IWork Demo Question

Is the iWork Demo that is included on the MacTel iMac upgradeable? In other words, The trial is for 30 days. Do I purchase a license to turn it into a permanent program electronically or do I purchase a whole new iWork at the closest Apple Store?

Apple does not, to my knowledge, sell a "license key only" or downloadable copy of iWork, so when you purchase, you'll get the full disk set. But if memory serves, you can just enter in the license code that will be in the package into the copy already on your system, so you don't have to reinstall.

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    Amazon has a single user Office Mac 2011 Home & Student for $89. I paid $149 at BestBuy almost a year ago so the price is coming down and with MS parading Office 2013 and Web Apps, prices should drop even more. It has everything but Outlook which I've never needed with Mail and iCal. Personally, while iWork works with Office files, I think it might be worth it to get Office. I also work on work files (Office 2003) at home and use Dropbox to sync them.
    Simple text will convert to Pages fairly well, but if you use forms or tables, you'll be frustrated with the import/export results. Also stick with standard Office fonts... Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, ect. Generally, the more complex and formatted the Word document, the more screwed up it will be when exported back out from Pages.
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    Hope this helps and good luck!

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    Hi Frank,
    If i create a new ADF Project in the Store Front application and then reverse engineer the ADDRESSES entity to
    this project the attributes are indeed defined with oracle.jbo.domain types
    AddressId oracle.jbo.domain.DBSequence
    Longitude oracle.jbo.domain.Number
    Latitude oracle.jbo.domain.Number
    CreationDate oracle.jbo.domain.Date
    LastUpdateDate oracle.jbo.domain.Date
    ObjectVersionId oracle.jbo.domain.Number
    However if i start from scratch to define a clean Application i cannot replicate this behavior
    New Application XYZ --> FUSION WEB APPLICATION ( ADF )
    Copy the Database FOD Connection to the Model project and reverse engineer then ADDRESSES
    set the SQL behavior to the same as in the StoreFrontDemo
    SQL Flavor = Oracle
    Type Map = Java
    Just like in the StoreFrontDemo project
    Query and Import ADDRESSES
    then the Entity always has the following definition
    AddressId BigDecimal
    Longitude BigDecimal
    Latitude BigDecimal
    CreationDate Date
    LastUpdateDate Date
    ObjectVersionId BigDecimal
    Of course if i choose Type map = Oracle the Types are set to normal Oracle Types instead of the jbo classes
    The clean application appears to be set up the same as the StorerFrontDemo app but the behavior when reverse
    engineering is completely different.
    I note that the StoreFront Model has additional Libraries defined on its model and have also tried defining
    these libraries in the Clean App Model but it does not affect the reverse engineering behavior.
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    The approach you suggest is failing in the beta due to a bug in UIData, where it is too aggressive about caching the list of customers. This has been corrected for the final release.
    One thing you might experiment with is having the getCustomers() method return a javax.faces.model.DataModel instead of a List. (You might even find the existing ListDataModel implementation useful for this.) By providing your own DataModel, it may be possible to update the underlying data directly, and therefore not be impacted by the caching.

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    colsToSelect, //which columns to identify
    "map_loc_data", //which geometry column
    8307, //srid of the geometry column
    x,y //mouse click position on screen
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    colsToSelect, //which columns to identify
    "location", //which geometry column
    8265, //srid of the geometry column
    x,y //mouse click position on screen
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    Hi, your application (jsp pages) are processed at the server side (for instance, inside the standalone OC4J). Please check your server side logs for any suspicious error messages. If you are using standalone oc4j they should be displayed on the console/terminal it got started from. You should also check your mapviewer log if you enabled it, which usually lies inside $OC4J_HOME/j2ee/home/applications/mapviewer/web/WEB-INF/log directory.
    without meaningful error messages or stacktraces you cannot debug such issues.

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    If you're using the file and the outline from the article I suspect you can safely ignore that dataload warning. I assume from your comment that you already know what it means.
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    You do not need to pay $50 for Photoshop.com Plus unless you want the added online storage space and the added templates and effects.
    The program is full and complete without it.
    If you'd like to know more about the product and what I like about it, check out my page and the links on http://Muvipix.com/pe9.php
    I've been using Premiere Elements since version 1 and, despite an occasional aggravation, I've found it to be far and away the best product of its kind out there. That's why I co-created Premiere Elements support site http://Muvipix.com and why I've written over half a dozen books on using it.
    But it is an intensive program so:
    1) You want to make sure youv'e got an adequately powered, well maintained computer to run it on, and
    2) You want to make sure project settings match your source footage. If you're trying to edit video from a $100 still camera or that you downloaded from YouTube, you're likely going to have problems. But if you're working with video from a good Sony or Canon camcorder, you'll probably find great success!

  • IWork Licensing Question

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    I bought iWork single user edition after buying my MacBook (I bought the application in October).
    Now, I am going to be buying an iMac in February, and was wandering wether I can just pay the difference to go to iWork family pack (like you can for MobileMe) or wether I have to go ahead and buy the family pack at however much it retails for.
    Thanks for any asssistance,

    Since you're not getting another Mac until February you'll have time to see if a new version of iWork is announced at Macworld in a couple of weeks. Only Apple knows for sure if there will be & those that do know are under non-disclosure agreements so can't say, but it is something to keep in mind. There has not been an upgrade price in the past, so you can just buy a family pack then.

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    If you ordered online, then you should have received a confirmation email from Apple. Check your email from Apple first, at least so you have a reference number for them. If the number is not in that email, then I would contact Apple. 1-800-MY-APPLE.

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    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

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    <[email protected]> wrote in message <br />news:[email protected]..<br />>I downloaded 5.0 yesterday. What I want to know, and can not find any info <br />>on, is when does the 30 day trial period start. When I download the file, <br />>or when I install the program?<br /><br />After installation.<br /><br />Brendon

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    To the extent that both Pages and MS Word can be used to create word processing documents, newsletters, brochures, and posters, yes they are similar. But the design philosophy behind the two programs are as dissimilar as night and day.
    If you are an Office user you'll find Mac Office completely familiar though every once in a while you'll bump into a feature that isn't implemented quite the same on the Mac version as on the Windows version. And if you are an Office user, you'll probably find yourself cursing at Pages, especially in the early going as you try to create something exactly as you would have with Word.
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    iWork '08 trial - almost 500MB

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    Unless you're really pressed for hard drive space, keep iWork '08. In addition to being able to save documents as '05 or '06, you can export to Flash from Keynote (a feature dropped in '09).
    You can also answer iWork '08 questions here

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