Itunes in der Cloud Österreich

Warum funktioniert in Österreich der Musikupdate mit Iclouds nicht, obwohl in Österreich damit Werbung gemacht wird?
Weiss jemand darüber bescheid

Hi, mir ist dass erst seit dem update auf 10.7.4 aufgefallen. auf einmal war bei iTunes unter "Gekaufte Artikel" der Reiter "Musik" wieder weg. Wenn ich nun musik kaufe, bekomme ich zwar auf allen Macs und devices die download option eines titles/albums. wenn ich das album/lied lösche habe ich nicht mehr die option das lied noch mal downzuloaden. sprich das "iTunes in der cloud" geht genau einmal. Evtl. irgendwas geht da was nicht mehr oder man ist sich uneing mit der AT-musikindustrie...
lg, JC

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    Hallo allerseits,
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    Danke und Gruß Nick

    Selbes Problem hier.
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    -iTunes mit gedrückter alt-Taste gestartet
    -neue, leere Mediathek erstellt
    -dann "diesen Computer für Match" aktiviert
    -alle Dateien markiert und aus der iCloud/Match gelöscht.
    Anschließend wieder die alte Mediathek ausgewählt und dort Match aktiviert.
    Nach mehrstündigem Upload/Matchen meiner Titel dachte ich, dass nun alles wieder funzt.
    Ich wollte gestern wieder meine Playlist auf mein iPhone laden.
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    Fängt lagsam aber sicher an, mich zu nerven, vor allem, da Match bis vor zwei Wochen absolut problemlos funktionierte.
    Kurios finde ich, dass es hauptsächlich Titel trifft, die vor einem Monat noch absolut problemlos downloadbar waren.
    So langsam mutiere ich vom Apple-Fanboy zum Apple-Hater

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    Wenn das ein Bug ist, sollte Apple das schleunigst beheben.

    Ich habe das gleiche Verhalten festgestellt.
    Ich vermute, dass dazu im Kontextmenü (rechte Maustaste) die Option "Alte Folgen einblenden" gedacht ist. Die läßt sich aber nicht aktivieren/inaktivieren.
    Weitere Probleme mit podcasts in der iTunes-Version:
    Die generellen Einstellungen für podcasts lassen sich nicht mehr für einen einzelnen podcast übersteuern. Das hat vorher auch funktioniert. Die Einstellungen wirken nun immer auf alle.
    Die Einstellung "Automatisch Laden" wird auch noch ignoriert und es werden alle (neuesten?) podcasts geladen.

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    Liebe Grüße

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    Grüße, Ralph Monshausen

    InDesign kann auf einem iPad gar nicht verendet werden, es läuft nur auf Mac und Windows. Ich vermute, Du stellst Dir unter der Cloud auch was vor, was sie nicht ist. Die Cloud ist ein Abo-System der Programme, die Desktop-Programme laufen auf Mac und Window und werden auch am Computer installiert und die Mobile Programme arbeiten den Hauptprogrammen zu, auf dem iPad kannst Du Colors, Brushes und ähnliches aus dem was Du in natura siehst erstellen und vie CC Bibliotheken in den Programmen nutzen.

  • Problem with iTunes in the cloud

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    Can anyone help? Thanks.

    It could be a temorary glitch. We had something similar in the UK week or two ago. Wait it out or Contact Support.

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    Click here and request assistance.

  • Can I trust iTunes in the Cloud to retain past purchases?

    I've been using iTunes for several years now to download and watch television episodes, since long before the advent of iTunes in the Cloud, with its ability to re-download previously purchased music, television, and (most recently) movies. Prior to the advent of this service the iTunes user was solely responsible for retaining backups of purchases, although an additional download might be granted in case of catastrophe.
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    Other media outlets like HBO Go and Netflix Instant Watch note if and when certain content may become unavailable in the future. Does iTunes have anything similar, or am I essentially flying blind if I choose to delete my media?

    I would not delete the media unless you don't want it.
    Even subtle changes to content listings can render thinsg unavailable.
    I have several Music Videos I have never been able to upgrade to itunes Plus - they still seem to be in the store with identical running times, but itunes support claim they are somehow different and need to be purchased again - no chance.
    I bought nearly 2 seasons of a Disney kids show - those sesons are no longer in the store as they've split each season into volumes (season 1 = volumes 1 and 2, season 2 = volumes 3 and 4).
    For the sake of the cost of external storage these days I think it's well worth the hassle of keeping backups.
    You could argue however that if 95% of stuff remains redownloadable is the cost of the 5% offset by the hassle/cost of keeping backups even if it 'changed' and had to be repurchased.
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  • How can I put back my iPhone as a device in View My Account iTunes in the Cloud Manage Devices?

    I went into this list and noticed that I had my old iPhone 3Gs and my new iPhone 5s listed as devices. I also had 2 PC's listed.  So there were 4 devices associated wih my Apple ID.  Here is a little background.  When setting up my new phone, I had mistakenly given the new phone the identical name as my old iPhone 3GS, then realized that was a mistake because it would be hard to differentiate between the 2 phones in lists (for example: Restore backup lists is a very good example).  So I changed the name of my new phone so it would be different.
    My old phone was called Bruce's iPhone and my new iPhone was called Bruce's 5s.  Even though I had changed the name of my new phone, the list of devices under View My Account > iTunes in the Cloud > Manage Devices had the 2 phones still listed with the same name, Bruce's iPhone.  I was able to tell the difference by the date the devices were established, but I did not like that.
    So I used the 'Remove' button and deleted the listing for the newer listing of Bruce's iPhone.   Now, no matter what I try I can not get that new name and that device to get back on the list.  There are now 3 devices only.
    Since I did this, I have developed the issue where when I sync, the system hangs on Step 7 of the Sync, "Waiting for changes to be applied". I stopped it after 3+ hours.  Then I restored my most recent backup (to the Cloud) and the next Sync worked.  I have no idea if the above action on my part is in any way connected to my developing the syncing issue.
    Does anyone know how I can get that device, my new iPhone 5s, called Bruce's 5s back on this list of devices?  I seem to be able to do all the actions I want to with the devicer and my Apple ID.  But the coincidence of the above change that I ran into didn't make me smile either.
    Thanks in advance for any input/help?
    Bruce - obviously

    Is this your issue >
    If so...
    The Apple ID and Password that was Originally used to Activate the iDevice is required
    If you do not have that information you will not be able to use the Device.

  • How do I recover a device that was accidentally removed from my iTunes in the Cloud account?

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    Try going to Settings>iTunes & App Store and enabling Automatic Downloads while signed into the Apple ID you were managing.  (If it's enabled, turn it off, then back on.)  That should add the device to iTunes in the Cloud for the ID.

  • HT204053 Enter the Apple ID you want to use for iCloud in Control Panel Network Internet iCloud.  Enter the Apple ID you want to use for store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match) in iTunes iTunes Store.

    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for iCloud in Control Panel > Network > Internet > iCloud. 
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for store purchases (including iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match) in iTunes > iTunes Store.

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    iTunes and iCloud and different accounts, you will need to delete both accounts from your device before adding the new details in their place.
    For iCloud go to settings > iCloud, scroll down and hit the delete button. You can then sign back in using your correct details. For iTunes go to settings >store, tap your account ID and then sign out, you can then sign back in using your correct Apple ID.

  • Error upon loading a video from the iTunes in the cloud

    I bought a movie called Epic and when I tried to play on my Apple TV via streaming from the iTunes in the cloud it was playing until yesterday it start displaying an Error message "Error upon loading this video content". How long does it take for that to be corrected?

    OK well, I think all that stuff about licensing is not true, unless explicitly stated
    Just working off a gut feeling (or perhaps just wishing it weren't true)?  I suggest actually checking:
    Typically any mention of ripping DVDs may get a topic removed from the ASC forums since it is discussion of an "illegal activity" and subject to Terms of Use.
    The key thing here is if you upload a file to your library, then try to replace that same file with the same file name, iTunes will ignore it and NOT overwrite the file that's already there. You have to delete the file off first and THEN add to library again.
    Correct, iTunes works on a file basis not a track label basis.  That's why I said delete the old file.  You could have 20 identical files with the same name (in different folders) and iTunes will add them all right next to each other.  Nothing new in iTunes behavior there.  In fact if you had gone to the location where the media file was stored and copied a new one over the old one with the same name I believe iTunes would still know it wasn't the original.  You can, however, edit a file using a third party tool and save it in place and iTunes will accept the changes without having to re-add the file.

  • ITunes in the Cloud option no longer available in iTunes 12

    I upgraded to Yosemite about a week ago, and I am now running iTunes  I use my MacBook Air to stream iTunes movie and TV show purchases to my TV, and I like having the option of streaming content directly from the cloud rather than downloading it to my computer's hard drive.  Normally, after every iTunes upgrade since the introduction of "iTunes in the Cloud," I have to go to the iTunes preferences menu to enable the "iTunes in the Cloud" setting to see my purchases that are available to stream. (I don't know why Apple doesn't enable this by default. Improvement opportunity!)  However, in iTunes 12, this setting is not available.  Has the "iTunes in the Cloud" setting been moved somewhere else?  I sure hope this feature hasn't been abandoned.
    I have signed out of iTunes, deauthorized my computer, turned off iTunes match, and genius, then signed back into everything, but that hasn't helped.
    Any guidance would be much appreciated.
    I have a 13" mid-2011 MacBook Air with a Core i7 and 4GB of RAM running OS 10.10.

    Do you see anything at all on the purchased page, headings links, tools etc.

  • Using iTunes in the Cloud

    I was wondering if I can use iTunes in the Cloud just for offsite storage of my music? I want to keep the files on all of my devices and only use iCloud to store the originals. Can this be done? Thanks.
    Steve H

    No. Itunes in the cloud is not a back up service. This stores your iTunes purchase, not the rest of your music. iTunes Match is a different product, again it is not per se a back up service.
    Read this,.
    What match does is scans your library and matches your music with a version that is available in the iTunes Store. If it is not matched and is eligible, it will be uploaded. You will now have access to those tracks on other devices when you are signed into match.
    Nothing happens physically to the tracks on your computer unless you opt to upgrade or delete them. Nothing beats a proper back up on an external HD

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