Itunes will not pull up!!!! Help me!!

Itunes have been working for me when nothing else would, now it will not pull up error message: "itunes has stopped working" I use windows vista and I have at &t sercu. system. I have uninstall reinstalled, downloaded the latest version, shut down restart, and check task manager in the process tab and it still will not pull up. Quick time comes up. I have a big graduation party coming up and I really need to get this back up ASAP. Please help

If Your Quicktime works normally, then you should work though this article on trouble shooting iTunes launch failure:

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    Uninstalling and then reinstalling your iTunes should also get your Bonjour reinstalled.
    For the reinstall, use an installer downloaded from the Apple website:
    ... or you could get it back via your Apple Software Update for Windows.
    If you'd prefer not to uninstall iTunes, try the following procedure.
    Download and save a copy of the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64setup.exe) installer file to your hard drive:
    Download and install the free trial version of WinRAR:
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    Go into the folder and doubleclick the Bonjour.msi (or Bonjour64.msi) to do a standalone Bonjour install.

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    Taken at face value, you're having trouble with one of the Windows OS dlls associated with Cryptographic Services.
    I'd first try the fixit from the following Microsoft document. (One of the things it does is reregister your copy of the dssenh.dll file.)
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    ... but if you still get the issue, I'd try an sfc /scannow as per the instructions in the following document:
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    Others are more likely to help if you stop needlessly repeating yourself and provide some details.
    What operating system? Windows (XP, Vista, 7) Mac
    Any errors?
    Also, try doing a search either here or via Google, you are more likely to get a faster resolution as there is no need to wait on others to respond.    

  • My Itunes will not open, please help

    I am running version - since upgrade itunes will not open.  I have visited the support site and done many things to get this working - taken hours of my time I do not have, including setting up a new user and same result.
    My PC is running Windows 7.  I need my itunes as I have 4 ipods and 3 iphones - I need to back up a phone as I have just upgraded,
    One error I seem to have caught is as follows:
    Problem Event Name     BEX
    Application     itunes.exe
    timestamp     504d85d9
    Fault Module Name Quicktime.qts_unloaded
    Fault Module Version
    If someone has some suggestions, it would be much appreciated.

    You're posting in the wrong area. This is the Mac OS X Lion area.
    Post in the iTunes area.

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    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at the top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
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    Because a CD would cost them five cents. You just gave them $150, and now you want something from apple for free?? Ha! Good luck.
    I'm wondering why apple has kept so quiet about this. Why don't they pin a statement to the top of these message boards?
    Are they relying on dedicated moderators to quell the firestorm of ill feelings towards apple?
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    Thanks in advance.

    try these user tips:
    try removing the Genius database. In the "Finder" go to the /username/Music/iTunes/ folder and delete the "iTunes Library Genius.itdb" file. This may allow the program to launch again. This file will be recreated upon first use of the "Genius" feature.
    and, if you have flip4mac installed
    I found that the TSLicense plugin was causing the problem.
    From the log:
    PlugIn Path: /Library/Frameworks/TSLicense.framework/Versions/A/TSLicense
    PlugIn Identifier: net.telestream.license
    This pIugin is installed with the Flip4Mac Windows Media Components. I solved the problem by uninstalling the WM Components via the uninstaller at /Applications/Flip4Mac/Flip4Mac WMV Uninstaller.pkg, after which iTunes opens successfully.

  • ITunes will not open somone help!

    itunes when i try to open it briefly shows a time glass then dissapears. it shows itunes.exe in task manager for that spit second.
    quicktime works
    I uninstalled and reinstalled itunes and quick time.
    I tried making a new account.
    I took out pref files.
    I used msnconfig.
    I removed config file
    I have no plugins
    I dont't have norton security 2005
    So pretty much ive done everything here
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    i don't know if the remaining few options will fix my problem. any help?

    I had a similar problem and it proved to be very complex to resolve. QuickTime would not fully uninstall (despite following all the instructions on this forum multiple times) and in the process a number of files were corrupted. It took a pretty skilled technician (from Dell) about 2 1/2 hours of labor to clean up everything, using some third party software called 'QuickTime Killer' among other steps. He had to clean up the registry manually with Regedit, and used a tool called X-Cleaner to get rid of corrupt files. It seemed that the multiple uninstall/reinstall processes caused more problems since QuickTime does not uninstall properly. This was on a Dell Inspiron Laptop with Windows XP Media Edition and SP2. If you have tried for a while without success, I would suggest engaging a technician with very strong XP skills -- it will save you time in the long run.
    Dell Inspiron Laptops   Windows XP   SP2

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    Navigate to Settings > Computers > Your Library on the Apple TV, you may be told you will lose all synced content, but you can sync it back afterwards, you won't lose any purchased content that has yet to be transferred. Then select Settings > Computers > Connect To iTunes, note the passcode that appears on screen, click on the device in iTunes and enter the passcode when prompted.

  • ITunes will not open, please help

    the instruction at "0x0079f791" referenced memory at "0x7ffe0304." the memory could not be "written"
    This is the error received by my friend when she tries to start her iTunes, and I was wondering if anyone else had seen this; It sounds more like a memory allocation error than an error with iTunes, but I figure it's worth a shot... any idea what's going on there and how to fix it?

    Have a look at this page and see if anything there helps: iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch failures

  • My iTunes will not open!  :-(  Help!!!!!

    When I try to open it I get the hourglass for a second, then it's gone and nothing happens.  I have completely uninstalled all Apple programs and reinstalled many times, including twice with two different older versions (always completely removing everything before reinstalling again.)  I have "repaired" Quicktime and completely deleted it all together.  After I try to open it is not in the "applications" of the Task Manager, but it does show it is running in the  "processes".  I have run the CCleaner, I have made hidden files visible and deleted the SC info folders.  I have changed some other settings that I read about from different discussions, but nothing has worked!  I am kind of computer stupid, but with easy to follow directions, I can get things done, so hopefully whoever is amazing enough to help me will bear with me because I do not know my computer stuff too well.  Please, please help me!

    I have also created a new account, can't open it and I tried it in safe mode.

  • ITunes will not open, Need help!

    i recently had my computer Restored(cleared everything except what came installed on it right out of the box)
    before i restored my computer i had both iTunes and quicktime installed and it worked flawlessly. after i restored my computer and reinstalled iTunes/Quicktime ( 7.0.2) it doesnt seem to be opening.
    i click on the icon to open iTunes and get a message that says:
    iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    then it has (- Debug - Send Error Report - Don't Send) as options to do.
    i have uninstalled itunes and quicktime about 3 times and still having this issue... please help!
    Tried :run msconfig--and still no help
    if anyone has any options for me PLEASE email me at: [email protected]
    -Dell Inspiron 2200 (notebook)
    -Windows xp professional
    Windows   Windows XP Pro  

    thanks for the help....
    after searching for about another half hour i came across this post..
    i followed the directions in here and then i finally got it. after you install the quicktime stand alone version, check and make sure it works as stated in that post... then install the iTunes. when i then opened itunes it said that i had a previous version of quicktime and that iTunes requires the newer version of quicktime.
    - go to control pannel add/remove programs then scroll down to quicktime
    - there should be two(2)Quicktime programs installed.
    - click "click here for support information"
    - then you should see which version of Quicktime is installed---do this to both of the quicktimes installed.
    - whichever has the lower version number ex: 7.0.1 and 7.0.3... delete the 7.0.1 version.
    - after deletion then go to the quicktime version that you did not uninstall-in the example i used (7.0.3) click -CHANGE- then -REPAIR- on the following window that repairs.
    this should then repair the version that is installed so that iTunes and quicktime function properly. run quicktime and make sure that it works. if it works then close the programs completely and make sure that it is "exit ed" from the bottom right hand of the screen.
    after this run iTunes. if it works Fantastic!!
    if not try to uninstall iTunes and quicktime and then follow the directions that "Stephenb." has posted
    Hope this helps.. Email me for ?s if desired

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    i tunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration audio/video playback may not operate properly.......HELP???????

    If you click play does it just flash and go back to the play button? That happens to me sometimes, just quit and turn back on.
    Make sure itunes is updated first off.
    Are you using a laptop? Try plugging in some headphones, you may have blown your speakers. If your using speakers. try another program with sound to test.
    Did you recently add some music from not so reliable sources?
    There would be a chance one of the files is corrupt. Happened to me. Just delete them.

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