Iweb/iFrame/Wordpress issue.

I have Wordpress embedded on my site and it works great 99%, however when i select 'comment' on wordpress the frame bounces, moves upwards and i see the footer of the Iweb page behind (even though the footer height is set to 0)
it only seems to be when i select Comment on wordpress, which i guess resizes the page or something and iWeb/the iFrame has difficulty dealing with it.
Anyone else had this issue? any ideas?

Try the following:
1 - close iWeb.
2 - delete the iWeb preference file, com.apple.iWeb.plist, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder.
3 - go to your User/Library/Caches/com.apple.iWeb folder and delete the contents.
4 - reboot.
5 - launch iWeb and republish.
Adding a 5% opaque drop shadow to the text will convert the text box to an image file and it will display exactly as you see it in iWeb. However, that will remove that text from being used by search engines and add additional "weight" to the page thus making it load slower. If you have a lot of that type of text I would think twice before converting those text boxes to image files.

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    I'm not talking about blogs (I know Wordpress is for blogs), I'm talking about website pages, layout and creation.
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    I am not sure if you can do this and it all depends how much you are able to alter the WordPress html code or insert code into WordPress?
    Are you using WordPress.com or .org? .org is more customisable than the .com version, but if you were to try and embed an iWeb site into WordPress, it would mean adding iFrame code to the html and I am not so sure that WordPress will allow you to do this in the same way that iWeb will - with iWeb it is simple - you just enter the iFrame code into an html widget and away you go.
    If you know how to alter the code and add it in WordPress then great, but if not, I would do it the other way around and embed your WordPress blog into an iWeb site - by far the simpler option.

  • Switch from iWeb to WordPress?

              A week ago I asked about alternatives to iWeb for blogging on this forum.
    One suggestion received from Roddy was to consider software created by
    RageSW called iWeb to WordPress.
    I did explore this and chose to try it.
    Specifically, I paid $120 for one year's webhosting services.
    This included provision of a domain and installation of WordPress
    at my new website.
              My reaction so far is mixed for the following reasons:
    1. My current weblog, a health-related blog, consists of a welcome page,
    which is fixed, and four pages on which I place posts to diverse audiences
    every few months as appropriate to the on-going health story.
    2. In WordPress terms, these four pages are considered four separate blogs.
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    I consider this marginally satisfactory and certainly neither elegant, nor
    5. The navigation menu at the top of the page looks like the one iWeb
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              In the short term I will continue using iWeb; my MobileMe subscription
    runs thru next June. RageSW also offers hosting for iWeb publishing if you
    want to experiment with your own domain. There are many tutorials on
    WordPress available on-line and a good support community. Maybe I'll find
    a satisfactory way to implement my blog in WordPress down the road.

    Yes, if you have purchased both a domain name and hosting, then it is your server - so I have a domain name registered with hosting space from HostExcellence and that is my server space.
    WordPress.org can only be loaded onto a server/hosting space as it is seen as one of the Content Management Systems's similar to Joomla and Drupal.  For this you need server space and a database and most hosting companies have automatic loading of something like WordPress.org onto the sever - you just click on install and it will all be loaded onto the server for you along with the database needed.
    The difference between the WordPress.org is that as it is installed directly on your server, then it is linked directly to your own domain name so the url will be http://www.domain.com/Blog or http://www.domain.com/WordPress. The last name depends on how you choose to install it on your sever.  I have 2 blogs using WordPress.org on my server and the domain names for both are http://www.domain.com/Blog. 
    With my other host, I wanted to create the whole website using WordPress, so I installed WordPress directly onto the server, so now, when you enter my domain name direclty the whole WordPress site comes up.
    WordPress.org has more templates available for it and you can customise it a little more, but the great thing is that it is installed on your server directly, so no messing around with the url http://www.name.wordpress.com. It is on your own server rather than that of WordPress.

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    There's no know method to conver an iWeb blog, design wise, to a wordpress blog.  Rage software, however, has offered an application that can export the entries and comments of a current iWeb blog for use in an wordpress blog. Convert Your iWeb Blog to a WordPress Blog | iWeb to WordPress for Mac OS X     But the design and layout must be created by wordpress.

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    Depending on how many posts you have, it may be best to copy and paste them into Wordpress. I don't know for sure, but I dought if there is any process that will do that automatically for you. I would have your iWeb blog (edit Mode) window open and then Create a new blog in Wordpress. Copy the iWeb title/paste into Wordpress - Copy the iWeb blog text/paste into Wordpress. It should go fast once you get the first one done because you'll do the same for all.  Hope that helps.

  • IWeb and Wordpress

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    iWeb/MobileMe does not have an ftp address. When you publish to MobileMe, your site will be published directly there to your iDisk, so no ftp address.
    Basically, to get an ftp address, you need to go to a server such as GoDaddy or Host Excellence and purchase a hosting account from them where you can host your website and then you will get an ftp address where you can use Cyberduck or another ftp program to upload your site directly.
    Do you have such as hosting account with GoDaddy or another host? To get an ftp address you will need to get one.
    Are you totally sure that you really know what you are doing with WordPress? I do not know a lot about it, but from what I have read, you need to load WordPress directly to an external host - so you use ftp to place it on your host - hence where the ftp address comes in - so GoDaddy/Host Excellence.
    If WordPress has the ability to deal with html code and can import published sites such as Dreamweaver can, then if you publish your iWeb site to a folder, then yes, it should be able to import.
    You do need to get an external host though, as Apple servers/MME are not designed to deal with things like WordPress.

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    Thanks so, so much!

    I see you turned off nav menu in your page, your iframe is inside your nav_layer, see my posts in this thread:

  • IWeb to WordPress...can I use WP without knowing a lick of code?

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    I am a simple web person--experience only with FrontPage and iWeb--no knowledge of PHP or any other coding language. My webhost supports WordPress, but I am wondering about the learning curve. Can I use WP without knowing any code, learning as I go?
    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    basically wordpress is very easy. it is a complete blog with several thousands of themes you can download and then use.
    you do not need to know much except some iframe stuff to get movies in. but under the wordpress.org site there is lots of help! you find everything explained step-by-step.
    only feature that i miss is the ability to design. you cannot just draw textboxes in there and done. there is allways some preset stuff and if you do not know PHP you cannot change much!

  • Iweb slider html issues

    Hi there!
    I'm trying to utilize the "anything slider" via the html widget on my welcome page. I've got all of my files properly located, I think my issue is with the html working correctly in iweb. The original html code opens up a beautiful slider and when placed into an html snippet on my welcome page it's all wacked out and images are not displayed properly.
    Here is my html that I'm working with:
    Original file:  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/29215513/slider_original.html
    MY file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/29215513/slider-edit_this_one.html
    Any help would be appreciated as soon as possible, as I'm trying to update this for a job interview... I feel like I'm losing my mind or iweb just decided to hate my guts.
    Thanks! J

    You didn't follow the instructions. You skipped a step. You need to correct the links for iWeb.
    You need to add you MobileMe info "http://YOURMobileMe.com/"
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <title>Jen Slides</title>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="keywords" content="Jen Slides" />
        <meta name="description" content="Jen Slides" />
        <!-- Start WOWSlider.com HEAD section -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://YOURMobileMe.com/engine1/style.css"/>
        <style type="text/css">a#vlb{display:none}</style>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/engine1/jquery.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/engine1/wowslider.js"></script>
        <!-- End WOWSlider.com HEAD section -->
    <body style="background-color:#d7d7d7">
        <!-- Start WOWSlider.com BODY section -->
        <div id="wowslider-container1">
        <div class="ws_images">
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/1.jpg" alt="1" title="1" id="wows0"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/2.jpg" alt="2" title="2" id="wows1"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/3.jpg" alt="3" title="3" id="wows2"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/4.jpg" alt="4" title="4" id="wows3"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/5.jpg" alt="5" title="5" id="wows4"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/6.jpg" alt="6" title="6" id="wows5"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/7.jpg" alt="7" title="7" id="wows6"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/8.jpg" alt="8" title="8" id="wows7"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/9.jpg" alt="9" title="9" id="wows8"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/10.jpg" alt="10" title="10" id="wows9"/></span>
    <span><img src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/data1/images/11.jpg" alt="11" title="11" id="wows10"/></span>
    <div class="ws_bullets"><div>
    <a href="#wows0" title="1">1</a>
    <a href="#wows1" title="2">2</a>
    <a href="#wows2" title="3">3</a>
    <a href="#wows3" title="4">4</a>
    <a href="#wows4" title="5">5</a>
    <a href="#wows5" title="6">6</a>
    <a href="#wows6" title="7">7</a>
    <a href="#wows7" title="8">8</a>
    <a href="#wows8" title="9">9</a>
    <a href="#wows9" title="10">10</a>
    <a href="#wows10" title="11">11</a>
    <a style="display:none" href="http://wowslider.com">jQuery Slider Examples by WOWSlider.com v2.0.3m</a>
        <div class="ws_shadow"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://YOURMobileMe.com/engine1/script.js"></script>
        <!-- End WOWSlider.com BODY section -->

  • IWeb 09 display issues in IE - HELP!

    Hello all,
    Creating a very simple website for my wife (normadees.info). Not going through MobileMe.
    No blogs, no albums, one picture, two link nav menu.
    Everything looks OK in all browsers, except IE on PC. Display is awful, as if top of text is chopped off, paragraph spacing is erratic. Changed font to Arial, shrank footer, increased page size. I wonder if Java incompatibility is problem. I hope it's something simpler.
    I have seen this general problem a lot, but this site is simpler than most. Any help would be appreciated!

    Thanks for the pointers. I havent had the chance to debug a lot. but after seeing your comment it does look like some kind of caching or session related issue. So if you open a completely new IE browser window then the pdf opens up fine but not from the same window (in a new tab) ? Unfortunately we have a the pdf in a iframe in our portal and a link to open the pdf in a new window !!

  • Export from iweb to Wordpress

    I've been running a blog via iWeb, but I've been advised to move it to something more SEO-able, and to allow log in from anywhere - Wordpress in fact.
    There are quite a few entries in my blog, is there any way of exporting everything from iweb so I can import into Wordpress directly? I'd like to put all the old entries up without having to copy and paste every one.

    Yes, if you have purchased both a domain name and hosting, then it is your server - so I have a domain name registered with hosting space from HostExcellence and that is my server space.
    WordPress.org can only be loaded onto a server/hosting space as it is seen as one of the Content Management Systems's similar to Joomla and Drupal.  For this you need server space and a database and most hosting companies have automatic loading of something like WordPress.org onto the sever - you just click on install and it will all be loaded onto the server for you along with the database needed.
    The difference between the WordPress.org is that as it is installed directly on your server, then it is linked directly to your own domain name so the url will be http://www.domain.com/Blog or http://www.domain.com/WordPress. The last name depends on how you choose to install it on your sever.  I have 2 blogs using WordPress.org on my server and the domain names for both are http://www.domain.com/Blog. 
    With my other host, I wanted to create the whole website using WordPress, so I installed WordPress directly onto the server, so now, when you enter my domain name direclty the whole WordPress site comes up.
    WordPress.org has more templates available for it and you can customise it a little more, but the great thing is that it is installed on your server directly, so no messing around with the url http://www.name.wordpress.com. It is on your own server rather than that of WordPress.

  • Creating the default personal domain name to iWeb from Wordpress.

    I have a wordpress blog (that I do not want to use) that also serves as the administrator for my domain name and I am trying to get iWeb to be the default home page and not the Wordpress blog. I have changed [edited in Custom DNS Records] the DNS protocol at Wordpress to "CNAME blog web.me.com." and also configured the personal domain in MobileMe to reflect my domain name.
    So far I am not having any success with the online instructions and cannot seem to find any further information on how to make iWeb the home page.
    Am I missing some steps here?
    Anyone have any insight into setting up iWeb with a personal domain, specificially with Wordpress as the domain administrator?
    Thank you!

    The first step is to configure your personal domain name in MobileMe which you have done.
    You then need to go and alter your DNS records and what you want to do is create a new CNAME and direct this to web.me.com and that is it.  Your domain name will be your alias and web.me.com will be your host and as long as your site is published to MobileMe, then your domain name should point to your host at MobileMe.
    I don't know why you have blog in there under your CNAME?  All you need is a new CNAME that points to web.me.com and nothing else and that should work.
    Also, rather than changing back to MobileMe from WordPress, why not invest your time and energies into finding a new and alternative hosting company?  You don't have long with MobileMe and you do realise that it will be gone at the end of June, so perhaps now would be a good time to look at the alternatives?

  • MobileMe iWeb '09 Publishing Issue

    I am trying to publish a website using MobileMe. I have all of my files in iDisk/Web/Sites folder. I have already set the CNAME of my site to web.me.com and set my personal domain on my MobileMe account to my domain (sevanskateboarding.com). I haven't been able to view my site online. How might I be able to view my site online. I have tried typing in my URL and clicking the link in the iWeb section of iDisk on me.com. I cannot access my site.
    I have been able to publish and view my site to Dropbox/dot.tk hosting so it is most likely not an iWeb issue.
    Thanks in advance!

    Do as I suggested in your other topic and enter the  MobileMe URL in the browser to make sure the site is published correctly before you try to troubleshoot the domain name forward.

  • Major wordpress issues in mozilla browser

    I have been using wordpress for a number of years now, mainly in Chrome.
    I had been repeatedly adviced to adopt firefox because it kept you from Google's prying eyes.
    I took the advice onboard and ran into a whole heap of issues...
    1. In chrome I used to copy and past content from MSWord directly into wordpress and the layout, hyperlinks everything carried over perfectly.
    2. In Firefox it only comes across in "plain text", which means I have to manually realligne my paragraphs and enter any hyperlinks which also havent been carried over. I get this message: "Your browser does not support direct access to the clipboard. Please use keyboard shortcuts or your browser’s edit menu instead".
    Can someone please help me before I lose the plot!

    Hi aatifrashid, I am sorry to hear that you are having problems moving website content from Microsoft word to WordPress. I have tried copying a sentence from Microsoft Word 2013 with a hyperlink to the WordPress editor with Firefox 36.0.1. I copied it by pressing the CTRL key and the C key at the same time. Then I went to the WordPress editor and pasted it in by pressing the CTRL key and the V key. This put everything in, even the hyperlink. Just to make sure that everything was working right I pulled up the preview page to see if the hyperlink was still there. It was there even in the preview. Can you give me some more information on how you attempted to copy and paste into WordPress? For example did you select everything in Word and right click on it and right click in WordPress and then click paste?

  • Iweb podcast "subscribe" issue

    I've checked the forums and can't find this issue addressed, sorry if I missed it.
    When I go to subscribe to a podcast after uploading the website, I'm taken to itunes, then given an error message that says "the url... cannot be found on the server."
    I can listen to the podcast live on the web, but cannot subscribe. I checked the domain host and they say all is good. It's probably something simple that I'm not doing in iWeb, but I can't figure it out - any solutions out there? Thanks, Ed


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