ITunes 10.4 and new iPod

I'm hoping someone here might have some thoughts on the following.  I just got a new Air (with 10.7 preinstalled), as well as a new ipod shuffle for running.  I was able to connect the shuffle once and have it show up in itunes.  I didn't have any music on the air at that time, so I just let the shuffle charge.  Now, several hours later, I've gone back to try to sync music.  Everytime I connect the shuffle, itunes instantaneously crashes.  Oddly, the same thing doesn't happen with itunes 10.4 on my other mac (with OS X 10.6.8 and itunes 10.4 installed), and I am able to sync my iphone with the air fine.  I've tried reinstalling itunes to no avail.  Anyone else have some ideas?

Try here >  iPod touch: Unable to update or restore

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    Put all the music on one computer, make sure it is authorized for all accounts, sync.

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    Just wondering, what context is this in?
    First up, is your iTunes account part of an iCloud account?
    Secondly, if it's a free app, why don't they just download it? If they are having trouble finding it on the App Store, but you can find it easily, you can share the link for it via email with them, and if they view that email on their iPod they can just tap the link and it will open the App Store to that App for them, so they can download it themselves.
    If you were to go to the Store settings pane and sign in with your iTunes account, that should only provide the possibility for download items from your iTunes account, such as purchased apps, music and movies. However, if you signed in, downloaded the app, and then went back and signed out of the account again, there shouldn't be any access apart from the app you downloaded. This is provided you sign in using the Store section of the Settings app, not the iCloud section.
    One problem they will have if you download this in your account instead of theirs, in order to download updates for that app, they will need you to enter your iTunes password to download the updates. Doing that doesn't give them access to anythign to do with your account other than that update, but they will be unable to receive updates for it without your password. They would also likely be unable to sync the app onto their computer, as their computer would not be Authorised with your iTunes account.
    If you can answer some of the questions I've asked, I may be able to suggest alternate ways for you get them the app on their device.
    Hope this all helps a bit

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    Why not?  What happens when  you try?
    Is the content selected to sync?

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    They can't.  Which came first - the chicken or the egg?  Actually, that's a bad comparison but a sync must come first.
    The library is actually part of iTunes and it contains everything.  iTunes is then configured so that you (or they) determine which portion of everything will be synced to each iPod (identified by a unique name, see below for an example of an iPod and an iPad).  iTunes can't make that decision until AFTER it knows which iPods exist.
    By the way, I (you, they) can very easily change the name of each device to whatever I (you, they) wish to call it.

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    I believe that you can sync your new iPod with the old iTunes account (For the music, apps etc.).  The new iCloud account is separate for the iMessages, contacts, FaceTime, calendar etc.  

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    Reset Security Questions
    Frequently asked questions about Apple ID
    Manage My Apple ID
    Or you can email iTunes Support at iTunes Store Support.
    If all else fails:
      1. Go to: Apple Express Lane;
      2. Under Product Categories choose iTunes;
      3. Then choose iTunes Store;
      4. Then choose Account Management;
      5. Now choose iTunes Store Security and answer the bullet questions, then click
      6. Sign in with your Apple ID and press Continue;
      7. Under Contact Options fill out the information and advise iTunes that you would
          like your security/challenge questions reset;
      8. Click Send/Continue.
    You should get a response within 24 hours by email.
    In the event you are unsuccessful then contact AppleCare - Contacting Apple for support and service.
    Another user had success doing the following:
    I got some help from an apple assistant on the phone. It is kind of round about way to get in.
    Here is what he said to do and it is working for me...
      a. on the device that is asking you for the security questions go to "settings", > "store" >
          tap the Apple ID and choose view"Apple ID" and sign in.
      b. Tap on payment information and add a credit/debit card of your preference then select
          "done", in the upper right corner
      c. sign out and back into iTunes on the device by going to "settings"> "store" > tap the
          Apple ID and choose "sign-out" > Tap "sign -in" > "use existing Apple ID" and you
          should be asked to verify your security code for the credit /debit card and NOT the
          security questions.
      d. At this time you can remove the card by going back in to edit the payment info and
          selecting "none" as the card type then saving the changes by selecting "done". You
          should now be able to use your iTunes store credit without answering the security
    It's working for me ...I just have to put in my 3 digit security pin from the credit card I am using.
    Good Luck friends!

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    You need a third-party porgram like one of those discussed here:
    Copy music from Ipod to new computer...: Apple Support Communities

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    I have a question that just came to mind.
    If I purchased another iPod and hooked it up to my computer, would I be able to use the songs in my iTunes library with the new iPod?

    Yes. iTunes will recognize each iPod as unique. I am currently syncing four iPods to the same iTunes library. I use the "Sync selected playlists" option to select which music goes on which iPod.
    Best of luck.

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    I have seen other users report this very same issue after an update. Unfortunately, if you don't have the passcode to unlock restrictions, you have to restore the device as new in order to gain access again. If you restore from a backup - the passcode will still be in that backup and you will end up right where you started.
    But in your case, you were not using a passcode, so I am hoping that you have a backup that predates the backup from when you updated the device. If you have multiple backups, you can restore from an older backup that should not contain that passcode and then you should be OK.
    Do you backup with iTunes? If you do - go to Edit>Preferences>Devices and see if there is any older backup in that window - other than the one from when you updated the iPad iOS.
    Have you restarted or reset the iPad since you updated? It's worth a shot to try. I don't think it will change this situation, but they are both easy and harmless to do.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.

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    Think you got to reboot or relaunch iTunes after the Authorization.
    but here is the Apple support Article on Authorization and sync to iPod
    Good luck!

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    You cannot update it if you can't get the latest version of iTunes. Actually, the latest version of iTunes will run in XP if you have Service Pack 2. Also, you posted in the iPad forum, and your profile shows you have an iPad, but in your post, you say it is an iPod. Is it an iPad or an iPod?

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    When you have 1 itunes library.. and 2 ipods.. different names.. how can you share the same library???  All of the songs that were put on there from a CD will sync, but the songs that were purchased.. "cannot be found"   How can we merge them?? or how can we share all songs.. purchased or not!

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    Hi i'm trying to sync my itunes library onto my new ipod but the message it cannot be synced because it cannot be found comes up

    Try Here  >
    Also, See Here...
    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization

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