ITunes and Fair Access Policy

I currently use Hughes Net for internet service as it is the only internet I can get. We are switching to AT&T for cell phone service as they are the only company with service where I live. There is no 3G service, but at least I will have cell coverage again.
To my point, with the iphones en route to me, I went ahead and downloaded iTunes. I loaded it up, and it started configuring my library and all. About 10 minutes in, I get a message saying I exceeded my Fair Access Policy usage. I knew about it, and keep a monitor on the usage, but couldn't figure out why it did this. The only thing I had running was iTunes, and I don't think I was actively downloading anything.
The only thing I could reason was that maybe iTunes was connecting to the internet to get album art I don't have in my library.
Has anyone had this problem before? Or does anyone know if iTunes is constantly running internet usage for some reason?
I'm sorry if this has been asked before - I'm new.

The AXn that the TV is connected to is now set up to extend the network.  (This may not be correct but it made the most sense during the setup)
No problem. Actually, configured to extend the AEBSn the AXn will provide better throughput than the ProxySTA configuration and have the benefit of support both wired (the TV) and wireless clients.
The AXg is in another part of the house and is used soley for airtunes.
I assume that you have then configured the AXg to "Join a wireless network" instead of creating a WDS ... and, if so, this would be the appropriate configuration as well.
With both AXs configured as such, both should show up as "AirPlay Speakers" as long as you have enabled AirPlay on both through the AirPort Utility.
Additionally, (seperate question) if I run an ethernet cable from the AEBSn to my iMac, will I be able to use airtunes?
AirPlay works over both wired and wireless connections. You should be able to stream from the iMac (connected by Ethernet to the AEBS), and then, the AEBS will stream wirelessly to either Express.

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    First you will need to install iTunes if you have not already.
    Second to reset the iPod back to factory settings you will need to connect the iPod to the computer then open iTunes. In iTunes select the iPod and goto the Summary tab which should be the first one to open. Below the Check for Update button click on Restore. This will reset the iPod back to factory settings so you can start fresh.

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    It is not necessary to post a duplicate topic asking the same question. If you find that you are not receiving help from someone you can always "bump" your existing topic by just replying to it. That will of course bring it to the top of the list.
    Anyways, you mention "Can access from other computers in house, so not a ISP problem". It would help to know if these other computers are using 10.3.9 and Safari 1.3.2? Are these computer connected in any different manner than the affected computer that you are having the problem with.
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    Hi ...
    is it possible to have iTunes accounts in both contires.
    The issue is that your credit or debit card credentials must be associated with the same country where you reside so you will have to change your credit card credentials each time you switch stores.
    "Although you can browse the iTunes Store in any country without being signed in, you can only purchase content from the iTunes Store for your own country. This is enforced via the billing address associated with your credit card or other payment method that you use with the iTunes Store, rather than your actual geographic location."
    From here >  The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store | iLounge Article

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    Place the iPod in recovery mode using one of these programs:
    For PC
    RecBoot: Easy Way to Put iPhone into Recovery Mode
    If necessary:
    Download QTMLClient.dll & iTunesMobileDevice.dll for RecBoot
    For MAC or PC       
    The Firmware Umbrella - TinyUmbrella
    and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
    iOS: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen                         
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: How to back up     
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        

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    Unhappy-user wrote:
    Apps remains unclickable in iTunes and not accessable
    That is because they only work on iOS devices.
    As for the other issue, connect the device, select it in the left hand pane.  In the right pane, select the Apps tab.  Is Sync Apps checked?  Is the specific App(s) checked?  Is Automatically sync new apps checked?
    Any errors in iTunes or on the device when syncing?

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  • Accessibility of iTunes and iPod for Blind users

    In any of the updates to Itunes or Ipod has the ability to use the product by the Blind been considered? Being a Low-Vision/Blind user I think accessibilty has gotten worse instead of better. This is not just an Itunes on Windows Issue. Itunes on the Mac barily works with VoiceOver
    In 7.0.X here are a few things that broke.
    1. The Album flipping view mode cause Screen Magnifiers to have problems with Overlay and the Album art is not magnified.
    2. No way to navigate the Itunes store if you are totally blind. Why not just let us browse it in Internet Explorer or Firefox and then download afterwords into Itunes.
    3. Standard methods for navigating Menus, Tree Views (source list / playlist side) do not work always and some times have very unexpected results.
    There are very easy ways to fix this. As you are updating the application make sure that each control or widget gets its own MSAA information. On the Mac side make your developers actually follow your own standards for accessibility even if it means rewriting the program. Well they are at it they can fix most of iLife and Pages.
    Now onto the Ipod 3g 4g 5g and the Nano 1g and 2g, These devices with some practice can be used by a blind person if they are setup correctly by someone sighted. Thats all well and good except if you just went out and bought a shinny new 80gb Ipod and now don't know how to navigate it. Well the solution to this is actually very easy. Durring startup it could play a quick set of clicks to let a blind user know it is doing something. Then once it is up and running the menu system could playback via the headphones recorded speech files stored in directory already on the shinny new Ipod. Something like "Main Menu" "Music", the user slides their finger around the wheel one spot to the right and "AudioBooks" and so on. Now your question comes to artists and genra's and Album titles. This could be a feature of the new ITunes 7.1.x where when you are syncing your Ipod it goes to the iTunes store and gets the appropiate audio files needed. or using the Very Nice Apple TTS makes the files on the fly and stores them. You say this would use up space on the Ipod, well yes it would and you could make so a sighted user could turn it off until the iPod resets or they if they are really cramped for space could remove the directory with the sounds in it, but restoring the iPod would put these features back in place. These features have more use then just for the blind, who are highest population for buying audio content be it Unabridged audio books, CD's, or from online sources. Once these features are out in the general public and touted as be available you will have the busy business traveler to the jogger using them, epecially when it is not appropriate to take your eyes from something else, like driving. A driver could just reach down and touch the iPod and press the menu key and here "Music Menu", "PlayLists". Now we click the center button and our drivers heres "Gym Workout" clicks the wheel around to the right and heres "Peaceful Drive". He/She press the play button and heres "Playing, Peaceful Drive, 15 items in list" now this next part whould need to be toggleable on and off, while the iPod is cueing up the song it could say the song name and artist but this could be distracting.
    Now if you really got brave with this project you could just add the TTS (Text to Speech) program into the Ipod. It would probably only take as much space as the new games you are selling for the 4g 5g and nano's. I know the Ipod has enough processer power. If it can play compressed video it could be executing a speech synthesizer in the background. With the dropping cost of the iPod I can see you may have to make this an add-on. That would be fine but include like a ten-day trial period with each new firmware update and have it on by default. This way allowing the user base to have time to see what it can do for them. If this is the choice then it should be a very inexpensive addon. Like in the $40 range. With the very extinsive userbase of Ipod's out there the Return on Investment should be very quick. if just 10% of the 300,000 blind people in the USA bought it, that equals 30,000 times $40 equals $120,000. This is not including the Learning Disabled, general poplulation, and people in foriegn countries who would love to have the stuff read it them. Now back to the blind, currently the devices made for the blind that are "accessible" cost from $400 and up that can play digital content not burned to a CD. So, if this was made for the Nano 2g a blind person could spend $200 on the device and $40 on the speech after the ten-days are up or they are coming close. The are still ahead by $160. Now if the person is a eclectic listener like my self then I would buy the 80gb unit at $350 and add the speech for $40 and have all the space I needed for my music, books, and my recordings I do with the Belkin recorder.
    Another feature that should be looked into is the ability to play Daisy Content from Recordings for the Blind and Dislexic This is the new style of releasing text books to those you can not read regular print. They are stored on a CD in mp3 format with a encryped index. Now this type of thing is not a problem since you already have support for your own and Audible's digital rights management in iTunes and adding another method would not be that hard. An iPod Nano 4gb could hold 6 to 8 books for a Grade School, Middle School, High School, or College student. That would be greate, one small device to play content and no worrrying about what Cd the chapter is on or where you put the CD's, and not having to carry around a CD player just for the books. Also an iPod has become common place enough to not be notices.
    This will be cross posted to my blog and to the Ipod Forum here. My Blog is located at

    My goal is not to directly influience Apple. I am trying to influiece you the customer to write feedback to Apple, if not on your own behalf, for your family member who is blind/low vision, a blind co-worker at your office, a friend of a friend even. Apple will see my one comment in feedback and say he is just an extremist and being it is just one comment just ignore it becuase their are much cuter things some marketing person wants them to do. They may just respond with use the Shuffle it doesn't have a screen. Why should the blind be limited to 1GB of space?
    So here is your chance. Talk to your friends who use the Ipod/Itunes, talk to the manager at your local Apple store, tell them all to think about what they could do with a talking iPod, let alone the accessibility this would give the blind.
    The Mimico Kid wrote this in the iTunes Windows Forum
    I did a quick search of the Apple web site and found a fair bit of information on accessibility issues for the Mac OS X operating system in general (you might want to have a look here if you're interested) but couldn't find anything relating to iTunes for Windows in particular.
    Since Apple has set up these forums for users to help one other with their problems, there isn't much we can do as far as acting on your suggestions. You might want to submit your comments directly to Apple by filling out the forum on this page: .
    All the best!
    I wrote back:
    Yes that is a pretty advertisement page for the Tiger Accessibility and for the accessibilty of the hardware.
    But what is missing is the same page for iTunes and iPod. Those two products which right now are Apple's Hot market. They do not even train the sales staff in the Apple Stores to use and demonstrate these features to a parent / spouse/ child of someone with a disability.
    VoiceOver is great in the finder and terminal and mostly works in Safarie and Mail. It mostly works in system dialog boxes but forget AppleWorks, GarageBand, Microsoft Office. The ProTools folks are actually working on making that program work with VoiceOver even better.
    My best recommendation to anyone on this forum who is a Mac User. Use SearchLight to find VoiceOver. Now read some of the documentation to get the gist of how it works. Once you have done this, Start VoiceOver and turn off your screen. Try using the keybard commands you just learned or even the ones you think you know in iTunes. You will find it extremely hard to navigate.

  • I cannot access or reinstall Itunes, and my ipod isn't being detected

    So, sometime after the fall of 2010, which I suspect was after iTunes 10 was launched, I noticed I couldn't access iTunes.
    It read error 2330.
    I did some sleuthing for months, and now I get these error messages under the heading "iTunes + Quicktime" when I attempted a re-installation of iTunes:
    "There's a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor"
    "An error occurred while attempting to create the directory: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes"
    In the past while attempting to re-install iTunes, I got error message 2330...STILL don't fully know what this means.
    I currently have Bonjour, the iTunes folder, The iPhone Configuration Utility folder, and Quicktime on my desktop...The actual programs are also in my C:\ drive in Program Files...I can also see Apple software in the Add/Remove Programs section of the Control Panel on my PC.
    I seem to be able to access iTunes/iTunes store via the executable file in the iTunes folder by clicking "iTunes.exe", but no other way...I also noticed that the software will run normally, but not detect my iPod or allow my computer access...So in other words, iTunes doesn't recognize my computer as being authorized for my account, and yet it displays my email address in the upper-right hand corner of iTunes.
    It's like I can only access a "half version" of the full iTunes I once had by going through that folder...No clue what's happening or what files may be missing or corrupted.
    Quite simply put, I need help...I want to be able to use iTunes and my iPod Touch (1st gen) like I was able to this past fall before the mysterious accident or corrupt files ruined everything.

    For that 2330 error, run chkdsk on your C drive.
    How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP

  • I lived in the US for a few years, spent a fortune on iTunes [my then local Apple ID account].  Now I live in South Africa and want to use Match.  I have a local credit card but how do I use my new / 2nd Apple ID and gain access to all my US music??

    I lived in the US for a few years, spent a fortune on iTunes [my then local Apple ID account].  Now I live in South Africa and want to use Match.  I have a local credit card but how do I use my new / 2nd Apple ID and gain access to all my US music??

    You have to be in a country to use its store - you will need to be in the US and have a US billing address on your account to be able to use the US store (that applies to buying and redownloading).
    You can use iTunes Match in South Africa, do you not have a backup copy of all of your US iTunes purchases so that you can subscribe to it and upload those that aren't in the South African store to it ?

  • Hi.  Ever since I downloaded the last itunes and quicktime update (a week or so ago), I can't access any video podcasts or movies I have stored in itunes.  iTunes keeps crashing and telling me I have a quicktime error.  Do I uninstall quicktime? or?

    Hi .  Ever since I downloaded the last itunes and quicktime update ( a week or so ago), I can't access any movies or video podcasts i have store in itunes on my pc (vista).  iTunes crashes and my error reports tell me it is a quicktime error.  Do i uninstall and reinstall quicktime, or completely uninstall itunes and reinstall it -- if so, what will i lose?  Help, please!

    Let's try the following user tip:
    iTunes for Windows "iTunes has stopped working" error messages when playing videos, video podcasts, movies and TV shows

  • I am trying to update my itunes and iphone. Everytime I trie comes out a message about 'key access'. I've done all the steps from the support and nothing worked out. I cannot unistall and now I can't open it anymore also. What should i do, please?

    I am trying to update my itunes and iphone. Everytime I trie comes out a message about 'key access'. I've done all the steps from the support and nothing worked out. I cannot unistall and now I can't open it anymore also. What should i do, please?

    Isn't that only used when a PC will not boot?
    What options does booting with this give me?
    JK MCP
    USB recovery disk was used to recover your system when it encounter problem. You can try to use it to fix your problem instead reinstall system. However, there is no method to keep your program whenreinstall system.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • I have my iTunes library on external drive and can access from any PC. However I cannot access from new MacBokk Air.

    My iTunes library is on an external drive and been using it on two PCs with no problem.
    Now that I got a new MacBook Air I want to access the same iTunes library from the external drive and keep all the library and media on that external drive.
    When I try to change to another iTunes library by hitting "option" with iTunes and select the library on the external hard drive I get the following message:
    "The iTunes library file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do noy have write permission for this file."
    I have read many posts in which many suggest to go to the library or media file on the PC and right click to make sure the read only tab is not checked.
    I uncheked the read only tab and gave full permission to all the iTunes files and folders.
    The unusual part is that I can use this external drive on many PCs that I have tried with no problem at all.
    I just select a different library, which is on my external hard drive and everything works, play lists and everything.
    However, when I try it on a MAC i get the message stated above:
    What can I do to be able to access my External iTunes library from new MacBook Air while keeping everything on the external drive like I can on PCs?
    I am running latest version of iTunes and Mavericks.
    Please advise.

    Here are the official Apple Support instructions:

  • I accidently loaded my daughter's itunes and apps into my iphone 4.  How can I delete all of her information and be able to use my itunes login and password again so that I can access my apps?

    I recently purchased an Iphone 4 and was not aware that I had to have separate ITunes account.  My daughter and I share a computer and apparently she is using the main account on the computer.  I went to download some songs from her ITunes and it not only downloaded all of her songs on my phone but also her apps.  I do not want her apps.  When I went to use the apps that I had on my phone before downloading her ITunes information, they would not open and only go back to the main screen.  When I access her apps, they work.  Help!!! How can I restore my settings and just take all of the information that I downloaded from her ITunes out and set my own ITunes on the same computer.  Any help would really be appreciated.

    Create your own user account on your computer, open iTunes, log into your iTunes account on the iTunes Store then sync your iPhone.

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    Set up 2 accounts one for each of you.

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