IView Personalize Screen Drop Down Width

Any idea on how to control the width of the select/drop down list box when usiing the SAP provided personalization screen in an iView?  When an end user goes to personalize the iView, the select box is too small to see the values. 
My portalapp.xml property looks like this:
<property name="searchType" value="Team Peers">
    <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
    <property name="type" value="select[Direct Reports,Team Peers]"/>
    <property name="description" value="PERSONALIZE_SCREEN_SEARCH" />
The only way I have seen to control the width is to create a string property and then by setting the value you can set the width of the second column.  My problem is that I don't want the user to have a string input field, they need to select from a drop down.
I am trying to avoid writing my own personalization screen, because this is a very simple iView.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

Hi Sean Coverstone,
I am not sure whether I understood your question clearly.
My Assumption is that you want to control the dropdown list box size in your personalization dialog box.
Create a class called MyPersonalization under com/test/personalization/.
Create your own GUI part here.Use layouts for controlling the width and height.
Enter something like this in your portalapp.xml.
   <property name="PersonalizationClass" value="com.test.personalization.MyPersonalization"/>
Now you can set dropdown list box widh like this..
Hope it helps.
Karthick K Eswaran

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        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        z-index: 1020;
        cursor: default;
        width: 14.5em; /**adjust as needed**/
        position: absolute;
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        background-color: #72246c;
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        left: auto;
        background-color: #72246c;
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        background-color: #72246c;
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

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    Ok, here is what i have done.
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    I had this same issue. Dual screen, right side screen drop down menus flicker out, left side screen operates normally.
    Dell PC
    Windows 7
    Firefox 16 (just updated today)
    All Java applets up to date
    I dug around and found a resolution to this problem. It's been a problem since 5.0. I have 16.0 and it still is an issue. My drop down menus go wonky, flickering, and can't be seen or legible.
    The resolution I found had me fighting for the resolution because it lacked detailed steps so I'll post them here.
    1. Point to "start", ''click''.
    2. Point to "Search programs and files" box and type "run" in that box, HIT ENTER.
    3. With "Run" dialogue box open, type in "sysdm.cpl", CLICK "OK" button
    4. In the "System Properties" dialogue box, CLICK on the "Advanced" tab.
    5. Under the "Advanced" tab, in the "Performance" section, CLICK on the "Settings..." button.
    6. Under this "Performance Options" dialogue box, under the "Visual Effects" tab, select the radio button next to "Adjust for best appearance". CLICK the "apply" button.
    7. Lastly, under these options is a box with visual options. CLICK on the check box to remove the check next to "Show shadows under windows". CLICK "apply" button again.
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    Edited by: Ricardo Zengin on Jul 6, 2009 6:35 PM

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