Itunes 10.3.1: Custom Album Artwork does'nt work.

I have upgradedl to iTunes 10.3.1 and then I no longer can make custom Album Artwork.
My Musicfiles is WAV 44.100 khz and i use a PC with Windows 7.

I don't understand how the file type affects the album artwork.
I have plenty of .WAV files with album artwork.  It appears to be a bug in the latest update to 10.3 or am I missing something?

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    Any tips guys?

    Yes, iTunes 7 on WinXP.
    I have recently answered my own question as follows:
    The dialog box in question includes OK and CANCEL buttons. Unfortunately, it contains no indication of what these buttons do. Now, as a matter of principle, I do not click an OK button unless I think I know what it'l do. So, on this dialog box I always clicked CANCEL.
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    It's possible your album artwork isn't there and cannot be obtained as this album no longer appears to be offered for purchase by itunes.  Unless I'm overlooking it, when I go to the itunes store and enter "Santana", "Carlos Santana", or "Food For Thought", nothing comes up.  I'm thinking if this is an album no longer for sale through itunes, then you won't be able to get that album artwork the way previously have.  Unfortunately, I'm not saavy enough to know if it's possible to get the album artwork via another means.  But maybe someone else reading this post is. 

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    iTunes 7.0.1
    Video iPod 60GB

    I'm having the same problem, and the suggestions here didn't work (other posters have made similar suggestions). Not sure if it's relevant, but all my iPod artwork is manually entered via the "Get Info" function. I didn't have this problem before iTunes 7.
    Powerbook G4/ 60GB iPod w/ Video   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    00000000 00000210 00000ACC 000000000075C224 00000000 00355D39 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
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    Does anyone know what's going on here.

    I've always assumed those silly strings were recording the results of the gapless playback analysis but whatever they're for it would be better if they were stored in a spare field.
    Windows Media Player/Windows Explorer may be less fussy on embedded artwork formats than iTunes or the media file might actually be missing the art but the Windows Explorer cache (Thumbs.db) still shows it. You say removing-reimporting doesn't help but I assume you can still paste new artwork in and have it remembered. If so you might want to use the following tool to at least take some of the effort out of searching out which tracks you need to repair.
    *How to find tracks without artwork*
    To find all the tracks without artwork so that you can update them you can try for Windows or for Macs. Use Google, Amazon, Discogs etc. to locate relevant jpeg images. Ideally these should be square, 320x320 pixels or above and borderless to give the best results in the various menus. If you have artwork for some tracks of an album, but not others, select a track with artwork, right-click (Option-Click for Macs) on the art & click copy, then select all the tracks of the album, use CTRL-I or Command-I to *Get Info* and then paste the image into the artwork box.
    I say 320x320 because I believe (from using TouchCopy) that it's the size used in the iPod cache so if you're going to crop or resize you might as well work to that size. Otherwise 200x200 is probably good enough.

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    The album cover art should show on the album in the Music part of your library. For other pictures and/or notes, does the album description page in the store say that it's an iTunes LP (does it have an LP label against it in the store) ? If not then you will just get the tracks.

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    I happen to have Apple Care for my iPod. Was on phone for ONE HOUR with rep who, while friendly, had no idea what was going on.
    Okay Apple, I hope you're reading this, PLEASE FIX THE BUGS. I thought I escaped the problems of buggy software releases when I switched from Microsoft to Apple.
    MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.4.7) 2 GHz Intel Core Duo, 512 MB DDR2 SDRAM
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   2 GHz Intel Core Duo, 512 MB DDR2 SDRAM

    UPDATE on previous posting:
    Okay, with help of previously mentioned Apple rep, I uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes 7 AND restored my iPod G5. After resynching my 5000+ songs, ALL the album artwork not displaying per previous posting is now displaying. HOWEVER (and Apple employees please take note here), when I tried to change the iPod settings AT ALL (e.g., deselect Synch Movies, TV Shows, Games, etc.) and then select APPLY, same problem!! So it appears this is where the problem lies. Somehow making any changes to these options and then hitting Apply causes the error ("...iPod could not be found" etc.) My workaround (since I am not intending to use iPod for movies or TV shows or games) is to change the Main Menu listings in Settings so I don't have to see them.
    APPLE: PLEASE STUDY AND FIX! Thank you....

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    Which version of Edge are you using?
    Please update to the latest version of Edge which is 2014.1.1 if it's not already, and then try to reproduce this issue.

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    Hi there,
    I have started a thread about this in the Finder and Dock category:
    It looks as if we're not the only ones.

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    It is not possible to merge Apple IDs. 
    Why did you create a new one?

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    Could you walk us through the problem in some more detail, please?

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    Hi freezerman84,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you are experiencing issues with Album Artwork on your iPhone 5. To troubleshoot this issue, it may be best to completely resync your iPhone with iTunes. To do so, uncheck the "Sync Music" checkbox, and apply the changes (so there is ultimately no music syncing to your iPhone).
    Once you have done that, recheck the "Sync Music" checkbox, and apply the changes. This will instruct iTunes to completely remove all music from your iPhone, and then copy the files once more. If you have a large amount of music, this initial sync may take a while.
    If the above does not resolve your issue, it may be necessary to restore your iPhone:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    Additional information:
    iOS: Syncing your data with iTunes
    Matt M.

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    What am I doing wrong?  Artwork files were scanned from album covers that I have.

    Your album artwork cache may be corrupt. Provided most, if not all, of your artwork is embedded you can simply delete the Album Artwork folder that you will find inside your main iTunes folder and then scroll slowly through the library in Grid/Albums mode to rebuild it. Any images that were "downloaded" rather than embedded will need to be reacquired.
    Threre are separate folders for the downloaded and cached images, but I've always gone for a complete rebuild so I don't know it would work to delete just the cached folder.

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    Does Apple support this product?

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