ITunes 7 not opening...

This has been going on for like a month now and I've looked it up and have found nothing. When I try to open itunes, I get an error message-
"AppName: itunes.exe AppVer: ModName: unknown ModVer: Offset: 00000000"
I have deleted an re-installed it several times and I have Norton Anti-virus and Internet security. Help would be GREATLY appreciated.

i'm also having a problem with the new 7.02 itunes (or whatever the latest version is called) because when i try and open it an error message says "The iTunes file cannot be found or created, and is required. The default location for this folder is inside the "My Music" folder." I have been playing my music from a portable hard drive for over a year now (because the volume of media is too large for my laptop hard drive) and never had this problem until i upgraded. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling both itunes and quicktime, as well as moving the folder back to "My Music" on the laptop hard drive, but nothing has worked. can anyone help me?

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    Well, after trying to figure out what was going on with iTunes not opening at all. It turns out that by default for some reason Windows Xp Firewall disables it from opening it. iTunes however is acting like a server for the simple fact that you exchange data between your computer and iTunes Store. Since there is no option to force this connection to happen, you have to get ZoneAlarm to do so. I’m using ZoneAlarm Suite Edition, but it also works with the free Edition of ZoneAlarm. So what ZoneAlarm does is actually enables the connection between your computers data (iTunes) and iTunes servers to connect.
    So first off make sure that you uninstall any Anti-Virus program so that only ZoneAlarm is installed/Running. Run ZoneAlarm and once that’s achieved you then go ahead and run iTunes. You will then be prompted twice, the first time it will prompt you about itunes.exe running as a program (Click Yes) and the second is very important since this is what enables iTunes to make a forced connection with iTunes servers (Click yes again). Once that’s done, you will see iTunes runs again. You can also uninstall ZoneAlarm and you will see that iTunes will still open even after ZoneAlarm is Uninstalled. I will see if I can make a .reg file so that you don’t have to install ZoneAlarm to make iTunes open again, but then again it wouldn’t hurt having ZoneAlarm installed since ZoneAlarm is a great tool.
    Here's A direct link to the Free ZoneAlarm:
    I’m sure this will work for anyone clicking the iTunes icon and getting nothing after a sec of the hour-glass disappearing and also seeing that iTunes.exe disappears in the Task Manager. So the chances of this working are high and once again since its free it wont hurt to try. Thank you again for your attention. And if anyone needs help let me know, and I would appreciated it if you can leave a reply and let me know how it turned out, weather or not iTunes opened. Thank You.-Michael R.
    Shuttle XPC SS56V30   Windows XP Pro  

    Just A Correction. In The Line ....The first time it will prompt you about itunes.exe running as a program (Click Yes) and the second is very important since this is what enables iTunes to make a forced connection with iTunes servers (Click yes again)...
    Instead of "Click Yes" its supposed to be "Click Allow".

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    Thanks & Regards,

    sorry to hear that
    iTunes Not opening
    Remove and reinstall iTunes and related software
    Make sure to remove both the 32 and 64 Bit versions of any Apple software installed on the PC
    iTunes 12.1.1 for Windows (64-bit — for older video cards)
    Best of Luck

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    Hi 1Cheekymummy,
    If you are having issues with iTunes not opening automatically when your devices are connected, you may find the following article helpful:
    Apple Support: iTunes for Mac won't open automatically when connecting device
    - Brenden

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    I have stated every issue I’ve had so far in a fairly clear and concise way. I think if you read what I wrote, it all makes logical sense as to what is going on. Windows 7/8 would work just as well on a Mac if it was supported the same way the OS is for other OEMs.
    As I stated earlier in the post, I’m having these same issues in windows 8, not just 8.1, which is the reason for the post. I know the difference between supported by drivers and not supported by the manufacturer. The fact that when Haswell mbp’s came out and no revision to bootcamp for the new hardware was released to fix issues with installing windows on the new hardware shows Apple clearly Is not supporting bootcamp as strongly as they advertise.
    I am being realistic on Apple having drivers early. Anyone with an MSDN subscription can download the RELEASE version of windows months ahead of the actual release, I’m 100% sure if any average consumer can do that by paying $100 and saying they are a developer, apple can do it just as easily.
    You aren’t much help, you haven’t answered really anything to my post, nor have you contributed any knowledge that wasn’t clearly posted above, so don’t say anything if you don’t have anything to contribute.
    By the way, my rant is directed at apple, as you can see because I am saying “Apple, if you are going to…” because this is an Apple forum on Apple’s website. It is not directed to end users, clearly.

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    Thank you

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    I don't necessarily want iTunes to open when I connect my iPhone, but I would like to be in control of if it does or doesn't.
    How do I set this straight?

    Select the iPhone under Devices left side of the iTunes window.
    Select the Summmary tab from the menu.
    Select or deselect:  Open iTunes when this iPhone is connected
    And from the iTunes menu bar click iTunes / Preferences then select the Devices tab.
    You can select to have the iPhone sync automatically (or not) there.
    Or, right or control click the iPhone under Devices then make a selection.

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    Please help me,
    (I updated everything on my laptop before I updated to Yosemite as well).
    Thank you!

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       Recently i just bought the Ipodtouch 4g like today and to have it work i have to connect it into itunes. I have itunes already installed into my laptop and has worked properly before, but it has choosen today to just not choose to open. There is no error message, just a few miliseconds of it loading and just completely not opening. I went over to the program to install it, clicked repair because it seemed about right to do so and after wait a good amount of time and finally clicking finish it still didn't work.
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    There is no error message, just a few miliseconds of it loading and just completely not opening.
    Can you check something for me please?
    Restart your PC. after the PC restarts, bring up your Task manager, and go to the "Processes" tab. Click "Image name" to sort the processes alphabetically.
    Now try to launch iTunes.
    Does an itunes.exe process appear? If so, does it vanish after a second or so, or does it persist in the Processes tab (even though iTunes itself never shows up)?

  • Itunes Not Opening, Crash?

    My itunes is not opening after a update i get the crash details when i open it up... heres the details
    Process:         iTunes [1219]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Version:         10.4.1 (10.4.1)
    Build Info:      iTunes-10411001~1
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [119]
    Date/Time:       2011-09-19 18:55:39.630 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7 (11A390)
    Report Version:  8
    Sleep/Wake UUID: 6B808E9F-81DE-4090-AF3F-9D1D247741B0
    Interval Since Last Report:          2175 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           11
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   11
    Anonymous UUID:                      906F55B6-3ED9-4649-9028-753DC5746B87
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/iPodUpdater.framework/Versions/A/iPodUpdater
      Referenced from: /Applications/
      Reason: unsafe use of @executable_path in /Applications/ with restricted binary
    Binary Images:
           0x10798a000 -        0x1088c6ff7 (10.4.1 - 10.4.1) <F88E03A5-CC9A-EF15-C4C3-16DE46FBCF09> /Applications/
        0x7fff6758a000 -     0x7fff675bf1ff  dyld (195 - ???) <71093406-21CF-3DBE-A001-802259ED5300> /usr/lib/dyld

    I  have the same problem. I had a new hard drive installed and Lion installed. Now when I open iTunes it crashes every time after a few seconds. I read that there are dublicate files in Library/quicktimes which should be deleated. I can't find Library under UTILITIES. Everything changed in Lion. WHERE CAN I FIND THE LIBRARY IN UTILITIES?

  • ITunes not opening at all

    I don't know why, but iTunes will not open at all. When I click on the icon in the dock, it will bounce for a few seconds and then an error message will pop up saying that iTunes quit unexpectedly.
    Why is this happening? I restarted several times but I'm still getting the same thing. Please help!
    same thing by chance?

  • ***? Error message and itunes not opening

    I just installed iTunes, and it will not open. I get an error message saying:
    "The folder "iTunes" cannot be found or created, and is required. The default location for this folder is inside the "My Music" folder."
    What does this mean and why exactly is is popping up? How do I fix the problem so I can open iTunes? I've been surfing the net for about 4 hours trying to find solutions and can't find anything. I'm getting aggravated.
    Please help!!
    P.S. I've unistalled both iTunes and QuickTime, reinstalled them both first as a combo pack then separately, restarted my computer several times, and made sure everything wasn't a "read only" file. Nothing seems to work.
    Message was edited by: ticklememanda

    YAY!!!! After doing some more research, I found a discussion that answered my question and WORKED!!
    If anyone else is having the problem I did reveiw the following post towards the bottom by The Mimico Kid and your problem should be solved. I tried just about EVERYTHING to fix the problem and nothing was working, but this did:

  • Itunes not opening - error message that file is locked....

    itunes message - 'library file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have write permission for this file.'
    I've tried everything i can find online to repair this issue, but itunes wont open still. I saw a message for this exact message in 2006 about moving itune lib to desktop and then back into itunes folder, but that hasn't worked. Please help.

    Might fix your problem:
    Through Finder navigate to your users directory
    Select the folder "Music"
    Press CMD-i
    An info windows will pop up
    Scroll down to the very bottom
    If necessary expand "Sharing & Permissions"
    Is your username listed with Privilege "Read & Write"?
    Tick the little lock at bottom right - enter your PW
    If necessary correct your privileges
    In any case press the little gearwheel - "Apply to enclosed items ..."

  • Actual cause behind iTunes not opening

    I’ve figured out what the problem is and why iTunes will not load.
    Quicktime issues and error message when opening – “buffer overrun detected”.
    This means that the temporary memory (buffer) that Quicktime dumps data into for the CPU to pick up and process is full.
    If it is full it cannot be used any further, and Quicktime is unable to function – and because Quicktime is the engine for iTunes, iTunes will not open either.
    So I need to know what is causing the buffer for Quicktime to fill up and overrun and remove that cause. I suspect it is either a corruption or malware.
    Any ideas?

    For those reading this who do not have a QuickTime settings icon visable in their Control Panel window - look to the top left of the Control Panel window and click on Classic View.
    The QuickTime icon will be visible.
    I did have K-Lite but I installed it as part of WMPod after I had all this palarva, thinking I would then be able to sync via Windows Media Player. Not so, Windows Media Player did not recognise the plug in - did not have it listed in the options windows.
    When I double clicked on the QuickTime icon in Control Panel (classic view) I got this message;
    An exception occurred while trying to run "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL
    I had in fact deleted what I thought were duplicate QT plugins (there were half a dozen in the Programs\Internet Eplorer folder and more in Mozilla).
    So I downloaded QuickTime (again) and selected repair once the installation window was up. Double clicked on QuickTime in Control Panel again.
    Same message again.

  • ITunes not opening up after upgrade to 11.4 on Snow Leopard

    Hi Guys,
    I recently upgraded my iTunes version to v11.4 after which it is not opening up?
    When clicked, it just bounces in the Dock like any other App and thats it - it never opens up and not even its Menu group is displayed. Any ideas? I'm sure its a known issue but unable to figure out yet and not able to find any related posts too.
    I use OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on a MacBook Pro 5,4 Model.

    I had actually tried all that and ensured its the same App in the Dock. Have also ensured I have the latest Apple updates installed for Snow Leopard.
    Can't think of any other problems at the moment. Any ideas?
    Many thanks,

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