ITunes 7 = memory hog?

I've had a lot of the same problems people have already brought up so far; sound playing at 2x speed, stuttering/scratchy audio being the major ones, although I've only had one or two instances of each. The thing that concerns me is how much RAM iTunes now seems to use.
On average, iTunes 4, 5 and 6 never took up more than 45mb of RAM; it had a small footprint and ran efficiently. iTunes 7 seems to average anywhere between 60mb (on a good day) to 100mb, and at one point last night I caught it eating up a whopping 200mb of RAM, something that I don't expect to see outside of the Adobe Creative Suite 2 programs or a few computer games like WoW and Half-Life 2. Even when minimized to the system tray, it can be eating up close to 90mb.
Needless to say, this is ridiculous and so far as I'm concerned it's unaccaptable. Apple, please release a patch and get all of this stuff tightened up. Has anybody else been experiencing this with iTunes 7?
Windows XP Pro

I posted this in a seperate thread, but I thought, and was recommended that it may be more appropriate here...
Here are my system specs:
iTunes 7
Athlon X2 3800+ Manchester
1 GB of RAM
256 MB Nvidia 6200 AGP
Windows XP Professional
I decided to keep a CacheMan 5.5 logfile so I could see how iTunes 7 with Album View was affecting my physical RAM usage. The program began with iTunes in "List View", my standard operating system setup (widgets, Outlook, chat prgrams, etc...), as well as CacheMan and Task Manager running. The results were staggering... Note the times on left.
---------- Begin Test -----------------
5:31:41: Physical RAM usage: 517.1 MB
5:31:43: Physical RAM usage: 516.4 MB
5:31:45: Physical RAM usage: 516.2 MB
5:31:47: Physical RAM usage: 515.6 MB
Began Scrolling Album View
5:31:49: Physical RAM usage: 534.3 MB
5:31:51: Physical RAM usage: 543.3 MB
5:31:53: Physical RAM usage: 544.7 MB
5:31:55: Physical RAM usage: 550.9 MB
36 Seconds Elapse...
Scrolling Previously viewed Album Art
5:32:31: Physical RAM usage: 684.6 MB
5:32:33: Physical RAM usage: 688.6 MB
5:32:35: Physical RAM usage: 688.6 MB
5:32:37: Physical RAM usage: 686.9 MB
5:32:39: Physical RAM usage: 686.2 MB
5:32:41: Physical RAM usage: 685.4 MB
5:32:43: Physical RAM usage: 684.6 MB
5:32:45: Physical RAM usage: 683.9 MB
5:32:47: Physical RAM usage: 682.9 MB
5:32:49: Physical RAM usage: 682.2 MB
5:32:51: Physical RAM usage: 681.4 MB
Begin Scrolling new Album Art
5:33:13: Physical RAM usage: 687.1 MB
5:33:15: Physical RAM usage: 696.7 MB
5:33:17: Physical RAM usage: 702.9 MB
5:33:19: Physical RAM usage: 718.8 MB
5:33:21: Physical RAM usage: 722.8 MB
5:33:23: Physical RAM usage: 733.2 MB
5:33:25: Physical RAM usage: 748.1 MB
5:33:27: Physical RAM usage: 757.1 MB
5:33:29: Physical RAM usage: 774.0 MB
5:33:31: Physical RAM usage: 777.8 MB
5:33:33: Physical RAM usage: 781.3 MB
5:33:35: Physical RAM usage: 784.5 MB
5:33:37: Physical RAM usage: 789.2 MB
5:33:39: Physical RAM usage: 795.3 MB
5:33:41: Physical RAM usage: 801.6 MB
5:33:43: Physical RAM usage: 812.2 MB
5:33:45: Physical RAM usage: 825.6 MB
5:33:47: Physical RAM usage: 836.1 MB
5:33:49: Physical RAM usage: 843.7 MB
5:33:51: Physical RAM usage: 858.2 MB
5:33:52: Physical RAM usage: 868.4 MB
5:33:54: Physical RAM usage: 885.9 MB
5:33:56: Physical RAM usage: 899.3 MB
5:33:58: Physical RAM usage: 906.7 MB
5:34:00: Physical RAM usage: 916.0 MB
5:34:02: Physical RAM usage: 927.6 MB
5:34:04: Physical RAM usage: 937.7 MB
5:34:06: Physical RAM usage: 950.8 MB
5:34:08: Physical RAM usage: 950.0 MB
5:34:10: Physical RAM usage: 962.8 MB
5:34:12: Physical RAM usage: 980.1 MB
5:34:14: Physical RAM usage: 996.0 MB
5:34:16: Physical RAM usage: 1,008.2 MB
5:34:18: Physical RAM usage: 1,010.3 MB
5:34:20: Physical RAM usage: 1,018.3 MB
5:34:22: Physical RAM usage: 1,018.1 MB
5:34:24: Physical RAM usage: 1,018.3 MB
5:34:26: Physical RAM usage: 1,019.5 MB
5:34:28: Physical RAM usage: 1,019.5 MB
5:34:30: Physical RAM usage: 1,019.2 MB
5:34:32: Physical RAM usage: 1,016.5 MB
5:34:34: Physical RAM usage: 1,017.9 MB
5:34:36: Physical RAM usage: 1,015.8 MB
Switched to iTunes "classic" view
5:34:38: Physical RAM usage: 566.3 MB
5:34:40: Physical RAM usage: 564.4 MB
5:34:42: Physical RAM usage: 563.6 MB
5:34:44: Physical RAM usage: 562.8 MB
5:34:46: Physical RAM usage: 562.1 MB
5:34:48: Physical RAM usage: 559.3 MB
5:34:50: Physical RAM usage: 558.6 MB
------------ End of Test --------------
I think this shows the story quite clearly...
I dropped 500 MB in 2 seconds upon closing "Album View"
Hopefully a patch is coming soon...

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    Try this,
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    Go to command Prompt - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
    In the Command Prompt box, type in
    netsh winsock reset
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    You should post your question in the iTunes discussions, as this forum is for troubleshooting Apple Software Update for Windows, a software package for Windows designed to update Apple products that run on Windows, and not really related to iTunes:

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    $ ps axguww| egrep iTun\|CPU
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    matt              300   1.0 63.6 19329580 2669520   ??  R    Wed09PM 114:14.67 /Applications/ -psn_0_45067
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    I was able to track my issue down to what appeared to be corrupt album art (!!). I first noticed that the issue would only occur when I viewed a playlist that had some new songs added to it. I noticed that some of the album art, from the "Get Info -> Artwork Tab" view appeared as nothing but a tiny black square.
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    ''Duplicate post, continue here - []''
    I have recently noticed (last 1-2 Firefox Updates) that plug-in container.exe is hogging a lot of memory 307.7K - disabling plug-ins does NOT reduce this use - ANY PLUG-INS I SHOULD REMOVE??? OR 1) is this normal, 2) any suggestions to reduce if NOT normal??? Thank you!!!

    Disable the new plugin crash protection (Out of Process Plugins or OOPP) feature in Firefox 3.6.4 (and later versions) by going to [ about:config] (check the link for details) and then toggle the individual dom.ipc.plugins.enabled. preferences to false.
    -type '''about:config''' in the URL/address/location bar and press the Enter key
    -if you see a warning, accept it (promise to be careful)
    -Filter = dom.ipc
    -on any set to true, double-click to set to false
    -restart Firefox
    dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npctrl.dll (Microsoft Silverlight)
    dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npqtplugin.dll (Apple QuickTime)
    dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npswf32.dll (Adobe Flash)
    Note: The dom.ipc.plugins.enabled preference should already be set to "false", by default. This preference covers all other plugins not specified by an individual filename.
    If you are only having a problem with a specific plugin, such as the Adobe Flash Player plugin, just disable that one preference.
    Also see:

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    Why is my CPU getting at 100% eating over 700 000k of ram as soon as I open Itunes?
    Even if I'm closing the process it reopens automaticly and take all the memory...I am under Windows Vista (Family ed.) and I have the latest version of ITunes...
    Thank you for your help!

    It worked for me, for iTunes Store and Safari both!
    amandav2 wrote:
    I found a solution to my problem.
    > start menu
    > accessories,
    > right click on the command prompt icon and choose "run as administrator". 
    Once it opens, type in the following command...
    netsh winsock reset
    hit enter
    You should get a message that the winsock reset successful and you will need to reboot your computer. 
    Reboot and when I reloaded itunes the store loaded fine.

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    PC   Windows XP  

    A restore will usually fix this.
    See: How to restore the iPod to factory settings.

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