ITunes allowance fraud

Hello all!
While checking my bank account this afternoon, I discovered five $50 purchases from iTunes ($250 total). I researched a bit more and discovered that someone had purchased "iTunes Allowance" on my account.
Up until today I had no idea that "Allowance" even existed.
Does anyone know the best way to get this resolved? Is there a direct number to Apple customer service> I have sent an e-mail but I am very anxious to make sure more purchases aren't made.
Thanks for your help. i apologize if this is in the wrong forum.

I am having exactly the same issue - 5 spurious charges on my account, all for $50. I logged Express Lane support requests and was told first that I failed to include the order number (I hadn't), and then that the e-mail receipt I received was probably part of a phishing scam (which it obviously was not, considering it's a real order I can see in my Purchase History).
Obviously I am furious at the stonewalling on the part of the "geniuses". Obviously the genius of the company is it's ability to insulate itself from the need to provide meaningful customer service or refunds in cases of fraud.
Did you ever get satisfaction on this, and if so, how?

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    Hopefully Terence Devlin and other experts will see this. I really am intrigued as to iphoto behaviour and seek some clarification.
    I just waded through 13 pages of an old thread that was locked where Terence kept saying iphoto was all one needed to work with one's photos and kept getting called on the fact he would not answer the question "where are my photos" (photos = files) because it was so darn dangerous for anyone to touch the actual files in the iphoto library.
    I have a use case I need help on and an example of Apple's utter inconsistency here.
    Inconsistency: iTunes lets me create a library all the while pointing to the original files that *I* have imported and structured in a given directory/folder stucture.  Yes it means I manually manage what is in itunes etc, but that's how I like it. The key thing is that itunes allows the choice to import (copy) files (which makes duplicate and doubles hard disk usage) or not.
    iphoto does not allow that option.
    I just converted to Mac from a PC and copied in over 100gb of photo files - some 16,000 photos. I import new pics to the Mac using Canon native software and store them accoring to a structure/taxonomy that *I* determine and want to control - not some software's predetermined idea of events or locations or whatever.  In itunes I can make 'music' an 'audiobook' or I can make a podcast 'music', I can edit the metadata to order things in the 'library' as *I* choose and the itunes library is coole with this without havign ANY of the soruce files in its library. Naively, I thought iphoto would follow a similar philosophy.
    Use case: I discovered that iphoto has some very effective functionality for management of my uploads and sets etc in Flickr, but to do so I have to import my pics, obviously. So I did import the whole 'Pictures' folder - not for a moment considering that Apple would be dumb enough to copy every pic and make a duplicate, or that I might not get the chance to say yes or no to this in the settings, as per itunes.  Having looed for that optin and failed to find it I imported anyway to see what happened. After I realised that the Mac was heating up and files were being copied and I was going to lose another 100+gb of disk space I forced this to quit.  And thanks to others on that other thread I found the iphoto library and deleted the whole thing, getting back 100bg of drive space. All I want to do is use iphoto for the Flickr sharing/management functionality - I have no use for it otherwise. 
    Why would Apple think that not having to duplicate files is ok for itunes but not a viable option for iphoto? Why would I want to double the disk space used for every photo I store? At the very least iphoto needs to come with a health warning that it should only be used to import from external devices and be the sole manager of photos, unless one wants to use double the disk space.
    So if I want to use the sharing (i.e. Flickr uploading and management of sets etc) capabilities, should I import all or some of my folders, do my work and then delete the library each time to reclaim the disk space?

    If I import photos to iPhoto, the originals are deleted? So if I import from a card I have taken from my camera or if I connect my camera directly, the act of importing into iPhoto wipes them from my card?
    Again, you need to check your facts before getting indignant. This is simply not true. It's an option you have and not one I recommend using. But it's only an option.
    Storage costs money and I do not want to have two copies of every pic on my hard disk - especially given huge filesizes of RAW files today.
    No one is suggesting that you have two copies. You have your iPhoto Library and then you back that up. Again, less indignnation, more careful study.
    I do use other photo managers (e.g. native Canon tools) quite happily and they are far less 'exclusive' - i.e. I can use different apps with the same native file structure.
    Using other photo managers makes little sense, any more than having two address books. How do you keep them in sync. Your comment about file structure is important, we'll come back to that.
    If I want to go back to a Windows PC or any other machine and want to retain the "manual" file labelling and directory structure that I have implemented and been using for years, it seems that having a reference library that *I* know the taxonomy of is actually an advantage if I want to go somewhere else.
    If you want to retain exactly the same filing structure you have now, then don't use any Photo Manager. Stick to the file manager. You'll be missing out on a lot of options, but hey ho, it's what you want.
    That said, if you want to migrate from iPhoto to a Windows Machine then that's what File -> Export is for, and you can export from iPhoto to a folder tree matching your Events.
    And this is a big one: This is true of any Photo Manger. Especially one with lossless processing - iPhoto, Aperture, Lightroom et al.
    DId you stomp your foot while writing those block capitals too?
    But here's the thing: It's your data then why the heck are you dealing with Files?
    This is the key difference, and frankly, unless you can geet this you're always going to have problems with Photo Mangers.
    The illustration I use is as follows: In my iTunes Library I have a file called 'Let_it_Be_The_Beatles.mp3'. So what is that, exactly? It's not the song. The Beatles never wrote an mp3. They wrote a tune and lyrics. They recorded it and a copy of that recording is stored in the mp3 file. So the file is just a container for the recording. That container is designed in a specific way attuned to the characteristics and requirements of the data. Hence, mp3.
    Similarly, that Jpeg is not your photo, it's a container designed to hold that kind of data. iPhoto is all about the data and not about the container. So, regardless of where you choose to store the file, iPhoto will manage the photo, edit the photo, add metadata to the Photo but never touch the file. If you choose to export - unless you specifically choose to export the original - iPhoto will export the Photo into a new container - a new file containing the photo.
    See? It's about the data and the data and the file are not the same thing. Organising your photos based on the files is like organising a shoestore based on the boxes and not the shoes.
    And here's the thing: anything you want to do with your Photos can be done either with or via your Photo Manager.
    And again, I strongly stress, this is true of iPhoto, Aperture and Lightroom.
    And please note: either with or via... Want to use a 3rd party editor, that can be done easily and so on.
    Let me correct you. "If you use an APPLE Photo Manager then it's the go-to app for whatever you do with your photos.
    Doesn't matter who makes it.
    Other Photo Managers may have more flexibility and enable greater user control."
    Sure. iPhoto's a $15 app. Aperture is a $70 one. Adobe's Lightroom is about $150. Pay more get more options.
    And remember where we came in here: You said you weren't able to choose where to store your files. You're wrong. You can. All I'm saying is that there's no point and more work to it.
    For many - including me - the Apple way seems way too dictatorial -
    Whoa. Apple are dictating nothing. You don't have to use iPhoto, you don't have to use a Mac. And remember:
    ...where we came in here: You said you weren't able t choose where to store your files. You're wrong. You can. All I'm saying is that there's no point and more work to it
    Are Ford dictatorial demanding you steer the car using a wheel? Sheez.
    and yes there are certainly advantages for some types of users of trusting one piece of software to do everything, however non-transparent it may be what it is doing or why, and with the dangers of trying to do ANYTHING else at all with one's photos.
    And again, everything is quite transparent if you take a little while to understand it. You don't understand it because you're coming from a file management  and not a data management perspective. Also no one is suggesting using "one piece of software to do everything". iPhoto leverages the Finder for storage, QuickTime for display, uses and Open-Source database and so on, it protects your original file like a digital negative.
    iPhoto may well not be the app for you. That's especially true since you don't understand it and are confusing it with a file manager. That's fine. But please, stop saying things that aren't true.

  • Family sharing and iTunes Allowances

    My daughter is on family sharing so that she can access music she purchased on my account before she had her own account AND I have created an iTunes allowance for her for new purchases to limit her spending on her account. Should her new purchases come FIRST from her allowance instead of my card? So far all her purchases are being charged to my card. Her allowance does show up on her account, so I know her account has been properly credited with the funds. Is there a better way to give her access to previously purchased music/apps on my account (without giving her access to my credit card)? Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Hi yosemitedoran,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!  If I'm understanding your question ... your daughter has two different Apple ID's?  If so, she can't use iTunes Allowances on the Apple ID she is using for Family Sharing.
    Start or join a family group using Family Sharing - Apple Support
    Start a family group
    One adult in the family—the family organizer—can set up Family Sharing for the group. When you set up Family Sharing, you'll be asked to confirm that you agree to pay for purchases initiated by the family members you invite and that you have a valid payment method on file. Valid payment methods for setting up Family Sharing include credit cards and debit cards.
    Set up and manage iTunes Allowance - Apple Support
    If you use Family Sharing and Ask to Buy is enabled for your account, you can't buy iTunes Allowances.
    For the Apple ID that is not part of Family Sharing, this is a possible option:
    Set up your Apple ID for iCloud and iTunes - Apple Support
    I have purchased music, apps, or books with multiple Apple IDs. How can I get all of this content onto my iOS device?
    First, copy all of your purchased content so that it's on the same Mac or PC with iTunes. This computer should be the one you sync your device with.
    iTunes for Mac: How to copy purchases between computers
    iTunes for Windows: How to copy purchases between computers
    Next, authorize your computer to play content with each Apple ID in iTunes. After your computer is authorized for all of your content, it can be synced to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

  • Can i use iTunes Allowance credit to purchase icloud storage?

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    Can i use the iTunes Allowance to send credit to her account and use it to purchase more iCloud Storage?

    Sadly, no.

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    I'm trying to set up a iTunes allowance account for my 11 year old daughter, I set up the account but put in the wrong email address, now it's trying to send the verification email to an old addy I no longer have access to. Help.
    I've tried looking at my own itunes account but I cannot seem to find the allowance account, it says I currently have zero allowance accounts.
    All I want to do is change the assigned email address.

    Who is the email provider? Not all accounts can be set up as POP3

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    I have sorted it myself!!
    Ipod is now in the top right corner, last time I clicked on it, it ejected it but by clicking on the actual ipod icon then it brings up your ipod. I restored it to factory settings and synced all my music and it now works again. Hope this can help anyone who ends up with the same problem.

  • ITunes Account Fraud

    I had my account accessed on Friday morning where about $250 of my money was stolen from my account.  After the most atrocious experience with Apple over 5 hours on the phone and another 90 minutes yesterday I have started getting the matter resolved.  I also filed a police report for this to be investigated. 
    My question is, does Apple have any means of being contacting at itunes over fraud in the future aside from email.  I find it frustrating for a company with millions of dollars going through it not to have phone support.  Especially for fraud. 
    Instead I got some idiot female rep in iTunes acct fraut after 3 hours on the phone who said Apple was doing me a favor in crediting my account and this was my fault it happened.  Excuse me?!? 
    I certainly will never buy itunes gift cards again and likely not to buy much if any apple product in the future.  Apple's policy is as though they can do nothing wrong. 
    Just let this be a warning.  DON'T BUY ITUNES GIFT CARDS IF YOU CAN AVOID IT.  It's much eaiser to dispute this with your bank than this mess of a company. 

    True, although unfortunately it's not just Apple.  A lot of companies have crap tech support.  They teach them the basics to get you off the phone so they can get on to the next customer.  It's like when my PC (won't say the company) had a problem I called and it was out of warranty, but thing is the problem was IMO a manufacter's defect, that being the recovery CDs they sent me were corrupted (which were sent in the first place back when i first got the computer two years eariler, as when I was trying to create my own, I found out the recovery partition was corrupt.  Took 3 hours to get them to agree to send me the frickin' CDs).  After hours on the phone insisting this was NOT something I should have to pay $49.95 an hour to get resolved, I finally gave up.  Then, my roommate who has worked in customer service for years called and posed as me.  Within 5 minutes he had found out that there was in fact a factory recall on my computer that superseded the warranty and he had them ship me a special prestamped box to send it to them in, all repairs, free of charge.
    (On a side note, they screwed up my CD drive, and when I immediately called in to explain that, they wanted to charge me $49.95 to talk to hardware support, and with no proof that they actually broke it, there was really nothing I could do at that point. Needless to say, my current computer is not made by that company)
    Now, did he get lucky and get a competent rep, or did he know how to talk to them from his experience on that side of the phone? No idea, but either way... Plus, he's told me stories of the companies he's worked for an their policies that would make you cringe, and in fact once he got fired for helping a customer due to his own knowledge and not specific company policy on what they can and can't say.

  • I have two monthly scheduled iTunes allowances scheduled for my kids.  For some reason they did not get transferred to their accounts this month.

    I have two monthly scheduled iTunes allowances scheduled for my kids.  For some reason they did not get transferred to their accounts this month.

    I am so sorry to hear of your experience with purchasing your new Samsung Galaxy Note 3!  This definitely should have been resolved in your first call to us.  I would be glad to review your account and ensure the Edge Agreement is corrected.  Please accept my "Follow" request and send me a direct message so I can further assist.  Thanks!
    Follow us on Twitter VZWSupport on Twitter.

  • ITunes allowance renewal?

    When are iTunes allowances renewed? My dad has it set for the first of every month, so will it renew at midnight? Or in the middle of the day tommorow?

    Did you ever find an answer to this? I believe it does it first thing midnight.

  • ITunes Allowance Help!

    My gf is a frequent traveller (mostly between Croatia, USA and Italy) and she has a Croatian iTunes account and I have US iTunes account. I want to give her allowance (iTunes Allowance) and want to know can she use the money that I have allowed to buy apps etc; from the Croatian iTunes (The pricing in the Croatian iTunes is in US dollars and not in Kuna, which is the native currency) and also will where she is affect this anyway? Say she is in Italy, can she use the funds that I have allowed her to get apps from the Croatian iTunes? Help is greatly appreciated. She doesnt have US credit card and the credit card she has in Croatia is not support by apple (Maestro ,which is owned by Master Card, yet not supported)

    If you're certain you're signed into the iTunes Store account through which you set up the allowance and there's no "Manage Allowances" in the Account Information, go here:
    and follow the instructions to report the issue to the iTunes Store and request assistance.

  • ITunes Allowance Problem

    My son's iphone 4s isn't showing his itunes allowance balance, or allowing him to make any purchases using the allowance. Ever since the upgrade to iOS7 we've had quite a few problems. This is one of many. Any suggestions?

    Yes the balance shows up when connected to a computer. But was still unable to make a purchase.

  • ITunes Allowance Issue

    Do I need an Credit Card To Have iTunes Allowance?
    I'm Trying To create and itunes allowance account and When i get to the last part of the process and i click buy an Error Comes up Saying "You cannot set up an allowance for yourself". If anyone can help i would gratey appreciate it. Thanks!!
    HP   Windows 2000  
    HP   Windows 2000  

    An allowance is something that you would give to someone else - a child, for instance - when you want them to have a fixed amount to spend each month. It's not an appropriate option if it's for yourself and you don't have a credit card or you wish to limit yourself to a given amount of spending.
    If you don't have a credit card or otherwise want a fixed amount, buy an iTunes Music card instead. Those are available from the Apple Store or from several retailers (Target, for one) in fixed amounts. Once you have your first card, go to the iTunes Music Card link on the main iTunes Music Store page (from within iTunes), enter in the code from the card, then follow the instructions. You'll be able to create an account without needing a credit card. Then when you use up that card, you can just buy another one and redeem it using your existing account.

  • Does itunes allowances take money from your credit card or itunes balence

    does itunes allowances take money from your credit card or itunes balence??

    From a  iTunes gift card balance first, then the difference is charged to your credit or debit card account.
    "If your gift certificate, prepaid card, and/or allowance credit is less than the total cost of the purchase, your credit card is billed for the remaining balance. Note: Free song credits cannot be used for album purchases."
    From here >  iTunes Store: How to redeem a code

  • HT1338 Why won't itunes allow me to update my iphone 3gs to ios 5?

    Why won't itunes allow me to update my iphone 3gs to a later version?

    First, confirm that you really do have an iPhone 3GS and not a 3G:
    If you really do have a 3GS, make sure you have the latest version of iTunes, 10.7, on your computer.

  • Why wont iTunes allow me to copy/sync a song from my iPod?

    Why wont iTunes allow me to copy/sync a song from my iPod? I have a song on my iPod that i want on my laptop to add to my iPhone, but i can't sync it. I did not purchase it via iTunes.

    The music sync is one way - computer to ipod.  The ONLY exception is itunes purchases.
    As the song came from your computer in the first place, it should still be there and be included in your regular backup of your computer.
    The ipod is not a storage/backup device.

Maybe you are looking for