ITunes (newsstand) app cover image

Hi there,
  For a DPS newsstand app where does the app image displayed on the itunes website come from? Ours is stuck at our first issue's cover image, although we've subsequently published a second issue (folio). Here's Wired's listing, I'm talking about the image of Ed Snowden:

Hi Bob,
  Thanks for your reply - it's not newsstand I mean though (although it's a newsstand app), it's the iTunes online listing. In newsstand we do see the cover of the most recent issue, but our app page in iTunes shows an older cover. The same old image is also used in the app store when searching for apps on the iPad - it's used as the small thumbnail to the right of the app name, author details and star rating.
  Let me know if you don't know what I mean!

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    In the past I have been able to do this in ITC without uploading a new app binary or creating a new app version, just by editing the Newsstand default cover image in the app's version information screen on ITC.
    This functionality is also mentioned in the Adobe DPS documentation:
    "The image you specify in the Newsstand section appears in the Apple App Store and the iTunes Store. Whenever you publish a new folio, you can upload a new image in the Newsstand section of iTunes Connect to update your app’s appearance in the App Store and in iTunes." - Adobe iOS Publishing Companion Guide (Professional Edition)
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    g5   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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      Am I right in thinking that to update the cover image that displays in the Apple newsstand we'd have to create a whole new issue in iTunes Connect?
      As ever, thanks,

    Sorry, I'm multitasking badly
    If we update our cover image in Folio Producer Organizer will that update the newsstand cover image, it sounds like it?
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    I understand what you mean - I too, would like to see some variability in the 'default'. Besides having a single default, I would step that up to a default that changes with genre and media: ie. I could see using a sax for Jazz; a microphone for a Podcast, etc.
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  • Newsstand cover image.

    hi there,
    Newsstand cover image it is replaced by a newer cover image of the most recently published folio.
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    Want to know the reasons .

    Did you re-publish your folio after changing the cover images?

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    (above shown: a generic cover with transparency. (96 x 128 pixels, upper part transpararent)
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    I scanned through most of the answers and didn't find a situation like mine.
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    - Cover image and episode images were showing up yesterday
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    Thank you,

    Your image in your feed looks good.
    IT is a jpg image with RGB color - 1,400 x 1,400 pixels.
    So all looks good on your feed side.
    If you look at your show at -  -  via a browser it does show the image.
    But on iTunes app - it is not showing.
    As Roger says - this looks to be an issue with iTunes not behaving well.
    If you do not see it back in iTunes app by the end of the day on Monday let me know.
    rob (at) libsyn (dot) com

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    Replace the folio cover images. Select the 2048x1536 rendition in the Folio Builder panel, open the Folio Properties dialog box, and specify 1024x768 images. Also, make sure you 1024x768 images are small (jpg or 8-bit png, not 24-bit png).

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    iMac G5 1.80 GHz/17" Mac OS X (10.3.9)

    Your image in your feed looks good.
    IT is a jpg image with RGB color - 1,400 x 1,400 pixels.
    So all looks good on your feed side.
    If you look at your show at -  -  via a browser it does show the image.
    But on iTunes app - it is not showing.
    As Roger says - this looks to be an issue with iTunes not behaving well.
    If you do not see it back in iTunes app by the end of the day on Monday let me know.
    rob (at) libsyn (dot) com

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    Your feed is OK, except that most of your episodes do not have 'guid' tags, and your enclosure tags are missing the 'length' attribute which should show the file size in bytes. Neither of these is serious and they would not cause a problem.
    The Store does go through slow patches sometimes: there have been numerous occasions when people have complained about not seeing updates for two or three weeks, and I'm afraid that you've probably just hit one of these. There isn't really anything you can do about it. You could try emailing them at podcasts 'at', but frankly you are likely to get a form answer telling you how to add episodes (which you already know). I'm afraid that it's just a question of waiting.

  • InDesign CS5.5 EPUB export not showing cover image in Adobe Digital Editions

    I have a document that I am trying to ensure is reflecting the cover image prior to uploading to several EPUB sites like google and Barnes and Noble. I am using Adobe Digital Editions, Calibre, Firefox (EPUBReader) to do the troubleshooting on the document. Calibre shows the cover image Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) does not. Are their any known problems with ADE not reflecting the cover image that I need to be aware of before I continue working on this?
    The ADE help says the following:
    "Once the items are in your library, there are two ways to view the content of any bookshelf. You can view thumbnails of your items. The thumbnail is the cover page of the item (or just the first page if it doesn't have a cover page). In this view, you see the set of thumbnails and some information about each item (author, title). You can also sort the order in which the items are shown by author, title, date created, number of pages, and so forth."
    Here is basic informaiton. I have a cover page in my export to EPUB but ADE will only show the first page. Again Calibre shows the cover page.
    CS 5.5
    The project is a book (indb) composed of multiple documents (indd)
    Exporting as book as an EPUB
    On general tab I am "Use existing image"
    I am rasterizing the first image in Indesign via the "Object - Object export options" but I am not selecting that option when on the general tab of the Export to EPUB options. I am chosing a file from my disk. I thought that maybe the file name was too long but I changed the image to "cover.jpg" and reexported it but it still does not work.
    Here are the contents of the content.opf file with all the pointers. I have updated the file as I believe you can tell with guides, creation date, etc....
    It passes the SIGIL check.
    The image name is Democracy in Business Dust Jacket 300dpi.jpg. It is 300 dpi and 1650 x 2550. I could also cut in the one that I did for cover.jpg but it only replaces the file name.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
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            <dc:subject>Thomas J. Watson</dc:subject>
            <dc:subject>Tom Watson</dc:subject>
            <dc:subject>Tom Watson Sr.</dc:subject>
            <dc:subject>Democracy in Business</dc:subject>
            <dc:publisher>MBI Concepts Corporation</dc:publisher>
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            <itemref idref="A-Historical-Perspective"/>
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            <reference type="dedication" title="Dedication Page" href="Dedication%20Page.html"/>
            <reference type="text" title="First Page of Text" href="Watson%20Quote.html"/>
    I have also been trying to get this cover image to display on PC for NOOK but it appears that everyone is having hits problem too. I have followed some trouble shooting guides and renamed the jpg image, Democracy in Business Dust Jacket 300dpi.jpg to cover.jpg but that doesn't seem to work either for NOOK.
    Any help you can give would be appreciated. I am new to InDesign (I know you probably hate hearing that, but I have gotten so close to being done overcoming all the new user hurdles). I think this is my last one before uploading to the appropriate sites - PS. I got the cover page to show up on the Kindle but not Adobe's own product.
    Peter E. Greulich

    ebookjunkie, I have just used InDesign to publish two very short "books" (.99 cent variety) and started this thread with the first question. Look to Bob for the expert advice. This is neophyte advice from someone moving from publishing a full book using Word to EPUB/Kindle and now using InDesign to publish to EPUB/Kindle.
    First ADE is useless. I say this out of frustration of trying to use it to troubleshoot problems and it has so many problems in displaying an EPUB that you spend a lot of time troubleshooting ADE issues rather than EPUB problems. The problems are not limited to but won't display a cover page properly, text wrapping is iffy, Drop caps a problem, bringing over supported items like drop caps, all small caps, etc.... are also issues as best I can tell. Humble opinion is delete off your desktop. I use the following to troubleshoot my EPUB's/Kindle books on my Windows platform; Calibre, Barnes and Noble's Nook for PC and iPhone iTunes for EPUB (Sigil to look for errors); and for Kindle, Kindle previewer and Kindle for the PC. Even after doing this, I just today saw my book a buyer's Android "Reader" and the pictures did not display at all. So it is publish once and test everywhere! Unfortunately, you just can't test all the possible devices and iterations of readers. (I am from IBM and we couldn't do it, so how publishers are supposed to figure it out is beyond me!)
    On the absolutely great news end, you will see a lot of problems about placing images on the iPad with a lot of workarounds. They apparently (Apple) have fixed this as my two publications show images nicely now on both the iPhone and iPad with the iTunes bookshelf/reader. They were "microdots" when viewed previously. I did nothing to fix it and was just not going to publish to the iPAd and just tested them a few weeks ago and they display perfectly. So Apple has fixed the problem. If it looks good on the Nook for PC, it should look good on the iPAD/iPhone now as best I can tell.
    Peter E. Greulich
    Author, Speaker and Publisher
    The World's Greatest Salesman and Tom Watson Sr Essays on Leadership

  • Apple Unveils All-New iTunes U App for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch

    A colleague just told me about this announcement from Apple -
    Apple Unveils All-New iTunes U App for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch - -iPad-iPhone-iPod-touch.html
    Do any fellow iTunes U administrators know anything about this? How is existing content presented in the new app? Would we need to change anything? How do we access / make available the new features?
    The new features sound fantastic but it would have been nice to have some warning. I appreciate that Apple has to keep specific details about developments confidential but it's slightly disconcerting that iTunes U administrators were not forewarned about this new development and that there has been no mention of it on this forum. Also - and at the risk of sounding like a broken record - it really would be helpful for iTunes U administrators to have a private forum (perhaps an add-on to Public Site Manager) where we could discuss issues and share ideas and best practice etc.

    Greetings Tom;
    I watched the Apple's Keynote presentation and I'm amazed!  I'm really excited about the possibilities this opens up for educators.  I, like you am still processing all of the information and sorting out the possibilities.
    Did you get the email about the Webcast on Wednesday the 25th at 10:00 AM PT that's going to cover the new iTunes U Corse Manager and how to publish through iTunes U Site Manager?  Hopefully this is available to you in the UK.  We'll keep in touch.  All the best...
    Syd Rodocker
    iTunes U Administrator
    Tennessee State Department of Education   
    Tennessee's Electronic Learning Center

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