upload_ole              = 2
           OTHERS                  = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    * validate that the format is in the restatement format
    *  this is the only template to have the ledger group in cell G-2
    **  READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0002' col = '0007'.
    **  IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR lt_intern-value IS INITIAL.
    **    MESSAGE i260(zfi).
    **    g_error = 'X'.
    **    EXIT.
    **  ENDIF.
    * create control record values
       ls_control-rec_type = 'C'.
       ls_control-global_id = 'GLU-03000'.
       ls_control-local_id = ''.
       ls_control-rec_count = ''.
       CONCATENATE sy-datum sy-uzeit INTO ls_control-date.
       ls_control-version = '12'.
       ls_control-email = ''.
       ls_control-eor = 'X'.
       ls_trailer = ls_control.
    * open output file and add the control record
       TRANSFER ls_control TO p_unixfilename.
    * create header record values, will be transfered to file in the item loop
       ls_header-rec_type = 'H'.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0017' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-header_txt = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH key row = '0020' col = '0002'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-comp_code = lt_intern-value.
    ************doc date
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0011' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-pstng_date = lt_intern-value.
    ************posting date
         ls_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0009' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-doc_type = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0014' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-ref_doc_no = lt_intern-value.
    ************currency moved to line items
         READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0020' col = '0001'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
       ls_header-currency = lt_intern-value.
       ls_header-trans_date = ''.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0010' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-period = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0006' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-reason_rev = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0007' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-rev_date = lt_intern-value.
    *  READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0002' col = '0007'.
    *  IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-ledger_grp = ''.
    *  ENDIF.
    *  READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0013' col = '0013'.
    *  IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-exch_rate = ''.
    *  ENDIF.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0008' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-calc_tax = lt_intern-value.
       ls_header-eor = 'X'.
    * loop at the line items and append them to a table with multiple columns
       LOOP AT lt_intern WHERE row GE 20.
         IF l_currentrow <> lt_intern-row AND l_currentrow IS NOT INITIAL.
           APPEND lt_items.
           CLEAR lt_items.
         l_currentrow = lt_intern-row.
         CASE lt_intern-col.
           WHEN '0001'. lt_items-a = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0002'. lt_items-b = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0003'. lt_items-c = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0004'. lt_items-d = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0005'. lt_items-e = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0006'. lt_items-f = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0007'. lt_items-g = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0008'. lt_items-h = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0009'. lt_items-i = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0010'. lt_items-j = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0011'. lt_items-k = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0012'. lt_items-l = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0013'. lt_items-m = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0014'. lt_items-n = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0015'. lt_items-o = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0016'. lt_items-p = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0017'. lt_items-q = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0018'. lt_items-r = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0019'. lt_items-s = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0020'. lt_items-t = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0021'. lt_items-u = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0022'. lt_items-v = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0023'. lt_items-w = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0024'. lt_items-x = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0025'. lt_items-y = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0026'. lt_items-z = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0027'. lt_items-aa = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0028'. lt_items-ab = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0029'. lt_items-ac = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0030'. lt_items-ad = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0031'. lt_items-ae = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0032'. lt_items-af = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0033'. lt_items-ag = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0034'. lt_items-ah = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0035'. lt_items-ai = lt_intern-value.
           when '0036'. lt_items-aj = lt_intern-value.
           when '0037'. lt_items-ak = lt_intern-value.
       APPEND lt_items.
    * sort rows by the post date, comp code, curr.
    *  SORT lt_items BY ah a ai.
    * loop at the items, creating a header record if the comp code, curr. or post date changes
       LOOP AT lt_items.
         ls_item-rec_type = 'I'.
         ls_item-post_key = lt_items-c.   "lt_items-b.
         IF lt_items-c GE '20' AND lt_items-c LE '39'.
           ls_item-vendor_no = lt_items-d.
         ELSEIF lt_items-c GE '0' AND lt_items-c LE '19'.
           ls_item-customer = lt_items-d.
         ELSEIF lt_items-c EQ '70' AND lt_items-c EQ '75'.
           ls_item-asset = lt_items-d.
           ls_item-gl_account = lt_items-d.
         ls_item-asset_type = lt_items-m. "lt_items-l.
         ls_item-trans_type = lt_items-n. "lt_items-m.
         ls_item-print_flag = ''.
         ls_item-item_text = lt_items-j. "lt_items-i.
         ls_item-comp_code = lt_items-b. "lt_items-a.
         ls_item-bus_area = ''.
         ls_item-alloc_nmbr = lt_items-l. "lt_items-k.
         ls_item-tax_code = lt_items-q. "lt_items-p.
         ls_item-taxjurcode = lt_items-r. "lt_items-q.
         ls_item-profit_ctr = lt_items-g. "lt_items-f.
         ls_item-costcenter = lt_items-h. "lt_items-g.
         ls_item-orderid = lt_items-ac. "lt_items-ab.
         ls_item-wbs = lt_items-i. "lt_items-h.
         ls_item-trade_id = lt_items-o. "lt_items-n.
         ls_item-part_prctr = lt_items-p. "lt_items-o.
         ls_item-material = lt_items-t. "lt_items-s.
         ls_item-salesorg = lt_items-aa. "lt_items-z.
         ls_item-distr_chan = lt_items-ab. "lt_items-aa.
         ls_item-pmnttrms = ''.
         ls_item-pmtmthd = ''.
         ls_item-pmtmthsupl = ''.
         ls_item-alt_payee = ''.
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '(' IN lt_items-e WITH ''.
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ')' IN lt_items-e WITH ''.
         ls_item-amt_doccur = lt_items-e. "lt_items-d
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '(' IN lt_items-f WITH ''.
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ')' IN lt_items-f WITH ''.
         ls_item-loc_amt = lt_items-f. "lt_items-e
         ls_item-loc  = lt_items-k. "lt_items-j.
         ls_item-sas_revtype = lt_items-s. "lt_items-r.
         ls_item-rev_type = lt_items-u. "lt_items-t.
         ls_item-rev_chnl = lt_items-v. "lt_items-u.
         ls_item-bill_to = lt_items-x. "lt_items-w.
         ls_item-payer = lt_items-z. "lt_items-y.
         ls_item-ship_to = lt_items-y.
         ls_item-tax_amnt = lt_items-x.
         ls_item-func_area = ''.
         ls_item-expend_date = lt_items-ae. "lt_items-ad.
         ls_item-wtax_code = lt_items-af. "lt_items-ae.
         ls_item-wtax_base = lt_items-ag. "lt_items-af.
         ls_item-wtax_amount = lt_items-ah. "lt_items-ag.
         ls_item-payment_block = ''.
         ls_item-grp_amt = ''.
         ls_item-anc_amt = ''.
         ls_item-permit_payee = ''.
         ls_item-value_date = ''.
         ls_item-pernr   = ''.
         ls_item-legacy1 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy2 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy3 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy4 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy5 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy6 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy7 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy8 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy9 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy10 = ''.
         ls_item-eor = 'X'.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-ai TO UPPER CASE.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-b TO UPPER CASE.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-a TO UPPER CASE.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-aj TO UPPER CASE.
         IF l_current_curr <> lt_items-a "lt_items-ai
           OR l_current_postdate <> ls_header-pstng_date "lt_items-aj
           OR l_current_compcode <> lt_items-b.
           l_current_curr = lt_items-a.
           l_current_postdate = ls_header-pstng_date. "lt_items-aj.
           l_current_compcode = lt_items-b.
           ls_header-comp_code = l_current_compcode.
           ls_header-currency = l_current_curr.
           ls_header-pstng_date = l_current_postdate.
           ls_header-doc_date = l_current_postdate.
           TRANSFER ls_header TO p_unixfilename.
           l_line_count = l_line_count + 1.
         TRANSFER ls_item TO p_unixfilename.
         l_line_count = l_line_count + 1.
       ls_trailer-rec_type = 'T'.
       ls_trailer-rec_count = l_line_count.
       TRANSFER ls_trailer TO p_unixfilename.
       CLOSE DATASET p_unixfilename.
    * change the format to fixed format for the remainder of the load program
       p_fixed = 'X'.
       p_rstmnt = ''.

  • Implementation for generic service emp_wagetype is missing while using HCM

    Hi all,
    For a Badi y_essmss_wagetype_03 i have created  a filter named y_emp_wagetype.. When i am using this filter in the back-end services and  try  to see the services fields for this filter it is throwing the error..
    Implementation for generic service y_emp_wagetype is missing
    Please suggest.
    Edited by: Pradeep on Oct 6, 2008 10:25 AM

    Still pending

  • Drop down values are missing while using the function module KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT

    Hi all,
    I am using the function module "KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  to upload the excel template to an internal table but i am not getting the complete excel data into the table the fields which contains the drop down list values those values are not coming in to the table.
    Is there any other function module which can read even the drop down list values? can any one please provide me the solution.
    Thanks in advance
    ** FYI...i am using the below code:
    * upload excel file to a generic table
           filename                = l_filename
           i_begin_col             = 1
           i_begin_row             = 1
           i_end_col               = 150
           i_end_row               = 65000
           intern                  = lt_intern
           inconsistent_parameters = 1
           upload_ole              = 2
           OTHERS                  = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

    Hi all,
    I am using the function module "KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  to upload the excel template to an internal table but i am not getting the complete excel data into the table the fields which contains the drop down list values those values are not coming in to the table.
    Is there any other function module which can read even the drop down list values? can any one please provide me the solution.
    Thanks in advance
    ** FYI...i am using the below code:
    * upload excel file to a generic table
           filename                = l_filename
           i_begin_col             = 1
           i_begin_row             = 1
           i_end_col               = 150
           i_end_row               = 65000
           intern                  = lt_intern
           inconsistent_parameters = 1
           upload_ole              = 2
           OTHERS                  = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

  • Missing sentences in a forwarded mail while using firefox but not happening in IE or Chrome

    I am forwarding a earlier email to the same person. While forwarding 3 sentences were missing while using FIREFOX. But when I tried to do the same with IE or Chrome , it was working fine.

    A Code 10 error is generated in Device Manager in one of the following situations:
    Device Manager can't start the device.
    One of the drivers that the device needs does not start.
    Device Manager has insufficient information to recognize the error that is bubbled up by the device driver.
    Note In this situation, the Code 10 error can be a very generic message that indicates some kind of unspecified driver or device problem.
    For more information regarding Code 10 errors, please see:
    Fix: "This device cannot start" Code 10 error in Device Manager in Windows
    Please try to update the device drivers with the error code 10. More troubleshooting steps please refer to the KB article.
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Shopping cart line items are missing while transfering from ITS to EBP

    Hi everyone
    I am Raghu, working on EBP (version 2.0)
    Some shopping cart line items are missing while transferring the shopping cart data from ITS to EBP.
    For example in my shooping cart 4 items are there,during transferring shopping cart data from ITS to EBP all 4 items are getting updated for all the shopping cart related tables except account assignment table.
    In account assignment table for this particular shopping cart only 3 items are updated and usually the first line item gets missed out.Hence the the system fails to create the follow on documents in R/3. 
    This is happening randomly for few of the shopping carts that too most of the cases first item of the shopping cart was not updating reqacct table(this is account assignment table for shooping cart items).
    I have debugged entire scenario,but  couldn't find the cause for this..
    Can any one  please advise me....why this is happening?
    Your immidiate ersponse will surely help me a lot.

    Hi Yann
    Thanks for your support.
    Yes, we are using EBP2.0/CRM 2.0C & the support pack level is SAPKU20C23.
    Please advice

  • Tax statement item missing for tax code A0 - error while posting in MIRO

    At the time of MIRO, I am inserting P.O. and simulating the doc. However, at the time of posting the system is throwing the below mentioned error :
    Tax statement item missing for tax code A0 (0% Input Tax)
    Message no. FF805
    No tax item exists for tax code A0 in a G/L account item. A possible cause is an incorrect transfer of parameters by the application to the Accounting interface.
    Enter an OSS message.
    Request you to help me resolving this error
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Sagar Padhye on Nov 5, 2009 11:30 AM

    Hey K.R.
    a) Are you able to post transaction through Accounts payable using the same tax code ? - YES
    b) in Miro are you able to use any other tax code and post the document ?- NO
    I have created other tax code and tried to use it in MIRO, but system throwing the same message. Is it somehow related to Tax procedure / OSS pack levels?The message Type is ERROR.
    Please confirm.
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: Sagar Padhye on Nov 5, 2009 3:51 PM

  • Error while importing Item MAster Data using DTW

    when we are importing item master data using items template
    it is giving error.
    Error:":connected value 1 was not found "
    can any one send the oitems template that is working fine wthout any error.

    You cannot import  data prepration templates>>Testcase1_Test Data for Import function>Oitems directly.
    You will have to do certain prerequisites like setting CommissionGroup, CommissionPercent, CommissionSum,CustomsGroupCode etc., in SAP before importing Items.
    So I would like you to try out with minimum fields in the template and import. After understanding, you can import the required fields.
    I suggest you to use the template from "C:\Program Files\SAP\Data Transfer Workbench\Templates\Templates\oItems"

  • Missing warnings while using softproofing ?

    First, congratulations for all the new or enhanced features !
    Especially the softproofing function is great : the histogramm is now showing what is happening in the destination color space.
    My question is about the warnings on the image while using softproofing : after activating both monitor and destination warnings, and evenif my image is voluntarily completly blown up with highlights, i see very few warnings on the image.
    Am i doing something wrong or the warning function is not working well ?
    Charles, France

    I suspect but could be totally off, that a single color channel will not cause the OOG overlay. You should be able to see this anyway in the normal Histogram (in this case, a blue spike on the end of the Histogram). Again, going out on a limb, I suspect that the profile has to be used to tell LR that all three channels fall outside of gamut, in other words, this isn’t a channel by channel OOG but the entire group. Maybe someone from Adobe can comment.
    I can get the OOG warning to show up with only one or two channels saturating. It appears to have been done correctly. See the screenshot below. The channel info shows only red saturating at 255 in the red-masked OOG area
    Now I can say that I think there is a zoom bug in terms of the OOG in that I’ve seen some overlay colors appear or disappear based on the zoom ratio. Even saw this in Julieanne’s video demo. So you may want to zoom in at 100% (1:1) to get a more accurate OOG preview.
    I am not so sure whether that is a bug or simply a cause of how the Develop preview is generated. LR has to render a low resolution preview and inevitably that involves some downscaling and resharpening (LR has been doing some sharpening on the develop preview for a while now). It is possible that if you are on the edge of being out of gamut, the lower resolution preview can get pushed out of gamut by the sharpening and perhaps by noisy data that is not smoothed away by the noise reduction that would happen at 1:1 but doesn't happen the same way zoomed out at fit or fill.
    P.S. as we found in the thread linked above there are some minor bugs in the softproof notably with proofing for sRGB. So I wouldn't trust it too much yet and just look at it as a preview of how it might or will be implemented in the release.

  • Adding a column at item level while creating PO using ME21N

    My requirement is to add new column in Item overview of PO at the time of creation. Same should be displayed in ME22N and ME23N.
    I tried doing same using BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST using interface PROCESS_ITEM after adding field QSSYS in EKPO table.
    I have also tried exit MM06E005  / EXIT_SAPMM06E_013.
    Kindly let me know steps.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Vidhi,
    I think you can not add new column in standard one. Create a custom tab at item level and use that.
    [Me21n Tab|]

  • Error while adding items to cart using oracle.apps.ibe.shoppingcart.list.ShopList.saveQuoteFromListLines API

    I am getting the below error message when I try to add line items to cart using oracle.apps.ibe.shoppingcart.list.ShopList.saveQuoteFromListLines API.
    ORA-01403: no data found in Package IBE_Shop_List_PVT Procedure Save_Quote_From_List_Items
    This is the underlying procedure/package getting called:  IBE_Shop_List_Wrapper_PVT.Save_Quote_From_List_Items
    Please help me in resolving this issue.
    Thanks in advance!

    L S P.. wrote:
    Actually that notes says about invalid objects in ASO and IBE objects.
    But i couldn't found any invalid objects. Also i was cleared cache using functional administrator also.
    But still am getting this error.
    Please help on this.. It is on critical.Please log a SR if the doc did not help.

  • Tax statement item missing for tax code Z5

    While releasing the billing documents to accounting we have the following error:
    Tax statement item missing for tax code Z5
    Message no. FF805
    No tax item exists for tax code Z5 in a G/L account item. A possible cause is an incorrect transfer of parameters by the application to the Accounting interface.
    Enter an OSS message.
    Could you please let us know whats going wrong.This is a priority to us.
    Your inputs are highly appreciated.

    HI Arvind,
    When you release this invoice to accounting the system check if there are any tax conditions (KOAID = D) that are non stastical (KSTAT = " ") found on the document.   If there is.... then this tax code must be applies (via the from and to steps) to a non statistical price/discount.
    VF02 + release to accounting:
    Main program     SAPLV60B
    Source code of   LV60BU01
      Aufruf aus Simulationsreport
               if sy-cprog = 'SAPFACC0'               >> SET BREAKPOINT
               or sy-cprog = 'SAPFACC1'.
                 export xacchd xaccit xacccr to memory id 'SAPLV60B'.
    The XACCIT table is the interface table from SD to FI.  As you can see this is basically ahnding over the relevant conditions from the XKOMV table to FI.
    When the condition base value for the tax condition is 0.00 it will NOT get passed to FI. The from and to step for the tax condition writes the tax code to the non statistical condition, if a price code is passed to FI with a tax code there must be a tax condition passed to FI with the same tax code.  Otherwise ERROR FF805
    If the tax base value is zero..then it is obvious system will throw error message
    FF 805.
    If you have revenue lines containing a tax indicator XX, but no tax line with tax indicator XX, then the error FF805 issues, and it is justified.
    Please assign points if it useful.
    Ravinagh Boni

  • Tax statement item missing for tax code V0_During MIRO

    I am currently working on 6.0 for a client in UAE. I am getting the above error with tax code while passing MIRO. The tax code dwfined is a 0% tax code. System throws an error as ;
    Tax statement item missing for tax code V0
    Message no. FF805
    No tax item exists for tax code V0 in a G/L account item. A possible cause is an incorrect transfer of parameters by the application to the Accounting interface.
    Enter an OSS message
    On using the same tax code in FB60 system des not thr me an error.
    Kindly let me know the the solution for the same.
    Edited by: Ajay Gupte on Nov 7, 2009 9:05 AM

    I think all relevant details for the tax code "V0" are not maintained. Go the t-code "FTXP", for the country key and tax procedure, you shall get the details for the tax type, acct key, you can fill that details for tax percent rate. Double click on that tax type, you can enter the information for G/L account in combination wiith Chart of account.

  • Tax statement item missing for tax code V0

    I am currently working on 6.0 for a client in France.I am getting the above error with tax code while passing MIRO. The tax code defined is a 0% tax code. System throws an error as ;
    Tax statement item missing for tax code V0
    Message no. FF805
    No tax item exists for tax code V0 in a G/L account item. A possible cause is an incorrect transfer of parameters by the application to the Accounting interface.
    Enter an OSS message
    On using the same tax code in FB60 system des not thr me an error.
    Kindly let me know the the solution for the same.
    Please explain in brief .
    in Fs00 the gr/ir account is having the - sign input tax allowed.
    If anyone has faced the similar issue please kindly answer in brief what settings has to be changed.

    Hi Kumari,
    How did you resolve this issue?  I am getting same error.
    thank you

  • Tax statement item missing for tax code O0

    Hi all,
    i am getting an error message while releasing SD billing documents to Accounting. the complete error message is
    NA FF805
    Tax statement item missing for tax code O0
    No tax item exists for tax code O0 in a G/L account item. A possible cause is an incorrect transfer of parameters by the application to the Accounting interface.
    Enter an OSS message.
    It would be great help if some one reply back with what should i do..
    We are on R/3 4.7 enterprise
    Thanks in Advance

    HI Sivaram,
    Please review note 112609 and 400766 carefully, which explain the tax rules.
    The FF805 error is most likely triggered due to configuration in the pricing  procedure.
    If an active tax condition record is found (for example on UTXJ), even though it is statistical, the tax code (linked to the record) is then distributed to the active price conditions for that item pricing.
    When it passes to FI, the active tax condition is passed but not the price because an active price condition cannot be found. In the SD-FI interface, for every price condition sent over, there MUST be a tax condition sent over, hence the FF805.
    I think this may be what is happening in your case.
    Normally it would not be advised to bypass the check in FI_TAX_SV_BSEG_BSET_GROSS - please note that when passing from SD to FI:
    -> There must be at least a revenue line for each tax line.
    -> For each revenue line containing a certain tax indicator there must be a tax line with this indicator.
    -> If a tax condition has base value = 0  OR is inactivated OR is statistical => then it is not passed to FI.
    I hope this information will help you to solve your issue. If it resolves your issue, kindly confirm this message at your earliest convenience. Otherwise, please give me feedback for further analysis.
    Please assign points if it useful.
    Ravinagh Boni

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