ITunes playlist help

I have my own playlist and my dad made a disk using iTunes and now my playlist all the songs are in alphabetical order by artist is there any way I can fix it so its not like that?

***I got it nevermind.

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    Hey lightc,
    If you are having an issue with iTunes not recognizing your iPad and iPod on your Windows computer, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Happy computing,
    Brett L 

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    Your very helpful and knowledgeable. I for one appreciate all the hardwork and help you have been giving the people on theses lists, especially with the problems associated with the "importing playlists" from windows media. Unfortunately I need more help if you or someone else can provide it. I followed all the steps you have instructed so far in the threads I have seen. Unfortunately nothing so far works for me. Maybe you or someone can help me, I'd really appreciate it. I tried the notepad++ method and when I click on save I always get a notepad file that my iTunes can't do anything with. I click the "convert to UTF-8 without BOM" then click save as and it still saves as a notepad file. I am also unable to find the \n\ file path to replace with my \C:\ filepath. Here is a copy of the first part of one of my playlists:
    <?wpl version="1.0"?>
            <meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Windows Media Player -- 12.0.7601.17514"/>
            <meta name="ItemCount" content="161"/>
            <title>Power Surge</title>
                <media src="..\Various Artists\Mixed Tape 2\13 Out of Control.wma" tid="{650561AF-AA9D-4EA3-84CC-2F09C24DF3B3}"/>
                <media src="..\Various Artists\Mixed Tape 1\12 One Step Closer.wma" tid="{EE5ADD9D-A879-404A-BC60-CE841045BCB6}"/>
                <media src="..\Various Artists\Mixed Tape 1\15 Click Click Boom.wma" tid="{0F71941C-1B67-425F-BDAA-246618709179}"/>
    Now I went and switched the part from  <media src="..\ to <media src="C:\ in all the files in hopes that was where I am supposed to have my drive letter but it didn't seem to help. Please forgive my encoding ignorance if that's what my problem is. I hope you can help.  Thanks in advance.

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    For a Most Recently Added Playlist for music on iPhone 4, iOS 5.0, iTunes 10.5 (141), Here's what worked for me after lots of experimenting:
    To Create a "100 Newest" playlist:
    1. In iTunes, delete any previous 'X Newest" playlists if they've not been syncing correctly since iOS 5 update, especially if they have referenced other playlists. In my experience if these playlists are not syncing in the correct order, there is nothing you can do to make them sync in the correct order - cut your losses and delete.
    2. In iTunes under 'Library' in the sidebar, select 'Music"
    3. From the 'File' menu select 'New Smart Playlist'
    4. In the pop up box that appears, check 'Match the following rule:'
    5. In the next line, in the pop-up menus, select the following: 'Media Kind', 'is', 'Music'
    6. Check the "Limit to" checkbox and enter the '100' in the box, and then select the follwing option in succeeding popup lists: 'items', selected by 'most recently added'
    7.You may check either or both of the options 'Match only checked items' and 'Live updating' - in my experiments these had no effect.
    8. Click 'OK' and name your smartlst '100 Newest' or anything you'd like.
    Here's something to note:
    In your iTunes 'Music Library', the sort order is newest song at the top of your library when the LIBRARY is sorted by 'Date Added' and the small triangle has it's apex pointing down.  To me this means the LATEST song is on top.
    In your '100 Newest' playlist, to sort so the newest song is at the top of the playlist when the PLAYLIST is sorted by 'Date Added' , you'll note the triangle is oriented with the apex pointing up. To me this signifies the 'YOUNGEST ADDED' song is on the top. 
    However you view those two items, it's interesting that you'd expect the sort order might be reversed according to the triangle orientations, but it's not. And that's one of the sorting problems I had with syncing my playlists - newest were on the bottom on my iPhone playlist, but on the top in the playlist in my iTunes Library.  Certainly not a consistant user interface.
    Also note that if you've used a previous hint in referencing a dated order playlist to avoid a previous iTunes playlist syncing bug, those lists now won't sort properly any longer.  As I said - cut your losses and start anew.
    Hope this helps someone else. It took me a long time to get right.

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    Can you copy over the library again from the old computer?
    And yes, backup is advisable.

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    You may have transferred all your songs, but your iPad is seeing the library as a different entity.
    The following article(s) may help you.
    Moving your iTunes library to a new computer  

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    - sat in despair
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    Could you post your diagnostics for us please?
    In iTunes, go "Help > Run Diagnostics". Uncheck the boxes other than DVD/CD tests, as per the following screenshot:
    ... and click "Next".
    When you get through to the final screen:
    ... click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste the diagnostics into a reply here.

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    Could you post your diagnostics for us please?
    In iTunes, go "Help > Run Diagnostics". Uncheck the boxes other than DVD/CD tests, as per the following screenshot:
    ... and click "Next".
    When you get through to the final screen:
    ... click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste the diagnostics into a reply here.

  • How to restore *just one iTunes playlist* from Time Machine?

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    So last Sunday I realized that I had fat-fingered things and had accidentally deleted the R&B playlist.
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    Although I've searched around on the internet for an answer, everything that has turned up so far seems to involve:
    - restoring ALL playlists from Time Machine
    - older version of iTunes (I'm currently using 11.0.3)
    Your help greatly appreciated!

    For posterity's sake, since i had this issue too, i thought i'd post my solution.
    Locate and save a copy, locally on your computer, of a library.itl file that would contain the playlist you need. I'd suggest saving to your desktop. name it so you'll recognize it as the old library file.
    Quit iTunes if open, and relaunch, holding down the Option key immediately after
    when prompted, select "Choose Library"
    Find the file you saved in step 1. this will launch iTunes with all the old playlists and such. Don't worry, it doesn't touch the actual songs themselves, so nothing is lost of from your current library.
    Find the playlist(s) you want, right click on them and export. save them as .txt file (again, suggest desktop for ease)
    Once all playlists you want to restore are saved, quit iTunes.
    Launch iTunes, again pressing Option immediately after
    Select "Choose Library" and select the Music -> iTunes -> iTunes Library.itl file. This will restore iTunes to the most current copy of your library
    Select File -> Library -> Import Playlist and find the .txt file for your playlist on your desktop. et voila!

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    Shouldn't be difficult but can help if you tell us what options you picked on how you want to sync your music as there is more than on option/way.

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    "I've tried to 'playlist' options but it only works for playlists... not the entire selection for the iPod"
    I'm not sure what you mean by this but the update option "automatically update selected playlists only" would allow you to create a one or more playlists specifically for each iPod and drag the tracks you want into them. If you tire of the list and want to change it, you just add or remove the songs you don't want. The ones you take out out remain in the library to be used by the other iPod. Make your playlist a Smart playlist and limit the size to just below the advertised capacity of your iPod Nano (around 1800MB for a 2G). You can read more about playlists at these links:
    iTunes: Creating playlists of your favorite songs
    How to create a Smart Playlist with iTunes
    Or of course you could set one or both iPods to "manually manage songs and playlists" and drag whatever you like to them.

  • Error while burning itunes playlist

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    Please note, I have read through all the trouble shooting help. I have the preferences set to burn "audio CD" which seems to be the problem for others. aaargh! Really frustrated!

  • When playing an iTunes playlist on my iPhone 5, suddenly it switches to playing music from the cloud.

    When listening to an iTunes playlist on my iPhone 5, it suddenly switches over to playing a song
    from the iCloud instead.

    Hi Clairecrozier,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    You may find the steps in this article helpful:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    Best Regards,

  • Script to play itunes playlist on start?

    I have just done the software upgrade to SL and now my old script doesnt work to auto play an itunes playlist on startup.
    I found the following script as a replacement but it doesnt seem to run automatically on start up.
    tell application "iTunes"
      play playlist "1jwmix"
    end tell
    I placed this script into Apple Script Editor and saved it in my MUSIC folder. And Yes I added the script to the log in items... so it does currently open on start up. Just doesnt seem to auto run the script.
    Sorry script writing isnt something I understand much about.
    Help please!

    Presuming you've confirmed that the script works correctly when run in AppleScript Editior, make sure you're saving the script as an application, not a script. Then put that application in your startup items.
    Hope this helps.

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