IView with Height Type AUTOMATIC

I have a Portal page with a 3 URL iViews. The iViews' Height Type is set to AUTOMATIC. When the page is displayed, all the iViews has the same height (150px). I've set the minium and maximum automatic height values as well, but they seem to be ignored. The iViews always have the 150px height. Any suggestions would be helpfull please.

Hi Cornelius
Please check if the Fetch Mode of your iView uses the <b>server-side</b> fetch method. Because in this case, the iView will take the automated height size calculation. If so then change the Fetch mode to <b>client-side</b> method and try giving <b>Fixed</b> height type.
However using the server-side fetch method is advantageous for a number of reasons. Check out this link for details.
Hope that helped.
Best Regards

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    Content Area Iframe
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    The result would be similar to a content area iframe of height 61px or so.
    I suspect the error is in one of the following javascript's.
        - application pagebuilder - pagesupport.js    pagesupport.getHeight
        - application contentarea - workarea.js          workarea.resize
    We are on 7.0.1 SP08
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    Edited by: Phatinox on Sep 1, 2011 6:49 PM

    We also faced same issue last year. In our cases, all iviews were custom PRT iviews so We used embedded iview option to get rid of iframe and hight issue. using embedded over iframe gave us performance improvment as well during our load test.

  • Automatic batch number in migo_tr with movement type 301

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    The thing is that I must enter manually the batch number in the destination plant.
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    your system does not work like designed
    please read this very old but release independend OSS note 555 - Batch treatment during stock transfer and transfer posting:
    Key word: Transfer batch
    If you enter materials for stock transfers or transfer postings with movement types 301 to 316 via collective processing and in this case enter the batch number for materials to be handled in batches, the system automatically sets 'Receiving batch' equal to 'Issuing batch'.
    Additional key words
    Cause and prerequisites
    The collective processing screen does not provide space for an additional transfer batch in the two lines provided for a material movement.
    During the stock transfer of material, the batch is usually retained. If you want to change the batch number, you have to enter the item in question step by step (F8=New item).

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    Is there any ways to eliminate the above error....
    Friends need your help

    351 Goods issue for a stock transport order (without SD)
    The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock in the issuing plant to stock in transit in the receiving plant.
    Movement type 351 is only used if the goods issue is posted without an SD delivery. A goods issue for a stock transport order with SD delivery is posted using movement type 641 or 643.
    The transfer posting is also possible for materials valuated separately.
    The goods issue for a stock transport order takes place using movement type 101.
    Possible special stock indicators: E, Q
    For special stock indicators E and Q and for purchase orders assigned to an account, ensure that the quantity is not posted to the stock in transit in the receiving plant.

  • Purchase Order is generated after MRP for Material with MRP Type ND

    Hi Everyone,
    Material type := HAWA
    My material procurement type = F i.e. External Procurement.
    MRP Type = ND in Production server , and VB in Quality
    Lot Size = EX
    Material Status :- 15 Pre-release both for Quality and production server
    The Material is bulk material and bulk material indicator is set.
    Purchasing View is also maintained for the same.
    Planning Strat = Z5 Company specific
    Special procurement key:- Z7 Company specific
    I am running MD02 with following parameters.
    Create Pur Req =1, PR
    Create MRP List = 1, MRP List
    Delivery Schedule = 3, Schedule Lines
    Planning Mode = 2 Re- Explode BOM & Routing
    Scheduling = 1
    After MRP run, system is  generating PR, Though with MRP type ND purchase requisition should not be generated.
    Observation:- Looks like there is inconsistency of material date in Quality and production server.
    When I tried to run the planning , The Error message was generated"Material status is set to pre- release.
    After changing the material status to 20 (Active ) , when we run the MRP , The error message is generated "Material is not planned automatically "
    We havent been able to locate the root cause so far
    Please guide us
    Thanks in Advance,
    Edited by: Ayaz Alam Khan on Feb 16, 2011 2:41 PM

    IF the material is ND, system won't Run MRP for the material
    Observation:- Looks like there is inconsistency of material date in Quality and production server.
    There is no link
    When I tried to run the planning , The Error message was generated"Material status is set to pre- release.After changing the material status to 20 (Active ) , when we run the MRP , The error message is generated "Material is not planned automatically "
    system will read the X plant  material status or plant specific material status first and then only system will read MRP type

  • Help!!! (CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer) is not compatible with the type of control (CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer)

    Post Author: mrmc
    CA Forum: General
    Hi all,
    Recently, I got problem on using cystal report on asp.net web. the error msg is:
    Parser Error Message: The base class includes the field 'viewer', but its type (CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer) is not compatible with the type of control (CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer).
    in the code:
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="ce" Namespace="CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.WebControls" Assembly="CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Web, Version=11.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304" %>
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    In web.config
    <add assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=11.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1234567890"/>
    the server contains crytal report 9 (come from .net studio) and crytal report 11 (installed standalone). 
    I googled this problem, it seems a lot of people got this problem but no solution...
    could anyone help me?  Thanks!

    Post Author: david.wilkes
    CA Forum: General
    You might try Removing the Reference and re-adding the reference. That seemed to get me pass this error, but I ran into another error that I have not figured out yet.

  • Automatioc TO creation with mvt type 331(WM)

    Dear Friends,
    I am facing following WM issue, Kindly go through it and reply me with your valuable solution.
    In my plant QM is active, so while receiving goods against any Purchase Order (MVT TYPE 101), all my stock goes to quality. After UD check, 99% material move to unrestrictd stock (321 mvt.type) and 1% used for quality (331 mvt. type).
    For an example if I have received 1000 kg material (which initially goes to quality), after UD 995 kg material come to unrestricted stock and 5 kg used for quality check.
    In my existing system for material document with mvt. type 321, one PCN is generated in the background, and using LT05 we make TO from PCN and confirm it.
    But is it posible to create the TO and confirm from the PCN (Mvt. 321) in the backgroung itself, i mean to say that while my QM user is doing UD, material document with mvt 321, one PCN and TO will be generated and TO will be confirmd in the background itself.
    I don't want to use LT05  separetely to make TO from PCN.
    Please reply me soon.

    Use RLAUTA11 SAP Report - Create transfer orders for posting change notices automatically.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Creation of Material Master for a material with Material Type NLAG

    Hello Sirs,
         I have to create a material which will be consumed directly. I would use the
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    a material with material type NLAG?How the price updation happens?

    Hi Madhu,
        Thanks for your reply. But, I have one more doubt. For non stock materials, we
    will specify the cost centre and G/L account at the time of creation of Purchase order. Then, do we have to specify the valuation class at the time of creation of
    Material Master since there is no automatic account determination?

  • Link of material movement with inspection type

    Hello Masters,
    I have scenario where component at shop floor will be segregated for inspection. The requirement is to do result/defect recording for those parts and if required then those parts need to be scrapped. So one way of doing that can be to move those parts to either blocked stock or QI stock (ideal option) or to specific storage location so that planning can be taken care of (if material are still in unrestricted then planning will consider those part as OK part and planning may fail). And to record result/defect we require inspection lot, which can be created by using above mentioned material movement.
    But problem is how to create inspection lot so that we can do result/defect recording for those materials and scrap those material.
    Please note that material master will have QM setup active (inspection type 01 - Goods Receipt Insp. for Purchase Order) and hence we can move material from unrestricted stock to QI stock only through QM.
    I am not sure if we should use inspection type 08 - Stock transfer inspection, as there can be many instances of material transfer within plant. And with inspection type 08 active, system will create inspection lot every time there is any material transfer.
    One way can be to create new goods movement only for this kind of transfer and new inspection type and link both together. So that when ever material is transferred using that particular goods movement, system creates inspection lot as well as material will be in QI stock. But I am not sure how this is possible or not and if yes then how this can be done.
    I know query was too long to read and I think I was clear enough to explain what the requirement is.
    It would be great if I can get some guidance from you masters at the earliest convenience as it is bit of importance.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Devang,
    I guess this is Line rejection scenario. Correct me if understanding goes wrong. You have okayed the material against 01 inspection lot and UD has been given. Now you find this material defective on shop floor.
    I think the 2nd option suggested by marwadi sounds better. I suggest one more possibility, just check whether feasible.
    1.     Create quality notification Q2 type through QM01. While creating you can give references of original PO and material document, which fetch vendor name and material code automatically.
    2.     Record defects and all other required information in notification.
    3.     After this, you find an option in action box, transfer post unrestricted - >block . Click there. This will transfer the stock from unrestricted to block.
    4.     If you want planning persons should not consider this stock as OK, remove block stock from MRP stock availability check. As a result of which stock lying in block will not be considered as available stock.
    5.     From block stock you can send this material back to vendor through MIGO. Otherwise you can create return delivery from notification through action box also. Check what is feasible in your case.
    Here you need not create inspection lot, no need to use any user exit.
    Anand Rao

  • Creation of Portal iview, with BSP on internal server, call portal external

    Hi all,
    folowing issue:
    we have a test portal link with the internet via apache reverse proxy:
    e.g. http://www.xxx.at/irj   is linked with http://cscinternal.csc.com:51000/irj
    The portal can be started without any problem.
    further we have a bsp applikation on an other internal SAP Server which can be reached with
    the server is also listed in the apache reverseproxy list as   http://www.xxx.at/its
    The bsp application link: http://www.xxx.at/its/sap/bc/bsp/sap/y_test_pdf_01/main.htm
    can be reach via internet without any problem.
    The bsp shows an radiobutton list + button, with the button one can show a list in an second window.
    so, now i will call this bsp in an iview via portal
    01. i tried the "URL iview", result: i can reach the html but on any action the side do nothing
    02. i tried to config "iview BSP" BUT .... i have now idea what system i should put in,
         the second sap system is configured but there is the internal name in (i guess) ...
    so i'm  newbee in portal things, so i don't know where i can configure a system ...,
    BUT beside this, PLEASE can anyone describe me how i can manage this internal BSP
    in the portal to call it from external?
    thanks a lot
    bye Mike

    Hi Mike,
    Try below steps to make sure your have proper  connection between Portal and  back end SAP system.
    1) Create  a system object , Enter required details for "Web Application Server" Properties with below two options
              A) Enter Direct SAP Server details
              Web AS Host Name : cscinternal02.csc.com:8047
              Web AS Path: /its/sap/bc/bsp/sap
              Web AS Protocol: http
             B) Enter apache reverseproxy
              Web AS Host Name : www.xxx.at/its
              Web AS Path:/sap/bc/bsp/sap
              Web AS Protocol: http
    2) Create  a  Alias  .  Run the connection test for Web Application Server (WAS). Make  sure  connection tests are successfull
    3) Create a  BSP Iview ,
      BSP Definition Type:  Application
      Selct System Alias
      Customer Namespace: sap
      Application NameSpace: sap
      Business Server Page (BSP) Application:  y_test_pdf_01
      Start Page: main.htm
    Let me know if  it works.

  • Issue with Data type 'Date' in Hyperion Planning V11.1.2.2

    I have created members with data type date. However when I save the date, it either disappears or comes up with a random date? Has any one come across this kind of problem before?
    If so can you share the fix.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    This problem is linked to you not having a consistent setting for your date input type.
    So, go to application administration and set the date format to MM/DD/YYYY in application settings and display options, under current application defaults. Then after you have done this as a user go to User Preferences and display options and on the date format select the same. Or remove the Automatically detect.
    I have seen this behaviour if you have Automatically Detect on the user preferences

  • How to avoid zeros in output for a field with Decimal type

    Hi Friends
    In a  Report one output field is declared with decimal type.
    Whenver that field is not filled with any values zeros will be displayed in the output.
    I tried to change the data type to char but i am facing some issues in calculations and shwoing only 2 decimal places.
    So is there any way to hide the zeros in the output if we the field is not filled with any value.

    Hi Sandeep,
    If required field type is declared as type p decimals 2 , if for that field in internal table there is no value  - then automatically output will get display in ALV as 0.00.
    To remove 0.00 in the output screen and to be displayed in blank then in the field catalogue add wa_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'. in that particular field. then if no value for that field then it will display space in the output.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'ZQUAN'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l   = 'Quantity'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '13'.
      wa_fieldcat-no_out      = ' '.
    wa_fieldcat-no_zero    = 'X'.  wa_fieldcat-hotspot     = ' '.
      wa_fieldcat-key            = ' '.
      wa_fieldcat-do_sum      = 'X'.
      wa_fieldcat-qfieldname  = ' '.
      wa_fieldcat-ref_tabname = ' '.
      wa_fieldcat-just                = ' '.

  • Extending MDM ResultSet iView with custom web dynpro

    I built a MDM Result set(which is displaying fine), and a web dynpro iview to receive the events from the ResultSet and put them on to a page, added to a role and added to my userid etc.
    But when I invoke the event from the MDM ResultSet Standard iView, no data is coming from the ResultSet.
    Yes, I am aware that I need to make sure the namespace and name of the event should be same in the source and target iviews. I made sure of that.
    The event is being invoked, for sure, but no data. (Because if I didn't catch, the target iView is throwing NullpointerException for want of parameter passed by the EPCF event)
    EPCF event is reaching the target, but no data, what so ever.
    I tried with different fields(Columns) of the Resultset, but no use.
    I got a doubt. The client said, they used MDM 5.5 SP04 software for the Business Package, but MDM 5.5 SP03 MDM Connectors, and ofcourse the server itself is MDM 5.5 SP03. Does this have any influence in the problem I mentioned ?
    Another issue is the naming of the event or the namespace. Are there any guidelines for that ? I gave the name and namespace to be "ShowItemDetails" and "urn:com.oi.ecat.mdm.epcfevent". Are these OK ?
    Thank you very much for your help,
    Prasad Nutalapati

    Hi Narendra/Sidharth,
    I have been referring the same blog below of Vinay for developing the WDJ application:
    Importing Records from MDM BP ResultSet iView to Excel:--https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/504814b6-da5f-2b10-0dbd-e5ee597c74a5
    I have created an event in the ResultSet iview with the details below :
    Event Name = "Export"
    nameSpace = "urn:com.sap.tc.webdynpro.exporttocsv"
    Parameter is of type [MDM Search] and the value is "value"
    And in the Web Dynpro app,following is the code
    public void wdDoInit()
        //@@begin wdDoInit()
        String nameSpace = "urn:com.sap.tc.webdynpro.exporttocsv";
        String event = "Export";
    In the Event handler below,Currently I have removed the rest of code to fetch result from MDM ,I am just trying to access the Search object (i.e string value) and I am getting the value as null.
    Can you please tell me what is going wrong....
    public void onActionExport(com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDCustomEvent wdEvent, java.lang.String value )
        //@@begin onActionExport(ServerEvent)
        wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("The search object:"+value);

  • Vendor Return process with order type ZPO - movement type 161

    Dear Friends ,
    Here is my question
    There are two scenarios for vendor return
    while UD and stock posting , we directly post the stock to  vendor return 121
    but what is the process for vendor return after we move the stock to blocked stock  and then return to vendor
    I tryed to create new PO with order type PO return , when do the migo GR system always propose 161 and creating inspection lot
    how to stream line the process without inspection lot
    Thanks & Regards

    Dear Gajesh,
    many thanks
    but when i enter the Retrun PO in MIGO system automatically propose the movement type 161 , is there any way to change the movement type , is it standard sap settings
    Please advice
    Thanks & Regards

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