ITunes won't give me purchased Music.

I pre-ordered an album. Today I was told I could now download it. I went to Store and Check for purchases, when I did that my music went to download but told me that I could not download it until I upgraded. So I upgraded to itunes 7 and My purchased music is not there.
iTunes will not let me get my music, it continues to tell me that I've already downloaded it and can only download it once. But I HAVEN'T downloaded it. The music is not on my computer. And I've been charged for music that I don't have!
What should I do? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

How do you delete album
Open iTunes and go to the song you want to delete the artwork off of. right-click and click Get Info. Then go to the Artwork TAB, click the artwork, then click the delete button below. I know this works for 7.0 not sure for anything else, if there is no delete button try clicking the delete button on you key board (for a laptop you sometimes have to hold down the FN key)

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    Try deauthorizing and reauthorizing your computer. Repeat the deauthorization and reauthorization process for any other iTunes Music Store accounts for which your computer is authorized.
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    Hello and welcome to the support community
    As you know, your iPhone 5 is not compatible with our iBook G4. To get your music in iTunes from your iBook to your iPhone you would need to migrate the music files to a newer intel based Mac. A Mac which has Mac OS X 10.6 or higher installed. Then sync your iPhone 5.

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