Itunes installation freezes when installing shortcuts

I have removed all trace of itunes/quicktime from my laptop, but when i try to reinstall it goes through all the motions and gets to installing shortcuts and freezes! Help!
This should help you work out that problem.
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    Hello Malanakate33,
    Thank you for contacting Apple Support Communities.
    The following article provides steps for troubleshooting unexpected shutdowns of iTunes.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    Jeff D.

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    We can't know. You need to provide system information and possibly the install logs:
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    Hello aczett,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues
    Best of luck,

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    Hey ptitmousse,
    I would run through the recommended troubleshooting steps for iTunes freezing here:
    iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!

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    There are several things you need to do. Make sure you don't have any viruses. You can install quicktime by itself using the standalone installer. Then try installing itunes. When installing this software make sure you turn off virus detection, firewall and web accelerators.
    What OS are you trying to install this on?

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    Hi Zivan,
    As I understand it, iTunes is becoming unresponsive immediately after selecting the Apps on the device when it is plugged in.  To help resolve this issue I'd like you to please follow the directions in the article below.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues - Apple Support
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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    You can attempt to reset the PRAM in the machine, but it looks as though there's a hardware problem. It's actually kind of difficult to determine if it's the graphics hardware or the mainboard, but neither are really servicable. You'll want to take it to get serviced.

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    I'm having a similar problem. I purchased a brand new HP Pavilion Media Center last week and installed the latest iTunes ( Basic functionality was fine until I started setting up all my podcasts. If I subscribe to them too fast (ie - click subscribe on 6-10 of them within 10-15 seconds), the whole UI completely locks up and I have to hard boot the computer. Last night I was just updating/downloading a couple subscriptions while reading email and the whole computer locked up again. Very frustrating when it's a new computer!

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