IWeb to Wordpress

Is it possible to create a web page in iWeb and upload it to an account at sites such as Google Pages, Wordpress, Blogger, etc?

Is it possible to create a web page in iWeb and
upload it to an account at sites such as Google
Pages, Wordpress, Blogger, etc?
You can certainly do this in a normal webpage hosting account with ftp access. I don't know whether the ones you mention are in this category. Here are some tips:

Similar Messages

  • Switch from iWeb to WordPress?

              A week ago I asked about alternatives to iWeb for blogging on this forum.
    One suggestion received from Roddy was to consider software created by
    RageSW called iWeb to WordPress.
    I did explore this and chose to try it.
    Specifically, I paid $120 for one year's webhosting services.
    This included provision of a domain and installation of WordPress
    at my new website.
              My reaction so far is mixed for the following reasons:
    1. My current weblog, a health-related blog, consists of a welcome page,
    which is fixed, and four pages on which I place posts to diverse audiences
    every few months as appropriate to the on-going health story.
    2. In WordPress terms, these four pages are considered four separate blogs.
    3. When iWebtoWrdPrs is used on the files published to a local folder, they
    must be broken into four separate blogs. The result was that all 28 posts
    from my four pages wound up in one WrdPrs blog.
    4. To separate these back into "four groups", I chose the names of my iWeb
    pages to create four WordPress "categories", which can be displayed in the
    blog page sidebar. Then, I assigned each post to its related category.
    I consider this marginally satisfactory and certainly neither elegant, nor
    5. The navigation menu at the top of the page looks like the one iWeb
    produces, but it accommodates several fixed pages and one blog page
    with all the posts. This seems to make sense for commercial entities;
    for me it seems clumsy and rigid.
    6. To use the software one must be using iWeb3.0.x.
    7. On the plus side, the staff at RageSW have been very responsive and
              In the short term I will continue using iWeb; my MobileMe subscription
    runs thru next June. RageSW also offers hosting for iWeb publishing if you
    want to experiment with your own domain. There are many tutorials on
    WordPress available on-line and a good support community. Maybe I'll find
    a satisfactory way to implement my blog in WordPress down the road.

    Yes, if you have purchased both a domain name and hosting, then it is your server - so I have a domain name registered with hosting space from HostExcellence and that is my server space.
    WordPress.org can only be loaded onto a server/hosting space as it is seen as one of the Content Management Systems's similar to Joomla and Drupal.  For this you need server space and a database and most hosting companies have automatic loading of something like WordPress.org onto the sever - you just click on install and it will all be loaded onto the server for you along with the database needed.
    The difference between the WordPress.org is that as it is installed directly on your server, then it is linked directly to your own domain name so the url will be http://www.domain.com/Blog or http://www.domain.com/WordPress. The last name depends on how you choose to install it on your sever.  I have 2 blogs using WordPress.org on my server and the domain names for both are http://www.domain.com/Blog. 
    With my other host, I wanted to create the whole website using WordPress, so I installed WordPress directly onto the server, so now, when you enter my domain name direclty the whole WordPress site comes up.
    WordPress.org has more templates available for it and you can customise it a little more, but the great thing is that it is installed on your server directly, so no messing around with the url http://www.name.wordpress.com. It is on your own server rather than that of WordPress.

  • How to publish from iWeb to Wordpress

    I want to take the advantage of those beautiful design sofware to create an amazing blog for my wordpress account. But I run into problem of not know how to do it and I do not want to live in the restriction of wordpress has for me on the web design.

    There's no know method to conver an iWeb blog, design wise, to a wordpress blog.  Rage software, however, has offered an application that can export the entries and comments of a current iWeb blog for use in an wordpress blog. Convert Your iWeb Blog to a WordPress Blog | iWeb to WordPress for Mac OS X     But the design and layout must be created by wordpress.

  • How do I move my blog posts from iWeb to Wordpress?

    I want to move all my blog posts from iWeb to Wordpress. Is that possible and how?

    Depending on how many posts you have, it may be best to copy and paste them into Wordpress. I don't know for sure, but I dought if there is any process that will do that automatically for you. I would have your iWeb blog (edit Mode) window open and then Create a new blog in Wordpress. Copy the iWeb title/paste into Wordpress - Copy the iWeb blog text/paste into Wordpress. It should go fast once you get the first one done because you'll do the same for all.  Hope that helps.

  • Iweb created, wordpress embedded.

    My ideal situation would be to create a website in iweb, have a domain, host and website with Wordpress (software) pages, and transfer or embed my iweb website to wordpress(.org). Is this possible?
    I'm not talking about blogs (I know Wordpress is for blogs), I'm talking about website pages, layout and creation.
    Obviously I'm trying to use the best part of both iweb and wordpress. iweb is extremely easy to use to create websites (especially coming from DVD Studio/Motion) and I love Wordpress' free plugins, navigation and setup.
    If what I'm asking is not possible, what would be a similar solution? Dreamweaver and Wordpress? iWeb straight to the server (and alternate Wordpress-type plugins)? Another program?
    I'm trying to create a few websites, but when it comes to designing I enjoy the free range of experimenting visually with text, color, layouts, etc that iweb and Dreamweaver offers over trial and error of html, css, and php.
    THANK YOU in advance!

    I am not sure if you can do this and it all depends how much you are able to alter the WordPress html code or insert code into WordPress?
    Are you using WordPress.com or .org? .org is more customisable than the .com version, but if you were to try and embed an iWeb site into WordPress, it would mean adding iFrame code to the html and I am not so sure that WordPress will allow you to do this in the same way that iWeb will - with iWeb it is simple - you just enter the iFrame code into an html widget and away you go.
    If you know how to alter the code and add it in WordPress then great, but if not, I would do it the other way around and embed your WordPress blog into an iWeb site - by far the simpler option.

  • IWeb and Wordpress

    Can I upload my html that I made in iweb to wordpress? i know you can get access to wordpress through FTP, but i cant figure out my FTP adreess in iweb. Any help? what would my FTP Address be?

    iWeb/MobileMe does not have an ftp address. When you publish to MobileMe, your site will be published directly there to your iDisk, so no ftp address.
    Basically, to get an ftp address, you need to go to a server such as GoDaddy or Host Excellence and purchase a hosting account from them where you can host your website and then you will get an ftp address where you can use Cyberduck or another ftp program to upload your site directly.
    Do you have such as hosting account with GoDaddy or another host? To get an ftp address you will need to get one.
    Are you totally sure that you really know what you are doing with WordPress? I do not know a lot about it, but from what I have read, you need to load WordPress directly to an external host - so you use ftp to place it on your host - hence where the ftp address comes in - so GoDaddy/Host Excellence.
    If WordPress has the ability to deal with html code and can import published sites such as Dreamweaver can, then if you publish your iWeb site to a folder, then yes, it should be able to import.
    You do need to get an external host though, as Apple servers/MME are not designed to deal with things like WordPress.

  • Export from iweb to Wordpress

    I've been running a blog via iWeb, but I've been advised to move it to something more SEO-able, and to allow log in from anywhere - Wordpress in fact.
    There are quite a few entries in my blog, is there any way of exporting everything from iweb so I can import into Wordpress directly? I'd like to put all the old entries up without having to copy and paste every one.

    Yes, if you have purchased both a domain name and hosting, then it is your server - so I have a domain name registered with hosting space from HostExcellence and that is my server space.
    WordPress.org can only be loaded onto a server/hosting space as it is seen as one of the Content Management Systems's similar to Joomla and Drupal.  For this you need server space and a database and most hosting companies have automatic loading of something like WordPress.org onto the sever - you just click on install and it will all be loaded onto the server for you along with the database needed.
    The difference between the WordPress.org is that as it is installed directly on your server, then it is linked directly to your own domain name so the url will be http://www.domain.com/Blog or http://www.domain.com/WordPress. The last name depends on how you choose to install it on your sever.  I have 2 blogs using WordPress.org on my server and the domain names for both are http://www.domain.com/Blog. 
    With my other host, I wanted to create the whole website using WordPress, so I installed WordPress directly onto the server, so now, when you enter my domain name direclty the whole WordPress site comes up.
    WordPress.org has more templates available for it and you can customise it a little more, but the great thing is that it is installed on your server directly, so no messing around with the url http://www.name.wordpress.com. It is on your own server rather than that of WordPress.

  • Creating the default personal domain name to iWeb from Wordpress.

    I have a wordpress blog (that I do not want to use) that also serves as the administrator for my domain name and I am trying to get iWeb to be the default home page and not the Wordpress blog. I have changed [edited in Custom DNS Records] the DNS protocol at Wordpress to "CNAME blog web.me.com." and also configured the personal domain in MobileMe to reflect my domain name.
    So far I am not having any success with the online instructions and cannot seem to find any further information on how to make iWeb the home page.
    Am I missing some steps here?
    Anyone have any insight into setting up iWeb with a personal domain, specificially with Wordpress as the domain administrator?
    Thank you!

    The first step is to configure your personal domain name in MobileMe which you have done.
    You then need to go and alter your DNS records and what you want to do is create a new CNAME and direct this to web.me.com and that is it.  Your domain name will be your alias and web.me.com will be your host and as long as your site is published to MobileMe, then your domain name should point to your host at MobileMe.
    I don't know why you have blog in there under your CNAME?  All you need is a new CNAME that points to web.me.com and nothing else and that should work.
    Also, rather than changing back to MobileMe from WordPress, why not invest your time and energies into finding a new and alternative hosting company?  You don't have long with MobileMe and you do realise that it will be gone at the end of June, so perhaps now would be a good time to look at the alternatives?

  • Starting a Website - iWeb vs Wordpress?

    I am new to creating a website. I have two questions
    1) Does iWeb only work to create a website with a dot mac account?
    - ie can the website you create on iWeb synchronise with another platform like Wordpress?
    2) Can dotmac/iweb created website offer the feature of visitors to your website being able to leave comments or have an online discussion
    thanks for the help

    1) Does iWeb only work to create a website with a dot mac account?
    No. You can save the resulting documents on any webhost.
    2) Can dotmac/iweb created website offer the feature of visitors to your website being able to leave comments or have an online discussion
    From the looks of it, you can construct this as part of .Mac Groups:
    I've not tried this service, but someone in the .Mac forum could probably help you set it up so you can customize it that way.

  • IWeb and Wordpress headers

    Is there a way I can use my standard wordpress headers with an iWeb website? I have the wordpress blog all up and running already and can already use the headers with any PHP file with the simple <?php include ('wp-blog-header.php'); get_header(); ?> tag at the beginning. Is there a way to do this in iWeb? In other words, is there a way to tell iWeb I only want to publish content that is inside the <body></body> tags and to use PHP code for the header and footer?

    The problem with this is that in iWeb, you would need to make any alterations after you have published your site to your desktop, because before this there will not be any code for you to alter.
    Select the option publish to a folder from inside iWeb and then use an html editor such as TextWrangler to alter the code. Also remember that if you happen to make any alterations to your site at all you will need to do this every time and then re-upload. You may wish to reconsider?
    Also where are you publishing your site to - MobileMe or another host/server? If MobileMe it does not support PHP.

  • Iweb/iFrame/Wordpress issue.

    I have Wordpress embedded on my site and it works great 99%, however when i select 'comment' on wordpress the frame bounces, moves upwards and i see the footer of the Iweb page behind (even though the footer height is set to 0)
    it only seems to be when i select Comment on wordpress, which i guess resizes the page or something and iWeb/the iFrame has difficulty dealing with it.
    Anyone else had this issue? any ideas?

    Try the following:
    1 - close iWeb.
    2 - delete the iWeb preference file, com.apple.iWeb.plist, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder.
    3 - go to your User/Library/Caches/com.apple.iWeb folder and delete the contents.
    4 - reboot.
    5 - launch iWeb and republish.
    Adding a 5% opaque drop shadow to the text will convert the text box to an image file and it will display exactly as you see it in iWeb. However, that will remove that text from being used by search engines and add additional "weight" to the page thus making it load slower. If you have a lot of that type of text I would think twice before converting those text boxes to image files.

  • IWeb versus WordPress for blogging

    Just seeking advice - I need to create professional blog which points to my registered URL (eg registered on GoDaddy - eg. www.robenzo.com/blog).
    I am Ok with iWeb - but I find it rather clunky for everyday blogging. I don't want to have to migrate from one site to another in the future.
    Anyone out there with experience with both iWeb 09 and Wordpress? Would you recommend simply starting with WordPress and not iWeb? Ultimately, I want my own URL not, the WordPress one. So just want to know which was to go.

    Robenzo ~ I've experimented with both iWeb's blog and WordPress's and I would recommend WordPress rather than iWeb. To use your own URL (Domain), see this doc:
    If you'd prefer something simpler than WordPress, there is this new, free web-based service which also allows domain names:

  • IWeb or wordpress??!

    Hi this might be a daft question but...
    I currently have a website using iWeb,
    I am wanting to have a blog, I am hearing alot about wordpress, should I carry on with iWeb or use wordpress?
    Whats so good about wordpress??
    I use cyberduck to upload.
    Any thoughts appreciated

    Hi Betsy,
    WordPress(.com) is full functioning free blogging that can be done from any computer with an internet connection among other possibilities.
    iWeb is not free and must be "blogged" from one computer only---your computer with iWeb installed.
    Also, some of the discussions on this site outline the other problems and limitations within the iWeb blogging component when publishing to a none dotMac domain host.
    My suggestion is to visit the WordPress sites (.com and .org) and compare its features with those of iWeb.

  • IWeb versus Wordpress

    I've read a lot of the posts here about the demise of iWeb support/upgrades, but I want some opinions: I am looking at starting a blog, and am an Apple loyalist, and like iWeb. I have my own domain, and have set up a Wordpress account, and am using Wordpress's servers, but have not yet begun using Wordpress to create the blog. If you were starting a blog now, would you just give up on iWeb and use Wordpress alone? Is iWeb at the moment robust enough to be usable for the next 3-4 years? Is there anything iWeb can do that I will miss by letting it go and using Wordpress?
    Thanks in advance for the feedback.

    If I were you I would stick with WordPress - I have designed numerous websites using iWeb, but have never used the iWeb blog, simply because I think other blogging systems are better.
    I have always used WordPress as a blog and have just created a link to my WordPress blog from my website. However, as I have external hosting, I have WordPress.org loaded onto my server so my blog has become http://www.domain.com/Blog.  WordPress is more customisable like this when loaded onto your server and I have designed my WordPress blogs to look the same as my websites with the same colour schemes etc.
    Probably best to stick with WordPress and not use the iWeb blog - you can do more with WordPress than you ever could with iWeb - embedded blogs in iWeb never look good, so I would not do this personally.

  • IWeb to WordPress...can I use WP without knowing a lick of code?

    I am interested in some of the advanced features of WP (.org not .com); I've heard so many good things about it. I want to create a website that can be managed by a PC or a Mac person, etc., etc.
    I am a simple web person--experience only with FrontPage and iWeb--no knowledge of PHP or any other coding language. My webhost supports WordPress, but I am wondering about the learning curve. Can I use WP without knowing any code, learning as I go?
    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    basically wordpress is very easy. it is a complete blog with several thousands of themes you can download and then use.
    you do not need to know much except some iframe stuff to get movies in. but under the wordpress.org site there is lots of help! you find everything explained step-by-step.
    only feature that i miss is the ability to design. you cannot just draw textboxes in there and done. there is allways some preset stuff and if you do not know PHP you cannot change much!

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