ITMS Pinged but no Updates on Podcast Episodes

I've produced 7 episodes for this podcast. So far only 6 show up on my ITMS page.
Other Podcast directories are updating
I've pinged the ITMS several time over that last 18 or so hours and yet the situation hasn't changed.
The feed is reportedly good as per Feedvalidator

I see now that this may be a problem with the ITMS and not an issue of corrupted metadata or broken feeds.
It seems that the "This American Life" podcast is at least three days behind in showing the current episode on the podcast page. As per the page, the current episode is titled "Mapping" and is dated 10/21/07. My latest download of that podcast is from 10/28/07, titled "In Dog We Trust."
My point is that if the ITMS isn't showing the most current episode for their most popular podcast, there is definitely something wrong with the store.
My question now would be; Is this addressed somewhere on the Apple site or is it simply ignored and left to be corrected without any declaration of cause?

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    I had this problem too, wrote apple and no reply. Finally I wrote libsyn (where my podcasts are stored) and they replied within a day and also contacted iTunes for me and asked them to manually add my last two episodes. iTunes did that within a couple of days, but it took a couple more days for iTunes to show that anyone was downloading those episodes.
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    If you have any thoughts on whether or not this is affecting our standings in the categories, Roger, I would love to hear them. I realize we can't really do anything about it anyway, but it would be nice to know. Here's a link to my podcast: 2
    Also, wanted to say how much I appreciate reading all your advice to everyone, Roger! Sorry I'm not putting this new problem in it's own stream, but I wanted to share with Joey what helped for me to get the episodes up.

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    Never mind.  I found it.

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    It varies -- the update is instant, but it may take several hours for the update to appear on site, as the cache for that page is refreshed on the servers.
    If it's taken longer than that, make sure your feed is working properly and validates with Failure to update after a ping usually indicates a problem with the feed, if the update doesn't appear within a day or so.
    Good luck

  • New Podcast Episode Not Updating in iTunes

    Hello Apple Community,
    My name is Sara Simms, I have recently started a new DJ podcast series called Flight. My new episode has not updated yet in the iTunes store (its been over three days since I uploaded it)
    My podcast episodes are hosted here:
    My Feedburner URL is:
    I also uploaded new artwork via Feedburner, in the 'Podcast' section of iTunes I see the artwork has updated.
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    I just pinged Feedburner, hopefully this helps to update everything.
    Could anyone else please let me know if there's anything else I should check/change to make sure my podcast episodes are updating?
    Thank you in advance!
    Best wishes,
    Sara Simms

    Your second episode has a media file referenced at
    This works when the URL is entered in a browser, but at the URL has no extension (.mp3) iTunes does not see it as being a media file and thus does not display the episode. You need to give a full URL including the extension, as you have done for your first episode.
    You are mixing episodes with and without media files - there are a lot of earlier episodes which don't have media files - these won't show in iTunes. If blogger limits the number of episodes shown in the feed, these will count towards that limit which could result in episodes not showing in iTunes once you have added enough episodes to trigger the limit.

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    Just when I was reconciling myself to the Podcasts app ...
    Thanks in advance!

    Well, the tried and true may have worked: I turned the iPhone off and then on again, and now downloads seem to be working properly. On/off button, is there anything you cannot do?

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    The iTunes Store reads your feed at intervals and caches the contents (the information, not the actual media files): when you make a change to the feed it usually takes 1-2 days for this to be reflected in the Store. Pinging doesn't seem to make a lot of difference. Very occasionally it all slows down and can take several days.

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    Here is my podcast feed: 674b1bd9
    And here is the link to my podcast in iTunes:
    The problem began with last Wednesday's episode, which was Episode 30, and has continued ever since.  I did not do anything differently when I published that episode than I did when I published the previous 29 episodes, and those updated just fine, or at least seemed to as far as I could tell (i.e., they appeared correctly on iTunes, and appeared as a new episode for me as a podcast subscriber).  Also, after examining the rss feed, I could not see any difference between episodes 1-29 and episodes 30--34, at least as far as the way the feed was formatted.  So, I have no idea what triggered the problem, and no idea how to fix it.  If I can't resolve the issue then I think I'll have to abandon the podcast, since there's no point in publishing a podcast that doesn't distribute new episodes to subscribers. 
    If anyone can shed light on this problem for me, it would be most appreciated.     Thanks!

    As you say, in the Store the latest episodes don't show a publishing date. When subscribing in iTunes, none of the episodes show a publishing date, and they are listed in the order they appear in the feed.
    In the feed, none of your episodes has a 'pubDate' tag, which is where iTunes gets the date from. Since most of the episodes in the Store have a date, it looks as if originally your episodes had this tag, but that five episodes back you did something in whatever method you are using to create your feed which removed these tags: the Store is presumably getting the dates from its cache since the episodes haven't changed, but obviously doesn't have the dates for the last 5 episodes.

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    This is not what I intend... and not  what I  told iTunes to do... (at least this my reading of the below settings)
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    How can I get iTunes to behave as intended? (From reading through old posts I know that there is a Doug script adressing this problem, which I have just set up, but I would prefer to use internal settings if possible... maybe I am just missing a setting)
    Thank you for your ideas!

    Thank you for the response, Roger!
    OK, that's how it is then.
    The iTunes podcasts settings should be reworded in that case because it suggest something different from what it does. And, of course, it would be ideal for Apple to make this more flexible and allow users to set up their podcast downloads in their way and not be so motherly (c'mon, Apple, your users are not as dumb as you think, and they have uncapped Internet connections these days anyway)...
    Btw., for anyone interested, this is external script I am using now:
    Including the "cron job" setup here: aunchd-project/
    Cannot tell how well it works because I have just set it up, other members of the forum say it works for them...
    If anyone knows of in-app solutions, please share...

  • My recent podcast episodes are not getting updated on my iTunes page.

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    Currently there are at least 3 episodes missing that are up on Podomatic but not showing on iTunes.
    Any suggestions?

    Hi mandateconnate,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities. Based on what you stated, it sounds like you tried to publish a podcast but it is taking a while to show up. 
    How to publish a podcast on the iTunes Store
    Note: The iTunes team reviews each podcast submission. Depending on demand, it may take a week or two before your podcast is added.

  • New Podcast Episodes Not Updating if Not Subscribed

    Hey there,
    My podcast hasn't updated the latest two weekly podcast episodes if you haven't subscribed. If you have subscribed, the episodes are available for download. XML uploaded yesterday.
    Here is my xml feed:
    Here is the iTunes link:
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    The 'title' tag for your 2 September episode reads
    <title>&#xC;Love Thy Neighbor</title>
    The ode at the start isn't upsetting the iTunes application but it's upsetting FireFox when used as a feed reader and is flagged as an error by FeedValidator, so it's extremely likely that it's upsetting the Store and rendering the feed unreadable. You need to remove it.
    The code appears to be for a linebreak and is, I read elsewhere, permissible in XML 1.1 but not 1.0 which is what you have specified: in any event, you don't want a linebreak and getting rid of it altogether will probably solve your problem.

  • Podcasts episodes not visible and not updated

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    The strange thing is that when I look in the iTunes Store or create a Smart playlist with Grouping set to Podcast the episodes are visible.
    Any suggestions why the episodes are not visible and not updated?

    Does this fit your situation? iTunes will stop updating a podcast subscription if you have more than five episodes downloaded but not listened to, as detailed in this page:
    which states:
    You've subscribed to a podcast but have more than five unplayed episodes. iTunes will stop automatically downloading newer episodes. You may get the following message:
    iTunes has stopped updating this podcast because you have not listened to any episodes recently. Would you like to resume updating this podcast?
    You can click Yes to continue downloading additional episodes. Or you can just listen to any part of any episode and a new episode will download at the next update.

  • HT5772 How do I delete podcast episodes that I don't want to keep without having them stay in my List view in iTunes and clog it up?  I have some episodes that I've listened to that I want to keep, but others I want to delete.

    Using iTunes on my MacBookPro, I find that when I want to delete selected podcast eisodes, they still stay in my List view with the cloud symbol next to them. I don't want them in my List view. I want them gone. I don't want to download them ever again. I do keep some episodes so I don't want to do the draconian thing and delete all podcast episodes once I've heard them. The other problem I have with trying to delete episodes is that some podcasts then have the same episodes pop back up as though I haven't listened to them. I've deleted a bunch of Science Friday episodes only to have them download again ready to hear. Not only that, but some episodes will finish playing or stop playing in the middle of an episode and a random podcast will start playing. Think! does that. GAH!!
    Does anyone know a workaround? The same nonsense happens in any iTunes view I try.
    <Edited by Host>

    You can delete photos from individual albums but not from the camera roll.  If you try to delete a photo from camera roll it will be deleted from all other albums ("locations") that contain the photo.  This is because the actual photo is in the camera roll (the albums only contain links to the photo in camera roll, not the actual photo).

  • Podcast episodes won't download in iTunes app (but works fine on desktop)

    Hi, I can't figure this out:
    Our podcast episodes simply won't download in the iTunes app on iPhone. The download simply stops at 10.3 kB (or sometimes at another value), without really getting started at all.
    This is very odd, since downloads are working fine in iTunes on the desktop, and in other apps on the phone (such as Instacast).
    Here's the iTunes-page for the podcast:
    And here's the RSS feed URL:
    (The podcast is called "Filmfrelst", and is searchable in the iTunes app)
    Any clues?

    OK, seems like I located the problem - sort of.  It's not the feed that's the issue, but rather the fact that I'm pushing my MP3-files through a PHP script which does some statcounting. If I access the MP3 files directly, the iTunes app downloads them OK.
    So I'm guessing maybe my headers aren't exactly what the iTunes app is expencting? Here's a snippet from the PHP file which outputs the MP3 data:
    header('Content-Type: audio/mp3');
    header('Content-Length: 'filesize($location));

  • ITunes displays my podcast show but no podcast episode?

    I was notified that my first podcast was accepted by iTunes a day ago.  Here is the URL given in my acceptance email:
    I can see my Just Love Walking show description and the first episode from the URL above, but when I click "view in iTunes"
    ONLY the Just Love Walking Show description appears but NO podcast episode.
    1. Will the episode appear within the next day or so? 
    Or is there a problem that I need to investigate & remedy?
    2.  Can I make changes to the iTunes category in the future?  Currently it just shows "amateur" when I was hoping it would show "Sports & Recreation" the higher level category.  Can I change that in my iTunes podcast description at the feed level in my feed provider's account (Libsyn).
    Thank you.

    Rob & Roger,
    OK, I just did a search for the Just Love Walking Show iTunes on google and was linked to my iTunes podcast show page where I finally DID see and was able to play my first (and only) podcast!!  Hurray!! 
    I viewed it from: and then linked to iTunes.  I also could see the same display of the episode from a search inside of iTunes. podcast cover artwork did NOT show up in iTunes!  The cover artwork has been displaying beautifully for several days in iTunes and I have NOT changed anything in Libsyn to effect any changes.  My Libsyn feed is:
    Also I just checked my own website and the podcast cover art continues to display wonderfully well for my Libsyn Wizard player embeded links on my site: .  So what could the problem be now?  My cover artwork fulfills the iTunes requirements (RGB color, 1400x1400, HD quality, etc) and as I said, has displayed on iTunes for several days!
    I hope this will sort itself out soon!  I'd like to be able to start promoting my podcast and to be able to tell people that I'm listed on iTunes (with cover art that I've been very careful to create correctly for iTunes).
    ...sorry to go on...this is frustrating...
    Again your help has been really supportive and I truly appreciate all of your responses:)
    Best Regards

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