ITunes COM interface

I made an application that interfaced with the iTunes COM interface a while back now. And after updating to, it stopped working.
Any ideas?

The iTunes SDK has not been updated, so I can only recommend you logon to your developer account and raise the issue through channels at their site, probably a bug report would be appropriate.

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  • Cannot downcast IITWindow to IITBrowserWindow in iTunes COM interface.

    Actually, what I'd really like is the ability to highlight a playlist, or an artist, or an album, or a bunch of tracks and use right-click to send the information to another application. But as that isn't an option, I've started looking at the iTunes COM interface.
    The code I'm trying to run, gets an IITWindowCollection using LiTunes:Windows() and then iterates though these. When it finds either a BrowserWindow, or a PlaylistWindow, I want to do more processing. But I'm unable to downcast the IITWindow object to an IITBrowserWindow.
    Here's a snippet of what I'm trying to do:
    IITWindowCollection* iIWindowCollection;
    long lCount;
    hRes = iITunes->get_Windows(&iIWindowCollection);
    hRes = iIWindowCollection->get_Count(&lCount);
    IITWindow *iITWindow;
    ITWindowKind iTWindowKind;
    BSTR bstrName;
    IITBrowserWindow *iITBrowserWindow;
    IITTrackCollection *iITTrackCollection;
    for (long i = 1; i <= lCount; i++) {
    hRes = iIWindowCollection->get_Item(i, &iITWindow);
    hRes = iITWindow->get_Name(&bstrName);
    hRes = iITWindow->get_Kind(&iTWindowKind);
    switch (iTWindowKind) {
    case ITWindowKindBrowser:
    // At this point I need to refer to the object as iITBrowserWindow, not iITWindow.
    iITBrowserWindow = dynamic_cast<IITBrowserWindow *>(iITWindow);
    if (iITBrowserWindow) {
    hRes = iITBrowserWindow->get_SelectedTracks(&iITTrackCollection);
    case ITWindowKindPlaylist:
    When I run it, I get an exception on the dynamic_cast.
    What am I doing wrong here, as I can't see why this shouldn't work.
    Or is my lack of C++ knowledge that obvious. <GRIN>.

    Ha. I was partly right with my comment about lack of C++ knowledge. It turned out to be a lack of knowledge on how Windows COM works.
    In case anyone else runs into this, and finds this thread, (Yeah, right. LOL) here's the answer.
    You can't just "cast" from one object to another. You have to use the IUnknown::QueryInterface function to get the pointer to the new Object.
    Easy when you know how, not !!!!!
    Now onto other questions about how to access parts of the UI through this interface.

  • ITunes COM interface missing

    I have recently updated to iTunes 8 ( on Windows XP Pro). I was using a little self-written C# application to control iTunes using my mouse's special buttons (the mouse driver supports this out of the box, however not in the way I want it to).
    After the update, the application stopped working throwing an “interface not supported” 0x80004002 E_NOINTERFACE error. When I tried recompiling the tool from source, there was an error loading the iTunes COM interface. When checking the list of available COM interfaces in Visual Studio I noticed the “iTunes {VersionNumber} Type Library” interface was not listed.
    Did Apple remove the iTunes Type Library COM interface or was there just some error while installing iTunes 8 so it did not get registered?
    Btw: You don't need Visual Studio to check whether the COM interface is available; a lot of other applications allow using COM interfaces aswell, i.e. Visual Basic for Office (go to Tools » References and search the list for iTunes; my system lists iTunesAdmin, iTunesOutlookAddIn, iTunesPhotoSupport)

    I have heard of several people having this issue.
    Refer to this thread:
    Maybe you can figure out which registry settings to add/delete...
    But you can apparently also fix it by:
    1) uninstalling iTunes 8
    2) Installing iTunes 7.7
    3) Uninstalling iTunes 7.7
    4) installing iTunes 8 again
    (reference cf74a32e8)
    Fun, right?

  • ITunes COM Interface Documentation

    hi all
    I want to know ,how to add the photos to ipod in iTunes COM Interface Documentation .
    please help me ,
    my email: [email protected]

    I don't think the COM interface supports what you want to do. You can get the documentation here:

  • Unavailable iTunes COM interface (FAO Robert Jacobson)

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    Does anyone know enough about COM interfaces and Vista to explain why this is happening or how to fix it? (obviously reinstalling iTunes, different versions, registering vbscript etc have no effect).
    (this is a continuation of

    Sounds like the COM interface did not register. This seems to have happened to several people when upgrading from iTunes 7 to iTunes 8. I don't think it is specific to Vista, or x64.
    I would first try a "repair" install. In other words, if you have iTunes 8 installed, try installing it again and selecting the "Repair" option.
    If that doesn't work, try this:
    1) Uninstall iTunes 8
    2) Install iTunes 7.7
    3) Uninstall iTunes 7.7
    4) install iTunes 8 again
    Message was edited by: Robert Jacobson1

  • Do PlayFile and AddFile still exist in the iTunes COM interface?

    I'm playing around with the iTunes COM SDK on Windows. I'd like to come up with a script that causes iTunes to play a video file, and either the PlayFile (associated with the liTunes interface) or AddFile (IITUserPlaylist) methods ought to do the trick -- at least in theory.
    Unfortunately, neither of them work. They're both still apparently valid method calls, since my Java -> COM bridge barfs when I feed it invalid method names. But neither of them actually does anything. By way of contrast, OpenURL and AddURL both work perfectly -- and they'd be viable workarounds, save that they both assume the input file is streaming audio and store it in the library as such.
    Have these methods been deprecated? If so, what have they been replaced with? Or is it more likely that I'm running afoul of one gotcha or another?
    Right now, the only workaround I can think of is to write code that edits "iTunes Music Library.xml" directly, and I'd rather avoid that for what should be bloody obvious reasons.
    Thanks in advance for any insight anyone has to offer on this.

    In general:
    - The best way to check if files are in a library is to drag the whole media folder to the library.  If something was missed it will be added.  If it is in the library is won't be added a second time.
    - If you have a second copy of a file and iTunes does not currently list that specific file in its database then even if it is identical to one already in the database it will add it a second time.  So if you have file xyz on the internal drive and the external drive and add them to iTunes you will end up with two entries for the same thing in iTunes because you really do have to copies of the files.  While this can happen with two copies on a single drive, it will almost definitely be the case when you have a copy of a file on two drives because iTunes really sees them as two different things.
    -Unless you know how iTunes works, avoid moving files yourself.  Let the consolidate feature do all the file moving.  Manually moving files can really mess up iTunes unless you know what you are doing and have iTunes set to not try to do it itself.
    - There's no clean and easy way to delete duplicates.  The best thing is to change practice so you don't create them.   Here are  references:
    How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library - (commercial)
    Posts by turingtest2 about different types of duplicates and techniques- and (Note: The DeDuper script is for Windows)

  • ITunes COM Interface - Podcasts

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    If anyone is familiar with the iTunesLib.dll COM interface ...
    I can't figure out for the life of me how to emulate deleting a podcast feed (by right clicking the feed in the Podcasts playlist and clicking "Delete") in code.
    I can iterate through each URLTrack and delete those, but the name of the feed always remains.
    Even shelling out and deleting the folder (under "\\Itunes Music\Podcasts\" does not get the job done ...
    Anyone know how to do this with the iTunesLib interface? Or even if you might tell me where this information is physically stored when you subscribe to a podcast so that deleting it via the COM interface will actually delete the feed (and not just the tracks...).

    I don't think this is possible.
    If you don't already have it, the documentation for the COM interface is here:
    You might try asking in the Developer or the Software Development 101 forums (even though the forums seem to be for Mac development...)    

  • ITunes COM interface and iPod Chapters

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    Does anyone know how to make Chapters through the COM interfaces for iTunes? Looking at the documentation there's no such functionality as far as I can see, but double checking anyway.
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    I don't think the COM interface supports what you want to do. You can get the documentation here:

  • ITunes COM interface for Windows

    Anyone know what is the newest version?
    I would suspect that an updated documentation was available for iTunes 10.
    The one for download is rather old.

    Hi, welcome to Apple Discussions.
    The version I have is I'm not aware of a newer version, although I've just failed to find the download in the ADC site, and it doesn't seem to be there, so perhaps an update is imminent.

  • ITunes COM SDK broken on Windows XP??

    I have an application called TuneUp Companion ( that was working fine with iTunes 7.7 and after upgrading is broken.
    It works fine on Windows Vista ...but iTunes 8 on Windows XP seems to give a message back that the iTunes COM interface is not available.
    Are there known issues with the iTunes COM SDK for Windows (7/15/08 release) on Windows XP??
    Thanks, Raza

    much of this is speculation because I can't remember how many previous versions of iTunes were on these machines...but this is what we're seeing:
    extra entries in two registry keys... when it didn't work these two registry entries contained "AppID" values:
    with the APpID set to the same iTunes CLSID string:
    and when it did work the AppIDs entries were gone. this is only on XP.
    on vista there never was any AppID entry.
    but, again, i wonder if that was added by previous versions of iTunes which we didn't install on the vista machines...
    Also, worthy of noting is this post from Apple:
    ciao, raza

  • ITunes COM timesout in PHP

    I'm trying to connect to the iTunes COM interface from PHP. The code simply looks like:
    $iTunes = new COM("iTunes.Application");
    When I try to run this, the browser sits there and thinks for a while, then times out with:
    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in K:\Webserver\content\private\iTunes.php on line 25
    Any help with this?

    Sorry, no anwser - but I have exactly the same problem, and really thought, that more people will have it, too...
    To be maybe a bit more precise: It SEEMS like Oulooks closes, but there is still the icon on the right buttom, showing, that Outook ist still open in the background. Also my mails in the trash folder of outlook are not deleted, which is a clear sign, that outlook is still running.
    This is - once again, after the "DEL key bug" extremly annoying! I don't use the Outlook sync function, so why is Apple touching my installation of Outlook, without asking me, and without giving me a chance, to reverse it? This is absolutely unacceptable!!

  • Itunes COM SDK: cannot register function with iTunes Outgoing Interface

    I am doing benchmarks and I want to time the encoding of a Music CD. In order to stop the "clock" and compute the time I am trying to bind a function with the _IITConvertOperationStatusEvents::OnConvertOperationCompleteEvent()
    I am writing a AutoIt script and I can create the iTunes application object but when I use the ObjEvent function to register my function with the event above it causes a COM exception to be raised and the ObjEvent completes with an error. The exception code I get is 80040200 which seems to be a generic error.
    $SinkObject=ObjEvent($objApp, "ITEvent", "_IITConvertOperationStatusEvents")
    <<exception 80040200>>
    Browsing the iTunes COM TypeLib the _IITConvertOperationStatus does not seem to be a child in the iTunes object hierarchy so I think this is way the exception is being raised. I have tried to register another function with another outgoing interface and this works just perfectly: _IiTunesEvents::OnQuitting()
    Do I need to create another object which gets passed as the first parameter to the ObjEvent function?
    *Here is the entire script:*
    $ITSourceKindAudioCD = 3
    $begin = 0
    Global $trackName, $progressValue, $maxProgressValue, $SinkObject
    $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") ; Install a custom error handler
    $objApp = ObjCreate("iTunes.Application")
    If @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "ObjCreate", "Create Object Failed", 3)
    $event = ObjEvent($objApp, "ITEvent1_", "_IiTunesEvents")
    If @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "Failed", "IiTunesEvent binding failed", 5)
    $SinkObject = ObjEvent($objApp, "ITEvent_", "_IITConvertOperationStatusEvents") ; Assign events to UDFs starting with IEEvent_
    If @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "ObjEvent binding", "ObjEvent failed!", 10)
    $colSources = $objApp.Sources
    $begin = TimerInit()
    For $objSource in $colSources
    If $objSource.Kind = $ITSourceKindAudioCD Then
    $strName = $objSource.Name
    $colPlaylists = $objSource.Playlists
    $objPlaylist = $colPlaylists.ItemByName($strName)
    $colTracks = $objPlaylist.Tracks
    ; Wait around for the ripping to complete
    Until False
    ; This is my custom error handler
    Func MyErrFunc()
    $HexNumber = hex($oMyError.number,8)
    Msgbox(0,"","We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & _
    "Number is: " & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _
    "Windescription is: " & $oMyError.windescription )
    Func ITEvent1_OnQuittingEvent()
    MsgBox(0, "Bye", "Bye-Bye", 10)
    func ITEvent_OnConvertOperationCompleteEvent()
    $dif = TimerDiff($begin)
    MsgBox(0,"Time Difference",$dif)

    much of this is speculation because I can't remember how many previous versions of iTunes were on these machines...but this is what we're seeing:
    extra entries in two registry keys... when it didn't work these two registry entries contained "AppID" values:
    with the APpID set to the same iTunes CLSID string:
    and when it did work the AppIDs entries were gone. this is only on XP.
    on vista there never was any AppID entry.
    but, again, i wonder if that was added by previous versions of iTunes which we didn't install on the vista machines...
    Also, worthy of noting is this post from Apple:
    ciao, raza

  • BUG: iTunes truncates lyrics when using COM Interface

    I am using iTunes for Windows (Latest Version at the moment), running under Windows 2000, both in english. I wrote an application that accesses iTunes using the COM Interface, and i am using the latest type library (1.7).
    Everything works fine, except for one odd thing: Lyrics.
    When i get Lyrics from a track, they get truncated - one char for each line break.
    Tried the following: Added the following lyrics to a Track:
    Works fine, when i get the lyrics, i get 20 chars and they are intact.
    Now, i change the Lyrics:
    When i now get the lyrics, i only get a string with 21 characters - the resulting string is
    (<#13><#10> are representing the ascii chars 13 and 10, not the actual strings <#13><#10>!)
    For every line break I add, i lose a char. With this Lyrics:
    the result is:
    iTunes seems to have a problem with line breaks, as they are represented by 2 chars (CR+LF, Ascii 13+10) in Windows rather than 1 char (CR, Ascii 13) in UNIX.
    This seems to be a Bug in iTunes. I tried the following JScript Code:
    var iTunesApp = WScript.CreateObject("iTunes.Application");
    var currTrack = iTunesApp.CurrentTrack;
    var Lyrics = currTrack.Lyrics;
    WScript.Echo("Current Track: " + currTrack.Name);
    and this gives me:
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
    As you see, it truncated the last 0.
    I am doing my real programming in Borland Delphi 7 Personal Edition, and it happens there as well - for every line break, I lose 1 Character.
    The display in iTunes Lyrics-Tab is fine and not truncated, so it just seems to be a bug in the COM-Interface. Not sure where to report them, so i'll just post here. maybe someone knows a remedy?
    Here are some Screenshots:
    iTunes and Script-Output:
    Selecting Lyrics in iTunes (Not sure if this is important, but notice the difference at the end of the first 3 lines and on the last one)
    My iTunes Version:
      Windows 2000   iTunes, iTunes Type Library 1.7

    Edit: I just tried a german Version of iTunes on an english Windows 2003 Server with a different Track - same problem here.
    I then downgraded to iTunes on the same machine - same: 1 lost char for each line break. It does not matter if I add "fresh" lyrics using iTunes or if I query the ones made in
    I don't have iTunes 5.0.1 anymore, but I will try to get it to try with this version.

  • One or more application are using Itunes scripting interface

    After downloading update on ITunes 10 on windows 7 it freezes.  Or something pops up and says one or more application are using itunes scripting interface quit. 
    I tried everything.  Help.

    well, you're the first one I''m seen reporting this, so that makes me think it is unique to your PC. So I doubt an updated iTunes version is going to "fix" this.
    The way to find things like this is by using MSCONFIG as explained in these directions. But it is tedious to find it, requires a lot of PC restarting. You said it's not a big deal, so you might not want to spend the time.

  • HELP!!!  Message - (One or more applications are using the iTunes scripting interface. Are you sure you want to quit?)  How do I get this to stop?

    I bought a new Sony Vaio Laptop running Windows 8, 64bit, i7 processor.  Everytime I open iTunes and then close out, the following message occurs: (i-tunes message - One or more applications are using the iTunes scripting interface. Are you sure you want to quit?) Then it starts counting down from 20 seconds unless I just click on the (Quit) button.  How do I get this to stop?  Please be specific, I am challenged when it comes down to computers.
    Thank You

    This was extremely annoying for me, also.  I started uninstalling unneeded Sony applications to try to narrow down the problem.  It turned out not to be a Sony application... it is some functionality built into the bluetooth driver software package by Broadcom.  Uninstalling the bluetooth package (via the control panel) takes care of the problem.  Itunes also boots up way quicker.  But uninstalling it will remove features related to bluetooth and nfc.   For me, that isn't an issue, since I don't use them.  Since you said you're "computer challenged" I would probably just send an email to sony complaining about the problem.  They'll get in touch with Broadcom eventually (the manufacture of the drivers) and get the problem fixed.
    Side note: the Broadcom package is huge...  nearly 1GB in size.  Which is crazy.  I can't imagine what it does considering the size of it.  Entire operating systems can take up less storage.  Also, I have no idea how it starts an itunes plugin without placing it into the standard plugin directories.

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