ITunes for Sony Ericsson?

OK, so I bought some audiobooks in (.aa format). The problem is that the player in my cell phone is rubbish and won't play them. Is there anyway to install iTunes on my Ericsson W980?

Sorry but no - as a workaround you may burn your audiobooks to AudioCDs.
The resulting AudioCDs are just standard media that may be used for any purpose.

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    Go to Solution.

    would u like to do an experiment with your phone (better than throwing), install a custom rom, and u will be able to update to android version 2.3.7
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    i am not responsible for anything
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    you can use Salling Clicker to do an excellent job of that but i think it costs about $30. It does plenty of other things as well but if you're wanting a free solution then you should download Sony Ericsson's bluetooth remote control editor and then you can make a remote profile which will interpret your key-presses on the phone as keys on the keyboard or combinations of keys on the keyboard. You can then send this to your phone and then access it through the entertainment pane. Salling clicker offers a much more refined solution where you can go from on the desktop to the end of your presentation without even touching the mac. The other solution would require you to open up your presentation and would only allow simple navigation through the presentation.
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    Ross Barkman's website
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    Thank you.
    Edward Cerullo

    Thnks for your answer.
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    6. Add
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    Validate XML:
    Parse XML:
    Found EDK 1.2 by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Android API 10, revision 1
    Done loading packages.
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     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

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    This has always been the case, for all Sony Ericsson phones, and neither Apple nor Sony Ericsson seem willing to fix it through years of different handsets and updated versions of iSync.
    Basically, all you have to do when the clocks change, is change the Daylight Savings setting in the phone accordingly, and re-sync.
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    ' PLEASE GAWD!!!! We need a PDF reader for UIQ that will allow us to read DRM (sPDF) protected eBooks. PLEASE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! eBooks and the ease and portability thereof is one of the PRIMARY reasons I have myself a PDA (or in this case smartphone - one beefy enought to be classified as a PDA essentially as well). Not being DRM-enabled is crippling.
    ' Because of Adobe's seeming disinterest in the platfrom, and previous experience I've had on other Symbian devices - for PDF access I HAPPILY use MBrain Software's "PDF+" - BY FAR the best PDF-reader for the Symbian platform... It runs on MOST Symbian devices and looks great. But no DRM module exists for it.
    ' Methinks Adobe is asleep at the wheel though... The smartphone market is one of the fastest growing market segments globally and Symbian is leading the way. And yet Adobe supports a total of 3 different Symbian devices?!? All from the same vendor and in the same model family!?! Scary.
    ' Makes you wonder whether someone else is likely to run over Adobe with a superior format of their own IP. Heehee. Looks that way.
    ' WAKE UP ADOBE!!! For goodness sake - the UIQ platform has been widely available for over two years already - let's not even mention the myriad other Symbian platforms!!! Get with the program!
    ' Please?
    ' ~Moi

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    Contact your local Sony
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

  • NetBeans Midlet signing not working for Sony Ericsson M600i

    I'm developing an midlet that uses FileConnection class extensively. I intend to deploy the midlet on Sony Ericsson M600i. I want to make my Midlet a trusted one so that the annoying warning popups stop each time access the device filesystem.
    I created a keystore in netbeans and created a certificate using keytool using that keystore. Then I installed the certificate on the device. When I tried to depoly the midlet it says 'security check failed. cant install'.
    the device has MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1
    pls explain how to make my Midlet trusted.
    thank you in advance

    pls explain how to make my Midlet trusted.You have to purchase a certificate (Verisign, Thawte...). NetBeans and WTK self-generated certificates are only for testing on the emulator and are not recognized by any handset (the root certificate is not available in the certificate store). And then, whether your purchased certificate is recognized by a specific device is both manufacturer/model and carrier dependent.
    For self-signing MIDlets for Nokia Series 60 handsets, see SD's topic [n]Free Self Signing Midlet for Series 60 3'rd Edition at
    Haven't come across anything similar for SE phones though.
    cheers, Darryl

  • Adobe Reader for Sony Ericsson P990?

    Is there available a version of Adobe Reader for the Sony Ericsson P990?
    Ricardo Ramírez

    Hi everyone,
    Due to the overwhelming use of 100% free yong ireader (for reading adobe pdf text on mobile phone), i have shift the website to - web-based version on iphone, nokia, pocketpc or any phone with a web browser
    and - device based installation only on nokia, LG, Samsung, Motorola or any phone with java ability.
    The site is not longer in use! Please do not hesitate to contact me via facebook or email if you need any assistance. Thank you very much!

  • Flash Lite 2.0 for Sony Ericsson W910i

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    In Adobe Device Central you can check the "Flash" tab in the deivce profile for the W910i, in there Sony Ericsson have specified that this device support Screensaver, Wallpaper, HTML and Browser content types.
    So if you have developed a game then you need to upload your SWF to a web url and load that in the browser.
    Platform Evangelist - Mobile and Devices

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