Itunes match 256k on my machine?

apple will scan my drive, and then convert all my songs to 256k.
Do the songs on MY mac end up as 256k?
How much does that increase my HD storage?
Will itunes tell me how much space it needs?

I don't have Match so I can't answer the details.
It won't necessarily convert all songs.  First, technically it doesn't convert.  It replaces them with a copy from Apple.  A few people have complained that this isn't necessarily identical to the version they had on their computers (e.g., something that was originally done in mono by The Beatles replaced with a stereo version).  Second, if your version is below certain parameters in terms of quality, it won't replace it.  Third, if there isn't a match with something in the iTunes Store collection, Match will simply store a copy of what you have on its servers.
How much space?  It depends upon the format of the files stored on your computer now.  If most of your files are 128k then it will roughly double for 256.

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    wandererny wrote:
    Only one library can be matched at a time. If you continue, the other iTunes Match session will be stopped and this computer's library will be matched instead.
    You often get this message when match thinks that you already have a match in progess on another computer.
    If you are happy that all your music is on your new hard drive (or if it is only in the cloud), you should select "this computer".

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    many kudos to Apple, my hat tips to their engineers for being such brilliant programmers. and i'd also like to take this opportunity to thank them for the numerous other times i've had problems with Apple-written software on my windows-based pc's....
    Go Apple, yeah !!

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    Any suggestions?

    Taken as a whole, the symptoms suggest that another application (other than QuickTime itself) has stashed old QuickTime componentry in your system files.
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    In your Start menu, open Computer.
    In your Organise menu, select Folder Options.
    In the View tab, make sure that "Show hidden files and folders" is selected, and Hide extensions for known file types is unchecked.
    Click OK.
    Now in Computer, open your C:\ drive (or whichever drive you have your operating system installed on).
    Open the "Windows" folder.
    Open the "SysWOW64" folder.
    What files and folders can you see in there with QuickTime in the title? (In a standard installation of Quicktime you should be seeing precisely two files... QuickTime.qts and QuickTimeVR.qtx ... and no QuickTime folders whatsoever.)

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    Amy help would be appreciated

    when i say right clicking, i mean in itunes, right clicking the song and going get info and then changing the properties via the info tab.
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    Message was edited by: Ian-K

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