ITunes Library Auto-resets/Disappears

Every once in a while, while running iTunes, I'll get a "unable to connect to iTunes Library file" error message. The next time I use iTunes, my library will be completely cleared out. The music files will still be on my hard drive, but the library file itself seems to have reset to zero.
When I look at the My Music/iTunes folder, there will be multiple (+10) Temp files ranging from 2Mb to up to 35Mb. What are these files and can I use them to restore my Library (and playlists)?
This issue only occurs on my computer at work. We've got a network set up that directs the My Docs folder to a local server here in the office (I think the setting is called "mapped network folder"). Since the location of the iTunes Library data can not be changed from My Docs and since My Docs is not located on this local machine,I'd guess that this is what is causing the overall issue. What I'm looking for a way to repair/restore the Library (and playlists) without creating a new one from scratch.
It would also be nice to know why iTunes is creating multiple Temp files that appear to do nothing other than take up space.

Since the location of the iTunes Library data can not be changed from My Docs...
Sure it can. Install TweakUI and change the location of the My Music folder to somewhere on the local drive. Done and done.

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    Hello, I hope you are well.
    I have been using iTunes for years without any major problems. Today, it was fine during the afternoon, but after I shut it down and turned it back on, iTunes greeted me with the screen telling me to add songs to my Library.
    The Library that I have been using for years just disappeared, and there are no playlists at all. I checked for the music files on my computer, and they are all there - both the hundreds I've purchased directly from the iTunes Store, as well as the hundreds more that I've purchased or obtained elsewhere.
    I just spent the last hour searching up a way to retrieve my Library. I found that there are hundreds of people with the same problem, but most of them do not seem to care that they've lost their Library information. I know that I can probably just drag all the song files back into iTunes, but I really do not want the song information - play counts, ratings, etc. - to disappear, as I've spent a lot of time organizing my Library.
    Please help. Thank you very much. I am running Windows 7 Professional and am using the latest stable version of iTunes, I also have an iPod Nano that has all the songs and is pretty much updated to the latest iTunes Library (before it reseted itself), if that helps.
    Message was edited by: VictorLy

    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!
    See also Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

  • ITunes library content resetting

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    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping.  Note that in iTunes 11 an "empty" library may show your past purchases with links to stream or download them.
    In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    Alternatively, depending on exactly when and why the library went missing, there may be a more recent .tmp file in the main iTunes folder that can be copied and renamed as iTunes Library.itl to restore the library to an earlier state. Look for a recent .tmp file that is similar in size to the .itl files in the Previous iTunes Libraries folder. If it has happened repeatedly you may want the earliest such file generated since the last iTunes upgrade.
    If applicable, see iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library, or a backup of it, then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.
    I've noticed more of these missing library posts of late and a common factor to most since I started asking is AVG Anti-Virus. It seems in some cases it might be at least part of the reason why the library file disappears. Try excluding the iTunes folder from any AV scanning process.

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    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping.  Note that in iTunes 11 an "empty" library may show your past purchases with links to stream or download them.
    In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    Alternatively, depending on exactly when and why the library went missing, there may be a more recent .tmp file in the main iTunes folder that can be copied and renamed as iTunes Library.itl to restore the library to an earlier state. Look for a recent .tmp file that is similar in size to the .itl files in the Previous iTunes Libraries folder. If it has happened repeatedly you may want the earliest such file generated since the last iTunes upgrade.
    If applicable, see iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library, or a backup of it, then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.
    I've noticed more of these missing library posts of late and a common factor to most since I started asking is AVG Anti-Virus. It seems in some cases it might be at least part of the reason why the library file disappears. Try excluding the iTunes folder from any AV scanning process.

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    Speculation about future iTunes releases, features, or bug fixes is not allowed to be discussed here, but I can safely say that iTunes 7 won't be out for a long time. We went from 4.9 to 6 in six weeks recently. Highly unusual, and I don't expect that to be repeated anytime soon. However, that doesn't mean version 6 won't be updated.
    What's important to remember is that your setup isn't the majority of iTunes' target market. That translates into your feature request or bug fix requirement probably being lower on the ladder of priority.
    What would be useful to the iTunes community here is someone to volunteer to do some extensive testing and report the results.
    - try multiple network/mount methods
    - quit/launch iTunes quickly and see if there's any correlation with the speed of disk access
    - make a note of any other processes that may have locked the network volume for a brief period, causing iTunes not to have access

  • My iTunes library like completely disappeared

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    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!
    See also Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

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    Type: smbfs
    Mount Point: /Volumes/iTunes
    Mounted From: //GUEST@nasts209pro:139/iTunes
    Automounted: No
    How do I force iTunes to use the NAS directory and stop it from reverting back to the Localhard drive directory path?

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    We are now finding the same issue. The music file location keeps reverting back to the local HD. My kids have Mac Books with Tiger, we have Pro's. The kid's computers reverted without even closing out or restarting. Mine held the directory until I restarted the computer. It's a drag because each time I fix it, the files have to re-organize, and it takes forever. The kids can't copy music to their ipods because it keeps saying "the original files can't be found"
    Is there a way to correct this, (I see this topic was never answered) or do we have to abandon this way of doing things? They guy who set up our wireless and the NAS said it would be great. (I am also wondering how we can all have Apple accounts to buy music, have it stored in the NAS, and all be able to use it, without knowing what got added when and by whom.) We have all authorized each other's laptops.
    Do we need to upgrade the new OS? I tried another thread's suggestion of adding the NAS to the login items. I can't seem to do that on the Pro.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I might have to resort to a trip to the Genius Bar. :/

  • My iTunes library has completely disappeared during a download of some music from the store

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  • ITunes library and folders disappeared

    It was all working earlier today, and now I open iTunes and its empty, the library is empty, the folders we created for each iPod (we have three) are all missing... If I go to "Add a folder to library" I can see all the music folders that i need to add... so i did that again... but i can't seem to get the old .itl file to "reload" or take effect again... shoudl i empty the library again and load the .itl file? I see a folder called OLD ITUNES LIBRARIES etc... per other postings in this forum. However the other postings, as far as i can find, do NOT explain HOW to reload or reactivate the .itl and .xml files... WHAT HAPPENED, and HOW DO I FIX IT? I recently downloaded this new iPod tool that would help download new updates to the ipods themselves...but we did absolutely nothing to the library database at all. PLEASE HELP before i have to redo thousands of songs into multiple iPod folders from scratch... sigh.

    I wish I could help but the exact same thing happened to me the other day. I turned on my computer and iTunes was completely empty. To make it worse, this morning I was using my iPod which is a 30GB video one and it was working fine! But I went to go eat lunch, leaving my iPod plugged into my computer, charging, and when I came back, the same thing happened on my iPod: over 400 songs and 70 videos, gone! If you find the answer, let me know!

  • My itunes library is constantly resetting itself. I really don't know what is wrong with it I have ran virus checks and nothing is on my laptop. Anybody got any idea?

    Hi my itunes library is constantly disappearing, I really don't know what is wrong. It keep happening everytime I turn my laptop off, I thought I had solved the problem the other week however it has started back up again. I have a Sony Vaio laptop and have read on the discussions that this can occur but all the solutions I have read haven't seemed to solve it. Anybody else got an idea? I would be really grateful for the help!

    See this post. Seems that AVG is the most likely cause. They are promising a patch tomorrow.

  • Why is itunes library xml disappearing?

    After adding new music, my itunes library xml is disappearing.  If I shut my computer down and restart it it's fine.  If I don't it says cannot find file and it was modified at some date in the year 2000.  I use the dj software traktor which reads the library xml.  This started happening after I upgraded to lion, I was running leapord before.  Anyone have any ideas what is causing this?  Also, I have no problems in itunes

    Click the icon to start iTunes and immediately press and hold down the SHIFT key until asked to choose or create a library. Create your new library at, for example, D:\iTunes.

  • Moved all content to a Drobo, but can't get it into my iTunes Library

    I've got a lot of music and video content spread out over several drives, including two external 1 TB MyBooks. I purchased a firewire Drobo to help manage this content, and over the past few weeks, I've copied over all of the media files onto the Drobo. I exported my iTunes Library playlist, reset the iTunes Music library location to the Drobo and when I went to import the Library, it started copying over the files.
    What am I doing wrong?

    When you say "presentation," are you by any chance talking about Power Point?  If so, the music must be in one of the formats that is compatible with Power Point, which includes MP3.
    The files sold in the iTunes Store are in AAC format, which is not compatible with Power Point.  You can convert AAC to MP3 by following this guide:

  • Lost content in my iTunes library

    3/4 of my content in my iTunes library has miraculously disappeared, can someone plz help me retrieve it?

    Hi there,
    You may find the information in the article below helpful.
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads
    -Griff W.

  • How can I copy just one song from my iPhone to my iTunes library?

    I have purchased songs through the iTunes app on my iPhone 4S.  I want to get these songs on to my iPod.  I figure I need to first transfer the songs from my iPhone to my iTunes library on my PC.  Problem is it always seems to want to sync my library with my iPhone and I have way too many songs in my library to fit on my iPhone.  I just want to transfer a couple of songs from the iPhone to my library. Is there anyway to do this?

    Hi, first, you should prevent the iTunes library auto sync with iPhone: Launch iTunes > click Preferences... > click Devices. In the window, check the option 'Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically'. Next, connect your iPhone with your computer via the USB cable. Click the mini menu for iTunes on the very top left and click the option 'Show menu bar'. After then you can see iTunes File, Edit, View, Control, Store and Help menus on the ribbon. Click File > Devices > Transfer purchases from (your iPhone name). You can also access to the File menu by holding down Alt (Option on Mac), Shift and F keys. This is how to get your iPhone purcahsed song transferred to iTunes Library.

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