Itunes update deleted ALL of my music!

I went to update my iPad to 6.1.2 today and it told me to update itunes too. I did this and then proceded with my iPad. To my suprise my iPad wouldn't sync any of my songs because iTunes coun't find where my music was located. I looked in my music/itunes/itunes media/music folder. All of my album folders where there but inside these folders was emptyness. I though I would just be able to transfer all my songs stored on my iPod back onto my computer. I pressed transfer and after sitting here watching it send the music to my computer's library, I found that my iPod had only 4 songs on it and my computer was still empty with no music at all. Apple, you have gone and F***** as I have no way to retreive all of these songs that are forever lost in who the **** knows where. Thanks a lot. That is the last time I ever use Itunes for anything. Anyone looking to buy my worthless iPod or iPad?

Try the following user tip:
Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash

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