Iterative maze generation with a stack and queue

I searched the forums, and a couple of hits were interesting, particularly (the mazeworks site is very very cool), but they all centered on using a recursive method to create a maze. Well, my recursive maze generation is fine; it seems to me that recursion lends itself quite well to this particular form of abuse, so well in fact that I am having trouble wrapping my head around an iterative approach. :) I need to create a maze iteratively, using a stack if specified by the user, else a queue. I can vaguely see how a stack simulates recursion but conceptualization of the queue in particular is making my hair hurt. So I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts or pointers that they wouldn't mind explaining to me to help me with this project. Thanks kindly.

Stacks (i.e. a first in, last out data storage structure) are very, very closely tied to recursive calls - after all, the only reason that the recursion works at all is because the language is placing the current state of the method on a stack before it calls the method again.
As for using queue's to implement the same type of thing, are you allowed to use a dequeue (double ended queue)? If so, dequeue's are a pretty common way of implementing a stack - they allow you to implement both FILO and FIFO (first in, first out) structures by whether you pull the stored item from the head or tail of the dequeue.
If you are talking about a FIFO, then that's a different story - let us know!
- K
PS - recursion is an odd topic to get your head around - keep working at it! The biggest thing to realize is that all recursive routines must have SOME way to exit them without continuing the recursion. The design of a recursive call, then, is generally easiest to do when implemented by answering the following question: "Under what condition should the recursion stop?", and then building the routine backwards from there.

Similar Messages

  • Stacks and Queues

    Hello, I am new to Java and am working out an assignment. I need to manipulate some stacks and queues in various ways.
    I need to reverse a stack in three different ways:
    1. using two additional stacks.
    2. using one additional queue.
    3. using one additional stack and some additional non-array variables.
    I think I have ways to do 1 and 2 but I'm a bit confused about 3.
    For 1, I would pop the the elements off of the full stack A, and push them onto B. Then pop them from B and push them to C. Then pop them from C and push them to A, thus reversing the order.
    For 2, simply pop the elements from the stack and enqueue them in the queue. Then dequeue them and push them back to the stack.
    For 3, not really sure where to start or how? I could think of how to do it with an array but I'm drawing a blank on this. I don't want anyone to write the code for me just maybe point me in the right direction?
    The assignment then carries on to sorting in ascending order using a stack and then just using non-array variables. I feel like if I can figure out number 3 above the rest will be along similar lines.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    The restrictions might be nudging towards a constant-storage algorithm. In which case, try the following.
    You can move any element to the top of the stack using a stack and non-array variables. Take the 4th element for example:
    Pop 3 elements from the stack and push onto the other.
    Pop the next element and store in a variable.
    Pop the 3 elements from the second stack and push back on the first.
    Push the value from the variable onto the first stack.
    This can be used for reversing and sorting the stack.

  • Help regarding Stacks and Queues.!!!!!!Please....

    I have a working program right now..But it lacks some things to be done..It already does the stacks and queues..But still it doesnt print the info on the desired output file outTwo.dat..Both the stacks and queues should be printed on it..Also it has to compute the total commission on categories 1 and 2...and put it again on the outTwo.dat..Any kind hearted people would want to help me here?Here's the assignment detail...Thank YOU!!!!
    Q2. Linked List
    a.     create a compile AStack class, and a AQueue class similar to the text
    b.     provide an application that will:
    �     instantiate an AStack object and an AQueue object
    �     create a property object for each data line read from the input file assign4.dat
    �     push it ti the stack if its is category 1 property; queue if its is category 2; ignore all others
    �     print a title called category 1 to an output file called outTwo.dat
    �     after printing a few blank lines to outTwo.dat, print a title called category 2 to outTwo.dat
    �     traverse the queue and print it to the same output file outTwo.dat
    �     print the total commission earned on this category of property to outTwo.dat
    Note that for this question you should also print out and submit outTwo.dat. Have Fun!
    //This is the program I have done so far....
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class TestSQ {
         public static void readFileSQ(AStack s, AQueue q)
              try {
    FileReader inStream=new FileReader("assign4.dat");
    BufferedReader ins= new BufferedReader(inStream);
    FileWriter outStream=new FileWriter("outTwo.dat");
    PrintWriter outs= new PrintWriter(outStream);
    String line;
    int category;
    double price;
    String categoryString;
    String priceString;
    StringTokenizer st;
    while((line=ins.readLine())!=null) {
    st=new StringTokenizer(line," ");
    categoryString = st.nextToken();
    priceString = st.nextToken();
    category = Integer.parseInt(categoryString);
    price = Double.parseDouble(priceString);
    Property myProperty = new Property(category, price);
    }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
    System.out.println("error while parsing Integer: "+categoryString+"/"+priceString);
    System.out.println("invalid number of elements in line: " +st.countTokens());
    catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("i/o error:"+e.getMessage());
         public static void showStack(AStack s){
                   Object line=s.pop();
    public static void main(String args[])
         AStack stackOfProperty=new AStack();
         AQueue queueOfProperty=new AQueue();

    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class TestSQ {
         public static void readFileSQ(AStack s, AQueue q)
              try {
                FileReader inStream=new FileReader("assign4.dat");
                BufferedReader ins= new BufferedReader(inStream);
                FileWriter outStream=new FileWriter("outTwo.dat");
                PrintWriter outs= new PrintWriter(outStream);
                String line;
                int category;
                double price;
                String categoryString;
                String priceString;
                StringTokenizer st;
                 while((line=ins.readLine())!=null) {
                    st=new StringTokenizer(line," ");
                        categoryString = st.nextToken();
                        priceString = st.nextToken();
                            category = Integer.parseInt(categoryString);
                            price = Double.parseDouble(priceString);
                            Property myProperty = new Property(category, price);
                          //  outs.println(s.toString());
                            else if(category==2)
                        }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                            System.out.println("error while parsing Integer: "+categoryString+"/"+priceString);
                        System.out.println("invalid number of elements in line: " +st.countTokens());
            catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("i/o error:"+e.getMessage());
         public static void showStack(AStack s){
                   Object line=s.pop();
        public static void main(String args[])
             AStack stackOfProperty=new AStack();
             AQueue queueOfProperty=new AQueue();
       }//This is the updated version of my program..Now the ouput file works now, but then it shows different ouput..Thats only for the queue.I dont know about the stack..Tnx for looking...

  • Stack and queue problem

    hi i am trying to change infix expression to postfix and also the opposite, like
    ((a+b)*(a-c*d)/(b+d*e)) to ab+acb*-bde+/
    using stack and queue
    I am so confuse

    See this URL :
    You will find the algorithms here.
    Here is a Perl version :
    #     Script:
    #     Author:          Premshree Pillai
    #     Description:     Using this script you can :
    #               - Convert an Infix expression to Postfix
    #               - Convert a Postfix expression to Infix
    #               - Evaluate a Postfix expression
    #               - Evaluate an Infix expression
    #     Web:
    #     Created:     23/09/02 (dd/mm/yy)
    #     � 2002 Premshree Pillai. All rights reserved.
    sub isOperand
         if((!isOperator($who)) && ($who ne "(") && ($who ne ")"))
              return 1;
    sub isOperator
         if(($who eq "+") || ($who eq "-") || ($who eq "*") || ($who eq "/") || ($who eq "^"))
              return 1;
    sub topStack
         my $arr_len=@arr;
    sub isEmpty
         my $arr_len=@arr;
              return 1;
    sub prcd
         my $retVal;
         if($who eq "^")
         elsif(($who eq "*") || ($who eq "/"))
         elsif(($who eq "+") || ($who eq "-"))
         elsif($who eq "(")
    sub genArr
         my @whoArr;
         for($i=0; $i<length($who); $i++)
    sub InfixToPostfix
         my @infixArr=genArr($infixStr);
         my @postfixArr;
         my @stackArr;
         my $postfixPtr=0;
         for($i=0; $i<length($infixStr); $i++)
                   if($infixArr[$i] ne "^")
                        while((!isEmpty(@stackArr)) && (prcd($infixArr[$i])<=prcd(topStack(@stackArr))))
                        while((!isEmpty(@stackArr)) && (prcd($infixArr[$i])<prcd(topStack(@stackArr))))
              if($infixArr[$i] eq "(")
              if($infixArr[$i] eq ")")
                   while(topStack(@stackArr) ne "(")
              if(topStack(@stackArr) eq "(")
    sub PostfixToInfix
         my @stackArr;
         my @postfixArr=genArr($postfixStr);
         for($i=0; $i<length($postfixStr); $i++)
    sub PostfixEval
         my @stackArr;
         my @postfixArr=genArr($postfixStr);
         for($i=0; $i<length($postfixStr); $i++)
    sub PostfixSubEval
         my $returnVal;
         if($sym eq "+")
         if($sym eq "-")
         if($sym eq "*")
         if($sym eq "/")
         if($sym eq "^")
    sub joinArr
         my $who_len=@who;
         my $retVal;
         for($i=0; $i<$who_len; $i++)
         return $retVal;
    sub evalInfix
         return PostfixEval(joinArr(InfixToPostfix($exp)));
    sub init
         my $def_exit="\n\tThank you for using this Program!\n\tFor more scripts visit\n";
         printf "\n\tInfix - Postfix\n";
         printf "\n\tMenu";
         printf "\n\t(0) Convert an Infix Expression to Postfix Expression";
         printf "\n\t(1) Convert a Postfix Expression to Infix Expression";
         printf "\n\t(2) Evaluate a Postifx Expression";
         printf "\n\t(3) Evaluate an Infix Expression";
         printf "\n\t(4) Exit this Program";
         printf "\n\t(5) About this Program\n";
         printf "\n\tWhat do you want to do? (0/1/2/3/4/5) ";
         chomp $get;
         if(!(($get eq "0") || ($get eq "1") || ($get eq "2") || ($get eq "3") || ($get eq "4") || ($get eq "5")))
              printf "\n\t'$get' is an illegal character.\n\tYou must enter 0/1/2/3/4/5.";
         if(($get ne "4") && ($get ne "5") && (($get eq "0") || ($get eq "1") || ($get eq "2") || ($get eq "3")))
              printf "\n\tEnter String : ";
              chomp $getStr;
         if($get eq "0")
              printf "\tPostfix String : ";
              print InfixToPostfix($getStr);
         if($get eq "1")
              printf "\tInfix String : ";
              print PostfixToInfix($getStr);
         if($get eq "2")
              printf "\tPostfix Eval : ";
              print PostfixEval($getStr);
         if($get eq "3")
              printf "\tExpression Eval : ";
              print evalInfix($getStr);
         if($get eq "4")
              printf $def_exit;
              exit 0;
         if($get eq "5")
              printf "\n\t======================================================";
              printf "\n\t\tInfix-Postfix Script (written in Perl)";
              printf "\n\t\t(C) 2002 Premshree Pillai";
              printf "\n\t\tWeb :";
              printf "\n\t======================================================\n";
              printf "\n\tUsing this program, you can : ";
              printf "\n\t- Convert an Infix Expression to Postfix Expression.";
              printf "\n\t Eg : 1+(2*3)^2 converts to 123*2^+";
              printf "\n\t- Convert a Postfix Expression to Infix Expression.";
              printf "\n\t Eg : 123*+ converts to 1+2*3";
              printf "\n\t- Evaluate a Postfix Expression";
              printf "\n\t Eg : 37+53-2^/ evaluates to 2.5";
              printf "\n\t- Evaluate an Infix Expression";
              printf "\n\t Eg : (5+(4*3-1))/4 evaluates to 4";
              printf "\n\n\tYou can find the algorithms used in this Program at : ";
              printf "\n\t-";
              printf "\n\t-";
              printf "\n\n\tYou can find a JavaScript implementation of 'Infix-Postfix' at : ";
              printf "\n\t-";
         printf "\n\n\tDo you want to continue? (y/n) ";
         my $cont=<STDIN>;
         chomp $cont;
         if($cont eq "y")
              printf $def_exit;
              exit 0;

  • Help with java coding involving stacks and queues.

    I was wondering if anyone can help with tips on what to fill in for the coding.
    My project is to creating a word processor by the process of 2 stacks. The methods are given, but I'm not really sure what goes in them. So I was wonder if anyone can answer this for me, or give tips that would be great thanks.
    Example Code, similar to what were suppose to do, but instead it's CHARACTER stacks rather than String.

    /** Stack of Characters to the left of the cursor; the ones
       * near the top of the stack are closest to the cursor.
      private Stack left;
      /** Stack of Characters to the right of the cursor; the ones
       * near the top of the stack are closest to the cursor.
      private Stack right;Do you know how a stack works?
    No - Google it
    Yes - Continue on with this post
    /** Another constructor.
       * @param left The text to the left of the cursor.
       * @param right The text to the right of the cursor.
      public EditableString(String left, String right) {
        // fill this in
      }Do you know how to read?
    No - How did you answer this question then?
    Yes - Then why can't you read the comments above each method. Is it really that hard to understand?

  • Website on data structures such as stacks and queues.

    I'm currently try to read up on data structures such as stacks, queues but don't quite understand how to implement that. Is there any useful links with example that I can read up from?

    Depends what you mean by "implement". If you want to use standard Java classes that are already written, and you want to know which to choose, then
    If you want to write your own, for some obscure reason, then read a book on data structures. Or try to write your own implementation of the Java collection classes.

  • Using my Ipod Nano (4th generation) with my mac AND my work PC

    I have previously had a 30gb ipod video and have been able to use it primarily on my mac (for downloading) and have been able to go to work and plug it in and also run it through itunes on my work PC. I recently got the nano 4th generation and have not been able to run it on my work PC. (Im only able to work it on my MAC.) My work pc itunes says something like "this is a mac formatted ipod...please restore your ipod to run with a pc".
    Is there a way I can run it on both?

    Windows is stupid. It can't understand the mac formatted ipod. Restore the ipod on your windows box and format it for PC. The mac will be able to read the PC ipod just fine after that.

  • Stack and Queue

    Where do we use them?So far i haven't come across any program which uses them.

    You could use a stack for a calculator application, or a queue for a resource management application.

  • Can we run Xcode 5 smoothly in MacBook air 4th generation with 4GB RAM and 1.3 GhZ processor ??

    I am planning to purchase MacBook Air-11inch due to light weight. As MacBook air has turbo boost feature upto 2.6GHz.

    I would recommend a different machine. I don't see how you will do anything in Xcode on an 11" display. I finally broke down and got a 2nd monitor for my 13".

  • 997 generation with custom ecs and xsd

    I am able to generate the 997 using the default 997.ecs and 997.xsd. The generated X12 997 has 6 segments but we need to send only 4 segments. I have created a new ecs and xsd (deleted the two segments) using the spec builder. When I use this custom 997 document, it throws below error.
    Error Brief : Validator error - Extra data was encountered. Validator error - Extra data was encountered. Validator error - Extra data was encountered. The values are not equal.
    The XML payload shows data for the two segments that I have deleted from the ecs in specbuilder. I thought B2B would generate the xml payload based on the ecs and xsd.
    Is it possible to generate a customized 997 in B2B?
    Ismail M.

    Is it possible to generate a customized 997 in B2B?No, B2B may not auto-generate the customized 997. For customization cases, it is recommended to handle FA at middleware (SOA layer) or at back-end.

  • FREED STACK and TRef Type

    I've created a variant to load select-options data from database like you can see in this document:
    All runs perfectly but when I try to get the data inside the handle method of the main view, but when I read the parameters attribute of WDEVENT it comes with "FREED STACK" and I can access to the information. After, a dump fetchs inside the class CL_WDR_SELECT_OPTIONS and it is GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED type. Does anybody know anything about this?
    Thank you very much.

    Hi Sundar,
    I found this link very useful in understanding the concept behind Stack and Heap.
    Should be useful for you as well, its answers all your doubts with pictorial representation.
    Stack, heap, Value
    types, Reference types, boxing, and unboxing
    Six important .NET concepts:
    Stack, heap, value types, reference types, boxing, and unboxing
    Here's a pretty friendly explanation: C#
    Heap(ing) Vs Stack(ing) in .NET
    Nice youtube video around the same .NET Stack and Heap
    Please mark as answer or vote as helpful if my reply does

  • I hav a ipod touch 4th gen with cracked screen and i finally got it to turn on itunes and the ipod was making charging noises but the screen was just white i tryed updating it to ios 5.1.1 bit did nothink so i was

    i bought a ipod touch 4th generation with cracked screen and i finally got it to turn on itunes and the ipod was making charging noises but the screen was just white i tryed updating it to ios 5.1.1 bit did nothink so i was wondering how to fix this white screen i tryed a hard reboot ( whitch i heard might work ) but did nothink if there is no sulution to fixing this is it worth buying a new screen ? thaanks

    Try here:
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    If yu can't turn it off, then let the battery fully drain. After charging for at least an hour try again.
    If still not successful that indicates a hardware problem and service is required.

  • Improve Auto-Stack and Process Collections with user settings

    I have read through all of the Bridge request discussions, and encountered a few comments on the stacking process but nothing to explain my critique and feature request. My apologies for any redundancy.
    Bridge CS4 includes two features that would (virtually) streamline my entire photo-organization workflow. Brilliant! Except that they offer zero configuration and my default scenario is very different from Adobe's, so these two would-be-wonderful features are pretty much useless to me, and to anybody else who doesn't happen to shoot in the way the presets are configured.
    The first feature is to automatically group images into stacks, based on their similarity, exposure settings, and timestamps. Unfortunately Bridge considers no minimum or maximum amount of photos per stack, and has a fixed timestamp window of 18 seconds. I shoot everything in three-exposure bursts and sometimes multiple shots in less than 18 seconds, so being able to say "process collections in 3-item stacks only" would be absolutely perfect. For other people, being able to limit the timestamp range or other min/max exposure options would work great.
    The second feature, which could save me hours every week but is equally useless, is to automatically process collections in Photoshop. My biggest ire about this function is that it completely ignores stacks that I have manually created AND stacks that were previously created using the auto-stack feature. Every time this function is run, it re-runs the auto-stack process from scratch and then delivers the collections to Photoshop. Not only is this made useless by the previously mentioned inflexibility of the auto-stack process, but even if auto-stack worked perfectly, this would waste time by doing the entire thing again and denying the user the option to review the stacks before committing to the Photoshop processing. The process collections feature would also be much improved if the option were given to process ONLY panoramas or HDR photos, or auto-detect. I have never shot a panorama in my life and I'm sure plenty of people have never shot HDR, but Photoshop isn't capable of knowing our intentions and there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to instruct it.

    Agree. It is an interesting capability that falls short of being really useful. I feel like an ingrate to complain, but ...
    I'd also like to see the capability to specify something than "Auto" for the panorama option. My experience is that most of my panos work best with "Cylindrical + Geometric Correction".
    My experience is that once you get past 5+ images in a pano, it becomes very tedious ... and then 20+ images in rows is painful. Unlike a single image that you can quickly evaluate, with panos I find I need to make the pano to tell if it going to turn out.  I have been generating smaller 1800x1200 or 1200x1800 files to speed up the evaluation process, but it is still very manual and tedious.
    The Auto-Stack generates a AutoCollectionCache.xml, but I haven't found it workable to edit this. I'd like to be able to modify it to "force" my knowledge of what is in a group. It seems to check the time-stamp, and re-do the Auto-Stack, thus ignoring my changes. Sigh.

  • I bought an apple iPod 5th generation the other day and I cannot remember the unlock passcode. I have done the restore thing, but because I never set it up or synced it with iTunes, it does not recognize my device. It is disabled for one hour. Please help

    I bought an apple iPod 5th generation the other day and I cannot remember the unlock passcode. I have done the restore thing, but because I never set it up or synced it with iTunes, it does not recognize my device. It is disabled for one hour. There's only a few things that could be my passcode, but because it disables for an hour, it is time consuming trying to figure it out. What do I do? I do not care about having to erase everything since it's new and there's nothing on it, but it was never synced with iTunes.

    Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode and then connect to your computer and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
    iOS: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen                         
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.                        
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings        
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        
    If problem what happens or does not happen and when in the instructions? When you successfully get the iPod in recovery mode and connect to computer iTunes should say it found an iPod in recovery mode.

  • HT4623 my IPod Touch is a generation 3 with a camera and when i go into my settings and try to do what the instructions on your website say but in general i only have About and then the rest of the bars but i don't have one that says Software Update

    my Ipod Touch is a generation 3 with a camera and when i go into the settings to look for the Software Update bar i don't have one

    If you have cameras then you have  4G iPod. To update connect to your computer and update via iTunes
    iOS 4: Updating your device to iOS 5 or later
    - A 4G to 6.1.5  Requires iTunes version 10.7 or later. For a Mac, that requires a Mac with OSX 10.6.8 or later

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