Iweb saving changes

iweb just crashed and even though I saved changes regularly it has lost my last 3 days work. Does anyone know where iweb saves the data to? I have tried to restore from time machine but that has failed too. I just don't undertstand where and why my changes havent been saved.
Please help someone!

iWeb saves its data in a file called 'Domain' which lives in (user)/Library/Application Support/iWeb/ but if when you open iWeb it's not showing recent changes then they are unlikely to be in that file as iWeb opens it automatically. That's the place to look in Time Machine, in case the changes were saved but something odd has happened to the Domain file since, though it it's crashed your chances may by slim.

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    If your using internal table to update use syntax
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    if work area
    update <ztable name> from <wa>.
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    Nadia Bielawa wrote:
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    When trying to use GETDATE() function, it is not considering the day light saving changes
    Hello Deepu,
    All SQL Azure server in all Azure locations (America, Europe, Asia, etc) returns for GETDATE always the same value: The current UTC date time. No time zone offset, no daylight saving, always UTC only. You can simply check it with this query:
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