Iweb '06 vs. iweb '09

Hello all,
I'm still using 10.4. My purpose is to develop web pages and podcasts and my current plan of action is to upgrade to 10.6 to continue to enjoy iweb features. Is there any variance between '06 to '09 iweb?

Yes.  iWeb that came with iLife 06 was V1 and had limited capability.  iWeb 3 that comes with iLife 11, has many additional bells and whistles, i.e. widgets and HTML snippet, etc.  However, if you're thinking of upgrading to iLife 11 I'd get a boxed version ASAP because of the following:
It is now apparent that iWeb, and iDVD, will no longer be supported by Apple. This is evidenced by the fact that new Macs are shipping with iLife 11 installed but without iWeb and iDVD. 
Apple has announced that iLife is now an unsupported product and those iApps will only be available thru the App Store from now on.  However, there may be some copies of the boxed iLife 11 still on the shelves that would include iWeb and iDVD.  Those two apps were listed in small, gray text on the iLife 11 box that I bought. Personally, if I already didn't have a copy I would purchase one to have it for reinstallation purposes if ever needed.
iWeb will still continue to work but without the following:
Features No Longer Available Once MobileMe is Discontinued:
◼ Password protection
◼ Blog and photo comments
◼ Blog search
◼ Hit counter
◼ RSS Feed Widget
All of these issues can be replaced with 3rd party options.
There's another problem and that's with iWeb's popup slideshows.  Once the MMe servers are no longer online the popup slideshow buttons will not display their images.
Click to view full size
However, Roddy McKay and I have figured out a way to modify existing sites with those slideshows and iWeb itself so that those images will display as expected once MobileMe servers are gone.  How to is described in this tutorial: #26 - How to Modify iWeb So Popup Slideshows Will Work After MobileMe is Discontinued.
Apple has announced that iLife is now an unsupported product and those iApps will only be available thru the App Store from now on.  However, there may be some copies of the boxed iLife 11 still on the shelves that would include iWeb and iDVD.  Those two apps were listed in small, gray text on the iLife 11 box that I bought. Personally, if I already didn't have a copy I would purchase one to have it for reinstallation purposes if ever needed.

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    When I click on Publish from iWeb I first get a window .Mac Information asking me to login and a smaller window saying "logging in to iWeb". I click on sign in button from .Mac Information window and then get the System Preferences window telling me I am signed in and giving me my account status. From here nothing happens. The "logging into iWeb" message stays and nothing happens.
    What should I do?

    Thanks and Merry Christmas to you too! I have experienced both modem/network problems and was unable to publish in Tahiti and Cook Islands because of that and now these problems which have nothing to do with network it seems - so yours may or may not be network related. I was able to cheat and copied my "Site" folder from my hard drive to my iDisk rather then publishing. I can't remember if you've tried this or not (read a lot of strings today) but you can publish to a folder and then copy that folder to your iDisk at /Web/Sites/iWeb/Site as "Site" after first renaming the one that is out there now. Let me know if you have any questions on how to do it. It sounds like you are traveling like we are and anxious to communicate with friends and family back home. When you are bored, our site is web.mac.com/baganworldtour.
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    Thanks. Good Luck. Merry Christmas

  • How do I stop iWeb outputting multiple image files? It makes my site slow!

    I'm a professional web designer (but don't let that put you off) who uses Dreamweaver and also handcodes HTML & CSS websites at work on a PC, but having got a new Mac for home use I thought I'd give iWeb a go for a personal site hosted on .Mac, showcasing my music and film efforts, that I didn't want to have to think about coding.
    I've built a short little site using the attractive 'Travel' theme, just 5 or 6 pages so far, and have not yet added any multimedia content. However, it seemed to take ages to upload it when I published it to .Mac. So then I went to view it, and it was soooo sloooow to download each page, even on my 4mb cable connection. I know it's a fairly graphically-rich theme, but still!
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    To confirm this I published it to a folder on my hard drive and checked it all out. What a mess!
    As a WYSIWYG web page editor iWeb is great but it's an undisputable fact that the HTML markup and CSS code it produces is absolutely appaling. What's worse though is that it also renders whole swaithes of text as images and that it does create seperate folders for each pages content including images, CSS code and navigation buttons - so even though the same images and code are used throughout the site for the background and buttons and layout, they are written out as seperate files and have to be reloaded with every page!!!
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    Looking at the code iWeb produces, it is good to see that tables are not used for layout, and that's one thing in its favour. But surely the whole point of providing 'themed' templates for users is that the same content is used across the site and therefore doesn't need to be created multiple times - one of the benefits of using CSS stylesheets. Why doesn't iWeb create a single stylesheet and make efficient use of repeated images instead of creating multiple instances of the same file for each page?
    Perhaps there is a setting somewhere I've missed. If so, let me know someone!
    It is a great WYSIWYG editor, but behind the scenes it's not efficient, it's not clean and simple and it's certainly not attractive - and I'm surprised at that coming from Apple! I know iWeb is a great tool for beginners and I'm a picky professional, but if I was Joe Public First Time Web Designer I'd be very annoyed by this.
    Clean it up and sort it out Mr Jobs!
    PS: Also, where does iWeb store the website whilst it's in production? I can't find it anywhere?

    Your iWeb Site is stored not on your iDisk, but on a file named Domain.sites in your ~/Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb/ Folder.
    If , for whatever reason, you wipe your HD and/or lose this file (Get a new computer, Re-Install your OS, Stolen Laptop, Crashed HD, Etc.) without backing-up your Domain.sites file then you will have to re-build your iWeb sites from scratch again.
    Of course you can edit your Published HTML files in a different program such as Dreamweaver or even Text Edit. You just can't edit Published HTML files in iWeb. Not at this time at least.
    Use iWebBackup to backup your Domain file to a Blank CD or DVD. Backing up your Domain file to another folder on your computer is not fully backing it up. If your computer gets stolen you still lost the file but if you have your Domain file burned onto a CD you have a backup!
    Download iWebBackup Here
    You can use iWebExtender to automatically consolidate your files into one folder and delete multiple images.

  • How can I use iweb 1.1.2 for more than one user account on my macbook?

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    Thanks much for any response.

    Welcome to the discussions. If iWeb's menus are greyed out, the following trick has worked for some:
    In the user account which does not let you start a new page, save, etc. — Quit iWeb. Start iPhoto. Select a couple of photos, click on the iWeb icon at lower right and choose Photo Page. iWeb will open up and invite you to choose a template for your new Photos page. Choose any template so that the page is created and then delete that newly created page.
    ...Now perhaps things are no longer greyed out in iWeb.

  • How do I use a frameset to another website within my iweb site?

    I am trying to figure out how to use frameset to view my online booking site within my site that I have created on iWeb. right now I just refer to a link but I would like to be abel to use the frameset to do it. I do have this code but not sure what to do with it.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">
    <title>Online Appointment Book</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    <frameset rows="90,*" cols="*" border="0">
    <frame src="upperframe.html" name="upperFrame" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">
    <frame src="mainframe.html" name="mainFrame" frameborder="0">
    I would appreciate any advice

    A Frameset is a separate, non-iWeb, webpage with the code you show.
    The upperframe.html and lowerframe.html are urls to whatever page you want to display.
    What you probably want is an <iframe>. You use it to display an external page within an iWeb page.
    The code is :
    <iframe src="http://url.to.file.html" frameborder="0" width="500" height="500" scrolling="no" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
    You paste the code in the HTML Snippet. You have to change the width and height to reflect your situation.
    Note that an <iframe> is static. It does not change when the page it displays changs in width or height. To scroll set scrolling to yes.
    Sample iWeb page with <iframe> : http://www.wyodor.net/iFrame/

  • Duplicate user account OR migrate iPhoto/iWeb between users

    I've seen this question asked several times before, but have not seen an answer!
    So, with as many details as I can muster:
    I have, on my computer, 4 user accounts: my admin account, my user account, my boyfriend's user account, and our business account... All separate, keeps things nice and tidy (sort of!).
    I have a new and separate project that I'm starting to work on which involves lots of images, and new websites, and new and different stuff that's necessary for the project, but just clutter in any of the other accounts.
    Because this project started out as something my man wanted to play around with, all of the beginnings of this are in his iPhoto and his iWeb, and they're well organized.  I've not had luck so far moving the iPhoto and iWeb libraries to a new/blank user and maintaining the organization that I've spent time and attention making right. 
    He's not so great with technology, and gets very frustrated (and unproductive!) when anything on the computer doesn't work exactly like he expects it to. (When Lion came out and the scrolling went "the wrong direction" he was afraid to use the computer at all for a week, because "everything changed, I don't even know how to use it anymore" that's between us though, personal issure ). So I'd like to keep the user experience the same for him.   I'd like to duplicate his settings, preferences, etc. into a new user for him, and take over his current account to isolate this project. 
    So, in summary:
    I want to create a new account with the same user experience  as a current  account without having to find and reset all of his settings.
    I want an exact copy of the iPhoto and iWeb from this user account to another one, on the same machine. 
    I am currently running OSX 10.7.2, iPhoto '11 9.2.1 and iWeb 3.0.4
    Thanks in advance for any help! 

    Kenzishly wrote:
    I want to create a new account with the same user experience  as a current  account without having to find and reset all of his settings.
    That's easy, if you have Time Machine or "bootable clone" backups. (If you don't, you should anyway.  Post back if you need info on them.)
    Use Migration Assistant to transfer just that user account from the backups; it will put up a screen saying it can't transfer it under the same name as the existing account, and allowing you to rename it.
    Other than having a different name, the transferred account will be identical to the existing one.  Then you can modifiy them separately as necessary.
    EDIT:  see Using Migration Assistant on Lion for detailed instructions.  Be sure to un-check the boxes for eveything except that one user account.
    Message was edited by: Pondini

  • Can multiple computers manage the same iWeb website?

    Everyone in our family has a Mac and their own blog. Is there any way each of us can use iWeb to access the same site from different computers?

    Yes. But they can't be working on the file at the same time. See Old Toad's Tutorial #21 - Managing an iWeb site from multiple Macs with Dropbox.. This method makes it simple to do what you want but you have to adhere to the caveat that only once can be working on the file at the same time.
    Otherwise, you wound have to have the domain file for the site make available on a server or external HD that all other Macs and users could access.

  • Multiple websites, multiple woes: Best IWeb 09/MobileMe strategy?

    I'm still a bit confused as to the best strategy for using IWeb 09's much-touted-in-reviews but apparently rather limited ability to publish to two or more separate MobileMe accounts.
    In IWeb 08, I would set up several different user accounts on my Mac, associate each one with a separate MobileMe account from my Family Pack, and maintain separate domain files for each (all stored in the same folder on my hard drive, but given different names like "Domain_personal" or "Domain_business"). This worked fairly well, despite the inconvenience of sometimes not having a photo I wanted to use readily available, as it might be part of an IPhoto library that belonged to another account.
    (I would generally log-in to the user account I wanted to use and work on the MobileMe domain file I had "assigned" to that account. But now and then I might forget, and start working on a domain file for the "wrong" Mac user account. That didn't seem to be a problem -- I could still save my latest changes, log out and then log in to the "right" user account, where I could publish my revised domain file to the intended MobileMe account.)
    But in IWeb 09, my previous strategy is resulting in a slew of problems. Unexpected crashes. Or IWeb refusing to save a file after I've changed it (it just tells me the file cannot be saved, no explanation). Or images and/or video files that will suddenly go missing. Last night I found that one domain file/site I had published over and over with no problems in Iweb 08, now appeared to be a complete mess in IWeb 09 -- numerous missing images, including some png files that are apparently part of the Apple-supplied IWeb design template. Yet the graphics (mine and Apple's) were suddenly back when I opened that same domain file in another user account on my Mac.
    So my IWeb 08 strategy does not seem to be working in IWeb 09. I guess an alternative would be: Do all my IWeb work in the same user account, swap domain files as I'd been doing before, and reset my MobileMe identity for that user account every time I want to publish. Or -- essentially the same thing -- use IWeb's ability to maintain multiple sites in the same domain file. But once again, I'd typically need to manually change my MobileMe identity to a different account at publishing time, to get an individual site going to the right place. And hope like heck that I don't accidentally mess up ICal, etc., by accidentally syncing to "wrong" Mobile Me account, to which I've logged in solely to accommodate IWeb.
    Am I missing something here? Is there some logical reason why Apple would set up IWeb 09 to allow you to publish multiple sites, stored in one domain file, to various multiple external sites via FTP with ease? But make it essentially impractical to publish to several different MobileMe accounts, without the hassles I've mentioned?
    It seems to me that if I want to use IWeb 09 for multiple web sites, the only sane thing is to drop my extra MobileMe accounts as soon as possible, and add some more external sites --- since (if you can do the RSS, etc., yourself) Apple has just made it so much easier to publish to anywhere-else-but-MobileMe.
    Anybody have a different take on this? Or a better solution?

    webalias rex wrote:
    Anybody have a different take on this? Or a better solution?
    The following may not be a better solution, but it does provide a different "take". I haven't tried it myself, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's a fatal flaw in the idea. Anyway, taking that risk...
    Since we don't know what, in iWeb '09, is causing your "slew of problems", it's not possible to say whether this proposed approach would make any difference. But in theory it would enable you to:
    • maintain your separate Domain files
    • publish to your multiple MobileMe accounts
    • from the same user account on your Mac.
    Take a look at this Apple doc:
    MobileMe: How to publish a custom website
    The idea is to publish your iWeb sites to different MobileMe accounts from a single Mac user account as +"custom websites"+ and, as that doc says:
    "If you only plan to publish custom sites to your MobileMe account, you can make your site's URL shorter by placing your site (and its main index.html file) in the main Web/Sites folder instead."
    ...Presumably iWeb 09's integrated non-MobileMe publishing is FTP only, not WebDAV that iDisk requires. So you would need the free Cyberduck or pay for Transmit to publish your sites via WebDAV protocol to a MobileMe account's iDisk. And for a Domain you are about to publish, you would have to remember to use the appropriate MobileMe "destination" of the several you've set up to use in Cyberduck or Transmit.

  • How can I replace an existing html website with a new one I just created on iWeb?

    I just created a new website on iWeb. It as to be published as a html site. Someone else already created a previous site, and used the name of my company. We hired him to do it, but he didn't do that great of a job, so now I need to know how to replace it. Thank you for your help!

    Make sure the site folder created by iWeb is named exactly the same as the site folder currently on the server.

  • Can I access my old iWeb account on a new computer?

    My computer crashed and with it went what I had built on iWeb. It is published to a site. My question is - can I somehow get everything back onto my new iWeb app without having to rebuild? And if I do have to rebuild how do I get it to overwrite the site that's currently up?
    Any help is very much appreciated!
    Please e-mail me directly at [email protected] Thanks.

    Yes you can. Go into the System/MobileMe preference pane and log in to your MobileMe account. Once you're logged in you will be able to publish to your MMe account with iWeb.
    If you have the domain.sites2 file from the old computer, put it in the User/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder and launch iWeb. If you don't have a copy of the domain file you'll have to rebuild the site from scratch. Paragraph 2.3 of this site, http://iwebfaq.org/site/iWebBackupretrieve.html, will have some tips on how to go about it.
    As long as you give the new site the same name as the existing site, it will overwrite the existing site when you published it.

  • IWeb multiple users

    My family and I are building a website with iWeb. I have multiple accounts set up on my mac so when my family members login that can't see the site on iWeb. Is there a way to share the site within the mac so everyone can work on the file?

    Have a look at this page....

  • What is new in IWeb latest version ?

    Can someone tell me what is new in IWeb latest version ?
    are there new features or is it just a bug-cleaning ?
    MacBookPro 1,83 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hi there. If you are talking about 1.1.1 then I think that just fixed the publishing error problems.
    If you mean the version before....maybe someone else can jump in and answer that one.
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   http://web.mac.com/abenningfield/iWeb/Benningfield

  • How can I replace just the corrupt page(s) in the domain file of iWeb using Time Machine?

    I back up with Time Machine and have an extensive elaborate website I created in iWeb '09 over a couple months and publish to a local folder and then upload to my server, but in the last few days I notice certain pages (that I haven't even worked on or touched) somehow become corrupted or "cross-contaminated" with elements and images from other pages.  Once I see they are corrupt I make sure not to publish them (if the current published versions are the correct, non-corrupt versions) or if they did get published I can use Time Machine to retrieve the .html file and page files folder for that specific page and replace it in my published folder/server so it shows correctly on the Web.  However, that does not replace the corrupted page(s) you see and work with when you launch iWeb and try to edit or continue working on that page.
    I am confused as to how I go to the package contents of the domain file and replace just that page with a previous version from time machine.  I don't want to replace the entire domain file because I have new changes I made to other pages even in the past hours.  How can I keep the good pages and just get earlier, non-corrupted versions of the corrupt page(s)? I know it's not as easy as with the published site folder where you can just replace the page's .html file and folder, but I don't want to have to re-create the corrupted page(s) from scratch or have to replace it with the last non-corrupted domain file and then have to redo all my recent changes to new pages I made before discovering the corrupt page(s).  Thanks for your help as now I can't make changes to the page(s) within iWeb itself.

    Thanks for the response, Wyodor.  I don't know what that is, but I'll have a look.  Is it an alternative to iWeb or a way to transfer pre-existing iWeb sites?  When you say merge domain files, is that like so multiple copies of the same site show up then you can pick and choose the non-corrupted pages and group them then delete the corrupted ones?  I am on Snow Leopard with no plans or need to upgrade anytime soon.
    And yes, I will read your links but just wanted to ask those questions.  Maybe they'll answer my questions, maybe not.
    I was able to discern that within the domain file is a domain folder with all the site folders, each with their own page ".gz" files which expand into ".xml" files.  I was trying to figure out if you could simply drag the corrupt pages out that way and replace them with backup copies that are still good.  I am having trouble discerning which pages are which as they all have random names like site-page-30F175E3-AE33-4F10-A490-1A096D9B185B.xml and although I expanded and opened each in Text Wrangler, I still couldn't discern which were which for sure, and trial and error proved cumbersome.  Also, I did notice some of the later corrupted domain files had one or two more pages than the site itself has, so not sure how they got added or duplicated or what.
    Again, I'll look at your links, but do you know about swapping out individual page .xml files this way within the domain file?

  • Applescript to suck ical dates into iweb

    I was referred to this forum from the iweb forum (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2513935&tstart=0).
    Here's what I would like to do: I am an athletic director and would I have entered all of my school's athletic contests into iCal. I would like to set up something in which iWeb can pull the events out of iCal (I have mobileme) into a "week at a glance" type of display on our athletics page (made with iweb). Ideally it would automatically update so that as events are completed, the next events would show up. I don't want to embed a calendar.
    I want something that looks like the table on the right of this page: www.twu.ca/athletics.
    Is there an applescript that could help me pull dates from iCal into a text box in iWeb?

    You may be able do this with an Applescript. However there is not enough information supplied to know.
    How are ther events formatted in iCal? Do they contain the full name of the person? Do they say how old they are? Are the people already in Address Book, or would they all be new cards?
    Best wishes
    John M

  • "upcoming events" snippet/widget for iweb

    Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to create an upcoming events snippet for an iweb page. Here's what I would like to do: I am an athletic director and would I have entered all of my school's athletic contests into iCal. I would like to set up something in which iWeb can pull the events out of iCal (I have mobileme) into a "week at a glance" type of display on our athletics page (made with iweb). Ideally it would automatically update so that as events are completed, the next events would show up.
    I know how to embed an iCal calendar into iWeb, but that is not the solution that I am looking for.

    I don't know how to make an iCal calendar default to the week view automatically for all viewers. Each viewer has the option to select which view it would like. There is a possible way to do what you want. embed the calendar on a blank page in your site and remove it from the navbar. Set that calendar to the week view as seen in this demo page: iCal calendar
    Then add an HTML snippet with iFrame code to the page you want it to show on and set the frame dimensions so that it just includes the calendar. The calendar is sort of tall and would take up an entire page. It can't be scaled.
    One the other hand, you can embed a Google calendar, have the week view as the default view and scale in withd to to whatever size you'd like. An example is on this demo page: Google calendar.
    The Google map is supposed to be able to display an iCal calendar (see the triangle to the right of Agenda at the top) but I've not been able to get it to work. IMO the Google map is the way to go and more than just you could update it if need be.

  • My iWeb site can no longer be found by browsers

    I have had an iWeb site which has been live for about a month. It has been working perfectly. I have updated several times without any issue. It still appears to be working well within iWeb. I can make changes and publish changes.
    I have my own domain name hosted on mobileme
    When I now search the internet using any browser, it says
    Can't open the page http://www.dhsem.com.au/ because the server where this page is located isn't responding.
    I have checked my .mac account and everything seems to be fully functional. Why has my site suddenly disappeared off the internet?
    I have tried removing the com.apple.iWeb.plist file from Library/Preferences, rebooting the computer, republishing the entire site, all to no avail.
    The site is still sitting in iDisk/Web/Sites.
    Everything looks normal from the iWeb side of things. For some reason, no browser can find the server (The IP address of the server is:
    Would appreciate any help

    You don't need to get your domain name registrar to do this - you should easily be able to do it yourself.
    Firstly, ensure that your domain name is entered into the Personal Domain name setting of your MobileMe account.
    Go to your domain name registrar and then set up CNAME forwarding if they provide this and forward your domain name to web.me.com - this is all you need do - you don't need to fiddle with nameservers or anything else like that.
    If they don't provide CNAME forwarding then you can use web forwarding instead.

Maybe you are looking for